Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – The ‘Best Buddy’

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Oh man. I hope she was not mad at me yesterday… - Narias wondered as he was making his way towards school the next morning.

He couldn’t believe he became so friendly with Sorilani yesterday. They were talking about books, with Sorilani giving him recommendations on what he could read, or what topics would be useful for a first year student. Both of them were chatting and laughing about the books that they had read, or would like to read.

Narias became so comfortable talking to Sorilani, he started telling her about the books he had read as Anthony in his previous life. That got the girl in the glasses rather excited. She wanted to learn more about it and even asked him if she could read some of the books he mentioned.

Obviously, Narias couldn’t get those books, nor he could explain where did the books come from. In the end, he had to lie that the books were not sharable, because they were kept in his family for so long.

Sigh… - Narias let out another deep sigh as he walked.

“Hey!” suddenly his solitary walk was interrupted by a loud greeting behind him.

“Huh? Ahm… what?” Narias turned around to see who that was. “Oh, hello?”

Narias’ greeting was more like a question because he didn’t recognize the boy who caught up to him.

“How are you? Mind if we walk together? We’re in the same class, remember? Right, my name is Stefan,” the boy introduced himself.

“I’m Narias. Nice to meet you,” Narias bowed his head respectfully, as always.

“Wow, you’re really nice. That’s so cool. Haha,” Stefan laughed, slightly surprised about it. “Are you going to the class?”

“Well, yes. Are you not?” the young Talrone asked after answering the question.

“Yes, of course. That was a silly question, wasn’t it? Haha,” the boy felt awkward.

“Are you ok? You look nervious,” Narias gave him a puzzled look.

“Ah… yeah. Sorry about that,” the boy smiled silly. “You see, I don’t know anyone at the academy and… I tried to make friends with a few boys in our class yesterday but they gave me a cold shoulder. I saw you walk out of the same dorm where I live and decided to catch up and talk to you. Since we’re both from the same class, I thought maybe you want to be friends?”

Narias looked at the boy who, despite his awkwardness, seemed honest and sincere with his intentions. He couldn’t remember Stefan’s face, however. The simple reason was because his full attention was always on the teacher and the subject during the class.

“Sure, we can be friends,” Narias smiled politely.

“Hey, cool. We’re gonna be the best buddies from now on,” Stefan almost jumped from excitement, then placed his arm around Narias shoulder, like the best buddies do.

“Huh? Eeer…” that made Narias feel uncomfortable. “Yeah, well… Let’s just go to the class, ok?”

“Oh, sorry, sorry,” the boy apologized after noticing his ‘best’ buddy didn’t appreciate such gesture.

Now I understand why others didn’t want to be friends with him. He’s a little annoying. But that doesn’t make him a bad person. – Narias thought in his head.

“So, where are you from?” Narias asked after a prolonged awkward silence.

“You want to know where I am from? Wow. Nobody had ever asked me that. Usually, people just make fun of me. Haha,” Stefan’s statement wasn’t unrealistic, considering how much he talked. “Oh, yeah. I came here from a small village in the south. It’s about five days travel from here. The village is so tiny, it doesn’t even have a name. Haha.”

“Really? That’s quite a distance away. Weren’t there other academies closer to where you live?” Narias was surprised to hear his new friend lived so far away.

“Yes there were but I wanted to enrol into Reina’s Magic Academy,” suddenly Stefan became quite serious and composed.

“Huh?” Narias stopped after seeing the look in Stefan’s eyes. “How come?”

“It is the best academy for me. My family comes from a simple work class lineage. They are just honest, hardworking people, with no status rank whatsoever. My mom and dad put everything they had to raise me as a decent person. Now it is my time to repay them. I will work hard to graduate and become the best mage ever. I will make my parents proud,” Stefan spoke emotionally, and his words were full of passion and conviction. “Oh, sorry about that. I went on a rollercoaster blabbering again. My parents always said I talk too much. Haha.”

But Narias didn’t laugh or make fun about what Stefan said. The boy’s words hit the spot for Narias to stop and think.

Make your parents proud, eh? – he stood there full in thought.

Narias had never thought about the true reason why he was doing what he was doing. He was mesmerized by the new fantasy world he had a blessing to be reincarnated into. The concept of magic was as unbelievable as it was real.

Even when he lived as Anthony, he loved to read, to learn, to soak up the knowledge. But he had never seriously thought about why he was doing all of it. Stefan’s words just made him realize he was missing something.

“H… hey, are you ok?” Stefan’s voice made Narias return from the deep trance that his mind had absorbed him into.

“Huh? What?” Narias was trying to come back to where he was.

“You phased out all of a sudden. Are you feeling ok?” his new friend asked.

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine. I just dozed off a little. Haha,” Narias laughed silly and then added. “I believe that’s a great goal you have Stefan. I wish you luck on that.”

“Really? Thank you, man. I knew you would understand,” Stefan grinned from ear to ear after slapping Narias on the back a few times. “Let’s go. It will be a great day today. Haha.”

Ugh… He’s a real simpleton. But I guess that’s good too. – Narias wasn’t used to such treatment.

They walked together to the school’s entrance, with Stefan constantly talking all the time. He was a real chatterbox.

“Man, there are so many pretty girls at the academy. I can’t wait to make friends with some of them. It would be so cool to have a girlfriend,” obviously, Stefan couldn’t leave the topic about the girls out. “Do you have a girlfriend, Narias?”

“Huh? What?” the question actually made Narias feel uncomfortable. “Ahm… no, I don’t.”

I don’t know if I can call Layla my girlfriend. We had kissed and-

“Hey now,” Stefan’s face was right in front of Narias’, which took him by surprise. “What were you thinking just now? Are you sure you don’t have a girlfriend?”

“Aah!” Narias jumped back. “Of course… I don’t. Ahem… don’t just make things up.”

“Hehehe,” his new friend grinned. “Alright then, let’s make a bet on who will make friends with a girl first.”

“What?” Narias wasn’t ready to hear something like that.

“The loser will have to pay for the other one’s dinner at the Sally’s Magic Cafeteria,” Stefan added.

“Hey, wait. I never said I agreed to it,” Narias tried to argue.

“Now, now. A true man never goes back on his word,” Stefan acted like he was lecturing a small child.

Seriously? Sigh… - Narias sighed.

“Hey Narias,” a sweet girl’s voice came out of nowhere.

“Huh?” he turned around. “Oh, hello Vivia. How are you?”

“I’m fine. I was passing by and noticed you, so… I decided to come over and say hi,” the blond-haired girl smiled with a little bit of a blush.

“Wait, you know her?” Stefan was flabbergasted.

“Oh, sorry. This is Vivia. Vivia, meet Stefan. We are in the same class,” Narias introduced them to each other.

“Nice to meet you Stefan,” Vivia greeted him politely.

“H… hi,” Stefan could barely speak, as he stared at the pretty, blond-haired girl, but then suddenly lashed out at Narias. “Hey! Why did you lie to me? You said you don’t have a girlfriend!”

“Huh? Wha…” Narias almost jumped from surprise. “She’s… not my girlfriend. We’re just friends…”

“You are friends with such a pretty girl and you hadn’t told me about it? I thought we were best buddies?” Stefan was heartbroken about his own assumptions.

“But I met you only fifteen minutes ago,” Narias tried to put some logic to their conversation.

“Don’t try to change the subject. The fact still stands that you…” the overly excited boy was about to go on another monologue before cutting his own words short. “Oh no, that means I… lost the bet? I mean… Hey man, I believe you said you never agreed to it, right?”

This guy… - Narias frowned.

“’A true man never goes back on his word’, was it?” he quoted Stefan’s words back to him with a blank stare.

“Aah… nooo…” Stefan fell on his knees completely defeated.

“Aahm… I’m sorry but… what just happened?” Vivia had no clue about what was going on.

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“Sigh…” Narias sighed.

After a few minutes of walk.

“Hehehe. So that’s what happened,” the blond-haired girl laughed.

“Yeah, Stefan is quite eccentric,” Narias commented, after giving him a mild stare.

“A real man must speak out his mind,” Stefan stated.

I don’t think that’s true but I suppose it works for him. – Narias thought in his mind.

“What kind of class do you have today, Narias?” Vivia wanted to know.

“I think we have some practical training at the arena today,” Narias told her.

“Yeah, it’s gonna be awesome. I will be able to show off what I’ve got,” Stefan flexed.

“Right…” Narias wasn’t as impressed as Stefan probably thought his pose looked.

“Well, good luck with your practise. I will go to my class now,” Vivia smiled as she was about to turn the other way.

“Thanks. Enjoy your classes as well, Vivia,” Narias told her.

“Oh, ah… Thanks,” the girl somewhat chuckled at his wishes.

“What just happened? Did you seriously wished her to enjoy her classes just now?” Stefan stared at Narias.

“Yeah. Going to classes is fun, isn’t it?” Narias gave Stefan a puzzled look.

“Sigh… I get that studying is important but you gotta learn how to talk to girls, man,” his friend pointed at his forehead with one finger, trying to make a point.

But you don’t even have a girlfriend yourself. – but Narias didn’t say that out loud.

“We’re gonna be late for class,” Narias turned to go.

“Hey, wait up,” Stefan ran after him.

Narias and Stefan were the last ones to arrive at the arena before the lecture started. Right away they had noticed something was going on. The atmosphere was quite tense for some reason.

How come everyone is so on edge? – Narias found the other students expressions puzzling.

“Listen here, little hatchlings!” a loud, half growling voice shouted from the middle of the arena. “You better pay attention to what I have to say, because I won’t say it twice! Grrr…”

“Huh? Who’s that? Woah! He’s huge,” Stefan gasped after he saw the person.

Wow, a beast-human. Is he the teacher? – Narias exclaimed in his head.

The person’s face resembled a tiger, with the exception of having only black and dark orange fur stripes. He had two sharp fangs sticking out from his mouth, which must’ve been at least four inches in length.

Massive, muscular body, and a fierce, menacing look in his eyes, made the students shiver just from looking at him. Despite being huge, and about seven feet tall, the person wore light armor, which covered his upper and lower body parts. However, the tiger looking beast-human had no shoes but was firmly standing on the ground on his paws.

“My name is Ranga Dreknor, and together with Estella Alifur we will be your physical training instructors,” the teacher announced.

“What is he talking about? I don’t see anyone else,” Stefan tried to see someone else but couldn’t.

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t see anyone else either,” Narias gave a quick look around. “Maybe the other instructor will join later?”

“Today we will test how good you really are. We’re here to prepare your weak baby bodies to be ready for the magic dungeon exploration. If you ever reach that point that is, grrr,” instructor Dreknor grinned after his last comment, which made him look quite scary. “I will state it right here and now – crying won’t score you any extra points. Prepare to face the harsh reality and feel a lot of pain.”

“Is he for real?” someone from the students was seriously frightened.

“They must be joking. No way this beast is a teacher,” another one added timidly.

“He looks more like a criminal than anything else,” the third one gasped a little too loud.

“Hahaha!” the instructor’s laugh made the students shiver. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Now kiddies, find yourself a partner and let’s see what you’re made off. Grrr…”

Even if some of the students were frightened, or flabbergasted, about the monstrous looking teacher, they had no choice but to comply. The class was in session.

“Hy buddy,” Stefan placed his hand around Narias’ shoulder. “It is time for us to show what we can do. We’re the best team out there.”

Huh? What? Did he just assume we’ll be in the same team together? On the other hand, I don’t really know anyone else from my class. – Narias was about to refuse but he realized Stefan was as good as a partner as anyone else.

“Yeah, ok. But can you tell me what kind of magic can you use first?” Narias wanted to know.

“The Earth Magic,” Stefan stated proudly. “It is the best magic out there, after all.”

Earth Magic, huh? It could be rather effective against tough opponents, if the user is strong enough. – Narias was trying to think of the possibilities.

“And what kind of spells can you use, Stefan?” he wanted to know what Stefan could do.

“Hehe,” his friend rubbed the bottom of his nose, with his head raised up high. “I can cast the amazing Rock Smash.”

Wha… Rock Smash? But that’s just a basic, low level Earth Spell. – Narias dropped his shoulders in disappointment.

“Rock… Smash?” Narias tried to smile but his facial expression was of someone who just had a bite of an oversalted and undercooked steak. “Is that… all you can do?”

“I see you are quite impressed,” Stefan stood tall with his hands rammed against his waist.

More like, overly disappointed, but… - Narias didn’t want to say it out loud.

“Well, I didn’t want to reveal my trump card, but since we’re the best buddies, I can let you in on my secret technique,” Stefan leaned closer to his classmate and then whispered not so quietly. “I can also cast an Earth Wall.”

“Hey, Earth Wall is great. We can use that,” Narias had a glimpse of hope after learning about the Earth Wall spell.

“Hehe,” Stefan was very pleased after seeing Narias’ reaction. “By the way, what kind of magic can you use, Narias?”

“Me? I can use Wind and-“ Narias was about to say something but cut himself short.

“What do you mean ‘Windand’?” Stefan looked puzzled.

“I mean Wind Magic, haha,” Narias laughed silly.

“Wind Magic, huh? That’s not a very powerful magic,” the classmate made a serious face. “Well anyway, we will manage somehow. I will be sure to watch your back.”

“But Wind Magic is awesome. And I can cast severa-“ Narias was about to explain what he can do.

“Don’t worry about it, man,” Stefan patted him on the shoulder, interrupting Narias speech. “As long as you have me on the team, we will do just fine. Come on, let’s go.”

“Hey, wait…” Narias tried to stop him, but his ‘best buddy’ was on his way to the arena.

Sigh… Seriously? What is he thinking? Well, maybe he’s really strong if he is so confident about himself? – Narias wanted to believe that Stefan’s overconfidence was based on his skills.




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