Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 98: Chapter 98: Mother-In-Law

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Chapter 98:


It was a beautiful room. Spacious with enough room for his mother's bed, a sitting area, bathroom, and even a kitchenette. As you walked in, you were met with a small entry area before the room opened up. On the left was where her bed was and directly across from it on the right as you walked in was the sitting area and kitchenette.

Large, sectioned windows let in sunlight and gave a view of a small courtyard from above. Vines and other plants crept along the bottom of the windows, giving some green to the view, along with the flowered bushes in the courtyard. It was honestly surreal and beautiful.

The bathroom was through in the entryway on the left. It was completely with bath and shower, as well as a toilet. To be honest, Jace felt like this was more of a small, luxury studio apartment than a hospital room. This honestly made him quite happy. It meant that his mother would be in a very comfortable room, which was more than he ever dreamed of.

The sitting area had two couches opposite each other, with a coffee table between them. The couches were made of what looked like some sort of soft fabric. Grey in color, there was plenty of cushioning upon them. There were also two recliners of the same material and color.

The coffee table was simple in both color and design, being a light brown. A screen was placed against the wall of the sitting room that took up most of it. A TV that could be seen for those who were awake, or for those who were visiting.

Jace felt a lot better about having his mother here than in the stuffy rooms at the previous hospital. Of course, the room wasn't empty. His attention was drawn to the medical equipment set up for his mother's treatment. A large, roughly rectangular white machine was situated in the corner between her bed and the windows.

It was about as tall as he was with several different screens and buttons upon it. There was a cylinder set into one side of it with IV tubes running from it. There were other monitors situated on the other side of her bed with various wires going from them. It didn't take long before they were getting his mother comfortable and connecting these wires and tubes to her.

He could only watch with anxious anticipation. Of course, he had also noticed the other reason that the room wasn't empty. There had been two others in the room when they arrived. One of them had been getting the equipment ready, while the other sat in one of the recliners.

The one getting equipment ready was a man of stocky build. He had dark brown hair that was brushed neatly back and hazel eyes. His skin was rather pale, but he looked to be healthy. He wore attire like those of the other doctors, though he wore a blue badge with the symbol of the hospital upon his right lapel.

Jace assumed this was some kind of rank system. Opposite this badge was a nametag on his left lapel. It read: Head Doctor William Grant.

While Doctor William was busy with his mother, Jace's attention was drawn to the other person in the room. He knew immediately who it was. Selene's mother.

He understood where Selene got her looks from, but he was unmoved as his heart closed itself upon seeing her. He was reminded of Selene's life and while Selene was working to forgive her, Jace found himself being rather protective. His gaze passing over to her as she stood.

Jace pulled Selene close to him, wrapping an arm around her waist. She looked down at him with a curious expression. Raising an eyebrow, this expression turned to one of amusement. Through their connection, he was sure she felt his intentions.

Selene's mother wore pants that fit her legs and curves well. They appeared to be made of a similar material to dress pants yet were not designed as such. A blue, long-sleeved button up shirt was tucked into her pants, and a belt with a simple silver buckle held it together. She wore flat-heeled dress shoes, and her hair was tied back in a half-ponytail.

"...Selene," She called softly.

She lifted a hand, almost as if to reach out to Selene, though thought better of it as she retracted it. Shifting uncertainly, her midnight blue eyes passed over to Jace. A kind, yet unsure smile curled her lips. Jace wasn't sure how to react.

He was standing face to face with one of the reasons Selene grew up alone. With Selene's arm wrapped around him as well, he felt her squeeze his side as if to calm him down. She knew he was angry, and so for her he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"You must be Selene's mother, Olivia," Jace stated flatly, though made no effort to say anything more.

"Yes..." She nodded, glancing at Selene, "At least, I'd like to be."

Jace was wary of Olivia. She held regret her eyes, but Jace knew all too well that people could put on facades to get what they wanted. Still, he didn't want to make things worse for Selene. It was Selene's choice and he would trust her. If Olivia proved to be genuine, then Jace would welcome her, but for now he left it in Selene's hands.


Selene was amused at Jace's protectiveness. Her heart was touched by his reaction to seeing her mother. He was rather adorable.

"Mother," Selene called her, though there was no emotion behind her words, "You've come."

"Of course," She smiled slightly, "You asked for my help. I will do everything I can. Is...she the patient?"

Her mother motioned to Delilah who was being hooked up to the machines as they spoke. She could feel Jace's defensive stare and arm tighten around her. "How cute..." Selene smiled, looking over at him. She supposed it was as good a time as any to introduce them.

"Love," Selene spoke softly to Jace, "This is my mother, Olivia."

Jace nodded in her direction, her mother looking at him curiously. Selene could see her mother's eyes light up as she recognized him.

"Is this...?" Her mother asked, a smile tentatively curling at the corner of her lips.

"Yes," Selene nodded, holding him close to her, "Mother, this is Jace. He's my fiancé and future master of the St.Claire Family, so...behave."

Her mother's eyes widened in surprise at this development, but more than that it was like her face seemed to glow. "Is my mother really happy for me?" Selene could only wonder, but she was giving her a chance, so for now she'd withhold judgement.

"Fiancé?" Her mother let out a soft sigh, "Congratulations to the both of you. It's a pleasure to me you, Jace."

She held her hand out towards him, though his reaction was to be expected. He looked at her hand, but didn't take it. Glancing up at Selene, she motioned for him to do so and nodded. Sighing, he took her hand and held it firmly.

"I'm not sure I can say the same quite yet," Jace answered honestly, "But, Selene has you here, so I'll support her however I can. Though, let me make one thing clear."

Jace took a breath as her mother's expression turned to curious surprise.

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"That patient is my mother," Jace held her gaze steadily, a look of warning with a deadly glint, "As much as I love my angels, my mother is the most important person in my life. If anything happens to her...I'll have to apologize to Selene for what I'd do."

Selene was oddly attracted to Jace in this moment. His eyes held a conviction buried deep in his very core. She could feel the steadiness through their connection. Even Liana and Kiera, who stood a little to the side seemed to share a similar reaction as her, looking on with desire filled eyes.

"I-I see..." Her mother seemed nervous, though placed her other hand over his and held it firmly between hers, "I seem to have my work cut out for me, if I wish to earn not only my daughter's trust back, but to earn yours as well."

She looked towards Selene, smiling gently. Selene gave her a nod, and she released Jace's hand who took it back slowly, watching her curiously and cautiously.

"By the way..." Her mother inquired, tilting her head curiously, "He said 'his angels'. What did he mean by that?"

Selene smiled, glancing back at Liana and Kiera, and motioning for them to join them. Liana walked up to Jace, who placed his free arm around her and she placed hers around him. Kiera stood behind them, embracing both Liana and Jace, smiling over his shoulder.

"We are his angels, mother," Selene stated, feeling a little embarrassed saying it, "Liana is his childhood friend and first love. Kiera is her girlfriend who developed feelings for him, and I am the newest, but not least, who claimed him as my own. We are all engaged to him."

"You...all are?" Her mother was obviously surprised, taking them all in, "'re happy with that?"

"More than anything," Selene told her, giving her a hard stare, "Is there a problem with that?"

Her mother looked between them all as if in thought. After a moment, she smiled warmly.

"Not at all," She stated softly, "As long as you are happy, then that's all I can ask. You seem to have it worked out. I'm..."

She trailed off, as if she was going to say something but chose not to. Selene, however, was curious.

"Speak," She told her firmly, "What is it you want to say."

Her mother looked at her with uncertainty. Selene encouraged her with a stern look and a tilt with her head.

"Alright..." Sighing, she averted her eyes as she spoke, "I was going to say that...I'm happy you made your own choice, rather than one forced on you. You deserve that."

"She deserves a lot more," Jace spoke up abruptly, causing her mother to look at him with surprise.

"Yeah..." Her mother slowly smiled, nodding, "She does."

Selene felt through her connection with Jace that he seemed to taken aback by her answer. A slight warmth came through to her before it was replaced with a cold uncertainty. Selene smiled to herself at his reactions. He didn't trust her mother, but even he could feel the sincerity in her voice like Selene did. Still, it was yet to be seen if her mother meant it.

"Well, thank you, the both of you," Selene spoke gently, taking a breath, "For now, let's focus on what we're here for. Jace's mother. Also, do you remember what I told you before, mother?"

Her mother looked at her, nodding.

"I can't prove anything if I'm dead," She stated quietly.

"Right, so don't do anything stupid," Selene told her firmly, "This is an informal introduction. If things go well, I'll introduce you all to each other formally."

Her mother's eyes lit up with hope. Jace seemed to understand her words and took a step forward from the embrace of his angels. Selene watched with curiosity.

"Selene told me you're a healer," He said, his words were measured as if he thought about each one before saying them; her mother nodding in confirmation to him as he continued to speak, "Which means you'll be helping my mother. Selene is giving you this chance and I've given you my warning. So..."

Taking a breath, Jace closed his eyes for a moment, and as he opened them he spoke with authority.

"Do as Selene says," He stated, locking eyes with her, "I ask that you help my mother, but listen to Selene's wishes. Do not push yourself too far. That will not help anyone. Also, I hope that one day we can meet each other on better terms. For Selene's sake."

"...Aren't you a charming young man," Her mother spoke with sincerity, a light red to her ears, "I see that my daughter has definitely found a gem. I promise you, I'll do my best so that one day we may meet on better terms. Thank you."

Jace took a moment, Selene could see he was thinking and felt a certain warmth rise through their connection.

"Do not thank me," Jace told her as he walked slowly to his angels, turning to face her as they embraced him, "Simply do your best so that I may greet my mother-in-law properly next time and be proud of her."

Selene was both surprised and touched at his words. Selene wanted to repair things and Jace hoped the best for her. He truly was amazing, and she wasn't the only one who thought so.

Her mother's eyes brimmed with tears as she held a hand over her mouth as she herself was touched by his words. Selene couldn't imagine how much his words meant to her. After hearing about what her mother went through, her resentment of her was slowly fading.

She saw a woman who had been trapped all her life, just like Selene. They were both tools and trophies used by Kenneth. The only difference is, her mother couldn't get away. She had hurt Selene with her choices, this was true. However, deep down Selene could see the genuine love her mother had for her.

They were very similar, Selene and her. Both wanted a true family. Something neither of them ever got before. Now, her mother had the chance at that. It was a feeling Selene understood all too well, as she was given it with Jace. Perhaps, their relationship could truly be mended.


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