Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou — Fix

Chapter 36: Book 2 – Chapter 6

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After dinner, Kazuki knocked on Koyuki’s door.


“Please come in.”


Receiving permission, Kazuki opened the door with a slightly nervous feeling.


What met his eyes, were bookshelves.


“This room looks like a library, huh.” He couldn’t help but mutter.


He could smell the familiar scent of books -- there was no sign of the normal room of a girl. Almost all of the free space was filled with metallic bookshelves, filled with books; along with a bed and desk.


Between a gap in the bookshelves, Kazuki saw Koyuki sitting on her bed wearing her underwear and white shirt. An old rabbit stuffed toy was propped up beside the bed.


“That appearance as usual. I don’t know where to look though…” Kazuki said.


His eyes kept getting attracted to the gap between the hem of Koyuki’s shirt and her snow-white thighs. Glimpses of underwear and her legs kept appearing and disappearing. But, with quite a bit of effort, Kazuki managed to raise his gaze and stared at Koyuki’s face.


“I don’t want to change my lifestyle just for your convenience,” Koyuki said emotionlessly.


“--If that’s the case, I’ll watch you as much as I want then.” Kazuki said with a grin, trying to tease the girl -- he didn’t actually have the intention to do that.


Koyuki looked startled.


“Why…Why would you do that? There’s nothing worth seeing in the body of someone like me.”


“Haven’t I said it before, that you are beautiful?” He then winked and teasingly said, “I’m going to push you down soon, you know.”


“You don’t have that kind of courage, right? Even though you have Mio.”


Why did she mention Mio?


Koyuki closed her thighs while fidgeting. “What kind of business do you have?” She asked, glaring at Kazuki.


“Regarding today’s duel, did you know from the beginning that it would turn out like that?”


“Are you also saying that I was going easy in that fight?”


“Even if you weren’t going easy during that duel, but if two people with equal ability dueled each other, then -- as long as neither made a mistake -- it should naturally lead to a draw. If that happened, then Mio would keep her rank. Thinking that, is that why you challenged her to a duel?”


Koyuki glanced away from Kazuki, “I didn’t think anything like that. I just wanted to give Mio her requiem because your invitation was annoying, that’s all.”


“I panicked when you first requested the duel because I didn’t know what you were thinking, but -- certainly, a duel against you would have a higher chance of allowing Mio to keep her Rank than trying the Quest again. I only realized this after the duel.”


“I didn’t think anything like that. I just wanted to beat that girl, because it was annoying how much you and her flirted in the mansion, that’s all.” Koyuki said, her cheeks flushing slightly.


“Thank you, Koyuki. As I thought, you are cool, kind, and reliable.” Kazuki said with a smile.


“...Please listen when people talk. I’m getting angry, you know.”


“But on top of that, I have a request. We really need you to join our party.”


If she acted for Mio’s sake, then I want to fight together with her, becoming comrades.


“I don’t want to…I don’t want to have any illicit relationship in a battlefield. I hate a party like yours and Mio’s, where you too keep flirting.” Koyuki said, before continuing, “If I’m going to party with someone, then I expect to have a mercenary relationship.”


“I think I can understand that sentiment, but isn’t it lonely to fight like that, without any rapport with your comrades? In that kind of party, you can’t even encourage each other.”


“Wanting to have connected feelings in the middle of a battle is strange. If you have that kind of wish, then get someone other than me…”


“But I want to have you in my party, and to get along better with you.”


Kazuki turned her face away from Kazuki as he spoke, she seemed to be running from his gaze, “…I hate it, frankly saying things like that!”


Despite saying she disliked it when he spoke so frankly, a heart mark floated from Koyuki’s chest. Her positivity level reached 48.


Her words and true feelings were contradictory -- Kazuki was once again thankful for Solomon’s Ring…which was the only way he could ever hope to understand girls.


“Even though she was doing nothing but flirting with you, Mio was strong today. Where does that kind of willpower come from? I’m looking at her in a new light -- just a little.”


“Well, it’s precisely because of this that we become stronger when we are together.”


Koyuki didn’t give any reply to this and ignored Kazuki as she crawled under her blanket.


A few seconds later, she poked her head back out, “In any case, I refuse to join your party, please leave the room.”


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She reached out and grabbed her stuffed rabbit, before disappearing back into her blanket.



“If you become friendlier with various girls, then the problem with your lack of tactics will get resolved. Be more serious about the harem plan, my King.” Leme said while crawling under Kazuki’s blanket, to sleep by his side.


“I don’t want to get intimate with any girl, without caring who she is, just for the sake of increasing my strength.” Kazuki said as he lay back.


“But you wish to get along better with Koyuki, right?” Leme peered at with Kazuki with a grin, licking her lips.


“That is so.” Kazuki replied.


However, even though her positivity level had increased a little, Koyuki hadn’t opened her heart at all.



“Kazuki, do you have time?”


While Kazuki lay with his eyes shut, waiting for tiredness to come, Mio’s voice came from the other side of the door.


“Sure. But, what kind of business is it that you came for at this time of night?”


“...My king, don’t make a blunder that decreases positivity level.” Leme said, rolling her eyes at him, before vanishing.


Mio, who wore light crimson pajamas, timidly entered the dark room.


“Is it okay to…sleep together tonight?”


Without even waiting for a reply, Mio quickly crawled into his bed.


“Huh?” Kazuki let out a surprised voice.


“I’ll say this first, there is no weird meaning to this!…I’ll get angry if you do strange things, okay!!”


While saying that, Mio grabbed one of Kazuki’s arms into a different position -- to use it as a pillow.


The aroma of citrus drifted from the silky honey-coloured hair. While her body was covered by the pajamas, the cloth was thin -- he could feel her warmth and softness from where their bodies touched, sweet heat filled him.


“I don’t want to sleep alone tonight. It’s okay, right?” Mio asked with upturned eyes.


“It’s okay.” Kazuki replied quietly -- he was fighting his instincts that were screaming at him.


Mio squirmed around a little, “In the past, I used to nap together with Kazu…” Her voice was filled with nostalgia, “Back at the orphanage.”


Remembering this, Kazuki’s panic mysteriously calmed down. “That’s right. Somehow, there’s a nostalgic feeling. But…has something happened?”


“...Yes.” Mio’s eyes unfocused slightly, as though she was looking back into the past. “For a long time after I was taken into the Amasaki household, I’ve lived without relying on anyone…After all, I was an orphan, I couldn’t show weakness to my new family.”


Hearing those words, it was impossible for Kazuki to not feel sympathy.


“I was desperately training, struggling, for years. Because of this, I was recognized for my talent in Magic. An Enigma appeared on me and I skipped a grade, which was when I entered the Magic Division with an A-Rank.” Mio spoke quietly.


Kazuki was also the same. For a long time, he thought his only worth was his skill with a sword -- he had trouble believing that his adopted father and Kanae could love him as family.


This was a trauma that he and Mio shared.


“The truth is that today, I felt like I would keep holding you back forever -- when I was told that I would be dropped down to B-Rank.” Mio’s whisper was shaky, her voice becoming tearful.


“But, you proved your strength. Both of you were strong. Teacher Elizabeth was surprised too.” Kazuki said reassuringly.


“Yes, when I thought that I can still stay in the Witches’ Mansion, keeping my Rank, that I can stay with You…Suddenly, I wanted feel Kazu, just like in those old days.” Using Kazuki’s arm as a pillow, Mio nuzzled her face into his chest. “That’s why just like this is okay. If you do anything strange things now, I’ll get angry.”


“I won’t. For me, just being like this is okay too.” Kazuki responded, running his fingers through Mio’s silky hair.


She let out a giggle.


“...Hey, it’s okay to add someone else to the party if you think that it is essential. I won’t like it if it is someone strange, but I won’t be as selfish anymore…As I thought, until now, rather than prioritizing the battle -- I was worrying more about different things. But, in exchange, lend me your arms like this once in a while -- I feel like I will be together with you for a long time.”


<<Every day is no good, you know! If Leme’s place is going to be gone, then it’s not allowed!>> Leme’s telepathic voice sounded panicky.


After moving her body closer to Kazuki, her breathing slowed and she slept soundly. Mio’s defenseless, sleeping face was incredibly lovely -- cute.


Suddenly, the image of Koyuki sleeping alone while holding her stuffed toy crossed Kazuki’s mind.


Such a lonely image.

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