Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou — Fix

Chapter 7: Book 1 – Chapter 7

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After the self-introduction was complete, Elizabeth brought the students outside the school building.


Beside the main building, there was a sports ground, which was surrounded by plants.


This sports ground was the location where the Contracting Ritual was currently being carried out.




Currently, in Japan, only the Demons known to Solomon -- called the 72 Pillars, even though there were thousands, 72 ruled them all -- were willing to contract humans and be governed by the military. Other Spirits were very occasionally contracted, but they were unwilling to submit, and their contractors were considered ‘Illegal’ Magic Users.


Illegal Magic Users would be hunted by the Knights.


Contracting a Spirit that wouldn’t submit to the government was considered a crime -- many people considered this tyranny by the government, but they couldn’t do anything about it.


Martial Law ruled ever since the appearance of Monsters.


But this also caused problems for civilians, as untrained Summoners wouldn’t know how to control their power. This would cause the Spirit to accidentally devour their contractor’s mind and possess the husk -- known as Hosts.


There were, of course, malicious Spirits that did this deliberately, but they weren’t as common as accidental Hosts.


Creating a Host would cause the Spirit to go mad as well, giving in to their ‘base nature’ and attack humans -- craving minds, souls, and power…unable to control this desire.



15 years ago, when Magic had just reappeared, an incident occurred where humans who had become Hosts, destroyed the entirety of Tokyo…killing millions of people.


In front of Hosts, and normal Illegal Magic Users -- who had deliberately fallen to the malicious Spirits because of being naturally bad people, trauma, or other personal reasons --, normal Magic and un-enchanted weaponry was almost useless.


It was at that time that the 72 Pillar Demons had stepped in, forming contracts and lending a helping hand.


Through the efforts of the ‘First Knights’, who had formed contracts, the Hosts and Illegal Magic Users were suppressed.



The freshmen who had been chosen, given an Enigma, their hearts were filled with expectation and anticipation.


“Which Spirit will form a contract with me? Once I began considering this, I couldn’t help but become excited.”


On the road leading to the sports ground, Kazuki attempted to talk with Koyuki.


She was the first who didn’t treat him with prejudice because of his Sword Skills or his low rank.


“It does not matter to me. No matter which one it it, it is still the same.”


“Still the same? How can you think that?!” A voice suddenly interrupted them from behind -- it was Mio.


“Within the 72 Pillars…There are thousands of Demons, all of whom have different powers and strength! They also look different! Some look human, while others are ugly Monsters!”


“Appearances…that is the most useless thing in the world.” Koyuki said, her expression becoming blank as she quickly sped up and walked away.


“What a cold person,” Mio murmured with pursed lips. “Forget it. E-Rank classmate, you will likely get a weak Spirit, one that looks like a mushroom or something!”


Mio looked at Kazuki with a slightly spiteful gaze and made fun of him.


But, unlike her expression and words, her tone was weirdly soft.


“...I don’t think there are Spirits like that within the 72 Pillars.” Kazuki said with a sigh.


He paused for a second, considering his next words, “Hey, during the self-introduction, you were waving to me, right?”


Hearing Kazuki’s words, Mio’s eyes widened.


“Where have we met?” Kazuki asked, confused as he quickly ran through his memories.


“Idiot!” Her reply was bitter and Mio’s expression changed to pent up anger as she sped up and briskly walked away.


Why was she so mad? Kazuki couldn’t help but think as he scratched his head.


However, even when he thought back as far as elementary school, he had no impression of anyone with the last name of Amasaki. The orphanage where he had been raised, until the age of ten, there were only children that were smaller than him.


…So, it can’t be from there, right?


Kazuki felt troubled, he knew that if he asked her again, he would just pointlessly make her mad.



“Ahh, all the new freshmen, we meet again! I am Otonashi Kaguya.”


Kaguya was waiting on the sports ground.


She was wearing a robe similar to the one that she wore during the entrance ceremony.


“The contracting ritual will be performed under the assistance of the Student Council President.” Elizabeth began explaining as the last of the students arrived and lined up, “Listen up! Summoning Magic is divided into four steps: Connection to the Animus Mundus, Ordering, Targeting, and finally Activation -- or Casting. To do this, one must dive into their subconscious and speak with your Contracted Spirit. After learning, and casting the simplified Spell which demonstrates all four steps, for the first time, the contract is initiated -- it is then that you will officially become a Summoner.”


After hearing these words, the students became excited again.


“However, as well as a ritual, this can also be considered a trial. Although it is the initial hurdle…it isn’t simple to connect with the Animus Mundus for the first time. You will have to let your consciousness join with your subconscious with a light trance. Within the darkness of the Animus Mundus, you must locate the figure and voice of your Spirit -- which requires a lot of effort, and talent. Incidentally, only ten people of class 1 succeeded in their first try.” Elizabeth warned.


Kaguya let out a smile, to ease the student’s tension, “I will be responsible to guiding you into the Animus Mundus, as well as preventing any accidents. Although I can use Telepathic Magic to guide you, and to save you in the case of any problems, I cannot do more than that. However, there is no need to force yourself to succeed on your first try.”


“Now, number 1 -- Amasaki Mio, come up to the front!”


“Yes!” After replying nervously, Mio walked to the front of the queue.


“First, close your eyes and focus on the sound of my voice to enter the light trance.” Kaguya said, before beginning to speak quietly, with a strange cadence, she began to count backwards.


Mio nodded, before closing her eyes.


A faint blue light emerged from the surface of her skin.


“I shall now synchronize your conscious and subconscious with Telepathy. Feel the waves of energy from me and follow, allow your consciousness to move freely.” Kaguya spoke quietly as her body began to also emit blue light, which seemed to bridge and flow into Mio’s body.


The two of them stood with closed eyes, unmoving. The only sign that anything was happening, was that the blue light flickered, the intensity changing rapidly.


--After a few minute, the two of them opened there eyes.


Mio’s eyes were glazed, as though she was dreaming, still absentminded. However, she slowly opened her mouth and began to speak.


“I know thy name…Thy name is Phenex, knowledgeable of the sciences and a poet!”


“Oh? Did she succeed in a single attempt?” Elizabeth muttered in a surprised voice.


“The poetic bird that uses sweet words to play with the truth, listen to my wish and display thy power!”


As she finished chanting her spell, orange light -- shaped like flames -- appeared from behind her. Within the light, hidden by the illumination, her uniform shifted and changed.


The new Mana flowed through the alchemical silk, reconstructing it.


This was the outfit that only Summoners could obtain, enhanced by their contracted Spirit -- the Magic Armour.


Mio’s Magic Armour looked like a skin-tight golden-red underclothing, with silvery metal covering her hands up to the elbow, and legs from the feet up to her mid-thighs. A mesh covered the joints.


Covering her chest and back was a thick breastplate, which was also coloured golden-red.


The silhouette of a large Fire Bird emerged from behind her, making it seem as though Mio had flaming wings.


Mio’s glazed expression changed and she blinked several times as she returned to reality.


“...I now understand! The Spells are appearing inside my mind! I can use Level 1 Summoning Magic!” She excitedly exclaimed.


After an instant, just as it looked like Elizabeth was going to say something, Mio cut off her connection to Animus Mundus.


Phenex’s form disappeared, turning into particles of light before vanishing -- Mio’s Magic Armour turned back into her school uniform.


“Although you may not feel it, you are actually very tired. There is no need to rush it. Since you have learned the Spell, you have a ‘hotline’ to Animus Mundus. You will be able to easily connect with your Contracted Spirit. Congratulations for your successful contract!” Kaguya said with a smile, before applauding.


Following the example of the older girl, all the other classmates began to clap.


Hearing the sounds of applause, Mio happily looked around. When her eyes met with Kazuki’s, she couldn’t help but reveal an overwhelmingly happy expression and stretched out her hand in a gesture of victory.


Kazuki, who was clapping, didn’t know how to respond.


Mio suddenly looked unhappy as she returned to the back of the queue and sat down.



“Number 14, Kenshi Kazuki, come to the front!”


--it was finally Kazuki’s turn.


None of the students following Mio had succeeded.


“We meet again, brother of Kanae~!” Kaguya said with a delighted laugh, “I am extremely sorry for this morning. You saw some embarrassing acts from the Magic Division.”


Kaguya seemed to think that it was her fault, and her shoulders slumped in sorrow.


“I don’t think anything worse of the Magic Division. And I agree that the Magic and Knight Divisions should work together.” Kazuki responded to her.


“It really makes me pleased that you can say this. Although I have appealed to the school leaders, and Kanae, for the two divisions to work together, they didn’t listen to my words…in the end, this caused my support to decrease. The lack of trust in me as the Student Council President is already a major crisis…but, I believe that while the two divisions are separated, neither can draw out their true power!” Kaguya made a passionate speech, her fists clenched.


“I believe that your thinking is correct.”


“You agree with my views? Will you help me, who is alone?!”


“Well, because I was a Knight before, if there is anything I can do to help, I will.” Kazuki said.


Kaguya’s eyes became moist as she tightly grasped Kazuki’s hands, “Thank you! Although Kanae’s dillydallying type is very cute, but a straight-forward type like you is also very cute!”

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“...Hey, you two, quickly begin!” Elizabeth shouted, disrupting the two.


“Well then, Kazuki, you need to follow the ceremony where your consciousness and mine intimately synchronize with each other.”


While Kaguya seemed fine with this, Kazuki felt a little nervous.


Closing his eyes, Kazuki followed Kaguya’s instructions, closing his eyes and accepting the Magic.



Spread out before him, in his mind’s eye, was a vast and almost overwhelming darkness; it gave off the feeling that he would lose himself if he dove too deeply into it.


However, slight ripples began spreading out -- ripples triggered by Kaguya’s consciousness.


“Follow me.” Kaguya’s voice rang out.


Guided by these ripples and the sense of Kaguya, Kazuki followed the older girl into the darkness. To his senses, it was as though he was diving into the sea -- the pitch-black colour somehow became deeper and darker.


It was a world where the light of consciousness normally never reached.


But, when using Perception-Enhancing Magic, Kazuki could ‘feel’ the outline of distant memories that he thought lose, along with past feelings.


Just like the ocean, there was a pressure that increased as they dived.


Kazuki could feel his ego becoming blurred, as though he was drifting apart; he instinctively knew that if he stayed here for too long, there was the chance that he would lose consciousness.


Finally, after crossing an invisible line -- everything changed.


Kaguya’s consciousness stopped. They had passed through the ‘Inner Door’ and arrived inside Animus Mundus.


Within the darkness, which constantly made him fight against the urge to just sleep and lose consciousness, Kazuki searched for the presence of the Spirit that had chosen him.


“...Oh? It feels like the atmosphere is strange.” Kaguya’s voice rang out.


“Kenshi Kazuki.”


A different voice echoed -- it was a female voice.


Is this the voice of a Spirit?


The darkness in front of him increased in viscosity, condensing.


“Do you have the resolve to be burdened with the power to change the world?”


While Kazuki couldn’t identify the source…he didn’t have the power to perceive the being in front of him, he knew this instinctively.


However, the voice was clear -- which meant that they should be able to make a Contract.


To tell the truth, I have no idea how I would use such a power. However, because I am the person chosen to wield it, I should respond to the Spirit. I may only be a normal human, but I will give my all.


“I--have the resolve!” Kazuki’s mental voice trembled as he spoke.


After he spoke, a brilliant light flashed in front of him.



His consciousness slowly returned to the sports ground.


The inside of his mind was muddled and he felt confused.


Was the Contract over?


He hadn’t received the knowledge of any Spells.


The appearance of the Spirit was unclear, even until he was ejected from Animus Mundus.


At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in front of Kazuki. He felt his Magic being sucked out of him, entering the strange light -- something from another world…was currently materializing.


The next moment, the light flashed and everybody was forced to close their eyes.



“A girl?!” Kaguya couldn’t help but cry out.


The strange light had turned into a girl.


A naked girl with brown skin -- who looked to be in her early teens -- was floating in front of Kazuki.


This was a ‘Manifestation’.


The girl wasn’t an illusion, but was a true body, with mass.


She stared at Kazuki, “Through a kiss, form a contract with Leme.”


With a slow movement, she grabbed Kazuki’s head with both hands, pulling it in front of her. She then kissed him, her soft lips pressing against his for a few seconds.


An intense heat moved from his mouth towards his left hand.


W,What is this?! Kazuki’s head spun as the thought echoed in his head.


“With this, the contract is complete.” She smiled and the heat stopped, slowly dropping to the ground.


The contract -- was completed.


But who was this person? How could a Manifestation be so casually cast…a high-ranked Spell utilized by a beginner who didn’t even know level 1 Magic.



Looking at the strange developments, the students began to stir.


“Eh? … Eh?” Leme suddenly looked down at her own body with an incredulous expression, “Wah?! What is this!? Why is Leme naked!?”


She curled up to try and cover up, while crying out, “Clothes--! Clothes?!”


Acting slightly panicked, Kaguya took off her robe and handed it to the strange girl.


The girl expressed her thanks and nervously put the clothing on.


Kazuki looked at Kaguya, shocked. After she had removed her robe, it displayed that she was wearing a highly revealing outfit. Although her entire body was covered by a black bodysuit, like Mio had been -- it was split at the front and back, and along her thighs. There was armour on her arms and legs, as well as her shoulders…but the rest of her protection was the famous ‘Bikini Armour’. The contrast with her white skin, and surprisingly large chest was extremely stimulating.


“If you stare like this, I will become very embarrassed…”


“S,sorry. My gaze naturally just…Is that Asmodeus’s Magic Armour?”


There was a slight purple light glimmering over the black bodysuit, indicating that her Magic Power was flowing.


“In order to immediately deal with any unexpected issues during the Contract Ritual, I couldn’t help but wear my Magic Armour! But, Asmodeus’s Magic Armour has an irritating design. Even though I was thinking of using a robe to hide it!”


Magic Armour was related to the Demon, or Spirit, that the user was Contracted to. Asmodeus was the Demon King of Lust, so her armour exhibited and caused lust.


Kazuki looked at his own clothing -- he didn’t get a Magic armour.


“Teacher, what on earth just happened!?” Kaguya asked, turning her head towards Elizabeth.


A Spirit that obtained a physical body -- usually through a Host -- could use the power of their own myths without any restrictions. An unknown Spirit materializing in front of them, was potentially an extremely dangerous situation.


Originally, a Spirit wouldn’t be able to materialize without consuming more Mana than someone like Kazuki could supply.


“...You aren’t one of the 72 Pillars are you? Who are you?” Elizabeth asked, her tone was completely different: careful, almost respectful.


“I am Leme. But, aside from that…I don’t know. Oh? I can’t remember?”


“A Spirit with memory loss?” Elizabeth narrowed her eyes for a second, before calming her expression, “Then, the next question is, what kind of power do you hold? A Spirit should normally hold around ten ‘levels’ -- or types -- of inherent Magic.”


Spirits had 10 different types of Magic, all of which followed the ‘theme’ of the Spirit. These were known as the 10 levels of Summoning Magic.


“About that, the Contract was indeed completed. But, Inherent Magic? I can’t think of anything like that…what power are you speaking of? There doesn’t seem to be any such thing inside Leme’s body?”


“A…A powerless Spirit?! How is that possible?!” Elizabeth lost her composure.


Leme ignored her, yawning deeply, “Although I don’t understand, I am sleepy. Leme is going to sleep. Good night.”


With those words, Leme just lay down, and a few seconds later, soft snoring sound came from her slightly parted lips.


“What on earth is with this fellow? This is unbelievable.” Elizabeth murmured with wide eyes.


“About that, Teacher -- could it be that a Spirit other than the 72 Pillars was willing to form a Contract with someone in the government-recognized academy?” Kaguya asked, her expression showing a deep worry.


“We will discuss this matter at the staff meeting. Either way, let’s send this strange fellow to the infirmary.”


Looking at the girl who was being sent to the infirmary, Kazuki couldn’t help but speak to himself.


“It was you who changed my life? Please, explain why you chose to give me the Enigma?! You are a little too irresponsible, aren’t you?!”


Of course, the sleeping girl didn’t stir, and no one responded to him -- though Kaguya looked at him with worry in her eyes.



“I know thy name…thy name is Vepar -- the mermaid who sings with icy cold thoughts, causing tears of sadness to be inspired all over the world.”


Releasing a light-blue radiance, the illusion of a mermaid appeared above Koyuki, who was chanting the Spell. At the same time, her Magic Armour appeared, similar to Mio’s, except with a white bodysuit and armour.


“With this, three people in this class succeeded. The number of people who succeeded…” Elizabeth looked slightly disappointed.


However, Kazuki wasn’t sure that he should be counted as one of the successful ones.

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