Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – The Best Birthday Gift

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Traveling to Reina’s Magic Academy would take almost a whole day. Since students would live on the academy campus, they had to sort out where they would live in advance. Which meant, they had to arrive much earlier than the school year starts.

Unfortunately, Narias would be arriving on the last day, so he would have to be happy with whatever place he’d get. But luckily, Narias didn’t mind. The only thing he cared about was studying. After a few hours of reading in the library, to take of some steam after his parents teasing him at the breakfast table, he went to his room to get ready for his trip.

The day was busy, and exciting. The evening came faster than on any other day would. The dinner was full of talks about the trip to Reina’s Magic Academy.

“Have a good night’s sleep, sweety,” Narias’ mom wished him with a smile.

“We will be leaving early, so make sure you don’t oversleep,” his dad was rather enthusiastic about it.

“Of course I won’t,” Narias wasn’t worried in the least.

Even if he did, Layla would wake him up anyway. Or so he thought.

Oh man. I can’t believe I will start school again. – Narias thought while he was changing into his pajamas.

It seemed like it was such a long time ago when he sat in the classroom in his previous life. Those days weren’t very exciting, now that he thought about it. He was reading books just for the sake of reading them, never to put anything he read in practise afterwards.

However, now it was different. He was eager to learn because he wanted to become better at using magic. Narias learned so much. Much more than an average child would learn his age. He had his previous childhood knowledge and experience behind him to back him up too.

But even so, he could learn only so much by staying at home and practising the same thing over and over again. Narias had read every single book in their library two or three times. Some of the books he had read four or five times even.

Unfortunately, you couldn’t buy books from other people easily. Most families treasured their books and wouldn’t give them to anyone. The knowledge they contained was passed down from generation to generation. The only other place Narias could get a hold of new books would be by enrolling into an academy.

I wonder if my sister is doing ok? – he wondered before hitting the bed.

Narias would remember his previous family now and then. He loved them no matter what. Life wasn’t bad then. He could read whenever he wanted and wasn’t bothered too much by anyone. He loved his sister too. That’s why he was willing to sacrifice his life to save her. Narias honestly wished his sister was doing well no matter how much she teased him.

Oh well. Let’s get some sleep. I will be going to the academy tomorrow. Hehe. – he grinned.

Right before he was to cover himself with a blanket, he heard a knock on the door.

Who could that be? – Narias was puzzled.

It was very rare for someone to come visit him this late. When he was younger, his mom would come and stay with him until he’d fallen asleep. Not that he actually was scared or anything. He was doing it for his mom mostly. But now he was old enough and Narias didn’t expect anyone to come over.

Maybe my mom wants to wish me goodnight? – he thought, forgetting that she already said it before he left the diner room.

“Did you come to wish me goodnight mo-“ Narias didn’t finish his sentence because it wasn’t his mom who was standing in the doorway after he opened the door. “Layla?”

Narias stared at her without being able to blink. Instead of wearing her maid’s outfit, Layla had a light, white color pajama dress on instead. It wasn’t transparent but it was falling very neatly on her, emphasising Layla’s curves. She held a pillow with some other clothes close to her chest.

“Apologies young Master, I hope I didn’t disturb you too much. It took me longer than I expected to prepare, you see,” she smiled somewhat shyly.

“Huh? Oh, not at all. Did something happen?” Narias was pleased as well as he was surprised.

“Well,” it was the first time Narias saw Layla blush like that. “You said it yourself that we are both adults now, and in order for me to help you get ready in the morning, we would need to sleep in the same bed.”

“Huh?” Narias’ eyes widened.

Whaaaaat?! – his mind almost exploded. - I simply told her that so I could dress on my own without getting embarrassed about getting horny. She actually took it seriously?

“Uhm… Aren’t you gonna let me in, young Master?” Layla smiled warmly.

“Ooh, aaa… sure… come in,” Narias was flabbergasted about what was happening.

I will look like a real dumbass if I refused. No way. What did I get myself into?

“Can I put my things over here?” Layla asked.

“Aaa… sure,” he answered without thinking.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

Narias eyes followed Layla’s every move. After she leaned down to put the things she brought with her, Layla’s dress stretched just enough to show off her sexy behind.

- ‘Gulp,’ – Narias tried to swallow the little saliva he still had in his mouth.

This is not happening… - he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Layla stood up straight and brushed her hair with both hands to let them fall behind her shoulders. At the same time, when she lifted both of her arms up, Layla’s pajama dress stretched backwards, tightening the front part of the fabric that was covering her breasts. That instantly made Layla’s nipples pop out and be visible through the soft fabric.

Narias would’ve gotten a nose bleed if not for his blood rushing down to his other body part instead. He became hard in an instant. His own pajama pants became tighter as his manhood was requesting extra room to grow.

“Which side of the bed do you usually sleep on, young Master?” Layla asked suddenly.

“Aaa… any,” Narias tried to look away but it was already too late.

“Any?” the beautiful maid in a white pajama dress was puzzled.

“I… I mean… aaa… this side… this side is good,” he quickly scrambled into the bed and covered himself with a blanket, more to hide his embarrassed face, in addition to his hard as a rock ‘buddy’.

“Ok, I’ll just lay next to you then,” Layla slid under the blanket as well.

OH MY GOSH! What do I do now? She will definitely notice me being horny. I just need to turn away, then it will be fine. – Narias was panicking.

“Well… ahm… goodnight,” Narias tried to curl up, crossing his legs in the most uncomfortable position ever.

“Uhmm…” he felt Layla’s breath in his ear. “Good night, young Master.”

Huh? – her words sent shivers down his spine.

And not only that. Narias felt more than Layla’s breath behind his neck. Her hand gently slid through his body, until she hugged him around his chest.

Wait… are those? – he also felt something soft and pleasant touch his back.

The feeling was like no other. In addition to feeling her breasts touch his back, Layla curled close to him as well, pressing herself fully to Narias. The soft pajama fabric allowed to feel every inch where her body touched his.

Aaaah… this feels too good to be true. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m not dreaming, am I? – Narias turned around just slightly.

Layla’s face appeared right in front of his. She brushed her hair with one hand, so it wouldn’t get in the way. They were staring into each other’s eyes.

She is so beautiful. And smells so nice too. – he couldn’t take his eyes of her.

“This is not a dream, is it?” Narias spoke out loud, then instantly felt Layla’s lips on his.

“Mhmmm…” she kissed him slowly, yet passionately. “If it is, then we’re both dreaming the same dream, young Master.”

Narias’ first kiss surpassed his wildest expectations.

“Layla,” Narias whispered her name.

“You had been thinking about it for a while now, haven’t you?” she asked.

“I… uhm…” he suddenly became embarrassed again.

“It’s ok,” Layla smiled, placing her finger on his lips. “I know.”

Before Narias could say anything, Layla took his hand and placed his palm on one of her breasts.

“Oooh…” he gently squeezed it, not wanting to let go.

“Mmmm…” Layla moaned slightly, then smiled again. “You really wanted to touch them, am I right? Let me help you relax. Mhmm…”

They were kissing again, playing with their tongues, exchanging saliva. Narias was laying on his back while Layla was leaning on him from the side. His hand was still on her left breast, fondling and caressing it gently, afraid to squeeze it too tight.

Layla was in control, and Narias was submitting to her. Quite the opposite, compared to their daily lives. Yet Narias had no objections. All he thought about was whether it was a dream or not, and if it was, he didn’t want to wake up.

Layla straightened up a little, leaving Narias gasp for air after yet another exchange of kisses. She smiled charmingly when he didn’t want to let go of her breasts. Reading his mind like an open book, she unbuttoned a few buttons of her pajama dress, letting her boobs show themselves in full glory.

“Woaaah,” it was the first time for Narias to see a naked woman’s bosom.

And touching her breasts directly felt so much better than through clothes.

“Heehee,” Layla somewhat chuckled, biting her bottom lip, when Narias’ fingers touched her nipple. “Now, let me take care of you, Master.”

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“Huh?” Narias was so tense, he was afraid to move.

Because making any unnecessary movement would make him burst right there and then. Layla knew that. She saw how excited Narias’ body was. Even a single touch with her fingers sent shivers up and down his body.

“Let’s see how are you doing down there,” Layla playfully ran her fingers down Narias’ chest, to his belly, then to the tightened part of his pajama pants. “I would think ‘it’ needs some air.”

She slid her hand down, right under his trousers, and touched the tip of Narias’ shaft with her fingers.

“Aaaah…” Narias almost exploded.

He had never experienced anything so exhilarating. Yet it was only a mild touch with her fingers. What followed next almost blew his mind away.

“I can’t… hold…” Narias stretched his back, while biting his bottom lip after Layla stroked his cock up and down a few times.

“It’s ok, young Master. Don’t try to hold it in. Release it all,” Layla went up and down again.

“Mmhaaaa,” yet he tried to restrain himself.

But it was no use. All his dreams, all his fantasies, and his body’s sensitive reaction to a woman’s touch came together with the next Layla’s stroke. There was no way he could’ve hold it in any longer.

“Ahmm…” Layla felt a powerful pulse, like a hot geyzer, shoot out from Narias’s shaft.

“Aaaaa…” Narias burst out, squeezing Layla’s breast, he so didn’t want to let go off.

Maybe even too tight because Layla somewhat tightened up in response.

“Ooh… aaah… Oh, I’m sorry… uhm…” Narias let go, trying to catch his breath.

“It’s ok. You seemed to had been really pent-up down there,” she had a satisfied look on her face.

“Well, I mean… oh…” there was a lot of ‘hot stuff’ all over. “This is…”

Narias became embarrassed right away. He showered Layla with it as well.

“Don’t worry about it. Here,” Layla quickly presented a new set of pajamas for him.

She had another pajama dress for herself as well.

Wait. Does that mean she had planned it all along? Did she know I wanted to…” – Narias was as much surprised as he was embarrassed.

The surprise was soon changed to admiration. He couldn’t had been more blessed by having a better maid than Layla. Although, Narias didn’t think of her as a maid right now. She was someone far closer than any maid could be. They changed into the new pajamas and laid down again, to sleep this time.

“Happy birthday, Narias,” Layla gave him a goodnight kiss.

“Huh?” he stared at her. “Layla?”

That was the best birthday gift Narias could’ve asked for. Not that he would’ve been able to ask for it openly. Yet this time, he knew he wasn’t dreaming. Layla was laying sideways right next to him, with the same sweet smile like always.

Her black hair was partly covering her face, as well as her wonderful bosom, with one of her breasts almost openly visible due to Layla leaving the top of her pajamas unbuttoned. Her breasts were gently pressing on top of each other, with the top one’s nipple trying to squeeze out of the tight fabric, holding it in place.

Layla closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep. In the meantime, Narias remembered the feeling of touching her naked breasts. He never imagined it would feel so amazing. Soft and smooth skin would allow Narias’ fingers to easily slide and fondle them. The best part was when his hand would touch Layla’s nipple. It was the highest level of euphoria to feel the hard nipple after caressing the soft breast around it.

Half asleep, and half in trance from the wonderful experience a moment ago, Narias extended his hand to reach for Layla’s breast. As soon as he touched it, Layla opened her eyes, more because of a pleasant sensation rather than from a surprise.

“Oh, sorry,” Narias quickly retracted his hand.

“Hmm…” Layla smiled kindly, then took his hand and placed it on her bosom herself. “You really like them, don’t you?”

“Aaahm…” Narias was too embarrassed to answer.

“It’s ok. You can touch them,” Layla held his hand, gently pressing at her chest. “Goodnight… Narias.”

“Goodnight,” Narias gently fondled her breast, until her, still hard, nipple got trapped in between his fingers. “Layla.”

That night Narias slept like a baby. He hadn’t had such a great night’s sleep like… forever. The morning came fast and he woke up without knowing what time it was. The worst part of it? He was all alone in the bed.

Huh? Wait! Does that mean I simply dreamed about it all along? Nooo! – was his first thought.

Narias grabbed another pillow and pressed it hard on his face.

Oh, this smells so nice… Eh? Hold on… - he sniffed the pillow again.

It gave a pleasant scent of Layla’s hair. In addition, his head was also placed on a pillow, which meant this one wasn’t his.

“Layla?” Narias removed the pillow from his face and sat up straight in the bed.

“Good morning, young Master,” Layla was calmly sitting on the chair a few feet away from the bed.

“Layla! Oh wait, sorry,” Narias almost shouted but quickly composed himself, still wondering whether or not last night was a dream. “When… did you get here?”

“What do you mean, young Master?” she smiled her cutest smile. “I never left since I came here last night.”

“Huh?” his mind started to run wild. “You mean, it wasn’t a dream?”

“Which one do you mean?” Layla asked cheekily.

“The…” Narias wanted to tell her but became too embarrassed about it. “Well, the thing… you know… when we were in the bed together.”

“Hehe,” she chuckled quietly, covering her mouth with one hand. “You mean when you touched my breasts and I touched your manhood?”

“Aah…” Narias couldn’t believe his ears. “So, it was all real?”

“As real as the pillow you’re holding right now, young Master,” Layla added with a smile.

“Wha…” only then he realized he was still clinging to the pillow Layla laid her head on when she was sleeping. “Aaa… haha. This is… I was just.”

Just a second ago, Narias was trying to imagine he was still hugging Layla, with her soft bosom gently pressing onto him.

“I have to take care of these,” Layla was holding a handful of clothes. “You slightly overslept, young Master. You need to dress up and have some breakfast. You are leaving for Reina’s Magic Academy today, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes. The academy,” Narias suddenly realized. “Dress up, right. Wait, huh? You’re dressed up already?”

Layla was wearing her usual maid’s uniform again.

“Didn’t you say we are both adults now and we need to dress up by ourselves, young Master?” she had a sweet, yet slightly cheeky smile on her face. “Your parents are probably waiting for you to join them for breakfast. You better hurry.”

With those words, Layla quickly left the room.

“What? Wait…” Narias tried to stop her but she was already gone.

Nooo! She dressed up by herself. I wish I could’ve… - Narias dropped his head in disappointment. - I’m such a sleepyhead, - sob – Oh no, the academy!

Narias jumped out of the bed. He was rushing to change, but his mind was trying to remember every single detail of the wonderful experience with Layla last night.

I hope Layla will come over and wish me goodnight again. Hehe. – Narias grinned but then suddenly froze in one spot. Wait! I will be leaving for the academy today. I won’t be sleeping here anymore.

He stared at his bed without blinking.

NOOOOO! I don’t want to go! – he grabbed onto his head.




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