Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 – The First School Day

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(added the description about the examiner at the beginning of the previous chapter)

Lorenard and Alvina were enjoying some drinks, with Narias’ dad having more than a few snacks in his hand.

“Don’t you think you are overdoing with the food, darling?” Alvina asked her husband.

“But I didn’t eat any breakfast before we left,” he complained.

“And whose fault was that?” his wife smiled cheekily.

“You’re the one to talk, honey. I couldn’t resist your charms, my beautiful angel,” Lorenard became flirty, after picking up yet another snack from the table.

“Aren’t you a sweet talker, darling?” Alvina smiled, clearly enjoying the flattery.

“Mom, dad,” Narias ran towards them.

“Narias? What happened?” his mom panicked after seeing his clothes dirty and his hair all messed up.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Hehe. The thing is… we came to the wrong place. They have the entry exam going on at the arena,” Narias tried to explain.

“I thought it was strange they wouldn’t let us go with you. Sigh…” Alvina sighed. “But why are you so dirty? There is no way we can go to the Opening Ceremony with you looking like that.”

“Let me guess. You went in there to participate in the exam, even though you knew there was no need to do so?” Lorenard asked his son already knowing the answer.

“Well…” Narias made a funny face. “I didn’t know until someone told me. But then they called out my number and…”

“And you couldn’t just tell them you had been accepted into the academy already?” Narias’ dad frowned with a sharp look in his eyes.

“Aah… haha,” Narias laughed silly.

“Sigh…” his parents let out a deep sigh.

“Oh well, can’t do anything about it now,” Lorenard dropped his shoulders. “So, where do we need to go?”

They went to meet up with Ronny, who showed them to the main reception. Narias presented his Acceptance Letter and had been registered as a student at Reina’s Magic Academy. He received the school’s uniform and some books, which he was very happy about.

The Opening Ceremony was practically over, so there was nothing else to do, other than find out where Narias would live. They had to walk a little, and after a few pointers from the academy’s staff, they arrived at the student campus where students lived.

The place that was assigned to Narias was much further away from the main block, simply because all other living quarters were filled already. That’s what you get when you arrive at the last minute. But Narias didn’t mind. He welcomed it actually. Less people around meant less distractions for him to read.

“Wow, what a… cozy, little room,” Alvina exclaimed after they entered the place where Narias will be living for the following few years.

“It’s ok mom. The room is good enough,” Narias was rather pleased with it.

The place was nowhere as big, or as fancy, as his room at home was. However, it had the main necessary amenities for somebody to live on their own. The room contained a small kitchen, a bathroom and a separate bath. It had only some basic furniture, like bed, table, a few chairs, a closet, a sizable shelf for books and a cupboard.

“This brings back memories,” Narias commented without thinking because the place somewhat reminded him of his previous home when he was still living as Anthony.

“Huh? What do you mean, sweety?” Narias’ mom was puzzled by what he said.

“Oh, I mean they have everything here for students to live independently,” he tried to explain himself. “I will have to learn to take care of myself, right?”

“Oooh, I can’t believe I won’t see you every morning from now on,” Alvina suddenly exclaimed, almost squeezing Narias with her usual, passionate hug, before quietly whispering into his ear. “I’m glad the bed is big enough for you to sleep in it comfortably.”

“Huh? Mooom,” Narias blushed, knowing full well what she implied.

“You know, you can simply find a girl, or two, who would be willing to take care of you instead. Hehe,” his dad added with a smirk.

“Wha… daaad,” Narias wasn’t very surprised about his parents comments, as this wasn’t the first time they teased him about the girls.

“Oh sweety. You’re taking it the wrong way,” Alvina said after Narias was free from her motherly clutches. “As your parents, we are simply worried about your wellbeing. We’d be so much at ease if we knew there was someone else who cared for you.”

“Well… I know that…” he understood that much, but Narias was more interested in learning than chasing after girls. “Sigh… Listen, I will write letters to you regularly. And it’s not like the academy is that far away. I can come back home now and then.”

“Aaah, you’re so sweet,” Alvina hugged him again. “My little boy is so big now.”

“Hahaha,” Lorenard laughed, seeing Narias being squeezed by his mother once again.


(the next day)

Narias was about to attend his very first class but was called to the principal’s office instead.

- ‘Knock, Knock,’ – Narias knocked on the large, wooden, two sided door.

“Come in, please,” a woman’s voice invited him from the other side.

“Excuse me. My name is Narias Talrone. I have been se…” he introduced himself as soon as he entered the room but his words were cut short after he saw the woman sitting at the desk at the other end of the office.

Wow. Is she… really the principal of the academy?

Dark, brown hair, in length just bellow her shoulders, dazzling cheeks, voluptuous lips and sleek looking glasses added the elegance to her already attractive looks. She was wearing a light green shirt, with short sleeves. The part about her that made Narias’ jaw drop, and cut his own words short, was that the top few buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned, showing her magnificent cleavage, with the top part of her red bra lines visible.

Her chest is so hu-

“Please come in, Mr. Talrone,” the woman invited him to come closer after Narias froze in a spot, with his eyes fixed on her open decollete.

“Oh, I… thank you,” after he made a step forward he noticed another person sitting on the sofa. “Miss Salroze… uhm… hello.”

Why is Miss Salroze here as well? Oh, crap. Am I in trouble for what I did yesterday?

- ‘Gulp,’ – Narias became tense all of a sudden.

“Allow me to introduce myself,” the woman at the desk smiled, adjusting her glasses slightly. “My name is Jean Sweetbell. I am the head of the Reina’s Magic Academy. I believe you had already met Belinda, haven’t you?”

“Ah, yeah. We met… yesterday…” he tried to smile, which turned out rather silly.

“Yes, about yesterday,” principal Sweetbell’s words made Narias shiver. “First of all, I would like to apologize for such a blatant mistake on our part. The assistant at the registration desk had sent you to the wrong place. We didn’t anticipate there would be such a huge interest to enroll at our academy on the last day. It shames me that some of our personnel did such a poor job.”

“Oh, that…” Narias eased up after hearing her apology. “It’s ok. Mistakes happen.”

Phew. I thought I was a goner. But I can’t believe Reina’s Academy principal is such a gorgeous looking woman.

“That’s so wonderful, Mr. Talrone,” the woman at the desk smiled, which made Narias blush. “However, because of our mistake, you had to partake in the exam you shouldn’t have. As a result, you missed the Opening Ceremony and ruined your official attire as well. You can rest assured we will compensate you for that.”

“Really? That’s very kind of you but you don’t have to do that. In part, it was my own fault as well,” he smiled silly.

“Such honesty,” principal Jean commented, while turning to one side slightly in order to make herself more comfortable on the chair. “None the less, I believe it is an appropriate thing to do.”

“Aahm… Oh… ok. Thank you… Miss Sweetbell,” Narias bowed his head politely, yet his eyes wanted to keep staring at the view in front of him.

“I’m so glad we agreed on that,” the woman in greenish shirt tilted her hand to the side with a smile. “Thank you so much for your time, Narias. You may go now.”

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“Right… Take care Miss Sweetbell. Miss Salroze,” Narias excused himself, bowing down politely before he left.

- ‘Gulp,’ –

“Sigh…” he let out a deep sigh after he closed the door behind him.

Miss Sweetbells looks wasn’t the only thing Narias was impressed with. Even before he entered her office, he felt a huge amount of magical energy emanating from the other side of the door. Narias could tell she was an extremely powerful spellcaster. Of course, the one thing he didn’t expect was that the head of the academy would be so beautiful and attractive looking woman.


(back in the office)

“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” Belinda commented with a frown after Narias was gone.

“Well, I had to come up with a reason to call him here,” Jean smiled with a spark from her glasses.

“I was talking about showing off your bust. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself by trying to seduce young boys?” Miss Salroze crossed her arms in front of her, giving a fierce look at the principal.

“But he restrained himself quite well. I’m even slightly jealous he kept his hands to himself this time,” the principal pursed her lips, with a sad face expression. “Not like against someone I know.”

“Huh? How did you know?” Belinda exclaimed with her face flushing bright red.

“How did I know ‘what’ exactly?” Jean smiled cheekily, pretending she had no clue what Belinda meant by her question.

“Eeer… Tsk… I should’ve known… Sigh…” Miss Salroze sighed, realizing there’s no point in hiding it.

“Heehee,” the big chested school’s principal chuckled. “The young man was rather bold, don’t you think?”

“I will be sure to repay his boldness with additional work during my classes,” the teacher commented.

“Oh, you like him that much already?” Miss Sweetbell teased her even more.

“Hu… hey, what are you implying? I’m not into teen boys. Tsk…” Belinda tried to sound upset, yet her cheeks were still bright red.

“Are you sure he’s just another teen? He seemed much more mature for his age,” Jean added, in a more serious tone.

“What are you saying?” the teacher became curious.

“Didn’t you know? Narias Talrone was the only person who managed to receive the highest scores possible during the official entry exams? And he was the only participant who was able to take the Field Wand from the examiner during the additional exam,” the school’s principal pointed out, placing her hands under her chin while leaning on the table.

“So that’s why his name sounded familiar when he introduced himself at the arena. I should’ve known he wasn’t supposed to be there. It was strange to see someone in such an official outfit taking the exam,” Belinda expressed her thoughts, slightly easing up.

“But aren’t you glad that he did?” Jean added with a suspicious smile.

“Hmph? What’s that supposed to mean?” the teacher became flustered again.

“Aren’t you a little bit too tense regarding the matter? All I am saying is that the boy has more to him than meets the eye,” Miss Sweetbell’s words sounded slightly puzzling, yet intriguing.

“If you say so,” Belinda frowned again, with her hands crossed under her chest.


(Narias arrives at the classroom)

“I’m sorry I am late, sir,” Narias arrived at the classroom right after he left the principal’s office. “I was called to see Miss Sweetbell.”

“I am well aware of that. Please have a seat. The class is in session,” an older, plain looking teacher, with a serious, straight face told him.

The man was quite tall, yet very slim. He was wearing dark, almost black mage’s dress suit, which extended to the very bottom of his ankles. Short, slightly grey hair, sharp eyes and confident demeanor indicated years of knowledge and experience. The man held his hands behind his back to restrict unnecessary movement, which made him look very assertive.

“Hey, it’s the fancy pancy guy. Well done on being called to the principal’s office on your first day. Haha,” one of the boys that Narias met at the arena made a snappy comment, which made the other students laugh as well.

“Let’s agree on one thing, Mr. Alsin,” the teacher had his hand raised slightly, with his index finger shimmering a slight dark light.

“Mhh… mmm…” he couldn’t speak, nor laugh anymore for some reason.

“I will not tolerate unnecessary, or disrespectful, language during my classes,” the teacher added in a plain, seriously calm voice. “Do I make myself clear?”

Only then everyone realized that the teacher was using some sort of magic to suppress the boy’s speech, or even his other physical senses.

“Mm… ahhm…” the boy struggled to do anything, other than blink.

“I will take that as a ‘yes’,” the man released him from his spell. “I expect some decent manners from all of you. If you want to attend my classes, that is.”

“Yes, sir,” the class responded instantly.

“Good. Now, since everyone is here, I will introduce myself again. My name is Karineus Zeanlor. I will be teaching you the aspects of magic manipulation. Unless you master the basics, you will not grow, nor you will be able to learn new spells. I expect your undivided attention during my classes,” teacher Zeanlor explained without a hint of emotions in his words.

Whoever was still trying to act cool, became as silent as a mouse. Some of the kids were dumbstruck about what happened, some were visibly shaken by fear, but all of the students in the class knew right there and then they better comply or else.

Narias was silent as well, but not because of the timid fear like majority of the kids who witnessed what happened. Quite the opposite. He was overly impressed by the magic spell the teacher had used. This was the first time he saw someone use Destro Magic. He couldn’t believe he will be taught by someone who can use one of the two rarest types of magic.

I knew getting into Reina’s Magic Academy was the right choice. I can’t believe they have teachers who can use Destro Magic in here. – Narias could barely sit still.

“Now, I believe you should have your manuals with you. Please turn to the page twenty four. We will be talking about the mana flow,” Mr. Zeanlor instructed.

“Excuse me, Mr. Zeanlor,” one of the students raised a hand.

“Yes?” the teacher looked at him.

“I’m sorry but I’m confused. Why did we skip the first chapter in the manual? Shouldn’t we learn from the beginning?” the student wanted to know.

“I must inform you that I did not skip anything, young man,” the teacher replied.

“But we haven’t learned anything from chapter one yet,” the boy insisted.

“Are you saying you came to my class unprepared, Mr. Lauris?” the man fixed his eyes on the student.

“Eeeek,” the student squirmed, afraid he will get a taste of the same thing as the previous boy did.

“You were given the manuals in advance, weren’t you? You should’ve prepared in advance. I am here to help you learn magic, not to teach you how to read,” Mr. Zeanlor explained calmly. “I expect this is the last time you came to my class unprepared.”

The last comment sounded more like a warning, which made the student shiver in his seat.

“Y… yes sir,” he replied timidly.

In reality, he wasn’t the only student in the class who hadn’t read the manual. Majority of the students were in the same shoes as the boy who asked the question. None of them expected to have such a strict teacher.

Narias, on the other hand, had read more than half of the manual already. He received it, as well as some other books, together with the school’s uniform. As soon as his parents left, Narias jumped in to read, as the book nerd as he was. He had no problems following Mr. Zenlor’s teachings during the class.

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