Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 16: Chapter 15 – Master of carnage and the bringer of death

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At the 1-hour mark, a white sphere formed around Adan and Isabella, completely obstructing their vision. When the circle dissipated, they found themselves transported to another location. The dense forest ahead loomed with branches of the trees intertwined to form a natural canopy that blocked out any moonlight. The crunch of dead leaves and twigs echoed in the silence as they stepped cautiously through the undergrowth. The darkness was palpable, with only occasional flickers of light breaking through the thick vegetation, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. The stillness of the night was only interrupted by the distant howl of a wolf, and the rustling of leaves as small creatures scurried about. The thick trees loomed over them, seeming to close in on their position as if trying to keep them from leaving the dense and eerie forest.


Adan predicted that they should be around the city of Kilop. He closed his eyes and imagined the bustling city, filled with the sounds and smells of a thriving port town. The clanging of metal against metal as blacksmiths worked their trade, the salty sea air mixed with the scent of spices from far-off lands. The creaking of ships as they swayed in the harbor, unloading their exotic cargoes onto the bustling docks. The excited chatter of merchants and sailors as they conducted their business in a multitude of languages. Kilop was an important port city, and Adan could almost feel the excitement and energy of the city pulsing through its crowded streets.


Inside the forest, there had also been guards, but Isabella had used her magic to hide in the shadows and avoid detection. Adan, on the other hand, had his own ways of moving unnoticed, relying on his wit and stealth to evade the watchful eyes of the forest guards.

Adan made his way through the forest, his senses heightened in his devil form, his right eye completely red but he didn’t allow any blood to fall down and form the fog. He moved with grace and agility, his movements nearly silent as he dodged around trees and underbrush. Despite the boosted stats from his form, he still kept a low profile, avoiding the guards' attention at all costs.

As Adan made his way deeper into the forest, he could feel the eyes of the guards following him, but he remained confident in his ability to evade their detection. He knew that Isabella was close by, using her magic to hide in the shadows and keep herself safe. He had full trust in her abilities and knew that she was capable of taking care of herself.

Adan finally reached a spot where he could see the guards' patrol routes, and he used his knowledge of the area to slip past them undetected. He moved quickly and silently, his form allowing him to traverse the forest with ease. He emerged from the other side of the forest, his mission complete, and Isabella appeared beside him once again.

Adan and Isabella emerged from the forest, coming upon a deforested plain stretching about a kilometer to the city. As they approached, still remaining on the outskirts of the forest, they could see guards pacing along the top of the city's walls, their armor glinting in the moonlight. The guards were alert and vigilant, their eyes scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger. Adan and Isabella had to be careful as they approached, as the guards were not to be underestimated.

“You know what to do, right?” Adan spoke to the darkness, no one being there, but after he said that, Isabella appeared out of the shadows. Adan took a potion from inside his coat and drank its contents and gave the vial to Isabella who blended again into the shadows immediately after.

Adan went a bit deeper into the forest and turned on his angel form, his left eye turning golden, he kept it at a minimum so he could get the boosted magic the skill offered. He continued his stealthy approach, the golden glow from his left eye was like a beacon in the darkness, but he kept it at a minimum to avoid drawing the attention of the guards. He moved with precision and grace, weaving through the trees and dodging any obstacles that lay in his path. The sounds of the forest were like a symphony to Adan, every rustle of leaves, snap of a twig, and hoot of an owl providing valuable information to help him avoid detection.

Adan had been moving around the forest for about an hour, his right eye taking a toll on his body as he utilized it for prolonged periods. The left eye, on the other hand, was starting to exhaust his mind, making it increasingly difficult to maintain his angel form. Despite this, Adan pushed on, and just as he was starting to feel the strain of his exertion, he received a signal from Isabella, a tingling sensation in his mind that only he could feel. The signal was through the slave contract, a magical bond that connected the two of them. As Adan received the signal from Isabella, his vision started to turn hazy, and his entire body was turning to glass. In a moment of teleportation, he found himself in a secluded alley within the city, with Isabella by his side.

As Adan teleported to the safe area in the city, his glass body, inside the forest, exploded with a loud bang and the blinding light could be seen from their location. This was a skill Adan had used in the past to fight a demon, but it was now amplified by his angel form. The guards in the city and in the forest were momentarily stunned by the sudden outburst and they were completely taken off guard. Panic starting to raise inside the city.

“You go inside the church” Adan motioned to Isabella, she was tasked with finding out information about the archangel and the high priest. Adan had more preparations to do now. They were going to use the time the city was in chaos to do their jobs.



Father Michael walked down the long, dark hallway that led to the deeper part of Kilop's city's cathedral. The flickering candles provided the only source of light in the seemingly endless tunnel. The walls were covered in intricate carvings and paintings, but Michael paid them no heed. He had traveled this path many times before and knew it well.

Finally, he reached the end of the hallway and pushed open a heavy wooden door. He stepped into a large chamber, dimly lit by torches. The archangel and high priest were waiting for him.

The archangel's eyes were cold and calculating, and he stood tall, a powerful presence in the room. The high priest was seated on a throne at the other end of the room, his face hidden in the shadows.

"Michael," the archangel said, his voice carrying a hint of impatience. "What news do you bring us?"

Michael took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He had known the archangel and high priest for many years and had always been intimidated by their power.

"There's still no word of the attack," he reported. "But the city is in chaos. People are panicking and the guards are trying to restore order."

The archangel's expression darkened. "This is the opportunity we've been waiting for," he said. "We'll use the chaos to our advantage and execute our plan. We have everything in place, and now is the time to strike."

The high priest nodded his agreement, his eyes glittering in the torchlight. "The time is now," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "We must act quickly, before anyone realizes what we're up to."

Michael felt a thrill of fear run down his spine. He had known from the start that this was a dangerous game, but he had also known that the rewards were worth the risk. He was ready to do whatever was necessary to see their plan through to the end.

Father Michael and the archangel gathered a few more followers, lying to the other higher authorities in the church about their true intentions. They left for a secret building inside the city, where they would execute their plan. The secret building was hidden in the shadows, known only to the select few who were involved in the ritual.

The group made their way through the dark and chaotic streets, explosions raging all around the outside of city, amidst the loud explosions they could hear the laughter of a man in a distance, he sounded like he had a fun time. Finally, they reached the secret building, a decrepit and foreboding structure. They pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the empty halls.

As they made their way deeper into the building, the air grew thick with the scent of incense and the flickering light of candles. The walls were adorned with dark symbols, and the floor was covered in strange markings.

Finally, they reached the center of the building, a large chamber filled with the followers and the archangel's accomplices. The high priest was seated on a throne at the far end of the room, his eyes closed in meditation.

"We are gathered here today to perform the ritual," the archangel said, his voice ringing out through the chamber. "The time has come to summon the demon and unleash the true lord’s power upon the world."

The followers nodded their agreement, their faces filled with excitement and fear. Michael could feel the power of the ritual pulsing through the air, and he knew that they were on the brink of something great.

The high priest began to chant, his voice growing louder and more powerful with each passing moment. The air grew thick with energy, and the symbols on the walls glowed with a dark light.

And then, with a thunderous roar, the demon appeared, its massive form filling the chamber. The followers fell to their knees in fear, but the archangel and the high priest stood tall, their faces filled with pride and triumph.

They had succeeded. The demon was theirs to command, and they would use its power to rule over the world.



Adan stood outside the walls of Kilop's city, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He held a small vial of explosive potion in his hand, and a wicked grin on his face. He was tasked with creating a distraction, and he was going to have a blast doing it.

With a flick of his wrist, Adan hurled the potion at the guard tower nearest to him. The vial shattered on impact, and a loud explosion echoed throughout the city. The guards were momentarily stunned, and Adan used that moment to strike again. He quickly pulled out another vial and repeated the process, creating another explosion that sent debris raining down on the guards.

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Adan cackled with glee as he continued his barrage, sending explosive after explosive towards the city. He was in his element, using his mastery of magic to create chaos and destruction. The guards were no match for him, and he reveled in their confusion.

As he continued his attack, Isabella watched from the shadows of the cathedral. She had seen and heard everything, and a good idea pop in her mind, she transmitted her thoughts to Adan, who was now using some sort of illusions to distract as much of guards as he could. He liked Isabella’s change to the plan and decided to go with it.



But their celebration was short-lived, as suddenly the door to the chamber burst open and a group of high-ranking members from the church stormed in. They were led by the leader of the church, who was accompanied by a group of holy warriors, armed with swords and holy water.

"What is the meaning of this?" the leader of the church demanded, his eyes blazing with fury. "What kind of blasphemy are you committing here?"

The archangel and the high priest tried to defend themselves, but the leader of the church would hear none of it. He raised his sword, ready to strike down the demon and put an end to the ritual.

The demon roared, a sound that echoed through the chamber and shook the walls. The holy warriors stepped forward, their swords shining with a bright light. But the demon was too powerful, and with a wave of its massive hand, it sent them flying across the room.

The leader of the church stood his ground, his sword raised high. He shouted a prayer, and a burst of holy light shot from the sword, striking the demon. But the demon merely laughed, its power too great to be defeated by mere mortals.

The followers of the church were frozen in place, their faces pale with fear as they watched the leader of the church face off against the demon. The room was filled with tension, the only sounds the prayers of the leader and the mocking laughter of the demon. The holy warriors tried to regroup, but the demon was too quick, striking out with its claws and sending them flying across the room once more.

The leader of the church stood firm, his sword glowing with a brilliant light. He shouted a prayer, and the room was filled with a blinding flash of holy energy. The demon roared in anger and frustration, its form appearing to falter for a moment.

But it was not enough, the demon was still too powerful. With a snarl, it lunged forward, its claws extended towards the leader of the church. Michael could see the determination in the leader's eyes, and he knew that he would fight until his last breath to protect his people and his faith.

The demon's claws were inches away from the leader of the church's chest, and a full-frontal clash was about to erupt between the two groups. Suddenly, a figure appeared between them. He was dressed in black, and with a swift motion, he used his sword to stop the leader's sword and a book, glowing with blue and purple energy, flew behind his back, stopping the demon's claws. Both sides took a step back in surprise at the appearance of this new figure.

“Ladies, gentleman... and demon... whatever the fuck you are” Adan stood tall, his spirit high as he bowed, a smirk on his face. Isabella's plan to send a tip to the church had worked flawlessly. They had found the hidden chamber within the church and the hidden building. Adan stood there, his bow deep, as the explosions outside ceased and the room was filled with silence. The commotion and cries outside, caused by the civilians, could still be heard, but Adan found it quite pleasant and relaxing. He even considered using something like this to help him sleep better. But the group was still on edge, ready to jump into action at any moment.

Adan chuckled, retrieving a bottle from inside his coat and smashing it on the ground. A bright light filled the room, and when everyone opened their eyes, all they could see was red as a thick fog covered the room. Hideous monstrosities began to emerge from the fog, but they were only illusions. Screams and the sound of swords clashing echoed throughout the room. The demon, the leader of the church, and the two cult leaders were ready to fight, but no attack came.

The fog slowly cleared, and Adan stood in the middle of the room, his sword drenched in blood. The leaders looked around and saw that none of the others had survived. There were only five entities left in the room.

The archangel roared, "Who are you?" The leader of the church also raged, "Why would you do this?" Adan simply laughed, "We cannot let the sacrificial pawns get in the way of our fun... Now, can we?" He retrieved an empty vial from his pockets and bit down on his thumb, spilling some of his blood onto the vial. The vial turned deep red, and small blue text appeared on it as golden text lit up around the building they were in, and a blue spherical barrier surrounded it, trapping everyone inside. “The play begins” Adan said as he spread out his arms.


The church leader and the archangel began a powerful chant, their magic crackling and building in intensity around them as the demon and the high-priest simultaneously launched themselves at Adan. The two hit their mark, but Adan's figure dissolved into dust, leaving nothing behind. In an instant, Adan reappeared behind the church leader, who was anticipating the move. The leader quickly cancelled his chant and unsheathed his sword, ready to defend himself against Adan.


The archangel unleashed a spell towards the two, but Adan's tome intercepted the magic, absorbing it completely. The archangel was momentarily stunned, unsure of what had just occurred. Adan's form shifted and darkened, sinking into the ground before reemerging behind the archangel, who was caught off guard. The demon, however, was prepared and used its claws to shield the archangel from the attack. The force from the impact sent Adan stumbling backwards, where he was immediately met with another blade from the high-priest. Adan deftly sidestepped the attack and threw a vial of green liquid at the high-priest's legs, but the high-priest was able to dodge it. The ground where the vial hit began to bubble and melt.

Adan's eye blazed with power, filling the room with a thick, blood-red fog. Glass vials shattered all around as Adan unleashed his full potential. The church leader chanted another spell, this time one of holy magic, but Adan had already achieved his goal. The room was filled with empty vials, and ten identical Adan figures appeared, all wielding swords and ready for battle.

All ten figures attacked at once, their swords flashing in the dim light. The demon, church leader, and high-priest held their ground, but the archangel was quickly overwhelmed. He tried to dodge to the side, but he stepped on a vial and it broke, showering him in the green, magical liquid. The broken shard transformed into a mass of vines that burrowed into the archangel's leg, causing him to stumble and cancel his spell. The demon and high-priest stepped in to assist, easily defeating the Adan clones. The church leader unleashed a beam of magic that killed the last of the Adan figures, but the real Adan was not among them.

Adan remained hidden in the shadows, watching the battle unfold. His tome hovered beside him as his left eye began to glow a brilliant yellow. The light grew more intense by the second, and then, it exploded. Adan's eye popped open, blood pouring from the socket as the light intensified even further. The power of Adan's gaze drained the magic from the others, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. Any magic that Adan's eye saw was immediately cancelled, but system skills were not affected. The vials on the ground remained usable by Adan.

The demon, church leader, and high-priest were horrified as the magical enhancements they had cast upon themselves disappeared. The archangel was the most affected, as he relied heavily on magic in battle. The demon was the least affected, as its strength was drawn solely from its own physical prowess.

Adan was unfazed as a barrier of magic appeared around him. He let out a maniacal laugh as he snapped his fingers, causing the remaining vials on the ground to explode one by one. Adan laughed through the whole ordeal as the room filled with smoke.

The demon roamed amidst the smoke, unable to see or hear anything. Suddenly, a blade pierced through the smoke, aimed directly at its heart. The demon quickly used its claws to deflect the attack, but it was just an illusion. Adan swiftly struck the demon from behind, but the blow was not deep enough. Enraged, the demon turned to attack Adan with its claws, but more shards on the ground transformed into vegetation, entrapping the demon's limbs and halting its movement for a moment. Adan took advantage of this opportunity to retrieve another vial, unscrew the cork, and spread its contents on his sword before plunging it directly into the demon's heart. The demon's body began to dissolve into the ground as the smoke cleared.

Adan laughed triumphantly. "He may not have been exorcised, but he's been sent back to the demon world. That leaves you three," he declared, brandishing three more vials. But his dangerous smile faded as he noticed the high priest holding an unconscious archangel with a strange, blue-glowing talisman in his mouth. Before he could react, they vanished from view.

"Was that an artifact? Its effects are different from magic?" Adan wondered, disappointed that his angel form did not cancel its effects. He turned around, hoping to find someone, but all he saw was a leg on the ground and a trail of blood leading outside the house. ‘Someone from outside interfered with my barrier’ he realized. "The fight was just getting good," he grumbled.


Outside the city's gates, Adan reunited with Isabella. She noticed the annoyed expression on his face and asked, "You don't look very good, father."

"Those bastards escaped my grasp," Adan grumbled. But Isabella's nod, accompanied by a sly smile, brightened his mood. "Is everything as planned?" he asked. She confirmed and Adan retrieved one last bottle from his pocket. An evil smile returned to his face as he looked forward to what was to come.

Adan drank the vial and his presence grew larger, casting an imposing shadow over the city as he gazed down upon the citizens below. Everyone was frozen in awe of his imposing figure.

Adan's voice boomed like a loudspeaker, "Greetings, I am the source of the chaos you are experiencing today. Allow me to introduce myself."

“I am Adan, the bane of all demons. You may address me as Mister Demon Hunter. I am a hunter of the foulest creatures that dwell in the shadows, and I shall cleanse them from this world with my every breath. Let this night be forever remembered as the first act of my grand play. A play that shall be long and filled with tragedy. For I am Adan, the master of carnage and the bringer of death” As Adan snapped his fingers, the entire church erupted into a fiery inferno, with red flames consuming its walls and towers. Debris was sent flying in all directions, raining down on the surrounding streets and buildings. Citizens who were nearby scattered in terror, seeking shelter from the catastrophic explosion. The ground shook, creating shockwaves that shattered windows and knocked people off their feet. The once towering and imposing church was now reduced to a smoldering crater, symbolizing Adan's wrath and power. The city was plunged into chaos, with people running for their lives and sirens blaring in the background. In the midst of all this destruction, Adan stood tall and triumphant, surveying the scene with a smug smirk on his face.

Adan's form flickered, the effects of his power waning. He stumbled, looking towards Isabella. "Take me to safety, my dear," he said, his voice growing weak. "I need rest."

With a nod, Isabella caught Adan in her arms, and in a blur of motion, the two disappeared into the night, leaving the city in ruins behind them.

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