Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou — Fix

Chapter 25: Book 1 – Chapter 25

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“Brother has abandoned me, even obtaining a new important place…I’ll, destroy it.”


A voice came from behind Kazuki.


When he turned around, he saw a girl with silver hair sitting in the audience stand -- it was Kaya.


“How cruel. Even though I tried very hard to endure a hard life, even though I wish I could go back in time…Why is brother bonding with people like this, and why does he have so much Magic Power?” Kaya spoke in a cold tone, the feeling of betrayal evident, “You abandoned the other children…and you abandoned me. Then you found somewhere else important. I will destroy it -- then brother will have to come back to me! Invite the Dragon!”


Kaya invoked Magic without an incantation.



Strange, high-pitched sound rang out as a giant rift tore through the blue sky. A black, muddled-seeming world was visible on the other side of the rift.


Two black drops fell from the rift.


They wriggled and squirmed in the air, becoming two Dragons -- who flapped gigantic wings that looked like they could obscure the sky.


“Niddhogg and Fafnir, destroy this Barrier! And then, kill every nuisance other than brother, and Mio!” Kaya shouted as light wrapped around her face.


The old, rag-like clothing that barely covered her body began to glow and change, becoming like that of Magic Armour. A horn grew from the left side of her forehead.


While Dragons would normally, instantly, attack the humans -- they didn’t pay any attention to the crowd, and attacked the barrier instead.


The barrier is thin because everyone assumed that there wouldn’t be any large-scale attacks; however, it only took a single ramming attack to form a crack.


The students in charge of the Barrier hurriedly attempted to repair it.


“This is not a play! Everyone in the audience, please evacuate immediately!” Elizabeth shouted loudly, using Magic to enhance her voice.


Hearing these words, the audience all realized that this attack is real and made their way towards the school’s gate.


A loud shattering noise rang out -- the barrier broke. With the destruction of the barrier, the students who had created it passed out because of being Emptied.



“Student Council, intercept them! Combine together the strengths of both departments!” Elizabeth shouted.


She ran towards the fountain and plunged both hands into the water-filled basin. Using powerful Psychokinetic Magic she increased the rate that the molecules vibrates, turning the water into steam. With graceful movements of her hands, she guided the mist to hover around the Dragon’s heads and obscure their vision.


With the sudden obstruction to their vision, the approaching -- nose-diving -- Dragons misjudged their flight path and smashed into the ground.


“I am not sure what’s going on, but for the likes of a Dragon…there’s no need for cooperation!” Kanae shouted.


“Well then, it can’t be helped; we will take on the green Dragon!” Hikaru shouted as she began to gather Magic Power.


“Wai, you idiots…” Elizabeth cursed towards the divided Student Councils.



“Kaya?! Why are you using illegal Magic?!” Kazuki shouted.


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“Brother! I’m happy that you called my name!” Kaya yelled, and then screamed, cradling her transformed head for a few seconds.


Raising her head, blood dripping from her nose, Kaya shouted, “Weapon Summons!”


With her words, a rift formed around her hand. The rift soon changed, transforming into a large Magic sword that looked like the blade was formed from a blue translucent glass.


She raised the sword over her head, “I have also obtained power, you know! The same power as brother and Mio!”


Kaya swung the large sword -- which was almost as big as her body -- towards Kazuki.



Kazuki couldn’t help but doubt his eyes as he used Perception Magic -- Kaya’s Mana swirled madly and her muscles barely shifted as she moved. This not only should have been impossible, but also obscured his Spell.


If he had to guess -- it was as though the sword had a will of its own…a sentient weapon.


Kazuki desperately evaded the attack by falling backwards; his movements like those of an amateur.


“Older brother!” Kanae immediately shouted, throwing one of her two shortswords to Kazuki, who easily caught it and drew it from the sheath.


Without a moments delay between them, the second and third attacks by the large blue sword came; but both of them were easily warded off by Kazuki’s shortsword.


He was pleased to note that while the sword was powerful, it also didn’t seem to be trained in combat.


“Look brother! This is because I wanted to become strong! The me that was heartlessly abandoned, became like brother and Mio!”


“So…that’s why you agreed to an illegal contract?” Kazuki muttered -- a feeling of grief shooting through him.


He had no idea that Kaya would see his adoption as abandonment, that she would be wounded so deeply by it.


Kaya’s movements lost their hesitation -- her body had been possessed by someone, or something, else.


“After you abandoned me, only this Spirit gave me any kind words!”


The sword, which at first was moving without any skill, had begun to demonstrate swordsmanship that caused Kazuki to feel fear.


“Kazuki! Why are you in a pinch when the opponent is also using a sword!” Mio snapped at Kazuki as she quickly chanted, “…Barrett!”


However, Kaya didn’t even look at Mio as her arm moved, bisecting the Barrett.


It was obviously not a human technique, or reaction speed.


“Is that a Sacred Treasure?!” Mio gasped.


Kaya had chantlessly used Magic that pulled the Monsters from somewhere -- and now she had a Sacred Treasure. Mio couldn’t help but wonder what kind of Spirit Kaya could possibly be contracted with.


“This is the power of the Trickster, which I have obtained! If you insist on coming here, Mio…I’ll kill you together with brother! …Invite Muspelheim!”


With Kaya as the center, countless rifts formed and engulfed Kazuki and Mio.

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