Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 94: Chapter 94: One Too Many

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Chapter 94:

One Too Many

Sometimes, one shouldn't be too sure of themselves. Which is exactly what Jace thought as he was sat down at the table the waiter had brought them too. A square table in a relatively private area of the room. There were a few half-walls dividing them from most of the other patrons. Rising from the half-walls were thin, golden posts shaped like leaves on a vine going up before stopping at another half-wall.

The ceilings were large in this place, being roughly fifteen feet high. Though, Jace's attention was on what brought his mood down. After he had helped each of the girls seat themselves, he saw the display before him. He knew a little bit about cutlery because of Nadine and Liana.

Their cooking allowed him to learn about what a dessert fork was, but this was way beyond that. He counted as least four different forks, three types of spoons, three knives, and about five plates of varying sizes. "No reason to be nervous, huh?" Jace admonished himself.

Looking up at the girls with a nervous smile, they were all looking back with rather amused smiles. Selene sat to his right, Liana to his left, and Kiera across from him. "Damn it...they enjoy seeing me flustered..." He sulked slightly, pouting as he glared at each of them.

"Oh, don't be like that," Selene told him, resting her hand over his, "We'll help you, but truth be doesn't matter which you use."

"Are you sure?" Jace asked, glancing off to the side to the nearest table, "Doesn't seem like it..."

Those at the nearest table, which was about twenty feet away, were glancing in their direction. Selene simply followed his gaze, and Jace could feel the cold look she gave them as well as feel how she felt about them through their connection. It was prickly and defensive, something which was rather touching to him.

"...Thank you," He whispered, taking a deep breath.

Honestly, he found such a glare of hers to be rather hot. Each of the girls at the table had a similar look that simply melted him. Especially when it was used in his defense. Something about it was just attractive.

Selene smiled, along with Liana and Kiera. The waiter had left them there with a button on the table that would call her when they were ready. This was to allow them privacy and not intrude when they were not needed. It was all explained before by the waiter whose name was given as Nora.

Jace took his time to take everything in. The atmosphere and company were beyond his wildest dreams. Their table was situated near a window, giving an almost panoramic view of New Eden. The buildings were truly marvelous, reaching high into the sky with their pristine appearance.

Neon lights flashed and glowed softly in the night. New Eden was alive, just like the rest of Neo City in the Barrens. It was this fact that comforted Jace in a strange way. A familiarity as life pumped through the heart of the city.

"It's truly marvelous," Jace told Selene, smiling in her direction, "Thank you for taking us here."

"It's my pleasure," Selene smiled back, a gorgeous smile filled with warmth and love, "It is our celebration. Together as one. All of us. Please, enjoy it."

Looking towards Liana, Jace smiled as he took her hand. She was radiant in the light, her contrast to everyone else just made her shine brighter. An onyx among diamonds, but no less beautiful. He was mesmerized by this fact, a fact that seemed to cause her much embarrassment.

"Love...You're staring," Liana muttered, blushing slightly as she shifted in her seat.

"How can I not?" Jace smirked, running his thumb along the back of his hand, "All of you are just...amazing."

His eyes passed over Kiera, who smiled as she leaned on the table. Her smile was dreamy, tantalizing, and sweet. Her cybernetic pink eyes cast upon him in a gentle warmth. They shifted to Liana, filling with joy as Kiera took her in. Jace's heart warmed at this, for he knew Kiera truly loved Liana and was her first love.

"Well, as much of a feast you all are for my heart and eyes," Jace teased, "Shall we order some food?"

"So cheesy, you smooth talker," Liana laughed, shaking her head with a smile.

The menu for the restaurant was displayed upon a holographic screen which displayed before them from a small device on the table. Jace was pleased to see that the menu came with pictures of the food, and not just the names. It was easy for him to pick out something because of it, otherwise he may have looked even more of a food as the names for a lot of the dishes were incredibly over the top and rather fancy.

Their list was extensive, and most items held no prices. "Well, that's always a good sign..." Jace joked to himself nervously. He knew Selene was paying, but it didn't stop him from feeling guilty or the need to pay her back. Casting an eye in her direction, she was watching him knowingly.

"Are you sure that-" Jace began to speak softly.

"Don't even think of finishing that sentence," Selene teased with a smirk, "As I've said before, this is a celebration. Not only that, but what is mine is also yours."

"But that's-" Jace began to protest, but Selene simply shook her head, cutting him off.

Grumbling to himself, he settled into scrolling through the menu as the girls laughed quietly to themselves. They were rather amused and were probably quite pleased to be taking him out. It was something he just couldn't get used to.

Of all the menu items, Jace found that the one which stood out most to him appeared to be one of the simplest. Cream of Mushroom Soup with a side of freshly baked bread. It was served with a side salad and a choice between several different types of meat, of which chicken looked to be the best choice.

The chicken was the only thing which didn't seem simple, or at least appeared to be rather fancy as it came with a special sauce drizzled overtop. It was a jam sauce made from fresh berries. Everything was indicated as "Fresh" and "Real". Another way that New Eden was different.

He hoped that one day his mother could enjoy such a view as well as the food that came along with it. "No...She will experience this." Jace smiled, looking at the girls as he claimed he was ready to order. The girls agreed that they were ready, and together they called Nora.


Savory and filling, the food was delicious. Jace could hardly believe that such food existed outside of Liana's cooking. Which is why he looked towards her with bright eyes and hope in his heart. Of course, she noticed, laughing in amusement.

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"I take it you like it?" She asked, to which he nodded vigorously, "Heheh, alright. I'll add it to the list of foods you enjoy. Cream of Mushroom Soup. Understood."

She smiled lovingly, his heart melting, swooning at how good she treats him. "And she wonders why I think they're too good for me..." Jace thought, looking at his bowl rather forlorn at its emptiness.

"We know that look," Kiera spoke up, giving him a cautionary look, "We do what we want and you deserve every bit of it."

Jace grumbled, much to their amused delight. The evening had been wonderful. The soft music playing over the murmur of voices was surprisingly relaxing. It wasn't as chaotic as Jace expected, and the eyes of the curious patrons soon turned back to their own tables. This took a lot of pressure off as he ate with his angels.

"Well, even so..." Jace chuckled, taking in each one of them lovingly, "I'm grateful. I hope I live up to that which you all do for me."

"Of course, you do," Selene told him seriously, her face reflecting her tone.

"Excuse me," The light, cheery voice of Nora drew their attention, "I apologize for interrupting. I was told tonight is a celebration, and as part of your experience with us here at The Crimson Lounge, we wish to offer you our finest champagne to toast the night."

"...Champagne?" Jace raised an eyebrow curiously, unsure how to respond.

It wasn't a secret that he didn't like alcohol. His father was an alcoholic, abusive drunk. It left a sour taste in his mouth. Even more so when he saw those at Radiance succumb to it and act foolish. They were not pleasant memories.

Jace could feel the sudden shift in atmosphere around the table. The girls knew him, which really touched his heart. They always had his best interests in mind, of which he was always appreciative. Tonight was supposed to be a special occasion. "So, maybe I should-" Before his thought even finished, Selene spoke up.

"No, though a toast sounds good," She gave Jace a side-look, smiling kindly, "Please, bring us something non-alco-"

"You're right," Jace interrupted, placing a hand over hers on the table as he smiled reassuringly, "A toast does sound good, but what is a toast if not done properly?"

" love," Liana spoke gently, her face touched with concern, "A toast can be done properly with anything. You've also never drank before..."

"Liana's right, Hun," Kiera warned, raising an eyebrow, "You may have a better body than most, but..."

"Oh? I have a better body, huh?" Jace teased her, causing her to narrow her eyes while blushing slightly.

"You know what I mean," Kiera stated indignantly, though smirked as she chuckled softly, "For someone who hasn't drank before, you may have a low tolerance."

Out of the corner of his eye, Jace noticed Nora standing their awkwardly, a bit of a blush to her own face. Immediately, he felt horrible for putting her through their shenanigans while they were waiting so patiently.

"I'm so sorry, Nora," Jace smiled apologetically, "We did not mean to make you uncomfortable."

"I-It's alright, sir," Nora smiled, bowing politely, though she was obviously flustered, "I am simply here to serve you, as our esteemed guests. To be uncomfortable because of you would be an insult."

"...Even so, I apologize," Jace gave her a knowing look, as he knew she had to say that for her job.

She caught on, nodding appreciatively with a small smile.

"That aside," Jace adjusted himself, looking at the three lovely women at the table with him, "I want to make this night special. So...just for tonight, I'd like to have a proper toast with all of you."

Though they were concerned, they gave in. Each one sighing as they shook their head with a coy smile. He was grateful they didn't fight it anymore, though he couldn't help but be nervous. As Nora bowed and left after receiving the order, the girls checked in on him.

"Are you sure about this?" Liana asked, reaching a hand over to his, "It's..."

Her words trailed off as she saw the look he gave her of his certainty. The only thing she could do is sigh and accept it. In hindsight, Jace should have listened, but in that moment, he wanted to experience something special with all of them, and special it was.

Nora arrived with the bottle of the finest champagne, pouring a glass for each of them. A crystalline object with a neck like a vine that spread out on the bottom of the head, with leaves spreading out from them. It was a beautiful glass.

"Tonight, we celebrate our engagement," Jace held his glass carefully in his hand, "My angels, who light up my life like the stars in the sky. As bright as the sun during the day. May we continue to enjoy a full life together. I love you all."

Their smiles were a blessing as their glasses clinked together. The first sip was strange. It was sweet and tasted of peaches. The bubbles made his tongue feel tingly, but it went down smoothly. However, what he wasn't expecting was how it hit his system.

After the first sip, he began to realize just what they were worried about. His head felt lighter, and he was a lot giddier than before. All it took was one glass and he was drunk.


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