Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Magic Dungeon Academy

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As his parents said before, fifteenth birthday marked a very important step in every child’s life in this world. But Narias knew why that was already. He had read a lot of books in the last twelve years. Fifteen was the age when children could enroll into a Magic Dungeon Academy. There were two main reasons why everyone wanted to do so.

First, the Magic Power Games. Every school would train its own team of students who would then participate at the Magic Power Games. And every student strived to get into the team. Winning the Magic Power Games competition would gain recognition for the academy and fame for the students. It would open many possibilities, as well as a chance to be promoted to a higher rank status.

The second reason was that the students could explore a Magic Dungeon that the academy had. However, that reason wasn’t as popular as the first one. The reason being, a Magic Dungeon was a real dungeon, filled with dangerous monsters. You could get hurt, or even die, if you tried to beat a Magic Dungeon.

That was enough of a reason for the schools to switch their focus from the Magic Dungeon exploration to Magic Power Games. The parents of the students, especially from the high rank families, protested that their children were forced to risk their lives in such a way. Eventually, many schools made dungeon exploration optional, with most of them using it only as additional training for those who wished to participate.

In the early days, the dungeons were extremely popular. They offered riches and rare crystals that could be either sold or used to improve one’s magic. That’s why many academies were built right where the dungeon was. However, over a period of time, huge financial incentives were offered to put the focus on competition between the students to show off their magic skills instead of going into the dungeon. And that’s how Magic Power Games were born.

Winning the competition became more lucrative than exploring a dungeon. Not many students were willing to risk their lives for a few crystals that weren’t worth much. Unless you could slay the dungeon’s boss monster, you would come out with almost nothing to show for.

However, as soon as Narias learned about the Magic Dungeons, he became extremely excited. After all, he came from the world where magic, and dungeons filled with all kinds of monsters, didn’t exist. In addition, and thanks to his deep desire to read, he learned that Magic Dungeons could hold treasures surpassing that what you could get after winning a Magic Power Game.

Once he learned about the Magic Dungeons, Narias knew he would join an academy which had one. For him, exploring a dungeon would be the same as his, used to be, classmates playing a video game. Only now Narias would be the main character, the hero, who would conquer it.

“So, sweetie, have you decided on which academy you would like to enroll at?” Narias mom was too curious to sit still at the dinner table.

“There were quite a few schools that would accept you. All the hard training you’ve done had finally paid off,” his dad added.

A few months before his fifteenth birthday, Narias was visiting academy after academy to take tests and exams. You had to take them in advance before the school year starts if you wanted to enroll. And it so happens that Narias’ birthday was right before when the academies were about to open their doors for the new students.

There were always two tests to take: written and practical. Being a bookworm as Narias was, the written test was a cakewalk for him. The practical test wasn’t very hard either, considering how hard he trained at home. His application was accepted by more than a few schools.

There were academies that were out of his reach, unfortunately. It’s not that he didn’t pass the tests. That wasn’t the case. He wasn’t allowed to take one in the first place. Imperial Elite Academy was only one of the few schools where Narias was refused to put his application in.

A harsh reality of this world was that there were academies that accepted only students from higher rank families. Talrone’s family held just about an average rank status.

Your family’s rank meant more than just a decoration. It had power. High ranked families had more rights and more influence over those that did not. Of course, they would use it to their utmost advantage too.

The truth was, some of the schools were built by the high ranked families. They wouldn’t accept anyone who was of a lower rank status than the school required. Obviously, those academies offered the best facilities, as well as the best education for their students. It wasn’t just a lip service. The students who graduated there were very well prepared for their future.

Fortunately for Narias, more than a few schools accepted his application. He had plenty to choose from. In the end he narrowed down to two academies but couldn’t decide which one to choose from.

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t decided yet,” Narias smiled awkwardly.

“Is that so?” his mom sounded somewhat disappointed without getting an answer.

“Hahaha,” his dad laughed. “So many choices that you can’t decide. Man, I wish I had that when I was your age. But it worked out for the better. I enrolled in the academy I always wanted to get into.”

“You mean, the only one that accepted your application, darling?” Alvina teased her husband.

“Hey, you didn’t have to tell him that,” Lorenard pretended to be upset.

“Hahaha,” everyone laughed.

“But I was glad it was the only academy that accepted you, my love. Otherwise, we would’ve never met,” Alvina had a sweet smile on her face.

“Of course, that was part of my plan all along,” her husband tried to sound convincing.

“Isn’t he adorable, heehee,” Narias’ mom chuckled.

“You had failed your exams, dad?” Narias pointed out somewhat dumbstruck.

“Well, ehehe,” his father had a silly smile on his face.

“But your magic is so great and you’re so strong now,” Narias couldn’t believe it.

“Sigh… To be honest, I wasn’t as diligent at studies and training as you are when I was a child,” suddenly Lorenard became serious. “My parents weren’t very strict and I didn’t take studying seriously. But thanks to your mom, I was able to change.”

“Aaah, you’re so sweet, my love,” Alvina leaned towards him.

“Anyway, haha,” Lorenard became somewhat embarrassed. “Let’s celebrate. The cake’s getting cold.”

“What?” his son gasped. “But the cake isn’t hot, dad.”

“Haha, I know that,” his dad laughed again.

The next morning Narias was woken up by the knock on the door. He knew who that was and he knew he had overslept.

Oh no. Of all the days, why did it have to be today?

“Good morning, young Master,” Layla was exactly on time, as always.

“Sorry Layla, I am not dressed up yet,” Narias didn’t want to leave his bed.

Having Layla help him get ready for the day was one thing when he was still a little child. But it was completely different now when he’s matured into a young man.

Layla was no stranger to him, of course. They grew up together, so to say. But now he was a young man and Layla was an attractive woman. Maid, or not, Narias couldn’t feel comfortable being dressed by her anymore. Last night’s birthday party was so fun, and Narias stayed late. Because of that he overslept and Layla came to get him.

“That’s ok. Let me help you get ready for the day, young Master,” Layla smiled.

“Layla, I can dress up on my own. I’m not a child anymore,” Narias protested.

“But it is my duty to help you,” the maid insisted.

Sometimes Narias thought Layla did it on purpose just to tease him. Both of them were adults now. Add to that, her maid’s uniform looked extremely good on her. That just added coals to the fire for his teenage body’s hormones.

Can’t she understand I am embarrassed? Every time she touches me, I get horny. It’s not like she hadn’t noticed it. Oh man, and I just had to dream about her before she woke me up. I’m as hard as a rock. I can’t get out of bed now.

“You can’t,” Narias almost shouted.

“Huh?” his loud voice startled Layla.

“I mean, sorry Layla, but you can’t do that anymore,” Narias composed himself. “I’m fifteen now. Which means I am an adult and I have to take care of myself on my own.”

Narias got into habit to go by his new age. He was twenty eight years old in total, actually. He had lived for sixteen years in his previous life before he got reincarnated into this new fantasy world. That just made him one year older than Layla, in his own mind that is. Nobody knew about it and he couldn’t tell anyone his ‘real’ age. Although, his overly mature behavior as a child didn’t go unnoticed.

Living as Anthony, Narias never had a girlfriend or interacted with any other girl as much as he and Layla did. She was the only girl, now attractive, young woman, he could talk to freely. There were other maids and servants in the house but most of them were much older and had other responsibilities around the house.

Layla was the only one who was in charge of taking care of Narias for as long as he could remember. She wasn’t watching him all day long but compared to anyone else, she spent the most time with him.

While Layla watched as Narias grew from a little child to a young man, Narias watched how a young, cute girl matured into a beautiful woman. More often than not, he was ‘dating’ her in his head despite the fact he was a small child.

When Narias would go to the social gatherings with his mom, he would meet other girls there. Unfortunately, the older girls had no interest in him and the younger girls weren’t of interest to Narias. On top of it, all of them acted immature by his own standards.

He tried to make friends but it all ended in just a respectful conversations with no possible future. Most of the girls, or boys he would meet, were from a higher ranked families and wouldn’t want to become real friends with him.

Apparently, Talrones held just bellow average status rank as nobles. Thanks to his dad’s hard work, and his mom’s extraordinary people skills, they were doing quite well. But the status rank was weighing them down. Your family’s rank meant a whole lot in this world.

“But I thought you enjoyed the time when I helped you dress up in the morning, young Master,” Layla sounded sad.

Are you for real? Of course, I did. But now it’s just unbearable. Have you any idea how many times I undressed you in my head?

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Suddenly, that just gave Narias a brilliant idea. He was certain it will be the perfect excuse.

“Since we’re both adults now, that means we are equals. Which also means you can’t be the only one who helps me dress up. I should help you dress up too,” Narias stated confidently.

“Oh, I see what you mean,” surprisingly, Layla agreed.

Yes. I knew this would work.

“But since we sleep separately, it is not possible to do so. That’s why I will dress up by myself from now on,” he added.

“Ok, I understand,” Layla smiled, somewhat suspiciously. “I will leave you to it then, young Master. Oh, and breakfast will be served soon. Your parents are waiting for you to join them. Please excuse me.”

Phew, I’m saved. Huh? Aaargh… but now after I saw her, I want to undress her so bad. Baaah, get down, will you?

Narias was late for breakfast for obvious reasons. He had trouble redirecting his blood flow from his ‘head’ to his brain.

It was an important day for him as well. He had to make the decision about which academy he would want to attend.

“Have you finally decided which Academy you would like to go to, sweety?” Alvina asked her son during the breakfast.

“Yes. I would like to… go to Reina’s Magic Academy,” Narias said somewhat timidly.

“Reina’s?” his father was rather surprised.

“Wow, I didn’t expect to hear that. Oh, so sorry. We will respect your choice, Narias. But would you mind telling us why did you choose it?” his mom wanted to know.

“I would like to know that too,” his dad added. “There were a few quite prestigious schools that accepted your application.”

“Well,” Narias breathed in and out deeply. “Because Reina’s Magic Academy has a dungeon.”

“A dungeon?” his mom was even more surprised.

“I see,” his father, on the other hand, was very calm about hearing that. “Dungeon is one thing but why Reina’s Academy? Starviss Magic Academy has a dungeon as well. You were accepted to it, weren’t you son? Starviss Magic Academy only accepts higher rank family kids. I thought that would be a better choice.”

“And that’s exactly why,” Narias stated firmly.

“Huh?” his parents gasped.

“Reina’s Magic Academy is different from the other schools. It accepts anyone no matter what family they come from. They have only one rule – to show results. Everyone is judged equally by how they perform. I believe it would be the best school for me to go to,” Narias was worried his parents wouldn’t accept his choice.

“Ok,” his father said.

“Huh?” the boy was surprised.

“Oh, don’t make such a face, sweety,” his mom smiled. “Or did you think we won’t approve your choice?”

“But… you were so excited when I got accepted into Starviss Magic Academy, so I thought…” Narias was somewhat taken aback.

“I wouldn’t have expected anything less from you, son,” Lorenard smiled. “You were studying and working so hard every day. If anything, all you strive for is getting results.”

“Dad…” Narias’ face brightened.

“I’m sure you will do well, sweety,” his mom supported her son’s decision as well.

“Mom…” tears started to gather in his eyes.

“It’s decided then,” his father added. “You better get ready.”

“Aaah… Our little boy will be going to school. I can’t believe it,” like a little girl, Alvina became excited all of a sudden. “Come here, my little baby. Let mommy give you a hug.”

“Eeeh? No, wai-“ Narias had little time to react.

“I’m so proud of you sweety,” Alvina pressed her son close to her.

“No… mooom… Stop. I’m all grown up now,” Narias face was right in between her breasts.

“Are you saying you are getting embarrassed by your mom’s hug? You will meet many pretty girls at the academy very soon,” his mom didn’t want to let him go.

What? What is that supposed to mean? You’re my mom!

“Ahahaha!” Narias’ dad laughed out loud. “You better get used to it, son. Girls at the academy can get really wild.”

“What are you saying, dad? Ugh…” Narias broke free from his mom’s heavenly clutches, not without consequences though. “I don’t think about ‘that’ stuff.”

“Are you sure?” his father grinned.

“Huh?” Narias’ face went red. “Aargh… Stop teasing me already. I’m going to study.”

He rushed off out of the room so he wouldn’t get caught by his mom again.

“Aaah, he’s so sweet. Heehee,” Alvina chuckled after she and her husband were left alone in the room.

“Yeah, but he’s kinda awkward. I am worried about him not getting along with any girls at all. All he thinks about is studying,” Lorenard was worried.

“It is true that our son sometimes becomes lost in studying and learning. But I am worried about a different thing,” Alvina added now in a more serious tone.

“Yeah. Reina’s Magic Academy doesn’t boast about the results for nothing. It is the only academy that has a dungeon exploration as part of their curriculum,” Lorenard understood what his wife meant. “But it is our son we are talking about here. I fully understand why he would choose that particular school. If only he could be bolder with the girls.”

“Are girls all you think about, darling?” his wife looked at him in somewhat teasing way.

“I don’t have to think about ‘girls’, I have one right here,” Alvina’s husband grinned from ear to ear.

“Oh? What kind of naughty thoughts are flying in your head, Mr. Talrone?” Alvina asked playfully.

“Why don’t I show you, Mrs. Talrone?” Lorenard hugged her passionately.

“Aren’t you a charmer, handsome?” she placed her arms around his neck.




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