Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – Knock Out. Two Against One.

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“Huh?” the big tiger beast-human was slightly surprised to see two students approach him before he even called. “Hmph. I see two little hatchlings had brought up the courage to step forward. Grrr… Good. Here is your task. If either of you can get past me and cross the line on the other side of the arena, you will get a passing grade.”

“Heh, easy. I’m going to defeat you right here and now, so every girl in the class will see how awesome I am,” Stefan stated proudly.

“Hey Stefan, we don’t need to defeat him. We just need to reach the line on the other side of the arena,” Narias couldn’t believe what his friend just said.

What is he thinking? There’s no way we can beat him. – Narias was trying to assess the instructor’s strength right from the get go.

“Really?” Ranga glared at the two students. “Well, let’s see you do that.”

“Hah, you asked for it,” Stefan made a step forward as he put his palms together in front of him. “Rock Smash!”

A few small rocks materialized and shot at the huge beast-human.

- ‘Puck, Puck, Crumble,’ – however, they instantly crumbled upon hitting the target.

WHAT? For real? That’s the best you can do? – Narias’ jaw dropped after seeing how weak Stefan’s spell was.

“Grrr…” the instructor’s face looked beyond disappointed. “Is that how you intended to beat me? And you call that an attack? Are you mocking me?”

Ranga Dreknor was visibly ticked off. He frowned while gritting his teeth, which made him look extremely intimidating. The huge tiger looking human uncrossed his arms and made a step forward, ready to teach the two students a real lesson how to fight.

“Hah,” Stefan tried to laugh it off but his face showed otherwise. He made a few steps back but then brought up the last drops of his courage to stop. “Ok then, time to use my trump card. Earth Wall!”

Stefan extended his arms in front of him, with his palms facing towards his opponent. The earth trembled just slightly next to Ranga’s feet, and a small, about three feet tall wall grew in front of the tiger beast.

“Hehe,” Stefan grinned proudly about his achievement.

You’ve got to be kidding me?! – Narias was screaming inside.

“You…” instructor Dreknor gritted his teeth. “How did someone like you pass the entry exam? Roooar!”

“Wha… The Menacing Roar?” Narias exclaimed.

Fortunately, it was aimed directly at Stefan, so Narias wasn’t affected too much by it. The tiny, feeble Earth Wall crumbled in an instant and Stefan was blown away like a pebble by the roar’s powerful force.

Woah! That’s just too powerful… Wait, the teacher’s attention is on Stefan. Now is my chance. – Narias suddenly realized that his partner created an opportunity for him to pass.

“Wind Burst,” Narias quickly used his Wind Burst spell to jump forward in order to pass his opponent.

“Grrr…” however, the instructor quickly reacted. “So that was your plan? Now I see. However… Tail Swipe!”

Just when Narias was about to pass the teacher, Ranga used his tail to try and stop him.

“Wind Burst!” but Narias reacted as well and used another spell to stop his movements mid air.

The tail swipe attack missed him just by an inch.

“Wind Pressure…” Narias turned to face the teacher, with his hands pointed right at his opponent.

That was enough to force the instructor take a defensive stance to block whatever attack Narias was about to use.

“Grrr,” Ranga grinned for a brief second right before Narias unleashed his spell.

“…Blast!” he finished the spell and shot himself backwards, with his back facing the side of the arena he had to reach.

“Huh?” his opponent was dumbstruck about what happened.

The spell Narias used wasn’t an offensive spell so to say. Wind Pressure Blast wasn’t a spell to do any damage. Not intentionally at least. Narias created a high air pressure in front of him by gathering his mana in one single spot in front of him. But once it was released, the concentrated air would blow up like an explosion, blasting everything away from it. Similarly, how one would pump air into a balloon until it popped.

Unfortunately, Narias hadn’t fully mastered the spell yet, which meant that the direction he was blown away was a little unpredictable. It was a very complex spell, and one that Narias came up with himself.

Constant practice and training with his dad made him come up with all kinds of ideas on how to improve his skills. And thanks to battling with his father, and losing every single time, Narias always fought like his life depended on it. He was simply putting his skills, and the habit of giving his all, in practice.

“Bhaaa! Ugh… Wind…” he was about to hit the ground. “Burst.”

- ‘Swoosh!’ – Narias felt like something just missed him by a hair.

Huh? What was that? – he quickly looked around but there was no one there. – Oh, damn. I blasted myself slightly away from where I intended to go.

But his efforts weren’t completely wasted. He managed to distance himself from instructor Dreknor.

“Alright, I can do this,” Narias was about to sprint, after seeing the teacher wasn’t about to reach him.

- ‘Smack!’ – but was smacked by something and fell on the ground.

“What… just happened?” Narias quickly picked himself up. “There’s no way he could’ve…”

After checking, he saw huge tiger beast standing at the same spot like before.

Did he use some kind of spell to hit me? No, beast-humans can’t use magic like humans do. Besides, I wasn’t hit by a magic spell. Something, or someone, smacked me with a pure physical force.

Narias was curious why the instructor didn’t move from his spot. After all, he was almost half way to the designated line. But the huge tiger beast-human simply stood still, with his arms crossed in front of him. In addition, Ranga Dreknor had a weird grin on his face.

Maybe he can do something that the other beast-humans can’t? I just need to watch him closely. – Narias tried to make another step.

- ‘Smack!’ – and was hit from the side again.

“Ghaah… what?” he turned around, confused about what happened. “How did he… huh?”

But the instructor was standing right where he was a second ago.

What’s going on? How did he… Wait! – Narias suddenly realized something. – When he introduced himself, instructor Dreknor said there will be two of them. The name was… Estella Alifur. Which means it wasn’t an act. There is someone else here.

“Heeh, this is so cool,” Narias grinned while his body filled with an extra surge of energy and excitement. “Let’s see… Wind… Burst.”

Narias made a step forward but then instantly cast Wind Burst spell to make himself sidestep his own footing.

- ‘Swipe!’ – a mild breeze was felt right at Narias’ fingertips, where his Wind Burst, and someone’s swipe attack connected.

I knew it. There is someone else here. – his eyes sparkled from excitement.

However, as pumped as he was, it still didn’t change the fact that Narias couldn’t see, or even hear, the person who was stopping him from advancing forward. He tried to focus and listen to ‘see’ where the person was but with no luck. He could neither catch a glimpse of anyone with his eyes, nor pick up any sound of footsteps.

Amazing. All the teachers in the academy are simply incredible. – Narias couldn’t contain his excitement. – It is time to give it my all.

“Wind Burst!” like an arrow, Narias shot forward from his spot. “Wind Burst! Wind Burst!”

But then suddenly changed direction with his following spell, and then changed direction again, and again.

It wasn’t like he could suddenly see the person who tried to stop him. No, his spell casts were random. He had no idea where, or from which direction, he would be attacked, so Narias decided to use unpredictable movements to reach his destination instead.

“Wind… - ‘Smack!’ – Aagh…” however, as random as they were, his following jump was predicted, and Narias was stopped in his tracks.

Ugh… They’re fast. In that case, I need to be faster. – he stood up again.

“Haaah!” Narias focused his mana flow. “Wind… BURSTS!”

It wasn’t a single Wind Burst spell this time. Narias had cast multiple spells in succession. They were much faster and much more powerful than before. Each Wind Burst made him increase his speed, which helped Narias change the direction he was jumping to at a faster pace as well. And it helped. He managed to avoid getting hit.

Narias was jumping and dodging the attacks from his invisible opponent. He was somewhat hit now and then but the attack didn’t fully connect. Thanks to his successive Wind Burst spells, which he kept repeating over and over, Narias didn’t fall but simply changed direction while continuing to press on towards his goal.

An interesting thing started to happen as a result. As his movement speed increased, Narias started to catch glimpses of the attacks that tried to reach him. They looked almost like illusions, but they were as real as the pain he felt each time some of them reached him.

- ‘Smack!’ – the next attack was much faster and Narias wasn’t able to evade it.

“Ugh… Tsk… I’m not done yet. Haaa! Wind Pressure…” he was already pretty beaten up, and any other kid would’ve probably given up by now, but his goal was within arm’s reach. “Blast! Huh?”

Just as his body was blown away by the Wind Pressure Blast spell, the trajectory had aligned with the person’s figure, who jumped at him at the same time. Right at that moment, a woman’s figure, like a mirage, appeared in front him. Narias gazed into her eyes, even if for half a second. That half a second was enough to see how surprised she was after she realized the boy could actually see her.

“Not bad,” Narias ears had caught her words, while at the same time, his big, wide eyes witnessed an alluring smile of her enticing lips, just before his body was blasted away by the Wind Pressure Blast spell.

Woah! Was she actually real? – Narias mind tried to soak in the image of the stunning, black-haired woman, who looked more like a mirage to him. – Wait, did she have… cat ears?

- ‘Bump! Roll,’ – he fell on the ground after the blast.

There was no time to goof around, though. He dismissed the woman’s image as the result of his imagination, and quickly jumped on his feet to make a few final steps to reach the designated line.

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“Aren’t you forgetting someone, hatchling? Grrr…” but just when Narias was about to move, the huge tiger beast-human blocked his path.

“Wha… No, Wind-“

- ‘Smack! Bam!’ – Narias had no chance to evade or block the attack.

“Bhaaa!” he fell on the ground and stopped moving after rolling a few meters after the hit.

“Heh. Grrr… You did better than I thought you would, little hatchling. But don’t thi-“ the huge tiger beast stated proudly before his words were cut off by someone else.

“Rangaaa Dreknooor!” an angry woman’s voice echoed throughout the arena.

“Eh? Grrrhhm…” the massive figure of the beast suddenly shivered. “Wait… I…”

“Hey, wake up,” the woman was close to Narias immobile body. “Tsk… He’s completely out cold. What was that about, Ranga?”

“Aaah, sorry. I probably hit him a little too hard,” Ranga apologized.

“’A little too hard’? You should’ve let him pass. The boy had proven his skills already,” the black-haired half beast-woman with cat ears, and a tail, scolded the big tiger beast.

“Well, watching you two fight so fiercely made me wanna join in,” Ranga Dreknor tried to explain.

“Two school instructors against a single first year student?” Estella Alifur glared at Ranga. “How will you explain that to Jean?”

“Eeek… Jean… I…” the big tiger human became somewhat worried.

“Come on, you need to take him to the infirmary. I will check on him later after the class,” instructor Alivur told him. “And make sure you tell Principal Jean yourself, Ranga.”

“R… right…” he picked up Narias from the ground.

“Ok, let’s continue with the class!” Estella Alifur turned to, for some reason, frightened students.


(later on at principal’s office)

“Ranga Dreknor, Estella Alifur, welcome. Please, have a seat,” the academy’s principal invited them with a smile.

“Good day, Jean,” Estella greeted her back casually.

“Hello,” Ranga Dreknor said hello as well.

“Ranga, you seemed to be a little nervous. Is something the matter?” Jean was smiling, but her eyes were almost piercing him through.

“Grrr… nothing. I just…” the tiger beast-human was indeed a little worried.

“Now, now. No need to be so tense. I’m not some kind of monster now, am I?” Miss Sweetbell clapped her hands gently, while tilting her head to the side.

“Sigh…” he let out a deep sigh. “We had a small incident during the class. I… smacked one of the students a little too hard and knocked him out cold. Grr…”

“A little? Milenna reported the boy had a few broken bones when I checked with her,” Estella added with a slight glare.

“Grrr…” Ranga half smirked, half growled.

“And the name of the boy is?” Jean wanted to know.

“Narias… Narias Talrone,” Estella remembered.

“I see,” the principal’s eyes had a strange glow upon hearing the name. “So tell me, what did he do to earn such punishment, Ranga?”

“It was nothing of the sort, it’s just, grr…” the huge beast-human raised his head. “I punched him during the practice match.”

“Really? Most of the first-year students can’t put up a good fight, especially on their first day. You should know that better than anyone, Ranga,” Jean was neither surprised, nor upset about the news.

“That’s true. The rest of the class were less than mediocre,” Estella Alifur intervened. “However, that boy had some skills the others didn’t, and a keen sense of his surroundings. He figured out quite early that Ranga wasn’t the only opponent on the field.”

“How interesting. What are your thoughts, Ranga?” Miss Sweetbell was curious.

“That little hatchling really surprised me. The boy’s partner was disappointingly weak, so I didn’t expect much from him either. But he used a magic spell I’ve never seen before to evade my attack, which came as a shock,” instructor Dreknor crossed his arms in front of him, while telling her about the fight.

“It was a strange spell indeed. However, I was impressed about how the boy was able to use a basic Wind spell to move around so well. He managed to dodge some of my attacks. Of course, I wasn’t using my full strength but even at one third of my speed he managed to keep up with me. What surprised me the most was that he actually saw me for a brief second while I was using my Shadow Moves, even if it was just a coincidence,” Miss Alifur told the principal about her experience.

“Wow, how exciting. I wish I could’ve seen it with my own two eyes,” the academy principal’s eyes sparkled with a curious excitement.

“The boy was actually putting up a good fight against instructor Estella. I didn’t expect to see a first-year student to be so skilled. Not only that. The boy was improving right there during the fight. It was like I was watching a little hatchling grow its wings. I suppose I became a little envious of Miss Alifur having all the fun, grrr…”

“You and your obsession to challenge anyone just to stroke your own ego. Tsk… Why don’t you bite on your tail next time instead?” the black-haired cat woman frowned, before turning her head away.

“Grha gha gha,” Ranga laughed at her comment.

“Well, it’s good you held back or else we’d have two funerals instead of one,” Estella’s following comment sounded more like a death threat than anything else.

“Sigh… Yeah, I get what you’re saying, however…” the tiger beast-human held his chin with one hand. “I wasn’t really holding back with my punch to be honest.”

“What?” instructor Alifur exclaimed. “What are you saying?”

“How interesting…” Jean added, simply to probe for additional explanation.

“I wasn’t using my full strength of course. But my body was too excited at that moment, and I punched the boy as I normally would punch anyone during the fight,” Ranga told them.

“Tsk… With your strength? Yeah, right. If that was true, the boy would’ve died on the spot,” the beautiful cat woman smirked in disbelief.

“But it is. I realized it only after the fact but… Grr… My punch was somewhat weakened before it reached him. Now that I think about it, I felt like I hit something else before hitting the boy. Grrr…” Ranga Dreknor stared at the palm of his own hand.

“Must’ve been your imagination,” Estella didn’t want to believe him.

“Anyway, Narias Talrone is all healed up and well I assume?” Jean asked to confirm.

“He should be, grrr…” Ranga said. “You checked on him before coming here, didn’t you Estella?”

“Well…” for some reason, Miss Alifur had a weird smile on her face. “He’s fine, I suppose.”

“Huh?” the tiger beast gave her a strange look.

“Would you mind to elaborate?” Miss Sweetbell leaned on the table with her elbows, before resting her chin on her hands.

“I… Well… I accidentally hit him when I was checking on him at the infirmary,” Estella looked away, acting like it wasn’t her fault.

“Accidentally hit him? Grrr…” Ranga Dreknor frowned, furrowing his eyebrows.

“It was his own fault. He said something he shouldn’t have,” the woman with cat ears crossed her arms under her chest.

“Students getting injured during the class is one thing, but having your own personal feelings get in the way is completely different,” Jean stated in a serious tone.

“Ah? I…” Estella dropped her head in embarrassment. “Yes, I understand. I’m sorry.”

“Grrr…” instructor Dreknor was about to say something but decided to keep his mouth shut.

“Now, before we end our meeting, please submit your reports about the students before Monday. And let me know the estimate of how long it will take to prepare them for dungeon exploration,” the principal requested before ending the meeting.

“Right,” both instructors acknowledged it.




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