Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Confusion At The Reception

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To their biggest surprise, the entrance to the academy was packed. Narias couldn’t believe there were so many people eager to get into the academy. They had to wait at the line for a while in order to get in.

“Name?” the person at the desk asked.

“Aah, oh. Narias Talrone, sir,” Narias stated politely.

“Narias… Talrone,” the young man, who seemed to be an older student from the academy, wrote it down. “Ok, you’re on the list. Go to the arena number two. Your number is sixty four.”

“Huh? Arena?” the boy was surprised. “Why the arena? I thought I would need to go to-“

“Listen, I don’t have time to chat,” the person at the table didn’t have much patience. “Either do what you are told or leave. Sheesh, why are there so many of you this year?”

Arguing with the person didn’t seem like a smart idea. It was the last day for Narias to register, so he figured it was better to follow directions.

His parents were surprised about it as well. But since there were so many other kids queuing to get on the list, they thought the academy was too busy, considering it was the last day of the registration.

“Apologies, but visitors are not allowed into the arena. We have prepared a waiting area for you just over there,” another person, who was much more polite than the one at the reception, told them at the entrance to the arena. “We have drinks and snacks for you while you wait.”

“Drinks and snacks? I suppose we could wait over there then,” Narias’ dad agreed to comply right away.

“We will wait for you right here, sweety,” Alvina smiled.

“Ok,” was Narias’ short answer.

He was rather confused about needing to go to the arena instead of the Opening Ceremony. But again, he had no intentions to disobey.

“It is rather strange don’t you think, darling?” Alvina shared her thoughts while they walked towards the stalls.

“Yeah. I don’t understand it myself. Wasn’t Narias supposed to go to the Opening Ceremony?” her husband agreed.

“There were a lot of kids at the entrance. Maybe they moved the ceremony to the arena because they needed more space?” Narias’ mother wondered.

“Could be… but wait. How come they didn’t allow us to participate?” Lorenard suddenly asked.

“You’re right, honey,” they both stared at each other.

“Why hello there,” they were interrupted by a polite greeting.

“Huh?” both Lorenard and Alvina turned to see who it was.

“Please forgive me for intruding. You seemed to be genuinely worried about something. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stanley Ronman,” he introduced himself. “And this is my wife Saria.”

“Hello,” Stanley’s wife greeted them but wasn’t very enthusiastic about it.

“Greetings. Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Lorenard Talrone and my wife Alvina,” Lorenard introduced themselves.

“Nice to meet you,” Alvina said with a smile.

“The academy sure has many applicants this year,” Stanley tried to break the ice.

“Yeah. We didn’t expect to see so many people at the entrance,” Lorenard said.

“Hah, those kids. They leave everything to the last minute,” Mr. Ronman smiled awkwardly.

“That is true,” Alvina agreed.

“If only our son had been accepted to Naravva Magic Academy, he wouldn’t need to go through the trouble of taking an exam today. It is such a shame we have to be here,” Saria complained, clearly not wanting to be at Reina’s Magic Academy.

“Haha. Don’t say that honey. Reina’s Magic Academy is a great school too,” Stanley felt awkward after what his wife said.

“What is so great about it? They ignore the fact that our son comes from such a respectable noble family. How can they lump him together with all the commoners here?” his wife wouldn’t let go.

“Now, now. Don’t say it like that. You don’t have to be so upset about it,” her husband tried to calm her down.

“Humph,” Saria pouted her lips and walked away.

“I’m so sorry you had to witness that,” Stanley apologized. “And here I was the one who approached you.”

“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Ranman,” Alvine smiled warmly. “Our children sometimes surprise us with their choices. All we can do is support them.”

“That is such a kind thing to say, Mrs. Talrone,” Stanley sighed deeply. “My wife had high hopes for our son. Unfortunately, he failed the entrance exams at the Naravva Magic Academy.”

“Naravva? I believe our son was accepted to the Naravva Magic Academy as well,” Lorenard thought about it out loud.

“Yes. But that school doesn’t have a Magic Dungeon, so our son didn’t want to go there,” Alvina added.

“What? What do you mean he didn’t want to go there?” Mr. Ranman was shocked. “Naravva’s Academy is such a prestigious school.”

“It is indeed,” Alvina agreed. “Our little boy surprised us as well with his choice. He chose to go to Reina’s Academy instead of Starviss even.”

“You… you can’t be serious?” Stanley gasped. “Your son was accepted at Starviss Magic Academy? Why is he taking an entrance exam here then?”

“Oh no,” Lorenard said. “Our son had already passed the exams and was accepted here.”

“Please forgive me. I am totally lost. This is a waiting area for parents whose children are taking the exam. Shouldn’t you be at the Opening Ceremony instead?” the man was very confused.

Lorenard and Alvina looked at each other almost knowing what each of them were thinking.


(at the arena)

“Number sixty four? Ok, please have a seat and wait for your number to be called out,” the assistant at the arena told Narias after he presented his number.

“Yeah, but…” he was still confused about it.

“Move along please. People are waiting,” the man insisted.

The setting didn’t resemble an Opening Ceremony at all. In fact, it looked more like an entrance exam than anything else. Especially after Narias saw someone fighting at the arena.

There had to be a mistake for him to be sent to the arena. Unfortunately, none of the people who sent him here explained anything. Narias needed to ask somebody about what was going on here. He saw some other boys sitting just a few seats away.

“Excuse me,” Narias approached them.

“Huh?” they looked at him.

“Can I ask you something?” Narias asked politely.

“Baaah. Another one of those high rank status kids who want to show off,” one of them smirked.

“What? I didn’t,” Narias didn’t expect to receive such a cold greeting.

“Heh, he probably thought he’d be accepted to Reina’s Magic Acadamy by simply flashing his name tag at the examiner,” another one threw a rude comment.

“What do you mean? I already-“ he was confused but Narias still tried to explain himself.

“Hey, don’t bother us,” the third one interrupted him. “We don’t want to deal with the fancy pancy spoiled brats like you.”

“Hahaha! Fancy pancy. Good one. Hahaha!” the boys laughed.

What’s their deal? – Narias was rather shaken to be treated so rudely by them.

Narias left them alone and went to sit down further away from them.

“Excuse me, may I sit here?” a timid girl’s voice asked.

“Huh?” Narias turned his head and saw a pretty, blond haired girl, with a sweet smile looking at him. “Oh, yeah, sure.”

“Thank you,” the girl sat down. “I’m sorry, I overheard the conversation just a moment ago. Those boys were pretty rude to you.”

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“Oh, them? It’s ok. I don’t care,” he honestly didn’t.

Narias experienced a fair share of teasing and bullying at his previous school back when he was Anthony. It was unpleasant of course but he didn’t take it seriously.

“Oh, I apologize. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Vivia,” the girl introduced herself.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Narias Talrone,” he stood up and bowed slightly.

“Wow, such impressive manners,” Vivia blushed mildly. “You must come from an upstart family?”

“Huh? Well… Thank you,” Vivia’s smile made him feel awkward. “By the way, may I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she smiled.

“Is this some kind of competition before the Opening Ceremony?” he asked.

“What?” the girl was puzzled. “That is a strange question. This is an entrance exam.”

“An entrance exam?” Narias had hoped his suspicions were wrong. “I must be at the wrong place then.”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you get a number upon coming here?” Vivia asked.

“Yes, I did,” was his short answer.

I am definitely at the wrong place. I had been accepted to the academy already. How come they sent me here? Oh well, maybe if I explain it to the examiner… - Narias thought.

He was convinced they made a mistake to send him here. Narias had a letter of acceptance with him. It wouldn’t make sense for him to take part in the exam.

“Are you nervous?” Vivia asked, seeing him full in thought.

“No, not really,” Narias answered calmly.

“Wow. You must be really confident about your abilities,” the girl gasped. “After all, if you fail the exam, you would have to wait for a whole year to be able to enroll again.”

“I guess,” Narias wasn’t bothered by it.

“It is really difficult this year, though,” Vivia sighed deeply.

“Is it?” he was intrigued.

“Yeah, so many kids want to enroll, so they raised the bar very high,” the girl added. “Instead of the usual magic ability test, they have applicants fight to determine who would pass or fail.”

“But they had the normal written and practical exams a month earlier,” Narias pointed out.

“Yeah,” Vivia suddenly felt awkward. “I… I didn’t take those at the time.”

“Does that mean you failed the exams to get into other schools and that’s why you’re taking this exam?” he asked point blank.

“Aah… haha. That sounds rather harsh when you put it that way,” the girl became embarrassed.

I see…

Narias started to understand what was going on. This was the last day to enroll to Reina’s Magic Academy, hence, the additional exam. This was something no other school was doing. Once you fail the exams, there was no second chance, other than wait for another year to try again.

The normal entrance exams to get into Reina’s Magic Academy were held so much earlier, compared to the other academies. And the tests weren’t particularly hard. At least for Narias they weren’t. But the reason behind it made sense.

Not many kids prioritize to enroll into Reina’s Magic Academy, so not that many showed up to take the normal exams. But the teachers knew that those who showed up early would be more serious than anyone else. The school usually receive much less applicants during the official exam day but it always makes up in numbers on the last day of enrolment. And today was such a day.

It was considered really bad for the child, and for his family, if they didn’t enroll into any academy at all. So, future students would rather get accepted into any school, than no school at all.

Narias figured it out early on. He was a bookworm after all. The decision to join Reina’s Magic Academy wasn’t just some random whim for him either. He did some research in advance. And he was happy he took the exams, and passed them with the flying colors.

All said and done, Narias didn’t need to take this exam really. He could’ve walked out of the arena without a worry. But it was a good opportunity to learn more about the teachers at the academy. Or the teacher who was testing the future students in particular.

“So, what do you need to do in order to pass the exam?” Narias asked.

“Huh? You don’t know?” Vivia was surprised.

“I arrived a bit late,” he put on a silly smile.

“Hehe,” the blond-haired girl chuckled. “You are funny. Anyway, you have to take away the Field Wand from the examiner within the time limit.”

“A Field Wand?” he wasn’t really asking a question.

A Field Wand is a magic object that is used in the Magic Power Field Battle. You have to capture, or destroy the Field Wand of the opposite team in order to win. The wand is highly resistant to magic, though, so it is usually very hard to destroy.

“But it is so hard to take it away from her, even though the examiner put a handicap on herself,” said Vivia.

“A handicap?” Narias wondered.

“Yeah. She has the wand hang on her belt, in addition to using only one hand to defend herself. So far, I haven’t seen anyone being able to take it away from her,” the girl explained.

“Is that so?” those words just ignited a spark to go out and challenge the examiner for Narias himself.

“Times up!” another applicant failed to get the wand.

The fights were short and participants were coming and going one after another fast. Yet nobody could succeed in taking the Field Wand from the teacher.

By watching the fights, and how they ended, Narias noticed one interesting thing. Each time the fight ended, the announcer would shout out ‘Times up!’ but not ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’. Yet majority of the participants would get upset, or disappointed, or even angry, that they couldn’t get the wand.

“Next…” the announcer was about to invite another participant.

“Oh, that’s me,” Vivia stood up after she heard her number announced. “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” Narias smiled.

In the short amount of time that she had, the girl tried the best that she could. Narias was impressed with her magic skills. Vivia was using Water Magic. She could cast two spells one after another. Not simultaneously, but not something a beginner spellcaster could do. Unfortunately, same as the participants before her, she couldn’t take away the wand from the examiner.

“Oh no,” she was sad when she came back to her seat. “I failed. How will I be able to look at my parents faces now?”

“They are yet to announce the results,” Narias pointed out.

“What? But I failed to retrieve the wand,” she looked at him.

“That’s true. But they never said you failed. Nor any other participant before you. They simply announced when the time is up,” he tried to explain his point of view.

“Now that you said it…” Vivia thought for a second. “Thank you, Narias. That cheered me up a little.”

After a few more fights, it was finally Narias’ turn.

“Good luck,” this time, Vivia cheered for him.

“Thanks,” he simply smiled.




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