Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – The Best Mom Ever

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“Good morning, Layla,” Alvina saw her walking in the corridor. “Do you know if Narias is awake? It is rare for him to oversleep like that. Especially on a day like today.”

“Forgive me Mrs. Talrone. I should’ve woken young Master earlier,” Layla apologized and then added. “Narias is awake now and is getting ready.”

“That’s wonderful… huh?” – ‘Sniff, sniff,’ – suddenly Alvina sniffed the air. “Oh? – ‘Sniff, sniff,’ – Aha, so that’s why my son overslept. Heehee. It seems you took a really good care of him last night. Well? How did he react?”

“Uhmm… I’m sorry, my lady. I overstepped my limits,” Layla bowed down timidly.

“Oh, no. Don’t worry about it. I’m really happy for my son. He’s usually so awkward around girls. Come on, tell me the details,” Narias’ mom wanted to know.

“Well then, you needn’t worry about him, Mrs. Talrone. As inexperienced as he was, the young Master was very welcoming and showed some initiative too,” Layla explained in a way someone would report a successful Quest completion.

“Hehe, I see,” Alvina chuckled. “I was honestly worried about him. He couldn’t make any connections with any of the girls during the social gatherings. Although, he showed some interest in older girls. Unfortunately, they weren’t very interested in him.”

“Yes. You mentioned that before, my lady,” Layla admitted.

“I’m really glad I put him into your care, Layla. But now that he’s leaving to study at the academy, you will be at a disadvantage, compared to the other girls he will meet,” Alvina said somewhat cheekily.

“Huh? I… I’m sorry Mrs. Talrone,” Layla blushed all of a sudden. “How did you…”

“How did I know you have an eye for my little Narias?” Alvina finished her sentence. “You are almost like a family member to us. Of course I would notice.”

“You are… not angry about it, ma’am?” the maid asked.

“Why would I be? I’m really happy you care about my son so much,” Mrs. Talrone smiled warmly. “That is just so much better this way. We both know being a maid is only half of your duties in our house. The time might come when you will have to risk everything for the sake of our son.”

“Yes, Mrs. Talrone. I will be ready no matter what,” Layla responded firmly.

“There is one thing I would like to know, though,” Alvina added with a serious face.

“What is it, ma’am?” Layla was ready to hear something important.

“What is it that you love about my son?” her mistress asked with a cheeky smile.

“Huh? Oh,” Alvina’s question took Layla by surprise.

“Haha,” Mrs. Talrone quietly laughed. “Well?”

“I would say,” the maid thought for a second. “Your son is very handsome and very well built but… the part I love about him is how mature he is as a person. I believe that was the main of his characteristics that pulled me towards him.”

“Wow, that is such a wonderful thing to say,” Alvina clapped her hands. “But that surprised me too. How mature my little Narias is, I mean.”

“I believe the major change happened after the incident during his third birthday,” Layla pointed out.

“You noticed it too?” Mrs. Talrone wasn’t really surprised. “I wonder what actually happened when he was unconscious? I honestly thought he had died.”

“I don’t think you should worry about your son so much, ma’am. If anything, the young Master is far better prepared than any other kid his age,” the maid tried to reassure her.

“Yes, it turned out for the better,” Narias’ mom agreed.

“What turned out for the better?” they suddenly heard Lorenard’s voice behind them.

“Huh?” both of them turned around.

“I was wondering where you were, honey. I was about to have breakfast by myself,” Alvina’s husband said, then noticed curiously strange looks on both of their faces. “What were you two talking about?”

“Oh, nothing darling,” Alvina rushed to him in a flash. “I was just… giving Layla some instructions about the housework. I told her… to do the laundry today.”

“Is that so?” her husband frowned suspiciously.

“Of course. Isn’t that right, Layla?” Alvina winked to her, while pulling her husband to go at the same time.

“Yes ma’am. I will get it done as soon as possible,” Layla bowed down.

“Laundry, eh?” Lorenard gave Alvina a stare.

“Oh come on, darling. You know Layla is doing laundry for us all the time,” his wife was as sweet as a strawberry.

“I know she does. It’s just that… I went to check on Narias before meeting you two here. Surprisingly, he was still wearing his pajamas. If Layla is to do the laundry, how come she didn’t collect it? Actually… why was Narias still in his pajamas anyway?” Mr. Talrone wondered.

“That’s right, our little boy is leaving our house today. Doesn’t that just break your heart, darling? He’s all grown up now. Oh, I miss him already,” Lorenard’s wife clung to him passionately, pressing her bosom at his arm.

“Aaa… He hasn’t… left yet,” he certainly was taken aback by his wife’s sudden wistful behavior.

“Oh darling, don’t be too sad. You will have me with you,” Alvina made a sweet face.

“But I didn’t say I…” her husband was getting confused.

“We need to hurry to eat breakfast. Narias might be waiting for us all by himself,” Alvina pulled him to go.

“Right, right…” Lorenard had nothing else to say.

Both of them went to the diner with Alvina overly excited about their trip to the Reina’s Magic Academy.

“Hey son. What took you so long? I thought you would be awake and up before anyone else,” Narias’ dad asked after they met at the breakfast table.

“Oh, I… Sorry about that,” Narias sat down.

“Huh? Are you not feeling well, son?” Lorenard became worried.

“No, I’m fine. I just…” he looked at Layla, who smiled after their eyes met.

“I’m sure Narias was so excited, he couldn’t fall asleep until late. That’s probably why he overslept. Isn’t that right, sweety?” Alvina joined in the conversation.

“Oh, yeah. I was up last night. I mean… I was up late last night, ha… haha,” Narias laughed silly.

“Ok, well, we need to go soon, so you better eat your breakfast fast,” his dad told him.

Narias was still gutted that he won’t be able to repeat what happened last night. But his disappointment was soon replaced by excitement once they hit the road.

“Aaah, I can’t believe my little baby will finally start school. I couldn’t be more proud of you,” Alvina couldn’t keep her hands of her son.

“Mooom…” Narias wasn’t actually resisting her passionate hug.

“You know,” his mom whispered quietly into his ear. “Layla could come visit you once in a while after you settle in.”

“Wha… really?” he became excited but then his face quickly changed color into bright red. “Mom? You-“

“Oooh, you’re such a wonderful, sweet boy. Make sure you study hard. We will support you however we can,” Alvina didn’t let him finish his sentence.

“You weren’t so emotional yesterday, honey. We both know our son will be fine,” Lorenard, on the other hand, was rather surprised to see his wife cling to Narias so much.

“But he’s so much more grown up today than he was yesterday. Our baby is going to school. I’m so excited for him,” Alvina couldn’t stop.

“Much more grown up than yesterday? It’s been only one day. He even overslept in the morning,” Lorenard murmured under his nose.

“But he was only fourteen yesterday, and now he’s fifteen. That’s a big difference,” Lorenard’s wife tried to defend her position.

“Well, if you put it that way,” Alvina’s husband finally gave in.

“Hah,” Narias chuckled quietly, then hugged his mom warmly. “Thank you, mom.”

“Aaah,” she welcomed her son into her embrace.

“Hey, what about me?” Lorenard felt left out.

Traveling to Reina’s Magic Academy took them almost a whole day. They arrived at Galingo, the town close to the academy, only late evening. They would’ve arrived earlier but Narias overslept for reasons known only to a few chosen people.

“We will be spending the night here and will go to the academy tomorrow morning,” Lorenard pointed out once they reached an inn. “I’ll come get you in the morning, just in case you oversleep again, son.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” Narias somewhat frowned.

“Hehe,” his mom chuckled. “Sweet dreams, sweety.”

“Goodnight mom. Goodnight dad,” he said before going to his room.

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Narias didn’t need anyone to wake him up. He was up and ready before the inn opened for breakfast.

“Good morning, young man,” the older gentleman greeted him. “You are up unusually early.”

“Good morning, sir. Sorry, I didn’t want to disturb anyone,” Narias didn’t know if he was allowed to come downstairs at such an early hour.

“It is quite alright, young man. I simply didn’t expect to run into anyone at this hour. Oh, and Gavin’s my name. I’m the owner of this establishment,” the man introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Gavin. My name is Narias. Narias Talrone,” the boy bowed down slightly, while introducing himself.

“Oh my, what a well mannered young man you are, Narias. Your parents must be proud of you,” the innkeeper was impressed.

“They are both wonderful people,” Narias felt a little awkward.

“I am glad to hear that,” the man smiled. “Now, I must apologize but the kitchen is yet to open, so I cannot offer you any breakfast yet. But I can prepare a cup of hot tea for you. It’s on the house for being such an early bird, young man.”

“Wow, thank you, sir. You are very kind,” he smiled.

“Here you go,” after a few short minutes, Gavin placed a cup of hot tea in front of Narias.

“Thank you sir,” the boy smiled.

“It is hot, so be careful when you drink it,” the innkeeper warned him. “If you don’t mind me asking, what is such a well mannered young man doing here?”

“Oh, I will be attending Reina’s Magic Academy,” he answered. “I came with my parents but they are probably still sleeping.”

“The academy you say?” Gavin raised his eyebrow. “But don’t you have a place to stay at the academy’s campus? Usually, the academy provides lodgings for their students.”

“I know but…” Narias scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I haven’t registered yet. I was waiting until the last minute because I couldn’t decide which academy I wanted to attend.”

“I see. So you were accepted into two academies at once. That’s wonderful,” Gavin was impressed.

“Actually, I got accepted into six academies, hehe,” Narias made a silly face.

“Six?” the innkeeper gasped. “Now that’s rare indeed. You must be a very smart young man.”

“Not really, haha,” Narias was a little embarrassed to hear such a compliment.

“Again, forgive me for being so curious but… what made you choose Reina’s Magic Academy over others?” the man wanted to know.

“Well, four out of the six academies didn’t have a magic dungeon and Starviss Magic Academy didn’t feel right for me,” he explained.

“Starviss Magic Academy? You chose Reina’s Magic Academy over Starviss?” the innkeeper was visibly surprised.

“Yeah. You seemed to be rather surprised, Mr. Gavin?” Narias couldn’t understand the man’s reaction.

“So sorry,” Gavin leaned back. “I had never met anyone who wouldn’t want to join Starviss Magic Academy. It is after all, a very prestigious school.”

“Maybe so. But the rule to accept only higher ranked family kids kinda put me off,” said Narias. “Shouldn’t the results be more important? I met someone at Starviss Academy, who scored high marks in written and practical exams but his application was rejected due to his family’s status rank being too low.”

“Well, the rank status is quite important too,” said the innkeeper.

“I understand that. But if the academy accepts students based on how high their family’s rank is, they are missing on people who could be much better and achieve more. I would like to be surrounded by classmates who strive to be at the top by working hard, no matter of their status or rank,” Narias explained.

This child… - the innkeeper thought to himself.

“Oh, apologies for spacing out,” the older gentleman apologized. “I was so impressed with your passion for learning, it took me by surprise. It just brought back some of the old memories from when I was a student. You also mentioned that you chose Reina’s Magic Academy because it has a dungeon. Not many students want to explore dungeons nowadays.”

“So I’ve heard. But isn’t it a bit of a waste? I think it would be so cool to go explore a dungeon. I can’t wait to see what’s it like inside of it,” the boy became excited.

“Haha, what an interesting young man you are, Narias Talrone,” the man was amused by Narias’ excitement. “But there are many powerful monsters inside the dungeon. It could be very dangerous.”

“I know. But I will train hard, so I could conquer the dungeon someday,” Narias stated firmly.

“Hoho,” Gavin laughed. “I wish you luck on that. Oh, look at the time. It is time to open the kitchen now. I will go ask to prepare some breakfast for you, young man.”

“Ah, thank you, Mr. Gavin,” Narias smiled.


(at Lorenard’s and Alvina’s room some time earlier)

“Huh? Alvina? You’re awake?” Lorenard asked.

“Yes, my love. Sorry, did I wake you up?” she asked.

“No, I wasn’t sleeping for a while now,” he said.

“You’re worried about our little boy as well?” Alvina asked.

“Of course. It came as a real surprise when Narias chose Reina’s Academy as the one he wanted to attend. After all, it is not a school kids put on their priority list,” Lorenard said thoughtfully.

“Yeah, I know. Majority of the kids apply to Reina’s Magic Academy after they fail to be accepted into any other school,” Alvina knew what her husband was talking about.

“But it is our son we are talking about here. We ought to believe in him,” Lorenard added.

“That’s true,” Alvina smiled. “Sigh… Anyway, maybe we should get up and get ready to go? Today is the last day for Narias to register at the school.”

“Well,” her husband smiled slyly. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Ooooh,” Alvina’s eyes sparkled. “Aren’t you a sly fox, darling?”

“But you said you wanted me to get up, beautiful,” Lorenard hugged his wife.

“I can’t go back on my word now, can I darling?” she hugged him back.

Narias was already done with his breakfast when his parents showed up. He was reading a book he borrowed from Gavin while waiting for them.

“Oh, you are already here son?” Lorenard was surprised to see him downstairs.

“What do you mean I’m already here, dad? Look at the time. We won’t make it to the Opening Ceremony if we don’t leave now,” Narias was a little upset he had to wait for his parents for so long.

“So sorry sweety,” his mom was in an extremely good mood. “To tell you the truth, your father was up quite early. Getting him down was what took the longest.”

“What?” Narias made a weird face expression. “But your room is just around the corner on the second floor.”

“Ahahaha,” his father laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, you are right.”

“Heehee,” Narias’ mom chuckled.

“How about we have some breakfast and go straight to the academy?” his dad suggested.

“I already ate,” Narias told him with a frown. “And as I told you, if we don’t leave now, we might be late for the ceremony. Also, I still have to find where I will be staying.”

“Then we shouldn’t waste any more time here, riiight?” Alvina smiled slyly at her husband.

“Eeer… I… Yeah… I guess,” Lorenard had no one else to blame and had to give in.

“I can’t believe you complained about me oversleeping yesterday, dad,” Narias stared at his dad.

“Ha… hahaha…” Lorenard tried to laugh it off.




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