
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The Voice

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Still in darkness, I was no longer alone though. A figure slowly became more noticeable as I spent more time in the void. Although its features were undistinguishable, I could clearly see something.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours, its glare pierced my very soul. I don't know why, but this is the rare occasion where I felt genuine fear just from being in this thing's presence. I wanted to run and hide, but obviously I couldn't do that. It finally spoke after some time, Its voice complex and indescribable. Its words filled me with dread.

"You're weak."

I couldn't respond. My mouth remained shut.

"Your mere presence offends me, leave my sights."

He vanished, leaving me alone in the Void. I slowly regained my senses, first taste. I tasted a liquid on my tongue. It had a salty metallic taste. Next was feeling. I felt my face on a rough surface, my face pulsed in agony with every heartbeat. Hearing followed, I heard mumbling and chattering assisted by a ringing in my ears. Then finally sight, I was staring at the ground. Red liquid painted on its surface. I sat up and rubbed my nose, it was mine.

I heard the taps of feet getting closer to me, "Haru!" It called out.

Before I could turn my head to see who it was, It grabbed me from behind, squeezing tight around my chest. The lavender fragrance gave it away

"Haru," she said. "Are you alright? I was so worried about you."

She let go, and to no surprise it was Tsuki. Her face as beautiful as I remember.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. "Where's Kyu and the others?"

Tsuki fell silent. "Um,"

My heart began to beat faster. Not much faster though. "What's the matter?"

As if on cue, Kyu arrived. His body still emitting the light indicating that his Spirit was active. He looked around frantically with purple eyes. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

"Dammit!" He shouted, crashing his fist into the pavement. A hole was left where his fist was.

"What happened?" My heart beats faster.

"They took him." Kyu replied.


"Took who?" I looked around for everyone. Me, Tsuki, Kyu, Heian, Genki and...


My heart rate spiked suddenly. I could hear it beating in my ears. My vision pulsed with every heartbeat. My thoughts consumed by confusion, disbelief, and anger. Who did this? What did they want with Tatsumi? I'll kill them. I'll kill them all.

[Yes... let those thoughts hold you close. Embrace them, let them drive your body]

"Who said that?"

"Haru... are you okay?" Tsuki asked.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm fine." I answered unsurely. "I just let my emotions get the best of me."

Kyu walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder, his Spirit still active.

"We'll find who took him and get him back." He assured. His smile almost made me believe him.

He looked into my eyes. The smile faltered, for that brief moment I saw confusion in his eyes; uncertainty then acceptance. I've got good at reading facial expression and eyes.

"Let's head back to camp," Kyu said, quickly taking his eyes away from mine. "We'll decide our next moves from there."

"Camp?" Tsuki repeated.

"Yeah," I answered, walking towards Kyu. "It's a place for people like us."

Tsuki stopped and looked down.

"Um," she said. "I don't think I want to go..."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, Haru," Kyu called out to me from Genki and Heian. "If she doesn't want to, we can't force her."

"What!?" I blurted out, walking toward him. "You didn't give me that option."

Kyu chuckled but didn't reply.

"Well," I said, turning back to where Tsuki was. She was gone like she was never there. "bye...?"

"Don't worry about her. We got her on our radar already." Kyu assured me. "You'll see her sooner or later."


Kyu huddled us together; Genki and Heian were still unconscious, completely unaware of our circumstances.

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"Ready?" Kyu asked. I nodded.

We were swiftly transported into a room that resembled a hospital. This definitely wasn't the camp or any place I was familiar with. It would've been empty if a dark-skinned boy wasn't lying on one of the beds tapping on his phone. He seemed startled at our arrival.

"Oh-" He fell off of the bed and quickly got up on his feet. "What can I- oh, just you."

"Nice to see you too Baru..." Kyu picked up Heian first and placed him on one of the beds then Genki. "Rebels..."

Baru made his way to them and activated his spirit; bright yellow was his color.

"This one has a severe concussion and is unconscious as a result." He gestured at Heian and looked at Kyu and me.

"Don't look at us. We just retrieved them..." Kyu lied.

Baru sighed and held his hand over Heian's body, this looks familiar... "He'll be done in 30 minutes tops."

"Good," Kyu said, headed towards the door. "When they wake up, make sure they don't leave. They might not be tranquil yet."

"Okay." Baru eyes met mine. He had the same expression Kyu did, confusion. I looked away and followed Kyu.

He pushed the door open, and we walked out. "Is he like a nurse or something?" I asked.

Kyu laughed, "He doesn't like when we call him that."


"Oh, I don't care. I call him that anyway."

Kyu smiled but I couldn't. With Tatsumi missing and all that was going on right now, smiling felt like an insult.

I thought deeply while I followed Kyu. It still feels like a dream. Spirits and supernatural entities are real and now I'm constantly surrounded by them. How can I go back to living my regular life? And Tatsumi... he's really gone. I grew angry just thinking about it. Kyu led me back to the tent which Zero was previously in.

He entered without warning and so did I. Zero was still inside, but so was kyukei. They sat at the table in silence.

It's him. I felt my body tremble from anger. He's the one who got Tatsumi kidnapped and risked our lives for some stupid mission. I clenched my fist. This... monster. I slammed my fist into the table without thinking.

"Haru-" Kyu started.

"You bastard!" I shouted at Zero. He gave no attention. "You got Tatsumi kidnapped! Thanks to your stupid fucking mission my best friend is gone!"

"Haru, relax-" Kyu tried to seat me down, I refused.

"Don't tell me to relax," I retaliated. "Thanks to him my friend could be dead right now."

"I assure you," Zero started. Still showing no emotion. "We have this under control."

"And how am I supposed to believe that?!" I asked. "You stayed in this tent while Tatsumi and I risked our lives for a fucking mission."

"I had close eyes on you." Zero responded.

"Then how can you let this happen?" I asked.

"You're not focusing on the bigger picture."

"Wait," Kyukei finally said. "You didn't use Tatsumi as bait... did you?"

The room was struck with silence before Zero finally replied.

"Sacrifice is necessary for progression..."


"What the hell, Zero?" Kyukei blurted, practically jumping from his seat. Kyu remained silent "I stayed silent for too long. You're a fucking psycho. How could you send people out to die without remorse?"

I was stunned. We were bait to him? He wanted us to get kidnapped?

"We have Tatsumi's location and the base of the abductors." Zero assured. "I have this under control."

Kyukei gritted his teeth and stormed out of the tent. Before completely leaving, he turned and spoke, "You'll get what you deserve, Zero." then left completely.

"Show him to his tent and meet me back here, Kyu. Tent G3."

I was still too stunned to say anything. Bait? How villainous does one have to be to use other humans as bait.

"Yes sir." Kyu replied and slowly dragged me by the arm outside of the tent.

[How villainous, indeed. Doesn't that just make you so angry? You want to make him pay for his acts, right? You want him to suffer the way Tatsumi did while fighting for him, don't you? Embrace those feelings and all your desires can be yours.]

"And show him to Renga first thing in the morning." Zero called out to us. "He's almost ready..."

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