Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – When Nothing Else Works, Go For The Chest

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“Welcome, huh? Sigh…” the examiner greeted him but then let out a deep sigh.

“He… hello..?” Narias found her face expression puzzling.

“Aren’t you dressed a little too official for the exam, boy?” the teacher asked, seeing how well dressed Narias was.

“Oh, ahmm… Yeah, I didn’t expect it myself,” he tried to make it sound like it was a surprise for him as well, which it actually was.

“Hey! It’s the fancy pantsy guy!” one of the boys from before shouted. “Be careful not to get any dirt on yourself! Haha.”

“Hahaha!” others burst out laughing as well.

“Hmph. It seems you got yourself some fans already,” the examiner sighed.

“That’s ok. I don’t mind,” he honestly didn’t.

“Huh?” the teacher was puzzled by his non-caring attitude. “Anyway, my name is Belinda Salroze. Miss Salroze to you mister…”

“Oh, sorry. My name is Narias Talrone. Pleased to meet you, Miss Salroze,” he introduced himself with a light bow.

“Narias Talrone? Why does your name sound familiar?” she thought to herself. “Well, time is of the essence. Your task is to take away this Field Wand from my belt within two minutes. To make it a little easier for you, I will be using only my right hand to defend myself. I will keep my left hand down at all times. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” he responded.

“Begin!” the announcer shouted after Belinda gave the signal.

“Wind Blade,” Narias swung with his hand.

“Starting with such a basic spell? I was expecting more from you, Na-“ Miss Salroze raised her hand to block but…

“Wind Bullet!” before the Wind Blade reached its target, Narias shot Wind Bullet spell from his finger, interrupting the teachers self-talk.

“Wha-“ she was caught off guard.

- ‘Fizzle, Smack!’ – the Wind Blade spell was blocked and fizzled but the Wind Bullet hit the spot where the Field Wand was hanging.

A lightning discharge was released on impact but the wand stayed where it was.

“Huh? A magic barrier?” Narias was surprised to see his spell did nothing.

“Hah, nice,” the examiner grinned. “It seems that I underestimated you, Narias Talrone.”

Narias didn’t react to her words. He was too impressed about what happened to pay attention to anything else. After all, he couldn’t cast channelling spells himself, yet.

That one attack told him what he needed to know, and why the teacher was using only one hand to defend. In reality, she was using both of her hands to fight. The thing was, the left hand was defending the wand on her belt. In essence, the teacher wasn’t really lying when she said she will use only her right hand to defend herself.

The moment the match would start, Miss Salroze would cast a Magic Barrier spell around the Field Wand to protect it from any spells that would hit it. It was a channelling spell, which meant, the caster would need to channel mana without interruption to maintain the spell active. It required a lot of focus and would make the user vulnerable.

However, the examiner was channelling mana to keep the magic barrier active, and was casting other spells at the same time. Only high level spellcasters could master something as incredible as this.

As impressed as Narias was, taking the wand from Miss Salroze was almost impossible. If he would try to hit the wand with one of his spells, the magic barrier would not let the spell to reach it. And since the teacher was using Lightning Magic, the lightning discharge on the impact was a good distraction from what was really going on.

“This is… so awesome!” Narias became even more excited.

“Huh?” the examiner was puzzled by his reaction.

Being able to channel a spell, and use other spells simultaneously, made a huge impression on him. After all, Narias couldn’t do it himself… yet. That just reinforced his desire to start going to classes as soon as possible.

“You shouldn’t be spacing out so much. The clock is ticking,” Miss Salroze reminded him.

“I know,” he smiled the widest smile his face could allow. “Wind Blade…”

“You should know the same trick won’t work twice,” the teacher was ready to repel it. “Huh?”

- ‘Swoosh!’ – but the spell passed her on the side, which made her turn her face slightly.

“Wind Burst,” Narias used the moment to jump forward to get close to her in the meantime.

“Lightning Ward,” Belinda quickly cast her own spell to block his advance.

“Wind Burst,” he swiftly changed direction instantly, leaping to the right. “Double Wind Blade!”

Narias released two magic blades this time to counter Lightning Ward spell, then with another Wind Burst quickly slid forward, reaching out with his hand.

- ‘Sting, Smack,’ –

He tried to grab the Field Wand while sliding past the teacher but his hand got hit by the magic force instead.

“Tsk…” his hand hurt.

“You didn’t think it will be that easy, did you? My Lightning Ward is much more powerful than you think,” the teacher stated confidently.

“Your Magic Barrier spell is really awesome. It can even protect against physical attacks as well,” Narias commented.

“Huh? How did you…” Belinda was surprised. “I see. Well done. You’re the first participant who actually realized what was going on. You will get extra points for that.”

Heh, I don’t think I will need them. But still, now I understand why she didn’t bother dodging or getting away from me. The barrier protects the wand from physical touch as well. I would need to break the mana channelling if I want to get it. But how?

Multiple solutions ran through Narias head, none of which seemed plausible, or could be even remotely successful. These few attacks showed how skillfull the teacher was. The gap between them was evident.

No normal approach would work in the current situation. Not in the time he had, at least. If the fight had no time limit, Narias could be able to expand his mana capacity to cast more powerful spells. But that took longer to achieve. If he was to do something, he had to do it now.

‘When nothing else works, or if your opponent is too strong, then you have to forget about fighting fair and square. If your life is on the line, any way you win is justified.’ – his dad’s words rang in his head. - But what can I do to catch her off guard in order to break the mana channelling?

The clock was ticking and so the ideas in Narias head. Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of any proper solution that could help him in the current situation.

Wait… that would be going too far… or would it?

Suddenly, he remembered when his dad pulled a disgusting trick on him, which made Narias lose against his father in an extremely shameful way. He was so embarrassed about what his dad did, Narias didn’t want anyone to find out. Luckily, his father didn’t tell anyone about it. At least that’s what Narias was hoping for.

Hah, I will have a lot of apologizing to do if it works. Or even if it doesn’t…

“You will run out of time if you simply stand there, Narias Talrone,” Miss Salroze was getting impatient.

“Wind Blade! Wind Burst! Wind Blade!” instead of responding to her comment, Narias started to cast spell after spell.

“Huh? Lighting Ward,” the teacher cast her spell to block.

However, not all of Narias’ spells were flying at her. Most of them went past, or simply hit the ground in front of her, raising clouds of dust and dirt. But Narias didn’t stop. He continued to cast spell after spell, until it was hard to see what was going on.

“I see what you are up to,” he heard Belinda’s voice. “I commend you for trying but I’m afraid that won’t work.”

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As expected, Narias’ opponent wasn’t bothered about the clouds of dust around her. She knew it meant nothing for as long as the barrier spell protected the magic item she had on her belt. Fortunately, Narias knew that too.

“Wind Burst,” there were maybe fifteen seconds left when he decided to go for it.

He knew the teacher won’t bother evading him. Or at least, he hoped she wouldn’t. After all, the magic barrier would protect the wand no matter what he did.

“Heh,” Belinda smirked without moving from her spot, which helped Narias determine her position as well. “Don’t think this little trick will wor-“

- ‘Slap, Grope’ – however, Narias didn’t aim to grab the wand.

“Ah… hehe…” he smiled silly at her face, with his left hand touching one of her breasts.

“Huh… haaaah!” Belinda’s eyes widened in surprise, as well as, in embarrassment and anger. “Why you… Lightning Strike!”

A lightning spell struck at Narias, blowing him away from her. His body was tossed out of the dust cloud, like a shot from a catapult, until he hit the ground with a thud.

“You have some nerve, Narias Talrone,” the teacher came out of the dust cloud fuming, ready to blow Narias with another spell. “Lightning…”

“Times up!” the announcement echoed right at the moment she raised both hands.

“No way!” one of the spectators commented.

“He did it!” another one shouted in disbelief.

“Wow! That fancy pancy guy is awesome!” someone else used his new nickname as a compliment this time.

“Hey! Well done!” somebody else cheered.

More and more people joined in. Some with cheers, some with snappy, jealous comments. But everyone was impressed.

“Huh?” Belinda was confused.

“Hehe. Please forgive me, Miss Salroze,” Narias stood up, still shaken from the fall. “But I didn’t know how else I could break your concentration and interrupt the Magic Barrier spell.”

“What? You…” she finally saw what was in his hands. “How? When? Huh?”

Her face went all red again after she realized it. Narias casting spells left and right wasn’t just to raise the cloud of dust. It was meant to confuse her as well. Not able to think of any viable, straightforward solution, he groped her breast, making her angry, and at the same time, forcing her to break the mana channelling. Narias paid dearly for his prank but he managed to get the Field Wand from her belt as a result.

“That is still…” Belinda didn’t want to let it go just like that and was still angry about it.

“Hey! How did you do it?” somebody shouted.

“Yeah, tell us!” another added.

“We couldn’t see anything because of the dust!” people wanted to know how Narias got the wand.

“What? They didn’t see what happened?” Miss Salroze asked full of surprise. “Wait… the dust?”

“Hehe,” Narias smiled awkwardly. “I’m so sorry, Miss Salroze. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Hold on. All that effort to raise a cloud of dust… it wasn’t only to confuse me, was it?” she stood in front of him.

“Well, more or less. I was hoping you wouldn’t move from your spot, so…” Narias scratched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed.

“Sigh… As underhanded as your actions were, you managed to steal the Field Wand from me. Well done, Narias Talrone,” she lowered her head with the, still red, cheeks. “Ahem… This is a lesson for all of you! This young man used his head to confuse his opponent and came out victorious where everyone else failed. He used a surprise attack to get his hands on my che- ahm… aghem… on the Field Wand from my belt!”

“Woaaaah!” cheers erupted after her explanation.

“Here you go, Miss Salroze,” Narias returned the magic item to her.

“Thank you,” she took it. “I can’t believe you had noticed why I was using only one hand during the fight. Pretty impressive.”

“Thank you. But you were so amazing, Miss Salroze. Casting spells while channelling mana to keep the magic barrier up is so amazing. I can’t wait to attend your classes so I could learn from you,” Narias expressed his admiration.

“Humph. Flattery can get you only so far. Even if you succeeded where others failed, don’t think for a second I will forget your dirty act of touching my…” Belinda’s face went red again. “Tsk… anyway. In normal circumstances I would whip your ass so bad, you wouldn’t be able to sit for a week but… you did what you did in order to win… and not because…”

“No, no. Of course not,” Narias squirmed. “I mean, yes. I did it in order to grab your breas- Eeek, the wand, I meant the wand.”

“Hmm… Oooh? I see how it is,” Belinda leaned forward, with her face right in front of Narias’. “However, don’t think I will leave it at that. You will have to take responsibility for what you did one way or another.”

“Aahm… I… apologize,” with Belinda’s face in front of his, Narias had mixed thoughts about the responsibility she was talking about.

“Sigh…” Miss Salroze sighed, after straightening back up. “Well, in case you were wondering, you can rest assured, you will be accepted into the academy.”

“Oh yeah, about that,” Narias pulled out the letter of acceptance.

“What? You had been accepted already? Then why did you participate in the exam?” Belinda was completely confused.

“I think there was a mistake at the reception. I thought I was going to the Opening Ceremony. But once I got here, and saw how amazing you were, I couldn’t waste the opportunity to have a go at you,” he was very enthusiastic about it until he realized his last comment might’ve sounded wrong. “I mean, sorry, I wanted to say…”

“Have a go at me, eh?” but it was already too late. “I will keep your perverted thoughts in mind to teach you a lesson when you attend one of my classes.”

“Eeer…” Narias smiled silly.

“Anyway, you probably won’t make it to the Opening Ceremony now. Tsk… What were those students doing at the reception?” Miss Salroze was somewhat upset. “Ronny!”

“Yes, ma’am?” a young student appeared next to them.

“Please escort this young man to the academy’s hall, where the main reception is,” she instructed him before turning to Narias again. “I will see you in my classes… Mr. Narias Talrone.”

“Ah… haha,” Narias laughed silly as Belinda’s eyes pierced him through. “Again, I apologize for touching your-“

“Humph,” she frowned to cut him off.

“Oh, sorry. I mean, I’m sorry for the interruption of the exam. Hah… haha,” he was a mess.

After that, Narias and Ronny left the arena.




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