Married A Fox, Wat Do?

Chapter 3: 3

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"So you're saying that you can get my parents and siblings on the one-way trip tickets to Kyoto first-class. Is that correct?" My face staring at the screen television screen watching an animated cartoon.


"How much is it again?" I asked.

"This much." Yasaka showed me the receipt. One look was enough to discourage anybody from ever looking at it again. And with how I grew up in a one-bedroom apartment with 5 people, It's enough to make me flinch at my fiance's financial life choices.

"Excuse me for a moment." Grabbing one of her fluffy tails on my face and screamed at the top of my lungs for the next few minutes.

Yasaka giggled as the two of us laid on the bed with a laptop on her lap cuddling next to me. It was a chilly morning. She had her Yokai features out so that I could cover myself like a blanket. On the screen showed how much it would be to get his parents and siblings to Kyoto. Do note that each seat was around $2,900 - $5,000.

Per person.

Now multiply that by 4, and you'll be getting a whopping $11,000- $20,000 flight. Originally, I wanted to use an economical class for my family, but she was against it. I begged her not to waste a lot of money on this. But that all changed when she brought out her phone and showed me one of her bank accounts.

"Here, check this." She said as she handed me her phone.

On the screen was a bank account that was showing an astounding amount of money.

"What's this?" I asked.

"One of my accounts."

"... What?" Looking back to see the numerous zeros and numbers.

"This is one of my accounts. It's a side account I've been saving up from time to time. Forgot I even had it for a moment. Don't worry, it's not my main one."

"..." Without a word, I hugged her tightly.

"Eh? Alphy?"

This explained so much. Like that one time when he argued with her in the groceries regarding her choice of expensive items.

"Yasaka, I fucking love you! Can't believe I'm marrying a Sugar Momma!" I thought as I gave her a tight hug.

"Hahaha! Stop it. That's ticklish Alphy." Giggled Yasaka as she felt ticklish from my hugs.

Just staring at the receipt that was going to bring his family to see his daughter and fiance, was enough to bring me into a good mood for the rest of the day.

I couldn't believe it even after looking at the numbers. My wife was a fucking multi-billionaire. Makes me question how she fell in love with a normie like me. Then again, it must be because of my charming personality.



"Hey, mama. Papa. Cintia and Zully. It's been a while!" A family of 5 was hugging each other in the Japanese airport. Japan was a place where they rarely ever show much kinship outside private. So when people saw a family hugging it out, they couldn't help but take notice of it. The majority couldn't help but notice that it was a ridiculous display of family bonding but then again, we were all foreigners.

Speaking of family, I already told Yasaka that I was born in a family of 5. She thought she could handle that many people easily, her excuse being politics.

Sadly, she wasn't ready to meet genuine Latino mothers.

"Oh, Dios Mio! Look at her. She's so beautiful! Her face, her body. It's perfect!" Yasaka was definitely not ready as my mother went up to Yasaka and gave her a tight hug.

"Come here, come, come." I couldn't help but laugh at her as she gave me a confused facial expression as she was being hugged and touched by a woman smaller than her.

"H-Hello Ms. Torres. Thank you for coming- Please. Hey, hey, hey!" Originally, she tried to communicate in Spanish, but went back to Japanese after she felt her ass being touched. Looking back at me with a helpless look, only for me to return a shrug.

"Mama. I think it would be best if you stopped. Japanese people are not the touchy and feely type of people like the ones back home." I said, trying to help Yasaka from her turmoil.

"Oh, sorry, mijo. I'm just so surprised you could knock up a beautiful woman like her. That's like. Not possible even with how your father is,"

"Hey!" My dad looked at her with a bit of anger.

"And with how shy you are with the ladies back home. I mean, I even gave you Viagra and some money that one time you went on a date years ago with that pretty girl you had a crush on in high school. Ah, such a shame you had to chicken out from bedding her. When are you going to give me a grandchild that I can spoil?!"

My embarrassed look of shame was enough to cause Yasaka to giggle. Finding joy that she wasn't the only one getting the same treatment.

"Stop it! Don't worry about that. Didn't I tell you about our daughter over the phone?"

""Que?"" Father, the mother, and the siblings all stopped thinking once they heard me mention my daughter.

"Holy shit. Bro, you finally got hitched!?" My younger sister, Cintia, cried out in shock.

"Oh, fuck off!" Alphonse cried in distress.

I knew that introducing my family to my fiancé was going to be an embarrassing event. Especially when we were taking my family in a limousine to my house. They were in awe of the sights that were in Kyoto.

"Bro, did you win the lottery or something because I'm pretty sure you don't own that shit?" My sister, Cintia, said that with a hint of awe. She was a short gal with black hair. But don't let that fool you because she can insult a man enough to make him cry.

"No, it's hers." Pointing at Yasaka who sat beside me with her head on my shoulders.

Zully, the youngest of my two sisters, whispered to my ear, "Alphonse, don't tell me you're marrying a rich girl, are you?"

Whispering back, "Yeah, but it's her money. So whatever you're thinking. No. Don't worry though, I got you gifts."

It took a while to get to the house, but meanwhile; we talked about how I met with Yasaka and our daughter. My mother was gushing at the picture that we took of her.

Once we were at the house, we placed their luggage down and before I was about to head inside before my dad asked to stay behind in order to talk. My mother went inside with Yasaka and my sisters.

It's been a while since we've talked. The way one could describe him was that he was a very stubborn man, and it can be very hard to explain things to him. Even then, I still love him.

"Alphonse, how are you?" He asked.

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"Good… How about you?" I scratched the back of my head. I could tell that this might become a very awkward conversation. We don't really talk much to one another.

"Good, proud of you, though. She's a delightful girl. Good-looking too. You're finally getting married in 2 or 3 weeks?"

"In 2 weeks, dad."

"Hmm. I see, well. I have something for you. Here." He showed me a small box. Opening it, I could see an exquisite diamond ring.

"Wait, isn't this grandma's ring?" Surprised at the notion as he handed me the ring.

"Yes, she asked me to give it to you when you are going to marry."

"Oh… Thank you." I hugged him. He didn't at first but, finally, hugged me back.

We ended the hug and asked him another question.

"Why me? I thought my sisters would have gotten a ring?" I asked.

My father shrugged as he walked inside first. "Bit of family tradition as it was your grandpa who gave your grandmother the ring. Says its the responsibility of a man to ask their woman to marry or something. Also, how rich is your fiance?"

"That's a bit of a private matter dad. Let's just say that she's rich. Didn't even know about it till now."

"Hmm, good. Should be enough to get your daughter to a good school. Nice one, my boy. Guess you fucked her so good that she wanted more."

I honestly didn't know how to react to that.

Yasaka POV

Alphonse was pretty cute as a child. Seeing his baby pictures made me realize how much of a cutie he was during his younger years. I couldn't help but think what it would be like if I met him during his teenage years. Maybe make a man out of him and convert him to whatever I wanted him to be.

"What a cute butt." I thought to myself as I eyed his back side from a photo of him during his teenage years, wearing a speedo during a time in the pool.

Meeting his parents was an interesting event. When I found out that they were in California, I bought them tickets for his parents to fly here as fast as possible. Somehow, Alphonse was against it originally. Ignoring his opinions, I bought it that very same day as I made him call his parents to bring them over. Even thought he was against it due to the price, when he thought I wasn't looking. I saw him dancing with Kunou with a happy expression on his face. Must have been the account I showed him.

"Thinking back, I think I should have known he was poor."

There were the times when I tried to buy him things. Still remembering his guilty look when I first bought him a suit for one of our dates. And then was the time when he was having second thoughts on the new phone I gave him I knew he always wanted. The only reason I bought it was due to his annoying stare through the glass window in one store in the mall just sighing in discontent. Got to my nerves that time when he stopped my shopping spree and went to the shop only to return empty handed.

"Seriously, how the hell did I miss that?" Still reminiscing the dates we went to.

"Hm, I know you seem like a nice girl, but I'll tell you this straight up. You break his heart. He takes the child, and I whoop your ass, girl. I might be old, but that doesn't mean I can't take care of you." A small chill run down my spine as my mother-in-law stared back at me with a blank expression.

"Y-yes. I understand ma'am." Answering her calmly.

But my thoughts told the truth, "How can a human make me feel this way? Is Alphonse sure that they aren't part of the supernatural because this feeling was like my older cousins who found out that I flirted with their husbands that one time a few centuries ago!?"

"See I'm a mother of three children and a wife to a good man. I know when I see someone I love, happy or sad. So tell me this, can you make Alphonse happy?" She asked, leaning in forwards to look into my eyes.

Reminding me more of the politics that I experience did help alleviate the situation as I told her my response.

"Yes. I can. I will make both my Alphonse and Kunou happy." I gave her my most determined face I could muster. She was looking straight into my eyes as if she was trying to discern some lie.

"... Alright. You passed. Welcome to the family." The mother of the Torres family hugged me tightly.

Also, she whispered something in my ear, "If you need help, call. Furthermore, I'm not sure if you noticed, but Alphonse really enjoys being pampered. You should keep on going with whatever you're doing."

Finished and finally letting me go.

"Now, let me meet with my granddaughter." Smiled the Alphonse's mother as she went ahead and walked upstairs to Kunou's room.

"How are they going to react with Kunou?" I know I can hide all those features, but only illusions. She's still not old enough to react to magic normally, and there's the possibility that she might be affected to magic. Sure you can have babies around mana, magic, and senjutsu but anything internal might cause unknown effects. Supernatural babies are natural wildcards.

I placed tiny amounts of transformation and illusion magic on Kunou every day. Yet, with each passing day, I can see how the surrounding magic is fluctuating. Either strengthening the surrounding magic or dispelling it.

So when my mother-in-law reached Kunou, I couldn't help but sigh in relief as the magic was finally working properly as it should be with Kunou only appearing as a regular offspring.

Suddenly, I felt it and all the surrounding weak magic dispelled, and now I couldn't help but curse the fact that they had to find out about the supernatural like this too soon.

""OH MY GOD!"" Screamed my mother in law as she almost dropped Kunou. With such a thing happening, I couldn't help but rush forward in a blur of motions to save my daughter from a head fall.

Alphonse and his father came rushing in a second later as my mother in law screamed to the top of her lungs

""What happened?!""

When my love saw what was happening, he also couldn't help but say what I was thinking, "Ah fuck."

"Mijo! What the hell is this?!" Cried out the woman.

"Sorry ma, I guess it should be the right time to tell you this, but surprise?" He nervously laughed.

"I'm sorry, mother-in-law. I guess I should come in clean. My name is Yasaka Fukunaga, and I am a Yokai." I dispelled all my transformations to show my true appearance due to the fact that the cat was out of the bag.

"Originally, we wanted to ease you into this but I guess something happened?" I nodded as my lover hugged me by my side with his hands on my wide hips.

The next thing to come out from his sister's mouth was enough to cause me mixed feelings.

"So you actually hitched a furry then."

"Should I be offended?"

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