Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 95: Chapter 95: Hindsight and a Fight

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Chapter 95:

Hindsight and a Fight

Hindsight is always a bitch. Jace's head felt lighter than air, and all he had was one glass. Dinner was finished quickly afterwards, with a dessert of chocolate mousse cake with a berries sauce. It was delicious.

The evening had truly been grand, which is why Jace was sad to see it end. He apologized profusely to Nora as they headed out. He still felt bad for making her uncomfortable, and for being so new to such a setting.

She had been incredibly polite, even if she was just saying things for her job's sake, but Jace could feel the sincerity from her. There was no hint of malice in her eyes, but could he really rely on that? His head was so full of fluff that he wondered if he could really trust his senses.

It was only thanks to Liana and Kiera escorting him that he was able to make his way out safely. He held a grin upon his face the entire way, walking with his head held high as he was with his angels. He had no reason to not be happy.

That was, until they exited the building and began to head towards the valet. As they were receiving their vehicle and the valet headed back to their post, Jace heard laughing. Even though his senses were dulled due to the alcohol, he was still able to sense their approach. A group of three men, well-dressed in neat suits came around the vehicle.

Their hair was dark and cut short, slicked back in a business-like style. They were of average build and had very similar cybernetic green eyes. Their suits were various shades of grey, with each of them having a piece of cloth tucked into the front pocket. Red, Blue, and Green in color.

Standing with the help of Liana and Kiera, Jace stared them down with a rather nonchalant look. He had nothing to be concerned about, even if the world was spinning around him. Even so, his mood was soured as soon as they opened their mouths.

"Ah! I thought I smelled something," The one with the red cloth spoke, holding his head high, "It's the boy who got drunk off one glass of champagne."

"How embarrassing," The blue cloth one spoke up, his voice slightly modulated, "I feel bad for the girls you're with. Isn't it a pity they're with a drunk."

Jace's eye twitched, for while he was inebriated, he wasn't completely out of it. "Drunk, huh?" Jace eyed him coldly, though his attention was drawn to Liana whose arm tightened around him. He could tell the girls weren't happy either, but Liana more than anyone.

"Come now, that's not nice," The green cloth chimed in, his voice slightly deeper than the others, "He's not a drunk, just a light weight. I mean, who gets drunk off of one glass?"

The three laughed, though the winter nights chill grew colder around Jace from the frigid aura the girls gave off. "Come on, girls..." Jace sighed to himself, though he was touched by their actions. It was just that he was out of it, and not able to regulate himself properly, which made him incredibly colder than normal.

"What do you want?" Jace asked, his words slow as he had to think about them for a moment, "We just want to go home."

"Oh? And where is home?" Red cloth spoke condescendingly, "Someone like you isn't from The Barrens, right? The way you act, it reminds me of those animals. So uncouth, unlike these lovely ladies."

"...Uncouth?" Jace chuckled, shaking his head, standing tall as best he could, the world spun before him as he did, "Have you looked in a mirror?"

"Relax," Green spoke up, chuckling and shaking his head, "You just misunderstand. We just want to make sure that people are where they belong. If you're a lost little animal, then-"

"Watch your words," Liana interrupted coldly, her gaze fierce.

"Oh, feisty," Blue laughed lightly, though his eyes grew deadly, "For an escort, you sure have a mouth, but..."

Pausing for a moment, he and the other two flicked their wrists. From their palm came a spiked blade about a foot long.

"You should know your place, whore," Blue's words were venom laced on his tongue, "Someone dressed like you can't be from high society."

Jace's blood boiled immediately, mana flowing through his body.

"Excuse me?" Jace asked, his voice threatening.

"Oh? Picking a fight?" Red sneered, "Seems we were right. You are nothing but Barren trash. Only those animals would react like that. I don't know how you got here, but we won't allow you to stain our pristine society."

The world was spinning too much. Jace wanted nothing more than to wipe those smirks off of their faces. "They dared insult Liana?" Taking a step forward, he was held back by Liana and Kiera.

"Gonna do something?" Green antagonized, "Seems even your bitches know not to fight us."

"Yeah, do you even know who we are?" Blue laughed, taunting him, "We're the Cliffstone Triplet's! Heir to Cliffstone Tech. If you fight us, you'll-"

"Me?" Jace asked, laughing and shaking his head, "No...I won't fight you."

Jace's head pounded, but he knew when to back down. Looking towards Liana, she smiled at him gratefully. Stepping back, Jace was handed off to Selene, who took him into her embrace. Wrapping an arm around him, she held him close.

"Smart move," Red laughed, "Now, why don't you girls-"

"Uhm, you misunderstand," Jace stated, interrupting him, "I'm not fighting you, but...she is."

Jace pointed lazily, his arm felt like lead in his state.

"Stay back, Sunshine," Liana told Kiera, beginning to stretch her arms by pulling one across her chest with the other.

Kiera simply shrugged and sighed, leaning against the vehicle with her arms cross. The three men looked at each other as Liana stepped forward. Their laughter beginning to erupt.

"Ha! You're joking," Red pointed at he with his spiked blade, "Her? What's a little tramp like-"

He never finished his sentence as Liana's fist connected with his face. Snow kicked up as she moved, ducking under his arm as she threw a straight punch. There was a resounding crack heard from his skull before he went sprawling back into the snow-covered lot.

"W-What the hell?" The two-remaining exclaimed in unison.

"That was for calling me a tramp," Liana glared coldly.

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They stared in confusion and shock, not sure what to do. The one Liana hit slowly pushed themselves off from the ground, blood leaking from their mouth.

"Get her!" He shouted, his words distorted from the obviously broken jaw he held with his hand.

This snapped the two out of it as they swung their blades towards her, but Liana was fast. Jace was mesmerized by her movements. She flowed so smoothly, like water. Striking as fast as the wind. In the neon lights of the Crimson Lounge sign, she simply seemed to glow.

"...Beautiful," Jace mumbled, leaning into Selene, "All of you..."

"You're drunk, love," Selene whispered, somewhat concerned, somewhat amused.

"Yeah..." Jace nodded, looking up at her with a lazy, happy smile, "Drunk on love for you."

He turned his gaze to Kiera.

"And you..."

His gazed turning towards Liana.

"And her..."

He smiled, getting eye rolls from both Kiera and Selene.

"At least you're still the same Jace," Kiera chuckled, "Saying such cheesy lines."

Jace could do nothing but smile sheepishly.

"You made several mistakes," Liana spoke threateningly as she dodged one of the men's attacks, "The first was to call me a whore."

His arm bent in a way that arms weren't meant to bend, causing a scream of pain and agony escape his lips. The Crimson Lounge staff were looking on in horrified amusement. Some unsure what to do.

"The second is calling my love an animal," Liana continued, sweeping the legs out from another as snow went flying in a beautiful frenzy.

One of them lunged at her, but she nimbly dodged, striking them in the throat and grabbing them by the collar as they recoiled.

"The next, and most grievous," Liana's tone grew dark, "Is that you called him trash."

Her fist connected hard with his face, sending him colliding into his brothers. They were groaning in pain, unable to continue. The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance as she began to return.

"The only trash I you," She told them, turning a deadly glare upon them.

The door to the vehicle opened, and Jace was helped inside.

"Alright, dear," Selene spoke softly, "Sit right here."

He was more than happy to listen as she took a seat next to him, leaning his head against her shoulder. He watched as Kiera got in, followed by Liana who sat down with a huff and crossed her arms.

"You were amazing..." Jace told her, feeling his consciousness begin to fade as he grew a bit sleepy, "Have I told you that before? You fight good..."

"Heh, I fight good, huh?" Liana looked towards him, her annoyed expression from the men turning to one of amusement.

"Mhm," Jace nodded, smiling goofily.

Turning his gaze to Selene, he saw that she was looking at the three men beginning to help themselves up. They were glaring towards them, but Jace didn't care. He was captivated with that beautiful, deadly look of Selene's.

"You'll pay for this!" They shouted, "Cliffstone won't let this slide!"

"Cliffstone?" Selene almost scoffed, "Just a pebble in an ocean too big for you. Another steppingstone. So, if you don't wish to be stepped shouldn't have made a splash."

Jace giggled at her puns and play on their name. He saw the smirk she gave him and felt the mirthfulness through their connection. He knew she did it to tease Jace, but to also amuse him. "She's so great..." Jace's aloof brain thought.

"M-Ma'am," One of the staff members approached, a young man, "The police need statements. I apologize for the inconvenience, but you can't leave just yet. Please, wait for-"

Selene produced a card from somewhere Jace didn't notice. She handed it to him, his eyes widening when he saw it.

"If they have questions, give them that card," Selene instructed them, turning her attention back to Jace, "I must return and take care of my light weight...poor thing."

She played with his hair, of which he found rather nice as he became rather giddy. The staff member bowed, his words fading from Jace's perception, same with those of the triplet's protest. All he cared about in that moment was her loving touch, and the fact he was getting sleepy.


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