
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Spores

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So, these two are the ones "running rampant" on the South Side. If I'm being honest, they aren't anything like I imagined but they're gifted nonetheless which makes them nothing to take lightly.

How are we going to beat them? I'm spiritless and there's two of them.

I relaxed my trembling body and readied myself for a fight. With the ball of fire swirling within Genki's hand aimed at us, I call out to Tatsumi. "Can you use Angel?"

Tatsumi focused; not long after, black aura flowed from his body.

"I think so." He answered.

"Wow," Heian said in awe. "They're gifted too?"

Genki's face grew irritated. "Tch. Who cares? Their bodies still burn like Normals."

He hurled the ball of fire at us.


Tatsumi and I side-stepped out of the ball's trajectory. It crashed where we once stood, dying and leaving nothing but its blackened remains. Without missing a beat, Tatsumi used his right leg to lunge toward the boys, running over Heian with the force of a bull. Heian was plowed to the ground instantly as his comrade watched with surprised eyes. Genki charged up another fireball pointed at Tatsumi, but he noticed and quickly redirected his hand away from him sending the fireball spiraling into a nearby building where it died onto its walls.

Tatsumi shoved Genki with his shoulder, effectively gaining distance between them. I, however, was still frozen in place. Although I relaxed my body from trembling like a dog in the rain, I still wasn't able to move it at all. It's like my body was glued in place. Watching these powerful people fight, I felt like a deer in headlights. Although I tricked my body into thinking I was ready to defend myself, my brain clearly objected to that idea.

Genki charged up another fireball which Tatsumi focused on He was so focused that he didn't notice that Heian was back on his feet and charging up an attack at him. I tried to call out to him, but it was too late. I watched desperately as Heian ejected about three inch-long icicles from the palm of his hand right into the back of Tatsumi thigh and calf.

"Arg." Tatsumi grunted. Blood spurted out from the wounds and Tatsumi was immobilized, dropping to his knee.

Heian ran towards Tatsumi's defenseless body and put him in a headlock. "Now, Genki!"

A sinister grin spread across Genki's face as Tatsumi struggled to free himself from his captor. I felt my stomach sink as Genki charged up yet another fireball, but this time he used both hands. Two fireballs aimed right at Tatsumi's face.

"Good Job, Heian. This one was such a pest," Genki spoke with a laugh. "Say your praye- ACK!"

I don't know what it was. It could've been the sight of my best friend defenseless, blood pouring from his leg. Or maybe it was Genki's annoying voice that pissed me off, but my legs seemed to move on their own as I sprinted towards him. Smashing him with the side of my body with all of the force I could muster. He was sent into the ground with a loud thud. Tatsumi took this chance to remove himself from the headlock, he swung Heian over his shoulder and smashed him into the ground with an even louder thud.

"ACK-!" Heian made a choking-like sound as blood shot from his mouth and his body grew limp.

"Thanks, Haru." Tatsumi staggered to his feet. "I thought I was going to di-"

"UGHH.." Genki groaned as he stood up to his feet, slowly rubbing the side of his head. "Both of you are so annoying~"

He eyes found his teammate's body, blood coming from his mouth and not moving.


He kneeled beside him and held his head up by his neck. "Heian.. are you okay?"

I couldn't help but feel sad as he shook his comrade's body, trying to wake him up.

"Brother please... wake up..." He said with a shaky voice.

"Tatsumi, did you have to slam him so hard?" I asked, eyes burning in my head.

"I didn't-"

"You'll pay for this," Genki said in a low tone. "Both of you..."


He suddenly combusted into flames. Every inch of his body covered by a raging flame, like his whole body became a fireball itself. He raised the temperature around us instantly. I could practically feel vengeance from him. His murderous intent. His bloodlust.

"Look," Tatsumi said to Genki, slowly approaching him.

"TATSUMI-" I called out


"UGH-" Genki's fist landed on Tatsumi's face, but I didn't even see him move.  He was just over his brother's body but now he is face to face with Tatsumi.

Genki followed the punch with more aimed at Tatsumi's chest, he finished his combo with a bigger punch at his stomach.

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"URG-" The last punch sent Tatsumi spiraling into a building, crashing through the wall and landing inside. A cloud of smoke and dust emerged from the hole of the building. I turned my attention to Genki.

His eyes lacked all sign of humanity, all was left were the eyes of a murderer. He stepped toward me; I stepped back reflexively. I can't fight him. Just look what he did to Tatsumi. His footsteps left the pavement charred beyond recognition, obviously hotter than the flames he used before.

He took a step closer, then took another and another. He was now face to face with me, his presence was so hot, the sweat seeping through my pores evaporated instantly. I prayed that I'd pass out before he touches me with his flames. They, no doubt, would leave 3rd degree burns.

"Wait," I said with a shaky voice. "We can help your brother."

He stared at me blankly. I think he was listening, but he gave no expression, so I kept talking.

"We came here to get you two so we can keep you safe. If we take you back with us, we can heal your brother and help you master your abilities."

He stared.

"Just come with us, I promise we can help you."

He raised his hand. It didn't work. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact.


I opened my eyes to see Genki flying down the street, Tatsumi was standing in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah." I answered. "There's no getting through to him."

"Okay, I'll knock him out then."

I nodded, although I hoped it didn't have to go like this, I knew what had to be done.

Tatsumi launched himself toward where he sent Genki. I let out a sigh of relief, the fight was finally away from me. I know Tatsumi can handle himself, he was the fighter of the group, I'm the talker that gets us out of trouble after Tatsumi almost beat someone to a pulp for trying to bully me. I sat myself on the curb of the road. Loud whams and whacks came from where Tatsumi and Genki were, but I didn't pay much attention to them I sat and thought about how my life will be nothing how it was before.

Not many whams and whacks passed before I heard someone call out to me.


I quickly turned my head to where the noise came from. It was a small-framed girl, no older than me. Her blonde hair long and wavy, skin fair and clear. I was almost speechless just from looking at her. She was stunning.

"H-hi." I replied.

She sat beside me, "I'm Tsuki."

"Haru," a loud wham came from Tatsumi and Genki. "Y'know it's dangerous to be out here at night."

Tsuki looked away from me and toward the fight. "I was going to tell you the same thing."

Her eyes illuminated a vibrant green light.

"Oh, so you're a gifted too. No wonder you're out here. You're here to kill us too?" I spoke.

"Kill you? I could never take a life." She sounded offended.

She stood up and closed her eyes, the wind grew stronger. She reached out toward Tatsumi and Genki and called out. "Requiem."


Almost instantly, the fight emitted gorgeous light. The light came from small particles, I couldn't tell what they were from this distance but Tatsumi and Genki both stopped fighting to adore the particles. Not long after, they fell. They lay motionless on the ground and the light swiftly left as fast as it came.

"Don't worry," Tsuki said. "The light was sleep-inducing spores. They'll be awake soon."

"That's amazing..."

She slowly walked toward Heian, looked longingly at him then turned to me with a bright smile.

"You got a hand?"

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