Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 96: Chapter 96: A Peaceful Morning, Time Moves On

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Chapter 96:

A Peaceful Morning, Time Moves On

Alcohol. An abomination that hampers one's judgement and makes oneself a fool. Jace had always hated alcohol because of his father, but in a moment of celebration with those he loved with all his heart, he allowed himself one drink.

"So, why...does my head hurt so much..." His memories flashed with the embarrassment of the previous night. He clung to the girls like some child, smiling like a fool. His regrets ran deep, but more than that was the situation he found himself in currently.

"How did I end up here?" Jace's memories were foggy after the fight near the vehicle. So, he really had no idea what happened afterwards. All he knew now was that he was stuck, unable to move. The reason, or should he say the culprits, were obvious.

Curled up on his right side in a large, loose shirt that acted like a night gown was Liana. She was peaceful with her head curled up against his shoulder. She held his arm in a vice grip, and what he felt against his arm caused him no small amount of blushing. His hand locked between her thighs, her skin felt incredibly smooth, and muscles supple.

To his left was Kiera, curled up in a similar manner to Liana, though nestled in the crook of his arm as he held her to him. She wore just a small tank top and shorts, her sleeping face seemingly content. He noticed at this moment that he was shirtless, for he felt her hand upon his skin.

The final, and third culprit, drew his attention quickly. Because he was shirtless, he soon noticed he wore only boxers that left very little between him and the girls. That meant that he could feel almost everything from them, and they could feel him. Which is what made Selene laying on top of him even more embarrassing than normal.

Even though he had gotten a little used to being in contact with others, this was all a bit much. Selene's legs were bare, rubbing against his. Their smooth skin sending his heart to pounding. He noticed quickly that she was in similar attire to Liana, though hers was an oversized sweater that barely covered her underwear, of which Jace saw were black, lace, and fit her curves in a way he thought he shouldn't be seeing, despite their relationship.

Her oversized sweater hung off one shoulder, and through it he could feel her body pressed against him. He had never felt as hot as he did than in this moment. He could only imagine how red his face was as it burned from this situation. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to move.

Their faces were all so peaceful. Especially Selene who was curled up with her hands held close to her face so delicately upon his chest. The more he looked at her, the more relaxed, though his heart still beat quickly in his chest. After all, this was the first time he had ever shared a bed with Selene.

All the other times she was with him, they often slept separately. Not only because Jace was awkward, but because he wanted to give everyone their proper space. "But this...isn't so bad." He smiled at the thought. He wondered if they had waited for a moment such as this and reprimanded himself for being so foolish for not doing so before.

There was no reason they wouldn't want to sleep together. Honestly, it was rather peaceful and nice to wake up like this, even though he had been flustered at first. They were laying on the pull-out bed in the living room of the loft, the sun shining through the blinds.

They must have had set everything up while he was out of it, because there were plenty of blankets and pillows, some he knew they pulled from the other rooms. The blanket they had been using was haphazardly pushed down, barely covering any of them. This had allowed him to get a rather nice view of all of them, but he couldn't help but feel bad.

Though he felt warm, they seemed to be curled up as if cold. Unfortunately, he couldn't move for fear of waking them. "Well...My head may be killing me, but..." Closing his eyes, Jace felt the mana flowing in him. He was slow, moving the mana through him and out into the world. He was careful not to use too much, or he may alert Kiera or Selene.

Reaching out, he could feel his mana touch the blanket, and soon he had control. Carefully, he pulled and lifted the blanket over them. He smiled as they were covered, with Selene snuggling closer to his chest, a small smile appearing on her face.

They all seemed to scoot closer to him, but none of them awoke. That was perfect for him, because he was quite content like this. "What a lovely morning..." Jace thought, though swore to never drink alcohol again. His tolerance was not high, and even though he woke up like this, he'd rather do so while being aware of it.


Jace was teased nonstop. Not only because Selene had been awake when he covered them with the blanket, but because of his actions the night he got drunk. Liana was relentless in how sweet he had been, thinking he could fight when drunk.

She was grateful for him caring enough to want to fight for her, but even more so for stepping back for her. All of them were relentless, stating how cute he had acted. Kiera teasing him about her warning and how she was right, with all of them laughing as he swore to never drink again.

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Truth be told, time passed by in this manner for a while. The girls would never let him forget how much he swooned over them, nor allow him to sleep alone. Since that night, all four of them began sleeping in the same bed, which was something all of them found solace in.

Of course, as the days went on, so did the time draw closer for his mother to be properly transferred. That time was now.


"Is everything really ready?" Jace asked, pacing in his mother's hospital room, "She'll be alright in transit, right?"

He looked towards his mother with concern, his heart filled with anxiety. The girls watched him with loving amusement. They knew just how important this was, but they also knew he had to relax.

"Jace, Hun," Kiera was the first to step forward, grabbing him by the arms and facing him towards her, "Relax. It's under control."

"Breathe, love," Liana rested a hand on his shoulder, his gaze passing between the two of them.

Glancing at Selene who sat with an understanding, yet worried face, he took a deep breath. They gave him warm smiles, which helped. He knew he was overreacting, but it was difficult not to. His mother's condition wasn't good, so moving her made him anxious.

He knew that Selene had everything prepared. Doctor Gerard was there, along with several doctors in white scrubs and the symbol of the St.Claire Hospital upon their lapel. A caduceus with the letters SCH underneath it for St.Claire Hospital.

They were there to stabilize his mother before they began to move her to the transport vehicle. Jace couldn't rest without being in the room, but even here he was still a bit antsy. It would be worse otherwise.

"Love," Selene spoke up gently, "They know what they're doing, and they also know what will happen if anything goes wrong."

Casting a look over the doctors, they all nodded in determination, not stopping their work for a moment. Selene stood, making her way to him. Placing a hand on his other shoulder, she smiled reassuringly.

"I've prepared for this," Selene told him, "Trust me."

"...I do," He nodded, smiling slightly as he rested his head against Kiera's shoulder, "She's my mother, you know?"

"We know," Kiera told him softly.

It wasn't long before they were ready to go. Carefully moving her to her new bed for transport, their machines whirred to life. They followed after, with Jace focused on his mother. The girls helped to guide him. Making their way to the hoverpad, she was placed securely inside the medical transport.

It was white and grey, with the symbol of the St.Claire Hospital upon its side. It was wide, yet sleek, with the end opening up into a ramp. Small wings protruded from the side with hover motors imbedded into them.

Once situated inside, Jace sat close to his mother's side. Holding her hand gently, he smiled with a worried face. "Everything will be alright..." He closed his eyes as the engines came to life and they took off smoothly into the sky.


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