Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 6: Hit the deck a railgun

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While Rimuru was Busy back on earth Tokoyami was standing still as he watched a team of  monster cleaners dismantle the giant toad, monsters just don't disappear when they're killed but instead their bodies stick around and thus need to be removed from the area. Monster parts can be used for a variety of weapons but mainly they're used for magic equipment and clothing, various counties benefit from this.

Tokoyami stood watching the professionals do their work, he hasn't been given the damage report yet and he can only guess the lives lost, though the monster was dispatched within minutes the number of deaths could be higher than expected.

"Hello Tokoyami"

A voice called out near his ear, his heart nearly leaped out of him and his body reacted by jumping away from the voice before turning to look behind him.

"Bloody hell!! don't do that!!" 

He quipped as he looked at a tall man with black hair wearing a black suit with a white shirt and tie along with black shoes the man had closed eyes and a smile on his face.

"Hahahah!! You don't flinch I front of Yujiro Hanma but flinch with  slight scare? Pathetic"

The man commented as he laughed at Tokoyami's reaction which wasn't suited for an officer of the hunter association

"There's a difference between knowing you're opponent is coming and not knowing that your opponent is coming."

He defended himself and adjusted his glasses to fit in place, he didn't flinch in front of Yujiro because he was confident and knew he was still human regardless of how powerful he is, but when something suddenly appears in front of you without giving you time to analyze, that's scary.

"Anyway, what's up is? is there something you needed, Kyoichiro"

He asked the man now known to be Kyoichiro Yozakura, the number one intelligence gathering agent of the hunter association and also well known  sis-con

"Well, the director asked me to tail Yujiro Hanma though I mainly came here because my sister was having lunch as few blocks from here. I took some pictures want to see the, she's very cute" 

"No I've seen plenty, but any special reasons for  tailing Yujiro aside from the obvious?"

Tokoyami asked , he didn't find it hard to believe that the association would put a tail on Yujiro Hanma which makes sense because we can't have individuals capable of blowing mountains apart be allowed to walk-around without supervision.

"Well I wouldn't be a good spy if I told you that now would I  and besides it should much more obvious than the obvious reason"

The answer caused Tokoyami to go into deep thoughts, he couldn't really figure out what Kyoichiro meant but before he could come to any conclusion  he was interrupted.

"well, see ya, I actually came here to check for any casualties but it seems everything is handled" 

Kyoichiro said before vanishing into thin air leaving no trace and showing just how good a spy he really is. 


A few blocks away from the incident  a short  brown haired girl was floating down a three story building, levitating down toward the ground where a green haired teen was wearing a bunny mask was waiting for her to land.

"did you get it?"

He asked the girl just as she touched the ground, turning to face him, she took off her frog mask  before replying to his question.

"yeah, it was light work" 

"Don't take off your mask there might be cameras"

"Calm down Izuku, I disabled all nearby cameras with my powers"

She replied to his statement while also causing Sparks of electricity to appear in her hand, seeing this the boy's worries were eased causing him to let out a sight.

"Geez Misaka, it's bad enough that you're wearing school uniform, but whatever, looks like your Railgun works pretty well and your aim is pretty good"

"Yeah had to practice shooting darts to get it good, which was a pain and frustrating, how can something so easy be sort hard"

She expressed her frustrations regarding Dart throwing, professionals always make it look so easy  like there's Nothing to it but hitting a bulls eye intentionally was difficult and down right maddening.

"  though we need to find a way for you to use it without wasting coins and we'll have to test it in greater distances to see how effective it is or whether or not it loses it power based on the distance… blah blah.. blah…."

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Hearing the sudden rambling of the boy she thought she'll let him continue until he comes out of it so in the mean time she took out her phone and started play her frog game  [gekota] to pass the time, though it would he wiser to get a move on but she was certain nobody saw her so she leaned against wall. 

"Alright let's go back, it's Been an hour already"


The teens took to the roof tops of buildings, with Misaka utilizing her electromagnetism to  allow her to jump high distances while  Izuku uses his ability to boost his Overall strength and speed allowing him to jump high distances as well

"Remind me again why we had to test my Railgun in the opposite direction from the school dorms?"

She asked, not out of curiosity but out of annoyance, if we were to use the Café where the Toad appeared as center and their school dorm are located south of the Café, currently they would be north  and thus their return trip is a long one though with their abilities it shouldn't take long.

"You know the answer to that, stop asking, besides we're lucky that toad showed up when it did otherwise, I doubt we'd find a large enough target" 

Izuku answered her question, they were actually struggling find a good place to practice her aim but luckily The Toad showed up and offered itself up as a target plus bonus points for Misaka since it was a moving target.

"Yeah, yeah"

She conceded to his response  as he was correct,  as minors they can't be found using their abilities without expressed permission from an experienced supervisor and Since Misaka's Railgun is pretty flash it wouldn't be difficult to narrow it down to a few people with electric powers before she is found out but  by using her power far away from the school and dorms  and giving the excuse that she was at a nearby park or Café it should be easy to fool the teachers and besides there's probably more hunters out there with electric type powers so she should be safe from any punishment. 

It didn't  take long for them to reach their destination however they had to halt their advances and land on top of the roof of a building that was separated by a road  from their dorm area, the street was empty with no one around but there were a few people with in the dorms that looked at Yujiro Hanma from beyond the gate with curiosity.

"who is that"

Asked Misaka seeing the form of man with a muscle bound body and shoulder length red hair, wearing all black clothes was standing in the middle of the road while taking a look at the dorm buildings. Both of them could feel the menacing aura he was emitting caused the hairs at their back to stand.

Izuku narrowed his eyes scrutinizing the man before his went wide eyed.

"Holy cow, that's Yujiro Hanma!!"

He exclaimed in a mixture of both excitement and shock, However Misaka simply tilted her head in confusion, She didn't recognize the name.

"Huh? Who's that? Is he famous?"

Misaka asked for clarity but Before Izuku could respond, Yujiro disappeared from his spot and Izuku's danger sense flared up causing him to  quickly turn backwards and thrown a punch only to hit air.

Misaka turned to look at what He was punching at before her eyes met with the figure of Yujiro.

"The international institution for the magically gifted, I must say I'm not disappointed with its students, seems I made the right choice having Baki enrolled here"

Yujiro spoke almost ignoring the two kids in front of him, the International institution for the magically gifted or the Magic school or MG for Short is a school established by the UN in order to help children around the  world develop their power and be able to control them so that that they don't unintentionally harm individuals, it is also an institution made  to cultivate new hunters in every Nation  to combat the threat of monsters. The school has Branches all over the world though there's only one in each country infact there's still a few UN member Nation that do not have a magic school yet. This is largely due to how costly it is, currently only Countries with a large  number of  magically attuned people have  a magic school and most of these schools are located in Africa, Southern America and Asia.

The two teens stared at the man that was looking at them. But yet at the same time wasn't really talking to them, Izuku pulled back his fist, he had missed judged the distance and thought Yujiro was directly behind him but he was 2 meters  away from them.

"Can we help you"

Misaka was bold enough to ask the question as she stared at the man, electricity arced off her body keeping her guard up, she instinctively knew that the  man was dangerous, one of her hands were in her pocket.

"I was looking for a sushi place, mind telling if there's one nearby?

"There's  a place called Sushimon right below us if you jump down from this building and turn left  you should find it."

Izuku pointed behind Yujiro and gave him instructions to which Yujiro Yawned and jumped down as Izuku instructed and went to the sushi place Izuku mentioned.

"Who was that guy?"

Misaka asked after witnessing the relief on Izuku's face, she could tell the guy was trouble so she was on guard as well but Izuku seemed much more tense than her.

"I'll tell you later" 


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