
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The Moon

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"It's dark. The evening sun long gone and now replaced by the calming moon. It shines its pale light onto the world, soft and delicate but natural as the wind. It's clear superiority over the sun goes unnoticed by most, one must have a keen eye and be one with nature to believe such heinous accusations. It compliments the earth well, providing enough light in the right spots whilst still preserving the cold and dark alive in modern societies. It's lifelong rivalry with the sun, bitter and one-sided, is one expressed in many poems, stories, and folk tale. Light and dark, happy and sad, Ying and Yang. They emphasize the differences between the sun and moon but what they have in common goes unnoticed."

Silence followed while the wind blown. The moonlight seemed to thank me for the words of comfort; gracing me with its soft rays.

"Tsuki, you've always had such a different view on the world. Your eyes glisten with optimism and you hair is enough to make gods jealous. Youre so beautiful and everytime I think I understand you, you surprise me again. I'm glad I chose you as my host."

I took my eyes off of the moon, locking them with hers. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, Artemis." I said "I'm glad you're my companion."

Artemis smiled, her aura pleasant a full of peace. I attracted her as my spirit several months ago. At first we didn't get along, I was confused, scared, and worried about what she had given me as a 'Gift'. She had always tried to comfort me with a warm smile while we worked through my abilities. We eventually became really close and now I would consider her my friend. I haven't had much chance to use them fully so I don't really know my potential, but I know that I've got lucky drawing Artemis. Her caring nature is one I could only dream for.

We were on a grassy hill which had a beautiful place to watch the sunset and moonrise. She led me to it and we've been sitting here every night since then. This was one of the only unoccupied places in all of South Side.

"I hope.. We can stay like this forever." I said to Artemis.

She smiled then stopped suddenly.

"What is it?" I asked with concern.

"I feel other spiritual presences here.." I stopped smiling. "Their hearts poisoned with the desire of violence."

"We have to stop them." I said. "They might hurt someone."

"We can't, you're not ready." She objected.

"Artemis, listen to me." I grabbed her hands and held them close to me. "I can handle this. I can't sit back and watch as people misuse their spirits for harm."

Artemis sighed, a long pause followed before she finally agreed.

"Okay. I trust you Tsuki, but if your life is at stake, promise me you'll leave."

"I promise"

She smiled then disappeared into leaves which breezed through the wind.


Her soft voices spoke inside my head.

[Let us go]


Tatsumi and I have been running around for half an hour now. No sign of any destruction or spirits anywhere.

"Now that I think about it." Tatsumi started as we walked down an empty street. "How would he know if anyone was doing anything all the way out here. If we had to be teleported here, we must have been some distance away. What if this is a test. What if we have to fight more Possessed or someth-?"

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"Tatsumi." I interrupted. "Don't overthink this, if we find nothing let's just go back. And if it is a test then let's try our best so we don't get on 'Zero's' bad side."

"Yeah.." Tatsumi said calmly. "Maybe you're right."

We continued to walk for another five or so minutes and still nothing.

"This is exhausting." I said under a deep sigh.

"Wait." Tatsumi halted in his tracks. "Did you hear that?"



We stood in deafeaning silence. Then I heard it, it was a faint but livid sound. It resembled the sound of a match sparking then a campfire roaring to life.

"Duck!" Tatsumi quickly dropped to the ground, dragging me with him.


Then suddenly, a furious ball of swirling fire hurled over our heads. I couldn't move even though the ball was long gone, crashing into the ground and dispersing into ember. Leaving a scorched area behind.

Tatsumi stood up hastily while I followed with less speed, my legs trembled like I was standing on a trampoline.

We turned around and was greeted by two young boys, no older than Twelve or Thirteen. One timidly stood behind the other who confidently stood with his hand outstretched, clear culprit of the fireball we faced.

His body emitted a fierce red aura which his eyes matched. He was the Gifted we came for, but wasn't it supposed to be two?

"Are you idiots or something?" The confident boy asked sarcastically. "There's an unspoken rule here at South side, don't be out after dark. As punishment, you'll be burnt alive."

His body flowed more violent aura and his eyes grew furious. His outstretched hand began to conjure another fireball within his palm.

"Remember this name as you breath your last breath. Genki Yiba, Fire Fighter of the South."

"Do we really have to fight them?" The timid boy asked. "Can't we just give them a warning, they're clearly new."

"Hell no, if we let them slide, we have to let everyone. You can pay your dues to their incinerated bodies as they turn to dust though."

The timid boy stepped beside his duo.

"I guess that's fair..." He said pensively. He began to emit an icy blue aura, opposite of his companion's.

"Thats the spirit, Heian." Genki gloated. "Now let's kill these boring Normals."

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