Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou — Fix

Chapter 11: Book 1 – Chapter 11

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The next morning, due to his usual habits, Kazuki woke up even before the sun rose.


However, because of his current circumstances -- there was no need for him to practice his sword arts. Of course, he wouldn’t allow himself to fall out of practice, but for now, learning Magic and getting power was a little more important for now.


Speaking of which, Kaguya had said that the first-year students were responsible for the household chores. If he was to work hard, starting from this morning, it might surprise his seniors.


When Kazuki changed his clothes in the dim room, Leme also abruptly got up from under the blankets.


“You immediately thought of earning positivity levels from the girls, didn’t you? Our King!”


“...when you say it like that, it feels a bit uncomfortable.”


If his seniors were happy, then he would be satisfied -- it was only that.



There were wrappings and leftover snacks -- from the party last night -- strewn all around the room.


Kazuki cleaned it all up, before beginning to prepare breakfast. After finishing this, he took advantage of his enjoyment of cooking, to make lunches as well; there was still plenty of time, and the fridge had plenty of ingredients.


Just as he was rhythmically cutting the ingredients, lost in his memories of the times that he had to make breakfast for his sister and father -- both of whom were too obsessed with the sword to do much else --, Kazuki suddenly heard footsteps making there way downstairs.


“Although I was thinking that if there was some need to clean up, I can do it…but it seems that someone did it first.” Came the voice of Koyuki.


She walked into the kitchen still wearing her casual -- underwear and oversized shirt -- clothing.


“Good morning, Koyuki. Please come and make breakfast with me.” Kazuki said, turning.


“...I can’t cook. Because I am an Elf who doesn’t know anything except Magic.”


“Even though you were living here in the past, did you never do any household chores?”


“Once. I attempted to cook. As a result, the 3rd Year senior’s mouth emitted blue light.” Koyuki’s expression was blank.


“Food that activates instinctive Defensive Magic?!” Kaziki was shocked, “Impressive.”


“I was thinking that I could do work such as cleaning, so I came--”


Her shoulders drooped and she left the kitchen.


The one who next appeared was Mio.


“Good morning, Mio.”


Mio ignored Kazuki’s greeting, until she was next to Kazuki and happened to look down at what he was cooking.


“It’s fried chicken. It’s fried chicken!” Mio said excitedly, her eyes sparkling.


“Yes. When I lived at the orphanage, it is the dish that I was the best at making -- I learned from the facility’s ‘chef’.” Kazuki muttered, feeling nostalgic.


Mio didn’t seem to hear his words, but a red heart floated out of her chest and was absorbed into the ring on Kazuki’s finger.


So, this was the power of the Magic Item that Leme had mentioned the night before?


But why now? Does she really like fried chicken that much?


“Hey, it will be boring if you just watch, come over here and let’s do it together.” Kazuki suggested.


“Why must I do household chores?” Mio asked.


“Because Kaguya said that first-year students have to do the household chores right?”


“Oh, yeah.” Mio replied aimlessly, still staring at Kazuki, as though absorbed in his appearance while cooking.



For breakfast, there was grilled fish, salad, and white rice with soy sauce.


“Delicious! It is really tasty, Kazuki!” Kaguya said enthusiastically.


“Amazing…Even though he is a boy, he is able to cook so well. Kazuki isn’t a crude boy -- if he is like that, perhaps I won’t feel afraid.” Hikari murmured around a mouthful of fish.


The two seniors were extremely happy to wake up to a well-cooked meal.


Red hearts emerged from the two girls and were absorbed into Kazuki’s ring.


“Fufufu, you have captured the stomach of these girls!”


Leme, who was sitting beside Kazuki, giggled quietly -- and spoke in a voice that was only audible to him, teasing him.



The Magic Division’s courses began from the second day.


There were multiple courses, along with the normal maths, science, and language classes -- three of them were Mythology, Tactical Theory, and Practical Magic.


Mythology, is just like the name suggests: a course that teaches various mythologies from around the world.

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In this class, a scholar from a nearby university was hired to teach the students.


“--The Israelite King Solomon was loved by the Abrahamic god. Because of this, he was granted the ability to summon 72 Demons, along with being granted the Magic Book called either the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton. Using these, he brought the kingdom of Israel into a golden age.”


“The 72 Pillar Demons were called Demons at the time, because the followers of the Abrahamic god believed that he was the only god, any other powerful being was a Demon or Jinn.”


“For example, Baal. In the ancient times, he was a Canaanite-Phoenician god of fertility and weather. His name meant ‘Lord’ and he was considered a high-ranking god, and was against the Israelite cult of Yahweh -- who was the Abrahamic god. They changed mythology, changing him from a high-ranking god, into the Demon known as Baal-Zebub, or Beelzebub.”


“While the Abrahamic god always taught that Demons were evil, if you read the true mythology, you realize that they are either foreign gods, or one of his angels who tried to give humans knowledge and release them from the Abrahamic god’s shackles.”



Tactical Theory taught common tactics that Knights would use. It was taught by senior knights, or knights who were injured in battle -- all of them were Summoners. Kazuki realized that there were no cold weapon instructors; but the Summoners weren’t as prejudiced because they had fought alongside melee-type knights, who had saved their lives numerous times.


“--The most basic tactic is a formation called: ‘heaven and earth’. This is formed with the Knights -- known as the earth -- to take the front lines and defend the Summoners -- the Heavens -- to successfully cast their Spells.


However, the frontline Knights are a valuable asset, able to defend us and distract enemies -- their weapons, when enchanted, can also defeat casters, if they can get enough hits in before their defensive magic fails.


We need their defense so that we can concentrate on casting our Spells -- without it, Summoners would struggle with Level 1 Spells.”



Practical Magic was the practice of combat Magic, which took place on the sports ground.


Having said that, of Kazuki’s class -- including Mio and Koyuki -- there were only a few people who had successfully formed a contract and could practice level 1 Spells.


The others were practicing for the Contracting Ritual -- which was held regularly after the end of the School day.


However, Kazuki is placed in a very delicate position. Although he had succeeded in his Contract…he doesn’t have any Summoning Magic that he could use.


Thus he could be placed in neither the ‘successful’ or ‘failure’ groups.


So, Kazuki was squatting in front of a bucket and muttering to himself as he used his Magic to stir the water inside without touching it.


This was the simple Magic training that Elizabeth had assigned to him, based on his ability.


Fluid Control -- one of the most basic Psychokinetic Magics. If you learned how to control Fluids, which included most gases, then both Fire and Water Magic were possible, and usable on the battlefield.


Some of his nearby classmates would open their eyes and glance over at him. When they did this, they would either grin, or mutter something -- but they seemed to use this as motivation to do better with their Contracting Ceremonies.


However, no matter how simple-seeming, or embarrassing, Kazuki knew that this training had been carefully selected to help him improve -- so he vowed to do his best.


“What are you doing? Is playing around with a bucket a speciality Magic of an E-Rank?”


Mio, who was wearing her Magic Armour, peeked over Kazuki’s shoulder, speaking to him.


“This is more difficult than it looks. If you reduce the strength of your Magic, the water will ripple and overflow, but if you put in too much Magic, the water will also splash from the bucket. It requires the use of Magic manipulation and concentration over a period of time.” Kazuki recited what Elizabeth had told him.


“This kind of thing is simple.” Mio said, tilting her head.


Maybe it was simple for her -- who was an A-Rank and trained with Magic ever since she was a child.


“But, what kind of help would this kind of training have for battle? Isn’t your Magic Power for fighting, not cooking? Isn’t it better to use your prided swords for stirring, instead of Magic?”


“What do you treat swords as? They would rust!”


“That’s what I should say, what are you treating Magic as? Forget it.” Mio rolled her eyes, obviously struggling to get her emotions under control, “You have your sword arts, so Summoning Magic shouldn’t matter to you. Then why are you staying at the Magic Division?”


Mio was the only one who would come up and talk during Kazuki’s training, the others would be too absorbed in their own.


She smiled widely, “I can already use Level 2 Magic. It happened within the blink of an eye!”


Already at Level 2? At this pace, she would reach Level 10 before she graduated.


“Hmm, when you are still stirring the bucket of water, I must use Phenex and show my talents. I will let you see the great hero of this country, who will defeat all of the Illegal Magic Users and Monsters! I’ll let you know what a true elite is~!”


“...You actually being this weak when compared to me -- it feels a bit complicated.” Mio muttered her last words quietly.




“Teacher! Yamanaka fell down!”


Hearing the students’ shouts, Elizabeth hurriedly rushed to the side of the fallen student.


“Emptied huh. She must have wanted to hurry and succeed with her Contract, so she was reckless. The rest of you should also be careful -- do not overuse your Magic!”


Emptied. If you were to forcibly use Magic when your Mana was extremely low your spirit will be pulled into Animus Mundus and you will pass out.


When using Magic without enough Mana, you will reflexively enter Animus Mundus to withdraw Mana -- Animus Mundus will extract a price.


Kazuki looked away from the unconscious student and turned back to the bucket. Although it was training that others looked down on -- a type of practice that children used -- Elizabeth, who had protected him during the staff meeting, had suggested it -- so Kazuki was willing to do it.


From today on, not only doing chores after waking -- and practicing his sword work --, he should also add in this Fluid Control practice as well.

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