
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Pocket Dimensions

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The woman stood in the center of the room. Kei, Kyu, Tatsumi, and I had the same expression. A confused yet amazed expression. She however, was grinning eerily, although she was beautiful, she had a evil vibe about her. I felt pain; a tragic, traumatic type of pain. Actually, My whole emotions were thrown off course, it was like I was feeling every emotion at the same time.

She looked around the room, at each of us until she got a good look. She eventually spoke again, it was obvious, we weren't going to say anything.

"So which one of you is my host?" She looked at me, slowly stepping towards me. I tried to step back but I felt paralyzed, she was now eventually face to face with me, practically kissing. She looked deeply into my eyes and I into hers. She gently brushed my cheek and chin with her cold hand.

"Oh my..." She said with a smile. "Is it you?"

I tried to say something, but I couldn't. I shook my head and turned toward Tatsumi; She did too and sighed.

"Unfortunate... there's something unique about you."

She then walked over to Tatsumi, "What's your name?" She asked.


"Tatsumi.. If you're strong enough to obtain my power then there's something special about you. You should be grateful that I was drawn to you."

"Who are you?" Tatsumi asked.

She looked surprised , then surprised shifted into annoyance.

"You don't recognize me?" She asked.

"Angel..." Kei said. "Popular assassin during the the early days of Earth. Occasionally mistaken for a myth, you were notorious for your silent and brutal ways of assassination. With a body count over 1,000, you eventually were betrayed by your first love which led to your untimely demise..."

She turned toward Kei, her dark emotionless eyes seemed to tear up. I felt heavy feelings of pain now. She dropped her head and wiped her eyes.

"You're almost right..." She spoke in a low tone. "I've killed over 5,000 people. 1,000 is just how many were found."  Her eyes were drawn towards mine, I quickly looked away.

"I'm surprised you were given a second chance, considering how late it took for your reincarnation." Kei said.


"What year is it?" She questioned.

"We're in the 21st century."

She frowned and looked at the ground. "So they're gone?"


Painful silence filled the room.

"So now what?" Tatsumi asked. "Did I get my power?"

She looked at Tatsumi with a sinister grin, "I gifted you my power. I'm sure you'll find a use for it."

She turned to the rest of us, her face contorted and disfigured into a less humanoid form. Her eyes seemed to radiate the essence of death itself. Her smile grew more horrific, revealing the true side of Angel.

"Pay attention," She spoke aloud. "You won't get another warning." Her deep tone echoed the room. A chill went down my spine at her next words. "The End is beginning..."

She giggled, this broke into hysterical laughter. Her feet disappeared into particles whilst laughing, her body followed until she was eventually gone from sight; her laugh faded but it remained engrained inside my brain.

"The End...?" I said. "What's The End?"

Kei and Kyu turned away, blatant nervousness painted on their pale faces. Before we could question, they changed the topic.

"Let's go to the camp..." Kei suggested. "They can help him control his power before its too late."

"Alright..." Kyu agreed. "Come closer..."

We got close to Kyu, he wrapped his arm around us and said "Hold tight."

Reality shifted; the room distorted into incomprehensible shapes. I felt disoriented and nauseous, it quickly seized as reality restored. We were now in the center of several tents, a campfire and log benches. A literal campsite.

"I hate doing that," Kei said. "Kyu, go talk to Zero, I'll take them to Renga."

"Okay." Kyu parted from the group without another word.

"Come with me." Kei said.

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"Hold on," Tatsumi tugged Kei's arm. "Where the fuck are we?"

"We're at a protection Camp, now let's go."

"A protection Camp?"

"It's a place for people with spirits."

"What's your spirit?" Tatsumi asked.

"We can talk about this later. We have more important stuff to worry about." Kei said as he turned and walked away. We followed without another question.

Kei led us to the far end of the campsite. His short temper matched his height. We would hear him muttering curse words under his breath. We arrived at a bigger tent than the others, reserved for VIPs I would assume.

Kei walked inside, we followed and to my disbelief, the inside was nothing like I imaged.

It was a spacious room resembling one of a dorm.  It had working lights and air conditioning. The floor was made from tile and walls had posters and paintings along with other miscellaneous items. A bed, Office area, Living area and even a TV was In here. The only thing missing was a kitchen but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in another room. From the inside it looked like we just walked into a house.

"What the hell is going on.." Tatsumi asked, expressing similar shock as me.

"Pocket dimension," Kei replied sharply. "This is the type of power some spirits grant. You'll get use it."

"Wow..." Tatsumi said, gazing around the room. "Who's the host of this spirit."

"Hm..." Kei looked around the room. "Hopefully you'll meet him soon."

"Renga!" Kei shouted out. "I have a trainee for you."

Someone bolted up from the bed.

"Huh? How'd you get in he-?" He spoke.

"There you are." Kei said. "Heres a rookie, Tatsumi, he needs help controlling his ability."

Kei shoved Tatsumi to the front. Renga sighed. "Do you know what time it is?"

"It doesn't matter, he needs help and his spirit said The End is near. He has to master it quickly."

Renga let out an even deeper sigh.

"Fine," He said, scratching the top of his buzzcut head. "Wait outside. I need to change."

With the gesture of a hand, we were all blown outside of the tent by what felt like a gust of wind.

We tumbled on top of each other at the entrance of the tent.

"That fucking prick." Kei quickly got up and brushed himself off. "Tatsumi wait for him out here.. I'll go see what's this guy's deal."

He gestured to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I felt like I was just along for the ride, it was fun to take a break from the hassle of life. It felt like a dream.

"Kyu told me you fought off the Possessed. Regular humans can't do that. It wouldn't even attack back. Did you feel anything while fighting it?"

"Um..." I thought about it. I remember the feeling of time becoming slower and my reflexes heighten. I couldn't tell if that was the feelings he were looking for.


"Nothing?" Kei asked, confused.

"Nothing." I replied

"Okay," He replied walking away. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked quickly catching up to him.

"We're going to find out what to do with you."

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