Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 – Reward

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Sorry for another short chapter. I had another exam today and I felt really exhausted. Hope you enjoy the chapter!



As Adan got closer to his bed, he could feel hid mind heavy, it gelt like his mind was trying to tell him to go to sleep. This was the second time he experienced something like this and was ready for what was about to happen. He saw the bed in front of him, he never really admired it but now, the bed looked incredibly inviting and cozy. Adan could already feel the comfort seeping into his body as he approached it. The soft mattress and plush pillows seemed to beckon him to crawl into bed and fall into a deep sleep. He could feel his eyes getting heavy and his body growing more relaxed with each passing moment. The warm blankets were like a comforting embrace, and Adan knew that he would be asleep in no time. He couldn't wait to dive into the comforting embrace of his bed and let the world fade away into a peaceful slumber.


‘Peaceful slumber my ass,’ Adan thought as he opened his eyes. He was back in the dark world of the mysterious deity. He was at the same table as before, with the seat across from him empty. Portals were opening constantly, with transparent hands preparing the table. This time, the deity was less stingy, even providing snacks in addition to the tea and coffee.

Adan didn't say anything and just stayed there as the hands did their job. Only after they were done did the mysterious entity make its appearance. A bigger portal than before appeared, and the deity simply walked out of it, clapping and laughing.

"Well done, my friend. You've given me a good laugh," the deity said as he approached the chair, took a seat, and picked up a cup to enjoy some tea.

"A good laugh?" Adan asked, this time trying some of the deity's delicacies and snacks. The deity didn't respond to Adan's question and changed the subject.

"You've done what you've been tasked with, and now...," the deity said, taking a pause to take a sip. "It's time for a reward," he continued, his voice pleasant.

"Indeed. I would like..." Adan didn't get to finish his sentence as he was rudely interrupted.

"Who said you get to choose for such an easy mission?" the deity asked mockingly. Adan was displeased with this turn of events, but there was nothing he could do. The mission was very easy and he could have completed it months ago if he went to a slave shop, but he decided to take the long way.

"Alright then, what skill will you give me?" Adan was willing to settle for anything that was remotely good. Anything that would help him grow in power would make him feel like it was worth it.

"Hmm, let's see," the deity said, placing a finger inside the darkness of his clothes that was hiding his face. He hummed and shifted in his seat, seemingly trying to think of something. Adan believed the deity already knew what skill to give him, but he decided to annoy him.

"Oh, I've got a good one. You'll see it once you wake up," the god said, turning his attention back to Adan. "It's time for another mission."

"That's quite alright with me," Adan said, picking up a cup of tea. His throat was feeling a little thirsty after he finished some of his snacks. "I'm supposed to be inside my head, but everything around me feels extremely real." Adan wondered about the oddity of the place he was currently in.

"How about this?" the deity said, snapping his fingers. "Amuse me," he said simply, leaving Adan unsure of what to think.

"Amuse you?... Do you want me to tell you a joke or something?" Adan tried to get more information from the deity, but he just laughed.

"It can't be another easy mission. You'll know it when you've completed it," the deity said, clapping his hands. A bunch of transparent hands started to come out of him, enveloping Adan, as they had the first time they met. Adan expected this and simply stood there as the hands got hold of him. Before the hands covered his head, he heard another chuckle from the mysterious entity. "I am eager to see your next play," he said, though Adan couldn't see his face, he was sure there was a smile behind the darkness.

As Adan slowly opens his eyes, he is greeted by the bright sunlight filtering through his window. The room is filled with the warm light of the sun and the fresh scent of the morning air. He stretches his arms and legs, feeling the tension in his muscles release. He notices that he feels well rested, something that is rare for him nowadays.

He stayed there on his bed, searching through his head to find any kind of information regarding that new skill of his.


Skill: Traveler

Description: You have now become familiar with the terrain of this new world. Once every 12 hours, you and your allies can teleport to any location on the world. You and your allies are required to not move during the 1-hour cast process. Otherwise, this skill is cancelled and cannot be used for another 12 hours.


‘Holy shit. That's insanely good,’ Adan shot up from his bed, pacing around the room, his gears constantly thinking. He tried to look deeper into the skill and finally felt like he was looking at a map inside his head. There were no cities or anything distinct, only terrain and water. He was displeased with the current transportation method; horses were great but not fast enough. But with this, he could push his next plans forward. He stormed out of his room, needing to find Elise and Isabella to discuss their next course of action.

He went into the kitchen as he heard some noises coming from there. At the table stood Elise, with both elbows on the table and supporting her head, her eyes closed and a happy smile on her face, she was thinking about something or remembering. Isabella was at the counter, trying to cup some ingredients.

"You're being awfully familiar now," Adan commented, waking Elise from her thoughts. He sat down at a random chair at the table.

"You're the one who turned me into your pet. You should at least provide some food," Adan didn't think the girl would turn out so cheeky after the transformation. He would have to train her better in the future.

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"Anyways... tell me what you know about Archangel Osric and High-Priest Maurin from the capital. Ah, thank you, dear" Adan was greeted by a plate from Isabella. It contained something that resembled food. Adan tried to pierce the questionable thing in front of him with a fork, which bent.

"Actually, I'm not hungry, dear. I'll cook something later," he politely handed the plate back to Isabella. She looked a little sad that her father wasn't going to taste her food after so long, she believed she had improved quite well.

"This is garbage," Elise said as she tried to taste it at least. She was a lot more honest than Adan. Isabella didn't take kindly to it and walked towards Elise, but still smiled, a knife hidden behind her back. The Saintes noticed this and got up, about to start.



Adan smashed his hand onto the table, getting the attention of both. "I slept quite well, and I would rather not torture someone... yet," he said, making sure to stare at both of them. This calmed both of them down, Isabella took the plate and returned to the counter. Elise returned to her seat, clearing her throat.

"I've heard that Osric and Maurin received an urgent request from the Kilop City's cathedral," Isabella responded.

"When?" Adan asked, pretty sure he already knew the answer but wanted to confirm it.

"I'm not sure. Maybe around the time you cured the lord's daughter," Isabella said, unsure of why Adan would be interested in those guys.

"Very good! Very good! We're going to pay a visit to the Kilop City," Adan exclaimed, delighted by the news. It meant that the evil cult was cooking something up and he wanted to be a part of it.

"Kilop City is a few weeks away from here by caravan. Neither I nor you can make the trip without bringing attention to ourselves," Elise stated the obvious, the distance was too far to cross in a shorter amount of time. However, she was feeling curious about why Adan had suddenly become so interested in this topic.

Adan told both of them about his newly acquired skill, briefly mentioning the deity but not going into too much detail. He trusted them with this information, as they were both slaves and couldn't communicate it to anyone else. And if they were captured, he could always wipe their memories through the slave contract; there would always be more people he could obtain.


"Eh, that's pretty good," Elise said, her response flat, unlike what Adan expected.

"You don't sound too surprised," Adan said, wanting to confirm something.

"I mean... the church and the royal family have ways to teleport an entire army to the battlefield. And high nobles can pay the royal family or the church for specific point teleportation. Sure, your skill is better as it can teleport everywhere, even though it might be considered a national level secret... you already have some kind of mind protection, the recipe for Stroch Essence, and you can brew literal spells in potions. There's not much you can surprise me with at this point," Elise explained. It made sense, Adan's arsenal was powerful and he knew that, but he didn't think that large-scale teleportation was possible.

This could create chaos if it were in the wrong hands. Elise mentioned that this was a skill given by the Goddess of War, who only allowed them to set up teleport points at specific locations, and had many more resources to give. In this aspect, Adan's skill was a lot better, too bad he didn't plan on gathering an army.

“Why do you want to go there so badly?” Elise asked, her curiosity peaked.

“Those two shits are part of an evil cult,” Adan stated, thinking about how to deal with the situation. Elise was surprised by the news. Two high-ranking members of the church being part of an evil cult seemed impossible to her. But she saw that Adan was deep in thought and didn’t want to disturb him.

“Elise,” Adan said and looked into the Saint's eyes. She looked a bit intimidated. “I will be gone for a day or two. Isabella, you too.” He turned his head towards the counter and made sure his daughter heard him. “Make sure you make an excuse for our departure. It shouldn’t be hard for you, right?” Adan gave his order, and Elise couldn’t refuse him. She left after that, Adan had nothing more to tell her.

“Isabella, dear,” Adan said as he got up and headed for the door. “I am going to brew some potions. We’ll leave by night. Go and buy provisions and prepare stealth clothes.” Adan left after he had said what he wanted to say.


“Are you sure you're able to keep still for an hour? Or should I give you a paralysis potion?” Adan asked, wanting to ensure that the spell wouldn't be interrupted. He was eager to test out his new skill and wasn't thrilled about the possibility of waiting 12 hours if Isabella made a mistake.

Isabella smiled and nodded, and Adan let out a sigh of relief. They both lay down on the cold basement floor with their backs on the ground. It wasn't comfortable, but they didn't have any extra pillows or anything else to use, so they would have to make do.

Adan took Elise's hand and focused his mind, seeing a map in front of him. He had already studied a new map of the city and knew approximately where the city should be located. He zeroed in on a specific forest that was close to the city.

Before long, the ground around them lit up, and writing appeared in a circle around the two. The circle was very bright, which could potentially give away their location if they were trying to teleport away stealthily.

‘I hope it's not as bright on the other side,’ Adan thought, not wanting to attract attention on his arrival. He found out that they could move inside the circle, so they didn't have to stay perfectly still, but if they left the circle, the process might cancel. Isabella wanted to try putting her hand outside the circle, but a death threat from Adan kept her in line. They waited there for some time, and soon they were about to arrive at their destination.

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