Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou — Fix

Chapter 10: Book 1 – Chapter 10

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Because of Mio insisting so strongly, Kazuki’s room was arrange to be the furthest room on the left. It was a location where there was an appropriate distance between the other girls’ rooms, and it was separated by empty rooms.


Late at night, after the welcome party ended, Kazuki opened the door to his own room.


“A new life, huh? Well, they don’t seem to be bad, it seems that it will work out.” He muttered, keeping his outlook hopeful.


When he lifted up the soft blanket on top of the bed -- which was similar to one found in a hotel…Leme appeared from within.


“Leme?! Why are you hiding in such a place? Your room is a different one, right?”


“Yes. But, because there are some words that I do not want the others to hear, I came over to your room.”


“Words? But, didn’t you lose your memories?”


“Yes. But, actually, despite the memory loss; Leme can still vaguely remember what she is, and what her mission is. Spirits all have a meaning to their existence, which is based off their myth -- it isn’t something that could simply be forgotten.”


“Then, in other words…You remember the reason why you chose to grant me this strange Enigma?” Kazuki felt excited, he was about to discover why he had power forced onto him.


“Yes. And Leme…Despite what I said when I first appeared, I am not actually completely powerless.” She said.


Then, making a proud expression, Leme continued, “Leme’s mission is -- to make you a harem king!!”


Kazuki’s eyes widened and he froze.



“I will only tell you, my Contractor, my true identity. Leme’s true name is ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’ Lemegeton! The one who rules over the 72 Pillars, ranked higher even than the 1st -- Lucifer.”


“But, the Lesser Key of Solomon should be a Grimoire, shouldn’t it?” Kazuki managed to recover enough to ask.


Lemegeton, the name appears in the myths related to King Solomon and the 72 Pillar Demons -- but isn’t listed among the names of any of the 72 Demons, or any of their Lieutenants.


King Solomon, who governed the 72 Pillar Demons and allowed them to interact on Earth, placed his summoning techniques and special spells inside the famous Grimoire name the Lesser Key of Solomon, or Lemegeton.


He was a human who lived somewhere between 1010 BCE and 930 BCE -- he was supposedly very wise and rich, leading Israel into a golden age. The Abrehamic God had granted him the power to control 1000 Demons to build and rule his kingdom. His most famous Grimoire was discovered in the 17th Century and sparked a lot of medieval interest -- and panic -- in Black Magic and Alchemy.


It was also considered one of the most famous Grimoires that had been collected by the Golden Dawn.


“Wrong! That is completely wrong!” Leme angrily shook her head. “It has been passed on incorrectly. The majority of people that seek for the method to summon Demons felt that it was easier to consider Leme as a Magic Book. This thought was too simple.”


“So, it is a convenient delusion from people in the past?” Kazuki asked.


“That’s right. King Solomon didn’t use a Magic Book to utilize powerful summoning techniques. It is because he had a contract with Lemegeton, who governs the 72 Pillars, to summon them!” She puffed her almost non-existent chest proudly. “Now, I will tell you Leme’s power…Leme’s Inherent Magic ‘Goetia’ is all of the ten Inherent Magic of each of the 72 Pillar Demons. A total of 720 kinds of Magic and they are all given to you!”


Kazuki felt shocked.


“--However, there is a condition. This power is only to be used by a ‘King’. Just like the 72 Pillars are Leme’s subordinates, their contractors must be your subordinates; otherwise, they will not allow the usage of their powers.”


Leme paused for a second, “Well, my use of the word subordinate isn’t quite the same as the one in modern times. You have to have them willing to obey you, to trust you from the depths of their hearts…the most efficient way is to make them fall in love with you!”


Make, them fall…in love with me?


“For example, if Amasaki Mio is willing to serve you, you can access her power, right? Well, if she was to honestly fall in love with you to the point that she is willing to give you all of her heart, then the path between the two of you will be more secure. Either of these situations will allow Leme to utilize Phenex’s Innate Magic.”


“It isn’t too weird,” Leme looked at Kazuki when he gave her a suspicious gaze. “Spirits are based off myths, and in the Myths -- King Solomon not only had incredibly devoted soldiers and followers; he was a Harem king, with around 1000 Wives and Concubines…so Leme’s power can function either way, even though she suggests that you be a Harem King!”


“...What to do? It seems like it does make sense.” Kazuki murmured.


“I am saying this to make sure that you know. If a King isn’t born in Japan soon, then the 72 Pillars will lose their motivation and give up supporting the country. The reason for the existence of the 72 Pillars is making a powerful King who rules a large territory, just like what they did for Solomon.”


“Wait a minute, isn’t this extremely important information for this country?!” Kazuki couldn’t contain the shock and worry in his voice.


The government still had no idea why the 72 Pillars were supporting the Japanese government. But, they still greatly desire the power of Magic, their military depended on the power of the 72 Pillars.


“A King’s power is to be able to gather fragmented things, Power of Convergence. If he doesn’t have Convergence, then in the future, humanity won’t be able to deal with the increasing waves of Monsters in the future…let alone the different ‘Ragnaroks’ or ‘Revelation’s, according to different mythologies. This is the mission of Leme and the 72 Pillars…along with the other recognized Spirits.”


For someone who said that she lost her memories…Leme still knew a lot.


“...So, in order to protect everyone, I need a harem?” Kazuki asked.


“There is no helping that you feel troubled, since you are suddenly being told that you have to make a harem, and be a king, but rest assured! Leme will grant you a Magic Item that will play an important role in this harem creation!”


As she spoke, she grabbed Kazuki’s hand and a brilliant white light shone on the middle finger of his left hand. As soon as the light faded, a ring made from some kind of copper-like material appeared.


“A massive harem isn’t absolutely needed…but Leme wants the king to have one! This ring will allow you to see how a girl feels for you, and if she likes or dislikes what you are doing. It lets you read the heart of any woman! Because Leme has lost most of her memory and her power, she can only give you this: Solomon’s Ring.” Leme said with a proud smile.


“A massive harem isn’t absolutely needed?” Kazuki had to ask, knowing that he couldn’t manage a Harem of all 72 Contractors of the 72 Pillars -- some of which were men.


“True. The contractor only needs to submit and trust you…but Leme wants her Contractor to have a harem!” Leme said, thrusting one hand into the air.


She cleared her throat, “Anyway, the Solomon’s Ring can measure the feelings of girls and convert them into readable values. It also shows you the people who have submitted to you, along with how much people trust you -- males or females. Along with viable targets.”


“...Those effects are completely different from the ones I know.”


In the legends, Solomon’s Ring allowed a person to understand the words of animals.


“The information has been rewritten in accordance with the modern style. Inject your Magic Power and test it out.”


Following Leme’s words, Kazuki injected Magic Power into the strange ring.


Suddenly, images appeared in front of his eyes.


“This information is measurement of the feelings of the people you need to make submit. If it is a girl that can be ‘conquered’ and become a member of your harem, she will have a pink number next to her name; if it is a man, the number will be red or green depending on the value and indicates trust and willingness to follow you.”


The image that appeared in front of Kazuki had 72 names, all but five were question marks -- which Leme said meant that he didn’t know the name of the Summoner.


Amasaki Mio: 55


Otonashi Kaguya: 48

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Hiakari Koyuki: 38


Hoshikaze Hikaru: 30


“This ring also shows the mental changes of the people as they change. It is a visual to allow you to know what a girl likes and dislikes, along with what helps build trust. If the target is a girl who is viable for your harem and her positivity level increases, you will see a red heart -- the larger the heart, the more she likes whatever you did or said; if it decreases -- whether a target of conquest or a male -- a black skull will appear. These graphics will be absorbed into the ring and you can watch the numbers change in real time. This way, no matter the person, you can make them a subordinate. And more importantly, no matter what kind of girl they are, you can make them attracted to you!”


Leme’s words shocked Kazuki…he began to worry that he would have a heart attack from all the stress that he was beginning to feel.


“There must be a mistake. Why is Amasaki ranked number 1? She acts like she knows me…” Kazuki muttered.


If Mio’s number was 55…Kazuki couldn’t help but worry that Kanae’s positivity levels would reach several thousand.


“Because there is no benchmark, I cannot understand it very well. Is it unable to measure Kanae’s positivity levels?”


“Although I do not know who you are talking about, this Ring only works on people who have formed a contract with a Spirit.” Leme said.


“I see…” Kazuki replied with a nod, still focusing on the information in front of him.


“Positivity of 30 is more than acquaintances, but less than friends. If the positivity -- or Loyalty -- is over than 65, you will either get the Key to their Hearts, or the Mark of Loyalty. As a result, you will be able to use Level 1 Summoning Magic of the Spirit that they are Contracted to. So, you must approach Amasaki Mio first!”


Currently, Kazuki was still powerless -- when it came to Summoning Magic --, though he could use his sword arts and normal Magic to defend himself. If it were to continue this way, his rank would drop lower and lower until he got expelled…the 72 Pillars might decide to leave Japan if the government erased his Enigma.


However, he felt uncomfortable about being forced to make a girl fall in love with him -- though Leme did say that normal loyalty and submission would allow him to use their power…she had written their names in pink, meaning that they were ‘targets for conquest’ and she wanted him to be a Harem King, like Solomon was.


“I think I will at first try to foster a friendship and loyalty with the Contractors of the 72 Pillars.” Kazuki said.


“Friendship between men and women, without one falling in love with the other is very difficult to achieve -- it is more likely that you will fall in love with her first!” Leme said with a giggle and slightly sadistic expression, “Forming a normal friendship with 72 people, an unknown number of which are attractive girls…it would be even more difficult than forming a harem. It seems like you have no experience with forming a friendship with women.”


“I am being looked down on by a young girl?” Kazuki glared at Leme.


“Don’t say ‘young girl’! Leme is only in this state because of her loss of strength and memories. As you gain power, I will also recover an appearance that matches my strength!”


“Either way, I will try friendship first.” Kazuki said.


The feeling of cheating to make girls fall in love with him made him uncomfortable.


“...Forget it, since Our King says so, then Leme won’t forcibly request it.” She said with a sigh.


“What do you mean by ‘Our King’?” Kazuki asked.


“Fufufu, from now on, you will become a Harem King. The King of the 72 Pillar Demons, or the Goetia.”


“I don’t intend to become Harem King.” Kazuki said.


Leme rolled her eyes, “Forget it, Leme currently doesn’t have most of her memories. She will temporarily sit back and watch developments. Leme can materialize into a physical body like this, but she can also dematerialize back into Animus Mundus to observe your mental state.”


When she finished her sentence, Leme’s body disappeared.


“Even though you didn’t steal a human’s body, yet you, as a Spirit, are able to properly materialize in this word -- that is incredible.” Kazuki said, speaking as though Leme were still in the room.


“There is a reason. First, Leme and your connection is much stronger than ordinary. Because we used a special Contract Ceremony and kissed during it…Oi, why are you blushing?”


“I didn’t blush!”


“Through the act of connecting through the symbol that resonates at a spiritual level, it greatly strengthens the contract. Thanks to that, Leme cannot form a contract with anyone other then you. In exchange, it greatly enhances the efficiency of my shared Magic Power. There is another point to it….but my memory loss is too great -- all I get is the feeling that Leme has a longing for humanity. So, compared to other Spirits, Leme differs.”


“A longing for humanity?”


“I, don’t really remember much about it. So, it doesn’t really matter to the current Leme.”


“Won’t you feel bad if I don’t form a harem and let you regain your memories?” Kazuki asked -- he suspected that Leme was pushing so hard for him to get a harem, instead of normal friendships, because of this.


Leme looked intently at Kazuki, “Leme doesn’t know. She will do as the King wishes -- if he doesn’t mind Leme without her old memories, she won’t complain.”


Kazuki had the feeling that Leme was trying to manipulate him with those words, but her expression was pure and innocent, there was no sense of guile.


“Anyway. Leme told everyone that she didn’t have any power because if any of the girls who contracted the 72 Pillars heard of Leme’s power…they would likely get defensive and make your mission much more difficult. In the future, it is also best to keep Leme’s ability secret from other people.”


To Kazuki, this was dishonest. He knew that if he and a girl fell in love, he would tell them about the power -- he couldn’t hide it either. It was likely that they would be mad about it, but if he was to get power from them, he believed that it was only fair that they knew.


However, Elizabeth wanted him to report to her no matter what happened.


“Well, let us stop here. Leme is going to sleep. Our King, it is almost time to sleep, right?”


“Eh? You have your own room now. There are also other empty rooms.” Kazuki said when Leme said her words while still firmly laying in the bed.


“I don’t want it. Leme will sleep together with Our King, who is her Contractor.” Leme said, rolling her eyes as she stared up at Kazuki. “This is also because while Leme’s body requires very little energy to maintain, it is originally constructed by your Magic Power. Staying by your side will make her existence more stable.”


Leme grabbed Kazuki’s hand and pulled him down onto the bed.


Hugging Kazuki closely, Leme seemed to treat Kazuki as a charger. Then, she used the nearby remote control -- which sat on the bedside table -- to turn off the lights inside the room.


Kazuki noticed that her brown skin was soft, and exuded an incredible smell.


She seemed to be around thirteen or so, which was only a year younger than Kazuki.


“Good night! Our Stoic King.” Leme murmured, her face buried in Kazuki’s side.


“...Who is stoic?” Kazuki replied automatically.


The phone that he had placed on the nightstand suddenly vibrated. He had received a message.


[Older brother, it is a night with a beautiful moon. Kanae is about to go to sleep while dressed in extremely sexy pajamas. (Please feel free to imagine it and become excited). It will be great if I can see my elder brother in my dreams. Older brother, please see Kanae in your dreams as well. Then, good night -- your loving Kanae.]


Kazuki replied with a simple reply: [Quickly brush your teeth and go to sleep.]

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