
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Return

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Kyu led us in silence, mostly on his phone. He would occasionally laugh at something he'd seen. Other times I would catch him texting someone, he didn't smile when texting like he usually did; which was strange. Was he texting someone he didn't like? I had many questions and little answers.

Tatsumi refused to engage in a deep conversation. He responded with one or two words, so I gave up trying. We walked in uncomfortable silence.

Moments later, we appeared to have arrived at our location. Kyu finally looked up from his phone at a modest, 2-story home.

He spread his arms out, seemingly basking in the dimming sunlight. Infront of the steps leading into the house, he announced..

"Here we are..."

I didn't notice that we wandered into a random neighborhood. My mind was too distracted. The community's sidewalks were clean, homes well-maintained, yet strangely quiet.

"Where are we exactly?" Tatsumi asked.

Kyu ignore his question, "let's just get inside. It's getting chilly out here."

"I guess we're walking Into a random house... cool.."

Kyu stood inches from the door and gave 3 heavy knocks onto it's surface. Almost instantly the door swung widely open. A small boy, slightly shorter than me, was inside. His hair messy, clothing oversized, and face exhausted; clearly wasn't expecting us. His eyes showed annoyance with our apparent and abrupt arrival.

"What do you want, Kyu?" The boy questioned in a surprisingly deep tone for his figure. "And who the fuck are they?"

"Watch your mouth, Kei" His name apparently... "and they're one of us."

Kyu pushed passed him and made his way into the house. Tatsumi and I followed without a word. Kei stared us down with infuriated eyes, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he had to look up to make eye contact at us.

We followed Kyu into a huge bedroom at the back of the house. It was simplistically furnished and decorated.

Kei, being the last one to enter, closed the room door with unnecessary force and stood there with his arms crossed.

"How are you, Kei?" Kyu's sarcastically grinned; obviously pissing him off.

"Stop messing around. Get to the point

." Kei replied in frustration.

"You're such a buzzkill..."

"Well excuse me for not wanting strangers in my room."

Reading the room, Tatsumi intervened. "My name is Tatsumi. Sorry, for the inconvenience, me and my friend didn't know where he was taking us." Tatsumi gestured at me.

Kei acknowledged his presence then turned towards me.

"And I'm Haru, thank you for opening your home to us."

He rolled his eyes with a sigh, "yeah, whatever."

He made his way to the other side of the room where a desktop and a office chair were. He sat on the chair and started spinning back and forth. "They're one of us you say?"

"I'm pretty sure," Kyu answered. He began to pace around the spacious room. "They were attacked by A Possessed."

Kei eyes slightly widened and his spinning ceased. His expression grew serious. "A Possessed...? They don't usually attack humans..."

I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach...

"Yeah, that's the thing." Kyu rebuttled. "The only conclusion i came up with was them being one of us."

Kei thought for a moment, then returned back to spinning back and forth. "Thats a logical conclusion, but why bring them here? Why didn't you take them to the place."

"Because they're clueless, that'll just lead to disorder and choas. Plus, I didn't even know if my theory was correct."

"You can't sense them?"

"No, not even in the slighest."

I had no idea what the fuck they were talking about. It was like listening to a toddler, every word that came out of their mouths left me more confused than before.

"Can you guys slow down for a second," I spoke without realizing. "I have no idea what you're talking about. What is a Possessed, and what place, and what do you mean one of us?"

They stopped their conversation and stared at me. Kei sighed and his eyes began to glow with a lime color. I felt nervous, but it was only brief before the hue fled.

"You're right, I can't feel a thing." Kei said as he spun around in the office chair.

"Then why would they get attacked, I just don't get it" Kyu responded.

The room was struck with silence. Then Kei eyes met Tatsumi's.

"Did you check him..?"

Kyu turned, as a smile spread across his face.

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"Oh, yeah... Him. He was unconcious when I met him so i didn't think to check him."

Both Kyu's and Kei's eyes illuminated their respective colors, then a look of relief sprouted across their faces.

"It checks out..." Kyu said with a sigh. "They were attracted to him.."

"W-what do you mean." Tatsumi stumbled across his words like... they revealed a secret.

"Don't play dumb," Kei said. "You know you hear it."

"Hear what?"

"That voice. The one in your head."


I sat in silence, listening to where this conversation was headed. Partially too confused to say anything and too curious to interject.

"So... I'm not crazy?" Tatsumi asked, shocked beyond belief. "I tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away.."

"What has it been saying?" Kyu asked.

"It tried to let me 'use it' saying it could-"

"Grant you powers." Kyu and Kei interrupted simultaneously.

"Yeah... How'd you know.."

"Because," Kei said. "Thats what they all want. They want to be used by someone. Is it talking now?"

"No..." Tatsumi replied, dejectedly. "It stopped talking after the encounter.

"Thats odd... It's presence is still in you. Maybe it's nervous."


Defeaning silence, before Tatsumi finally spoke.

" 'Do you want my power?' "


"Thats what it said." Tatsumi clarified.

"Say yes." Kei replied, hastily.

"What? No." Kyu objected. "What if he can't handle it. He'll become A Possessed "

"You never know, I wasn't ready when I got mine."

"Yeah , but you're different, this is life or deat-"

"Yes." Tatsumi said. "Lend me your power."

The room grew dark and the air felt dense. My body couldn't move, and by the looks of it, neither could anyone elses.

An orange, steam-like substance, flown from Tatsumi's body. The color transitioned into black the farther it went, I was mesmerized.

"Good boy."

A soft yet eerie voice echoed the room. The cold tone and sinister demeanor left a hole in my chest. I could feel my heart sink into my stomach.

"Let's have some fun... shall we?"

A laugh faded into the back of my brain as I lost my vision. For what felt like hours, I was trapped in darkness, seemingly aimlessly, until the darkness faded back into the normal room.

Everyone was back, I quickly looked for Tatsumi. He looked normal, nothing like the thing in the alleyway. So he survived it, he wasn't Possessed.

Something else also caught my attention. A figure lie emotionless on the ground.

It slowly rose, it's clothing old and tattered. It looked similar to attire worn in the medieval periods. A loose cloth covered the chest and crotch of the thing. Long dark hair hung over its face. It stood briefly before a twitch and a sigh was heard. It moved the hair from its face and a heard myself gasp. I don't know why i didn't recognize it sooner, it's slick figure and tender-looking skin should've gave it away.

The thing's face was soft and clear. Nose slim and lips tender. It's eye's a white-less void, feelings of dread engulfed me if I stared into them for too long. She was a women. A surprisingly gorgeous woman.

"god..." She spoke, her voice soft and angelic. The same characteristics as the voice we heard before. It was her...

She took a deep breath and smiled.

"It feels good to be back here..."

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