Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 8: Job

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The two Days later in the morning, Rimuru woke up feeling the weight of Ciel's  body on top of him with her head resting on his chest,  rather than push her aside and get up to take a shower he instead remained on bed, he turned his head to look a the  clock it was  still quite early, he doesn't begin his first day of work not until 3 hours from now.

He let out a yawn before stretching his arms  and placed them beneath his head  and let his thoughts think back to what happened, he hadn't expected for them to go at if for 2 days straight, Ciel was determined to fulfill his every fetish starting with an elf and finished of with an Amazonian Tall girl.


He bit his lower lip as he cursed, it seemed that he was ready to go at it again but decided to stifle it for now  though he does wonder if it's possible for him to have children  considering how many times he let loose inside her, though he really doesn't think he's father material.

"Meh I'll see it when it happens"

He closed his eyes going back to sleep, it's important to note both him and Ciel do not require sleep but Rimuru likes simulating it, Ciel shuts down his consciousness simulating sleep, though she can't shut down her own as they can't both be unconscious, in a certain sense one might call them the same person with two different consciousness, if Ciel were to die Rimuru is her back up and vice versa so neither of them can truly die unless they're both killed which is impossible.

Ciel opened her eyes, she wasn't asleep but instead just her eyes were closed but she was awake.

"Master, I'll be going to see Quinella today"

"What for?"

"She needs help  creating a working system to manage the world, currently every thing is a mess so she need help organizing"

'oh yeah she's soul bonded so she probably contacted Ciel asking for her help'

Rimuru doesn't Know how to feel when it comes to Quinella, on the one hand he is reluctant to get close to her and would be fine if he never talked to her again but on the other she soul bonded with him so it would be weird to not at least talk to her then again just because she's soul bonded doesn't mean he should trust her Quinella  isn't Ciel after all she must have other motives unknown to him.

"Alright that's fine, are you guys friends or something"

She seemed displeased by the appearance of  Quinella the other day so he had thought she might not like her, or maybe she was just reacting like that due to him being entranced by Quinella's beauty or it could be something else she noticed that he didn't.

"In a sense yes but currently it's more like acquaintances"

"I see, anyway let's go shower"

Despite Rimuru's words to shower the two of them ended up taking a bath instead that is because they found it difficult to actually shower together at the same time so currently they are soaking in the tub with Ciel Laying her head on his chest.

"you said something about a second realm 2 days ago but we only visited the one with Quinella what about the other one?"

Ciel did mention something about two major realms back when they were at the Café.

"Yes but there's no urgency plus we have things to do today anyways"

She responded to his question while also making a splash sound with her legs it was an unnecessary action that she felt the need to do.

"well fine, doesn't really matter"


The international institution  for the magically gifted was quite the large school with various recreational facilities from training ground to dancing halls, the school had 3 student buildings 1 teachers building. The first students building was the Magical Research studies building, that catered for students who wanted to research magic and monsters, anything student curious enough to want to learn about magic and monsters was welcome, usually the students there have an affinity to become mages. The second building was combat Studies building  one that was made to cater for Students who wanted to be hunters in the future as such were taught how to fight, usually the students there have magical skills rather than an affinity for magic. The third building is the General studies, this building was for students who did not want to do research studies nor any Combat Studies but possessed magical skills or  had affinity to become a mage

*Bing Bong*

The bell rung signifying the beginning of  classes, students rushed to their classes  to make sure they arrived on time, one student  was currently  hurrying to get to class but at the same time they're trying not to run in the hall. Their quick steps  able to reach their class room, sliding the door open  he entered.

"sorry I'm late"

The boy with Green broccoli like hair entered the classroom and gaining the attention of every one inside, their eyes made him feel anxious, he would be much rather they didn't notice him at all or rather he shouldn't have stayed up all night trying to find ways on how to best utilize his power and ended up oversleeping. He spared a glance at his friend who seemed to have no gotten enough sleep again, it seemed Misaka was truly determine to sacrifice her sleep. His attention was taken from her as the teacher responded to his statement.

"No  its fine Midoriya we haven't started class yet so you can go ahead and take your seat"

The teacher informed, with a nod of his head he went directly to his seat, he was sure he was 5 minutes late so class should have started minutes ago.

"Alright now that everyone is here, I'd like to announce that today you'll be getting a new home room teacher"

A few murmurs could be heard  as the students who were curious started talking and asking about what type of teacher they're getting, a few of the girls were crossing their fingers hoping the new teacher was at least handsome, while a few boys were hoping he wasn't strict.

"what about our old Homeroom teacher?"

A girl with long blonde hair that reached down her back,  with light brown starry eyes, she had a bag over her the side of her shoulder, the girl asked out of curiosity about their old Homeroom teacher.

"Well apparently he is going to be focused more on his research so he's taking time off and mostly won't come back  any time soon"

A more than a few students were sighing, but not out of relief as their old teacher wasn't particularly bad he was just a boring type that was fit to be a substitute teacher.

"who's going to be our teacher this time, not a lot teachers like teaching general studies students"

The girl continued to ask as if trying to solve a mystery or something, her hand was on her chin in deep thought. However  her questions weren't answered by the teacher in front of them as a man entered the class room.

"Hello students My name is Mikami Satorou, I'll be your Homeroom teacher as well as your English teacher nice to meet you"

Mikami gave his greetings with a smile and a wave, the students followed up and bowed to him and spoke all at once.

"Nice to meet you Mikami-sensei"

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"well then I'll leave you to it Mikami sensei"

Spoke the other teacher in the class and proceeded to exit leaving Mikami with the students, standing at the front  Mikami felt a little nervous but he shoved that nervousness back down before clearing his throat.

"Alright, starting today I'll be your teacher, no need for introductions I'm sure I'll get to know you all eventually"

Is what he said, he didn't really need introductions he already had a list of names for all 12 students. The number of students per class was around 12, this is mostly due to the fact that magically gifted people are rare and most of the teachers are also just hunters taking their time off  in fact a few combat teachers are military personnel with a modicum of experience using their power. The school  is still a working progress but it should improve over time.

"Since I'm a new teacher you are free to ask any questions you want"

This was a good way to bond with your students, maintaining a teacher-student relationship is good because it establishes boundaries However  becoming more than just a teacher but rather a trustworthy adult is beneficial to the student because with that type of relationship they can now be free to be expressive and will be able to come to you when troubled though too much of this can be suspect so maintaining a balance is key.

The students began with asking their questions, Mikami answered the ones he can and didn't answer one he was uncomfortable with, he did note that more than a few students were trying to use the powers on him, the most notable one was from the blonde girl with starry eyes it seemed that she was trying to pry into his mind, he decided to let it slide and wait till later to ask her about it.


Quinella stood  in front of what looked to be a huge computer with a holographic interface , her hands moved quickly as she wrote out commands by typing on the keyboard, the holo-interface had a display picture of what looked to be a blonde man with white wings at his back, near the picture was a bar where countless ones and zeros  were being written, beneath the bar was a square space with runic symbols that were also being written continuously. Her eyes  were fully focused on the interface while moving her hands typing all over the place.

As Quinella was distracted there was a sudden flash of light  behind her, once the light  dimmed, Ciel was present.

"is this-"

However before she could speak thousands of spears protruded from the walls and ground immediately impaling her from every direction leaving no room for her to even move, this was then followed up by the spear lighting up in a purple glow before  exploding and reducing  Ciel into nothing but ashes or at least she should be ashes that is if she were a normal being.

"I suppose, that is warranted after our previous interaction" 

She spoke  as she waited for the smoke from the explosion to clear, being blown up was a new experience for her and to an extent was quite unexpected.

"Please, I'm not that petty, that is simply a new security system I've installed"

Was Quinella's answer, it was true that the attack was a security system she installed but it was a lie that she wasn't petty, after all as the last remaining primordial God it was humiliating to be made to submit even if submission meant achieving her goals.

"Then it's  a pathetic excuse of a security system"

The smoke cleared to reveal  Ciel who was unharmed even  the blue dress she wore seemed to suffer no damage even though it was impaled by spears  a moment ago. The sight of an unharmed Ciel caused Quinella to click her tongue an action Ciel chose to ignore.

"it is still a working progress, however next time it will surely end any intruder"

"so I am an intruder not a guest?

"you know what I  meant, don't be petty"

Quinella turned her attention back to the computer screen behind her ignoring any comments that Ciel might have and Ciel simply sighed before she walked closer unafraid of anything, though anymore attempt at her life will result in a replacement for the Will of the world.

"is this what you wanted help with?"

"To an extent yes, though your help will be needed on creating a working system to manage the world, currently I'm managing everything by myself, However the more magic becomes central to the world the burden on me will increase so creating a system will help"

"oh I see,  Then what's this for?"

Ciel curiously asked, the picture of what looked to be an angel intrigued her, she speculated that Quinella must be trying to create a  type of angel army, the reason must because after a while a few gods should be back , some will be more ambitious than others so she's preparing or at least that's what Ciel believes.

"This is for the protection of this realm incase someone enters uninvited, similar to what happened to you moments ago, plus it's an experiment to see if I can inject a normal human soul with divine energy and have it function without any problems"

Quinella answered while simultaneously confirming Ciel's suspicion and making Ciel  place her hand on her chin as she began to think more about what Quinella said.

"that's not impossible but the ratio of divine energy and normal magical power would need to be extremely precise, plus divine energy is a self cultivating energy which means it will eventually grow and take over the soul , creating a divine soul and only Gods have divine souls"

"Yes that's why I need your help I need a type of energy that will break down divine energy as a way to keep the balance"

Quinella explained, having angels that can become Gods is not ideal, however she does plan to implant loyalty to them in their mind as a preventive measure against any rebellious elements that might pop up in the future .

"oh I see because Void energy is comprised of every single type of energy there is, you need me to find a type of  energy the breaks down divine energy?"

Void energy was a very convenient type of energy which is comprised of every type of energy there is so it shouldn't be that difficult to separate it into the different type of energy that form its basis but the problem is that a there is no energy that breaks down  other energy or rather there's only energy that  corrupts other energies.


While Quinella could do This herself as she has her own reserves of void energy thanks to Rimuru, she felt it better to have Ciel help her as a way to build trust and friendship that way things will be easier in the future.

"Rather than that why not just have the soul burn divine energy faster to keep the balance"

"that could work… but now I have to rewrite the whole code and erase some text from the runes"

Quinella felt quite dumb for not having thought of Ciel's suggestions, perhaps maybe her mind hasn't fully returned to 100%  for her not to think of something so simple could only mean that her mind is still slightly impaired but that wasn't the case she just didn't think of that idea.

"Well I can help with that"

Ciel joined Quinella on the keyboard and began to rewrite the runes of the angel, Just from seeing the runes, Ciel already had a rough idea of what they were for, while she was doing that Quinella started to rewrite the code, the angel that Quinella is making will be the blue print of all other angels to come so they need to make it perfect with no mistake.

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