Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – Elise

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As the white armored guard entered the deeper room within the church, a white-haired, golden-eyed woman was kneeling towards nine statues and praying. She didn't move from her position as the guard approached, instead she asked "Has something happened?"

The guard replied, "A doctor has arrived in the city. He is with his 16-year-old daughter"

The woman finally got up from her position with a calm and stoic expression. "Yes, bring him here," she said.

The guard bowed slightly and accompanied the woman to the next room. Inside, the woman saw a beautiful young girl with long dark hair, brown pupils, and a slim figure. She was sitting on the couch, seemingly excited and full of energy, her eyes constantly dancing around the room. Her father, who was next to her, had a warm expression on his face. He appeared to be in his 30s, was tall, with short dark hair and brown pupils. He was more collected than his daughter and was patiently waiting. They both turned their attention towards the woman as she entered the room.

"I give my greetings to you, doctor, and his daughter," the woman said as she took a seat on the couch across from them. The two got up in unison and bowed deeply towards the woman. "We are honored by your presence," they said and remained in that position until the woman signaled for them to sit down.

The doctor had a slightly worried expression on his face. "May I ask why we’ve been called here?"

"There is nothing to worry about," the woman chuckled, trying to calm the man down. "This town currently doesn’t have a doctor affiliated with the church. We would like to recruit you," she said, her expression gentle.

The doctor was excited at the opportunity to work for the church. The woman was pleased with his response and said, "Firstly, I am going to search your mind with magic. I think your daughter should step back."

The doctor took some time to think about it and after he made his decision, he told his daughter to wait outside the door. She was accompanied by a guard outside, asking a lot of questions about adventures and annoying the guard. The father and the woman let out a giggle seeing the scene.

The woman then came closer to the doctor and put both her hands on his temples. The doctor’s head started to feel a little bit funny. The woman quickly went through his memories. The man in front of her was a traveler, he changes city every few years. His wife died when their daughter was born. Overall, he was a good person and a professional doctor from what she could see, never dealing with dark traders and taking bribes.

"Everything is in order, Mister...," she said, but then she realized that they never exchanged names although she already found their name. "How very discourteous of me. You may call me Elise, and what is your name?"

The doctor was still feeling a bit dizzy and stumbled on his words a little. "G..Godfried. My daughter’s name is Isabella," he said.

"Very well, Godfried. We are going to provide you with the clinic of our last doctor. It has a space to treat patients, a part where the two of you can live, a lab, and a basement," Elise said. Godfried asked, "What happened to the last doctor?"

"Sadly, he died of old age. He was a very sweet and caring old man," Elise said, letting out a pained expression. “We will provide you with all the necessary equipment and support to continue his legacy, and we are confident that you will do an excellent job.”

Godfried was grateful for the opportunity and thanked Elise for her time. He then went to fetch Isabella, who was still chatting with the guard, and they left the church together. The guard followed them out to make sure they were escorted to their new home safely.


“How have you been fairing, sir Godfried?” Elise was visiting the doctor’s house

"Please, Your Excellency, drop the 'sir.' I am nothing but a humble doctor," Godfried said, flustered.

"We have collaborated for over a month now, and you have saved many lives. Certainly, you've earned it." The doctor didn't continue this discussion, after all, he always brings it up. He put his hand under the desk and retrieved a colored candle which he lit up.

"You always light up a scented candle when we meet," Elise noticed a pattern each time she visits.

He shrugged, "It's a hobby of mine. The church just gives me way too many ingredients, and there are a lot of leftovers," Godfried didn't think it was too weird. Elise always seemed to enjoy the smell, and had even taken a few home with her to light up.

Elise turned to a more serious subject. "Did you notice any shady individuals recently?"

Godfried shook his head. "No, nothing out of the ordinary. To be honest, it's been quite dull lately."

Elise nodded and got up, knowing the routine. Godfried bent his back a little, allowing Elise to search through his memories as a precautionary measure.

"I'm sorry for this," Elise said, looking a bit sad.

"I understand," Godfried reassured her.

As Elise finished her search, she asked about Godfried's daughter. “How is Isabella doing?" Elise changed the subject once more.

"She's probably downstairs now, or playing with ingredients. She's been bored for some time now. Nothing interesting is happening lately. Although, she is still full of energy," Godfried let off a sigh, thinking about his problematic daughter.

Elise continued to make small talk with the doctor for a little longer, but she had to leave. The life of a saint was a busy one.


Another week passed by like this, and the saint had to make another visit to the doctor's office. She didn't expect much to happen, but once she arrived, she could feel that Godfried was distressed and a little bit panicked.

"What happened, Mister Doctor?" She didn't even take a seat and went straight to business.

"I've been visited by a strange individual a few hours ago," Godfried responded, staring into the void, thinking about something. "He had a baby girl, looked a little older than 1 year. He was tall, dressed in a black wool coat, had a mask, a cane, and gloves. He looked shady and dangerous. I was planning to visit the church to report him," Elise couldn't keep a straight face as she heard the description of the man. It was Adan, the stray demon hunter. A few teams were dispatched all over the Jik Kingdom to try to find him in the past two months, but to no avail. She didn't say anything more and sprinted toward Godfried to search through his memories.

She saw Adan come into the office, requesting some fever medicine for the baby he was carrying. He was having a big smile and before he left, he told the doctor some worrying news. "I would flee the town in your stead. There is an evil organization in the abandoned village to the north. A demon is coming," Adan's smile grew sinister as he warned the doctor, but he left before the doctor could follow him and ask more questions.

Elise knew she had to act fast. She thanked Godfried for his cooperation and apologized for any inconvenience caused. She then left the office to report to the church about the Adan and the potential danger to the village. She quickly assembled a team of five strong looking warriors from the church. They were the same followers that were with her when they were going after Adan. They quickly left on their horses at full speed toward the abandoned village.

The abandoned village was a desolate place. The once bustling streets were now silent and empty. The houses were in various states of disrepair, with some little more than crumbling ruins. The roofs had caved in on many of the buildings, and the windows were boarded up or broken. The cobblestone streets were cracked and overgrown with weeds.

The eerie silence was only broken by the sound of the wind rustling through the empty buildings and the occasional scurrying of small animals. The village had a feeling of neglect and decay, as if it had been abandoned for many years. The only indication that anyone had been there recently were faint footprints in the dust, leading to and from the village center.

The sky above was gray, and clouds hung low over the village, casting a gloomy shadow over the abandoned streets. The village had an eerie, unsettling feeling, as if it were being watched. It was clear that something sinister was at work in this abandoned village, and anyone who entered would be wise to proceed with caution.

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The village center was a square, with a large stone well at its center. The well was dry, and the bucket that had once hung from the pulley was nowhere to be seen. The square was surrounded by a few crumbling buildings. The footstep led over to a random house, there seemed to be nothing special about it.

They had the same formation as before, with the guards around the saint, as they walked into the house. They could now see a pool of blood near the entrance, and a pair of bloodied footsteps that led down into the basement. They followed them and the simple staircase that led downwards continued to keep going, and the space grew larger and larger as they went deeper.


When they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, they finally saw a big cave. It had some form of crystals that gave off a faint light. At the other end of the cave, they saw a figure wearing a robe that covered their entire being. They stood silently near a table that had a bloodied corpse on it. The group walked silently, and it looked like the figure hadn’t noticed them yet.

One of the guards suddenly charged forward. It was a matter of moments before he arrived near the figure. He held his sword high and brought it down with all his might. The sword went all the way through to the floor as the figure dispersed into dust. It was another illusion, but before the guard could realize this and back off, the sword connected with the ground, and it gave way. The guard fell into the hole and immediately started screaming. The rest of the group was shocked and didn’t move for a moment. The screams stopped, the group, woken up by this, rushed forward, arriving at the side of the hole and peered over it. It was full of acid, bubbling, they could see the guard’s corpse dissolving at an alarming pace.



They didn’t even get enough time to gather their thoughts as they heard something falling down. Once they turned their heads, they saw another guard, at the back, kneeling, with a terrified expression on his face, as he fell down. A knife was sticking out of the back of his neck. The culprit, wearing a black material costume, stood behind the now-dead guard. It looked straight into Elise’s eyes, unable to show any emotions as its face was covered.

It rushed forward at lightning speed, with another knife in its hand, aiming at the Saintes’s neck. But was unable to do so, as the guard next to her stepped forward, taking a big diagonal swing. It seemed like the attacker had anticipated this, jumping over the sword and the two people, retrieving a bottle from inside the costume and throwing it at the guard’s face as it was above him. Landing near the table, on the other side of the hole.

The contents of the potion were dark green and they seeped through the holes inside the guard’s helmet, making contact with his eyes. The guard fell to the ground, screaming in agony as blood dripped out of his eyes. Soon after, his heart gave out.

There remained only two guards and the Saintes inside the cave as they eyed the attacker on the other side of the hole, ready to fight for their lives.

“Hahahaha” a voice sounded from behind their back, walking down the stairs and slowly clapping. It was laughing heartily.

“Godfried...?” Elise recognized the voice, it was definitely the doctor’s voice. “How could y” She didn’t get to continue, as she got a good look at the figure. It was definitely Godfried’s voice but he was wearing another familiar choice of clothing.

"Oh my, Godfried, you say, hmm?" The figure mocked, their once friendly doctor's face now twisted into a sinister grin. The doctor's visage began to contort and shift, until it was consumed by darkness and the familiar mask of... "Adan! It was you all along!" Elise exclaimed in shock and anger.

"Pleased to finally make your acquaintance. I've been waiting for this moment for, oh, so very long," Adan said, taking a step back and bowing theatrically. "Godfried... never existed. It was always me," he revealed with a smirk.

"We thought you were on our side. How could you do this to us?!" Elise's voice shook with fury.

"Don't misunderstand. I had no intention of working with you, but I was not against the church either. But then, you foolishly followed me and tried to capture me," Adan said, his expression shifting a saddened one.

"Father, can I take this off now?" the attacker spoke for the first time, her voice feminine.

"Of course, my dear," Adan said, straightening his back, and she removed the cover from her face. Elise's expression fell once more as she beheld the face.

"What do you think of my precious daughter? She's grown up so fast," Adan said, wiping away a fake tear. Elise struggled to find words but none came. "Oh well, you go play with the other guards. I'll keep the Saintes company," he said, as he grasped the shell of his cane with his left hand and with his right hand pulled on the handle.


Skill: Hidden Blade

Description: Such a gentlemanly weapon, like that cane of yours, cannot finish someone off... You’ve formed a connection with your cane, it’s outer wood shell cannot get destroyed while the blade is hidden. Trying to pull open the handle will reveal a sharp blade.


‘The 5th skill’, he didn’t get a chance to try it out until now on a real target. Adan was getting very excited as he looked at the blade. He added the outer shelf of the cane into `My Little Space` and retrieved his book, which quickly started producing a blue and purple glow as it levitated in the air around Adan’s body. He has gotten much better at controlling it in the past couple of months.

"Shall we?" Adan gestured for the woman to ready herself. The other two guards were occupied by Isabella, but it seemed they were at a disadvantage, leaving the Saintes little time to deal with Adan.

Without hesitation, Adan lunged forward, breaking into a light sprint, his sword at the ready to strike the woman.

Elise simply held out her hand and began chanting in a language that Adan couldn't understand. As she finished her chant, a golden square of light appeared in her hand, resembling a shield.

Adan charged forward, striking the shield with all his might. The shield broke on impact, sending the Saintes flying back from the force of the impact and the backlash of magic.

She had a scared expression on her face, likely pondering how her shield could have been so easily broken. Adan picked up on it and quickly assessed the state of the other battle. One guard was kneeling, not moving but not dead, while the other was fully engaged in combat with Isabella.

"Remember my scented candles that you loved so much?" Adan asked with a sly grin, as he waited for her reaction. "I might have snuck some Stroch Essence into them," he revealed with a smirk.

Elise's face froze at that moment. Stroch Essence was essentially poison to magicians, as it severely weakened the intensity of their spells. Elise probably hadn't noticed as she hadn't needed to use magic in a long time, and even when she did, she only used simple, weak spells, so she couldn't feel too much of a difference. But now, on the battlefield, the effects were evident.

Elise wanted to confront Adan, but she didn't get the chance as he quickly retrieved a small bottle from inside his coat and downed the contents. He then quickly threw the empty flask towards Elise, who avoided it easily and landed behind her, near the wall. Adan snapped his fingers and the bottle exploded. Elise was far enough away to not be severely damaged, but she was still pushed forward.

Before she could react, Adan dropped his sword, retrieved a sleeping potion from his coat, and jumped towards the incoming woman, throwing a punch right in her stomach, immobilizing her briefly. But it was enough time for Adan as he got behind her, pushed the entire bottle into her mouth, and tilted her head backwards. She tried to resist, but the liquid still entered her esophagus and throat, causing her to fall asleep.

Adan now looked at the sleeping Saintes and picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder. The explosion earlier had destabilized the cave and it was on the verge of collapsing. He looked towards Isabella and saw that she was already waiting in the distance, watching. The two other guards lay dead on the floor. He signaled for her to follow and they left.

Adan was quite proud of this hunt.

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