
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Abduction

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The fight was over. Tsuki and I were the only ones that looked alive on the street, leaving it eerily silent. I made my way over to Heian to check his pulse and breathing. Steady.

"He's alive," I said to myself.

"You tried to kill him?" Tsuki overheard me. She kneeled over Heian's body.

"Not necessarily..." I replied.

"Hmm.... Should we get him to a hospital?"

I thought for a bit, now that we found another gifted, should I take her to the camp too? I doubt she would be so willing, even I didn't want to go at first. She's not me though...

"You alright?" She asked, snapping me from my daze.

"Uh, yeah." I shook my head. "I'm fine. We don't need a hospital, he'll be okay..."

"Okay..." She said with an unsure yet cheerful tone.

I picked up Heian, his body heavy and limp. I started walking to Tatsumi and Genki, if I got him to the orb then we could all just get transported to the camp.

"Where ya goin' " Tsuki asked. "You gonna carry him all the way to where you need to go?"

I sighed, "If it comes to that." I heard a giggle behind me then footsteps aside from mine attempting to copy my pace.

We finally made it to Tatsumi and Genki, they were battered and bruised but their chest still moved with every inhale and exhale. I laid Heian beside Tatsumi.

"Whatcha doin'?" Tsuki asked.

"You sure have a lot of questions." I said, not meaning to sound annoyed.

"Sorry..." She said dejectedly. "I didn't mean to annoy you."

"No," I assured. I dragged Genki closer to Tatsumi so that they're touching. "I didn't mean it like that. It's cute."

She quickly turned away, trying to hide her red cheeks but I already seen it.

I searched Tatsumi for the orb Kyu gave him, I found it in his pocket swiftly. I felt my soul leave when I looked at it. It had a long crack through it, the ominous glow it had before was gone. It was broken. I smashed it on the ground for safe measure and my hypothesis was correct. We were still on the South Side.

I felt a deep sigh leave my body, I frustratedly sat down on the hard street. I had no idea where the camp was nor how to get there. My house was miles away from here, an hour-long walk at minimum.

Tsuki sat next to me. "Was that a Recall Orb?"

I couldn't help but smile, even in time of panic she manages to ask questions.

"I think so," I answered. "How do you know about that?"

"I did a lot of supernatural studying when my spirit arrived. Recall Orbs were one of the newest things I discovered. When a gifted fills a glass sphere with part of its spirit's soul, destroying the orb will return the person and its occupants to the point in time where the spirit was imprisoned. It's like saving your place in time and returning to it later."

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"That's absolutely right." A familiar cocky voice called out.

It was Kyu, he found us.

"I wondered what took you guys so long." He took a long stare at Tsuki. "And who's this beautiful lady?"

"I'm Tsuki, nice to meet you." She held her hand out to Kyu, expecting a handshake.

He grabbed her hand and gave it a light kiss. She blushed. "I'm Kyu, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"She's a gifted too." I added.

"Even better." He finally looked away from her and gestured at Genki and Heian. "Good Job on stopping those two. They don't look how I expected them to, but let's get out of here. I wanna go home."

Kyu got close and huddled us together, making sure to keep a finger on Genki and Heian ensuring they travel with us.

"Brace Yourse-"


I loud cracking sound seemed to come out of nowhere

"Huh?" Kyu said.

"What the-" I heard myself say.

"Is this normal?" Tsuki asked warmly.

The noise was coming from in front of us. A line snaked through the air, like it was floating, making a cracking noise as it moved.

"Stand back." Kyu pushed us behind him and activated his Spirit. Purple light illuminated his eyes and came from his body.

The crack reached the ground and opened up, revealing a large rift which three people emerged from.

"Who are yo- UGH."

One of the people quickly silenced Kyu, punching him hard in the gut. He dropped to his knees.

Tsuki activated her ability next to me I heard her say something but before she could finish, she appeared to be tied by an invisible rope. She fell.

"What's hap-" The only words I managed to say before my vision went black. I felt my face get hot, and warm liquid leaked from my noise. I felt myself hit the ground face first.

I still had my hearing, I heard muffled radio static then someone say, "[Classified Agent 92] Angel is captured, we're returning to base. Over."

I lost my hearing. Everything was a black silent void.

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