Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – Boys Who Love Books Are Cute

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(Notice: I apologize for the grammar mistakes you might find. The chapters are more of draft stage at this point. If you have any feedback or suggestions about the story, feel free to comment at the end of the chapter.)


If teacher Zeanlor was cold and strict, then Narias’ second teacher was Mr. Zeanlor’s complete opposite. Mrs. Rozy Orienta was kind, easy going and non-demanding at all. In all honesty, she looked like a real grandma, and she acted the part too. Short, light brown hair, warm eyes, and a kind smile added to her already pleasant personality.

She spoke slowly, yet eloquently. The students were so much more relaxed, compared to the previous class they had. Mrs. Orienta spent most of her time talking to students, learning what they liked, or what they disliked. She only very briefly mentioned the topics they will cover during the school year, which at the first glance, didn’t sound that important at all.

The biggest surprise was that the class was held not in the auditorium but inside of a greenhouse, filled with all kinds of plants and flowers. The students noticed right away that Mrs. Orienta loved nature, and loved plants too. It was the main topic she was discussing during her class.

The interesting thing was, all the students were attentive and quiet during Mrs. Orienta’s class. Everyone was mesmerized by her teaching style. It was safe to say everyone enjoyed her class.

Apart from classes about magic, the school also taught basic skills as well. The curriculum included classes that taught math, history, biology and so on. Those were very important as a part of the school’s curriculum as well.

Although, Narias was way ahead of everyone in the general topics, he still paid attention and was eager to learn, or refresh his knowledge.

Wow, the cafeteria… How long has it been since I visited one? – it brought back some memories from Narias’ past when he found himself in the cafeteria for students.

Although the interior was different, the setting was the same. A huge hall, set with tables and chairs to sit on, a long stall with cooks serving food, and a big line of hungry students with trays waiting to be served. There was also a self-serve area where students could choose a drink or a cold snack. Something they didn’t have in Anthony’s previous school.

“Hey Narias,” a familiar girl’s voice called out to him.

“Huh? Oh, it’s you,” Narias approached the girl in question. “Hello Vivia. I see you got accepted into the academy. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” she smiled excitedly. “I was so happy when they announced the list of people who passed. Apparently, the aim of the exam was to test our abilities. Although, I can’t say I know what were the main criteria by which they decide who had passed and who didn’t.”

“See? I told you there was more to it,” Narias smiled back at her.

“Are you here to eat? You know, ahm… we could wait in line… together?” Vivia flushed slightly, then suddenly jumped, almost like a startled rabbit. “If you don’t mind that is?”

“Sure,” Narias answered with a straight face.

“I am so glad you had passed the exam too. I was a little worried when I couldn’t find your name on the list,” the blonde-haired girl told Narias.

“Oh, yeah, about that. Actually, I didn’t need to take the exam. I had passed the official tests beforehand,” he explained.

“Wha... why did you participate in the exam then?” the blonde-haired girl exclaimed.

“Ah… haha… I think it was a mistake for me to be sent there,” he laughed silly, knowing full well he could’ve explained his situation to the teacher and not take the exam.

“So that’s what happened,” Vivia had a curious expression on her face.

“Yeah…” Narias scratched the back of his head with one hand.

“By the way, did you know that nobody else managed to take away the Field Wand from any of the examiners,” the girl told him with great enthusiasm. “You were the only one who took it away. But because of all the dust I couldn’t see how. How did you do it, Narias?”

“Well…” now that was a question Narias didn’t want to answer.” I was lucky I guess.”

“Even if it was luck, I think you were amazing,” Vivia clapped her hands in excitement, then suddenly realized she might’ve shown too much of her emotions, which made her flush again. “Oh, I’m sorry. I…”

“Huh? Why are you apologizing?” Narias couldn’t understand her embarrassment.

“Oh… ah… It’s nothing, it’s… I’m sorry,” she turned her face away so Narias couldn’t see her red cheeks.

They stood in line to get their food a while longer when suddenly a commotion erupted behind them.

“Move, make way, you commoners,” a boy in a rude, self-absorbed tone demanded. “Hey, what are you staring at? Let me get in front of the line.”

Other students, frightened by his demands, stepped aside to let him through. He had two other boys follow, glare and make snappy remarks too.

“But everyone has to wait in line,” one of the boys tried to reason with him.

“Huh? What’s that you say? I don’t need to wait in line with the no rank commoners. My family has a Noble’s Tier 3 rank. What’s yours?” the bully glared at him.

“Eeek… sorry,” the student removed himself from the scene, afraid to do anything.

A few more glaring stares, a few more insulting threats, and the bully with his two buddies was in front of Narias and Vivia.

“What are you staring at?” the bully snapped at him. “Get out of my way.”

“Aaah…” Vivia made a step back.

Sigh… The joy… How I did not miss it… - Narias shook his head.

“No,” he said firmly yet with a smile.

“Huh? What did you say?” the boy glared at him.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe it was too much for you to understand. Let me spell it for you. You take the letter “N” and the letter “O”, you put those two letters together, and you get a word “NO”. Get it?” Narias spoke slowly and used his hands for emphasis, like he would explain something to a small child.

“Hmph… hehe,” that made Vivia, as well as a few other kids, chuckle.

“Eeer…” the bully was visibly confused about what happened but then quickly snapped out of it. “Hey, how dare you talk to me like that?”

“Like how? I said only one word and it had only two letters,” Narias was as calm as the water in the well.

“You… I will make you regret your words,” the boy threatened in an angry voice.

“No, no. I think you are mistaken. There was only one word, and it had only two letters. Can’t you remember? Or is it really too much for you to understand?” Narias had no intention to move from his spot.

“Grrr…” the bully gritted his teeth, with his face blue from anger. “If you don’t move, I will get you expelled right this instant.”

“Really? Go ahead,” Narias taunted him.

“Eeeh…” again, the arrogant boy became confused but seeing how he wouldn’t be able to get his way, decided to leave instead. “Mark my words, I will make you regret it. Tsk… let’s go. The food here stinks anyway.”

“But… I’m hungry,” one of his buddies complained.

“Huuuh?” the bully gave him a glaring stare.

“Yeah, yeah, ok. Sheesh…” the other boy gave in.

The three boys turned around and left the cafeteria.

Huh? They just left? – Narias was surprised about the outcome.

If anything, he expected the three boys to try and push him away by force.

“Wow, that was scary,” Vivia sighed. “But that was so awesome. You stood up to them so bravely.”

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“It’s nothing. I’m used to it,” Narias commented without thinking.

“Used to it? What do you mean?” the blonde-haired girl wondered.

Oh crap… - he squirmed.

“Well, eeer…” he realized he said something he shouldn’t have. “Hey look, the line’s moving. Let’s get some food, ok?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry,” that was enough to distract Vivia.

During the lunch Narias and Vivia spoke a little about the few classes they already had. Narias was in Class A, while Vivia was in Class C. They had a slight different schedule for the day.

Vivia became worried when Narias told her about the teacher’s Zeanlor class. She admitted that she hasn’t read any of the books she received. And his class was supposed to be the first one after the lunch break.

After they ate, Narias had a few more classes in general subjects. Nothing too difficult, nor new for him. The time flew past fast and it was basically the end of the day.

After the classes students had free time to themselves, so everyone minded their own business. Same was for Narias. Of course, he didn’t go to hang out with the boys from his class, or try to pick up girls at the cafeteria. No, Narias had a different agenda. He went to find a library.

“Woaaah,” he gasped at the shelves full of books, which were stacked on every corner, on every wall, four floors high. “I’m in heaven…”

Narias was drooling. He thought he hit the jackpot. His eyes were watering due to him not wanting to blink, just in case it was a dream and if he was to blink, all the books would disappear.

“Good evening,” a quiet, yet pleasant girl’s voice woke Narias up from his drooling dream.

“Oh, aah… ahem,” he still tried to keep his eyes on the books. “Sorry, eeer… Greetings, my name is Narias Talrone. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Realizing that staring at the books might’ve been rude, Narias went out and above with his greeting.

“Oh, wow. So polite,” the girl, whose name Narias was yet to learn, touched her cheeks with both hands, slightly flushing from the unexpected formal greeting. “My name is Sorilani Whelma. But there is no need to be so formal. You can call me Sorilani. I work as a librarian here.”

“Really? That’s amazing,” Narias exclaimed, almost as if he found a treasure.

“Never thought I would meet someone who will be so excited about meeting a librarian. Heehee,” Sorilani chuckled at Narias’ reaction.

The girl looked slightly older than Narias. Maybe sixteen or seventeen. She had long, brown hair, which was combed in a ponytail. Slightly red cheeks, cute smile, brown eyes and simple, yet stylish glasses were happily hanging on her tiny nose. Sorilani wore her school uniform dress, similar to the one girls wore in his class, but looked slightly more official, less revealing, and rather practical.

“Oh, sorry, haha,” Narias scratched his head after his mind came back to reality, reminding him this wasn’t a dream.

“It is rare to see someone in the library at this hour. Are you lost maybe?” – Sorilani asked with a light, curious smile.

“No, no. I’m not lost. I mean I was a bit lost before I found the library but now I… I’m not lost,” his words didn’t match his excited brain. Narias couldn’t think straight just yet.

“Heehee. You’re funny,” the girl laughed. “So, how can I help you?”

“Right, I would like to read a book,” he said.

“You will have to be more specific than that,” Sorilani smiled, amused by how flustered the boy in front of her was.

“Oh, ha… haha, right,” Narias had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

“I see. You’re a first year. Now I understand,” the girl with a ponytail hair said after a few minutes of conversation. “I’m a second year and I work as an assistant at the library, but only after the classes are over. It’s only for a few hours but I love it here. It is so peaceful and quiet, and I get to read as many books as I want.”

“Wow, that’s so wonderful. Can I work here too?” Narias was ready to start the work right here and now.

“Hehe. I’m afraid you can’t. Only the second year, or above, students are allowed to work here. Not that I met anyone who would be so eager to work at the library as you are,” the girl librarian explained in a friendly manner.

“Oh, that’s too bad,” Narias let out a sad sigh.

“Hey, don’t be sad. You can still read the books in the library. You can even take some of them with you to your dorm,” Sorilani told him with a smile.

“Really? Thank you so much,” he suddenly grabbed her hands in excitement.

“I’m happy to see you are so excited but… this is a little embarrassing,” the girl’s cheeks changed color to a bright red, yet she didn’t try to pull her hands away.

“Aaah? Oh, sorry. So sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Narias jumped back after letting her hands go.

Woah. That’s just bad. I met her only a few minutes ago. She could’ve slapped me for all I know. I need to control myself.

“It’s ok. I simply didn’t expect you to be so forward with me,” Sorilani smiled, while tilting her head to the side.

“I apologize. I feel really embarrassed right now,” his face indicated he wasn’t lying.

This is bad. She might take it the wrong way. What do I do now? – Narias didn’t know what to do.

“Hehe. You’re cute,” the girl librarian suddenly said.

“Huh? What… Me cute?” Narias was taken aback to hear such compliment about himself.

“Yes. I think boys who like books are cute,” Sorilani smiled at him, which made Narias eyes widen even more.

Wait, does that mean she likes me? Or did she just it to tease me? I mean, we’ve only met. – Narias tried to rationalize about what happened.

His logical, rational thinking kicked in once again. Never in his previous life any girl had said that boys who like books are cute, or cool, or any other similar compliment. Most of the time, being nerdy wasn’t something anyone thought was cool. The girls just made fun of him.

But Sorilani seemed sincere. She had no reason to tease him or lie. After all, she was working at the library herself.

“Do you like books too, Sorilani?” Narias asked, as if it wasn’t evident already.

“Of course. I love to read them,” she tilted her head with a charming smile as she answered.

“Me too,” he added, with the widest smile possible.

“Heehee,” the girl with a ponytail hair laughed, amused by his answer.




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