Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 7: Night.

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After giving a name to the will of the world Rimuru could feel his void energy being slowly drained but it was hardly anything noticeable as he possessed vast amounts of it. However he also felt something else latch on to his soul as well, creating a soul bond but not to the same degree as Ciel.

The first thing to appear was the bones, the feet were created first going up creating the legs the waist, body and torso followed by the arms and head, then the nerves muscles  and skin began to form simultaneously  covering the skeleton  from head to toe followed by a lustrous  purple hair that flowed down from her head all the way down even beyond her feet. Her skin was fair and smooth  with an alluring glow that seemed to emanate off her.

Despite the realm being empty, a realm of nothing but light  the scenery changed, walls began to rise high up seemingly with no end before a canopy bed with clean white sheets and red curtains that were opened  and at the center of the bed The will of the world now known as Quinella stood.

She opened her amethyst eyes and checked her body, stretching her arms, a slender petite body with adequate c-cup breasts, her face was perfectly flawless with no blemishes. Once done with her body check she turned her attention to the man that stood in front of her.

"Though not my original name, I like it. You have my thanks"

She expressed her gratitude, her voice was quite melodic and pleasant to hear. Using her magicules she conjured a purple and white dress to wear before stepping off the bed and sitting on it instead. Rimuru was quite impressed by her beauty

"Given that you are the one who restored me from that pitiful existence I am now soul bonded with you, congratulations you are the first to soul bond with me Aside from Ouranos but his dead so…."

Her words trailed off distracted by sudden appearance of Ciel who manifested herself from within Rimuru, with a frown on her face.

"I sensed you are displeased that I intruded on your soul bond?"

"Yes, a second entity was not needed"

"I can turn male of you'd like-"


Rimuru interjected as he sensed things were turning to a weird direction, he would rather not have a guy attached to his soul, a femboy maybe but not a guy. his  interjection caused a smile to appear on Quinella's face and Simultaneously deepening the  frown on Ciel.

"Changing the subject, mind telling me what happened"

Considering that earth used to be a world with magic he was curious as to what happened that would cause it to be depleted to such an extent that renders the will of the world semi-sentient.

"a simple answer would be I got careless and  let all the Gods deplete the Magic on earth because of their constant battles"

"what do you mean?"

"Think of it like when someone uses up all their water while on a desert, that's what happened."

She simplified her answer and Rimuru understood what she meant,  judging by what he understands of what Gods are like they most likely couldn't coexist and waged war against each other for many years while blissfully ignorant that the planet was running out of magic to support them.

"I see so does that mean all gods are dead?"

"Well yes and no, the ones who have some relevance and are known by the vast majority will return or rather I'll make it happen like that"

She answered, as the will of the world it is well within her power to decide which Gods return and which stay dead, though it was careless of her to let so many Gods exist all at once but this time she'll manage the birth of Gods better, plus thanks to  the Void/chaos energy she got from Rimuru which is much more potent than simple divine mana and is compromised of every type of mana there is in existence, with it she should be able to separate and create different sources of mana for each God instead of all of them taking it from her.

"Mhm that's cool, So Ciel-

"Master please if you could leave us, I have something to discuss with her"

Before Rimuru could even say anything to rebuttal or ask a question he was forcefully teleported out the realm and back to his home and was never given a chance to refuse.

"You know I'm going to be very busy so there's no need to be threatened by me"

"I am not threatened by you, I simply wish to establish a pecking order and for you to know your place"

Ciel stated with a voice laced an authoritative tone, a clear indication that she will not it tolerate any argument, Quinella heaved a sigh, she was aware that she was in no position to say otherwise to Ciel and it would be rude of her to not respect the wishes of her benefactor but she gave a counter argument regardless, something about yielding didn't feel right.

"You know this is my first time meeting him, even if I did want him what wo-"

She could not finish her sentence due to Ciel having plunged her right hand straight into her and grasped something that resembled/ acted as her heart but wasn't.

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"Currently I have grasped your Soul core and could easily crush it but since your are connected to my master that would cause unnecessary pain, plus as the will of the world you ate needed as such I will Pardon you But understand this any threat to MY master will be eliminated regardless of who they are, understand?"

Ciel explained and Quinella Bobbed her head in understanding, she could not voice her words due to the immense pain she was feeling, her beautiful face had  contorted into one of shock and horror and knew regardless of how she feels Ciel could end her any moment.


She pulled her hand back from Quinella and letting blood spill over the new marble floor before Quinella dropped to the floor herself breathing heavily.

Looking at her and smiled, of course she would never really keep women away from her master but a power play was needed to showcase her status and besides Quinella wasn't the type of woman one takes lightly so it was best she curb any thoughts she might have had about controlling or manipulating her master.

"It's nice that we came to an understanding, hope we meet again soon"

With that she teleported herself out of the realm leaving Quinella to her thoughts.

She rose from her knees and stood up, her hand in her bosom grasping her chest, The hole had closed up  and now she was calm again, a smile crept on to her face  threatening to split her face.

"As long as I am a good girl I should be able to gain access to his unlimited power, very well Ciel I agree to your terms"

Was all she said before plopping herself on her bed and began thinking which Gods to bring back and which were unneeded, though she hopes they'll be cooperative this time around.


Rimuru had been teleported in the bedroom and was currently laying on the bed staring at the ceiling seemingly in deep thoughts.

For the past couple of years in this world he hasn't exactly lived this new life to the fullest, he enjoys killing monsters and saving people but that gets boring real quick, he realized when one is Overpowered like he is, it becomes difficult to find things that excite you in fact he realized if he looks for fulfillment in terms of physical ability he won't be able to find it so he has to look for Emotional fulfillment, something to be Emotionally invested in that will give him satisfaction just by doing it this is the reason he chose to be a teacher, perhaps teaching the next generation would help him in a way.

"I'll be starting  on Monday, teachers must have it rough"

He said as he began thinking that teachers had to deal with kids on a daily basis, especially high school teachers they must have it ten times worse.

While he was thinking Ciel appeared right above him and landed on top of his waist straddling him.

"so what did you talk about?"

He imagines Ciel must have felt threatened by Quinella so she must have wanted to either make sure she won't be A problem or to establish a hierarchy. Ciel has been clingy to him since day one so he guessed that she has some possessive tendencies, he doesn't really mind as long as they aren't Yandere levels of possessive and if he was being honest he kind of finds it hot that she's possessive of him.

"It wasn't any of importance just a talk"

He grasped her slender waist before letting out a hum acknowledging her reply, feeling his grasp Ciel leans in and  gave him a kiss he reciprocated it before his hand  moved up her back searching for the Zipper of her dress however midway through he decided to use his skill [Void God: Azathoth]  to remove the dress leaving only the pale blue bra and panties, he followed up by removing his own clothes and letting his piping hot pipe  caress her buttocks.

"I liked that dress"

Ciel halted the kissing, pulling her head back to look at him before speaking. Rimuru didn't respond so Ciel reiterated.

"You know I liked that dress"

"I'll make you another one"

They once again resumed their kiss but Ciel decided to shape shift into an elf, playing into her beloved master's fetish. Rimuru quickly flipped her over so that she was under and he was on top. He quickly removed her bra and panties and marveled at her body. Using his finger tracing it from her waist to her breast, the skin was smooth and very pleasant to the touch. Grasping her breasts with both hands he leaned in for another kiss while letting her feel his hot member he placed on her stomach.

It's not that he was afraid of relationships but rather afraid of the uncertainty they bring, you never know when your partner would just up and leave hurting you in the process. There's always the fact that relationships were dangerous back in his past life people got shot just because, intentional car accidents. though if he thinks about it those were things that happened in toxic relationships "trauma bonding" and all that. What he was most afraid of was marriage men got screwed over a lot in that department, those were the main reasons. He figured it was a stupid fear but he couldn't risk it because he knew he would fall victim to those things.

He struggled cutting ties with people and was far too caring for his own good, he was aware he would easily be a victim so he chose to live his life by himself, However things were different were now, nothing can hurt him as he is basically God as such he need not to worry about such things, with Ciel it's easier and he doesn't have to worry about the uncertainty because of their soul bond and she would never betray him in anyway so it was safe  perhaps it was cowardly to rely on a soul bond but he didn't care, certainty breeds security.

Grabbing his rock hard penis he aligned it with her  vaginally passage, he could see the liquid trickling on to the sheets , he lubed himself up with her love juices before thrusting his Solid member in and hitting deep in to her walls, Ciel curled her toes feeling the rush of pleasure making her moan out loud  and the two began their night of passion.


A/N: sup hope you liked the chapter, drop a comment and any suggestions 

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