Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 – New Journey

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Adan was back in the dark world inside his mind, seated across from the deity at the same table. "I didn't expect we'd meet so soon," he commented, taking a sip of the drink in front of him.

The deity regarded Adan with a mixture of amusement and respect. "Neither did I," he replied. "I must say, your work is quite impressive. I barely gave you that skill and less than a day later you destroy one of the most important cities in the entire kingdom."

Adan leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with interest. "Never mind that," he said. "What skill did you prepare for me this time?"

The deity looked thoughtful for a moment, its hooded head tilted slightly to one side. "Actually, nothing," it finally said. "I didn't expect for you to move this quick." The deity paused, studying Adan with a mixture of curiosity. "Would you like anything specific?"

Adan shook his head. "My skill set is pretty fine for now," he said. "I wouldn't want to become too overpowered or I might get bored." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "How about I exchange the reward skill for some information?"

The deity nodded happily. "Sure, sure. What would you like to know?" he asked.

Adan leaned forward, his expression eager. "Tell me how the other kingdoms are doing," he said.

The deity gave a knowing chuckle. "Well, there's not much going on at the moment. The other human kingdom, Friod, is at odds with the Jik kingdom and a war might come. Certainly, your actions tonight will influence that in some way," the deity answered playfully.

Adan raised an eyebrow. "Anything else?

"I don't think you know this, but the Viridis kingdom, the one for druids, elves, and a big part of demi-humans, are at war with the Bellum kingdom, the one for dwarves and giants," the deity revealed.

Adan's expression grew intrigued. "Is that all?" he asked.

The deity leaned in, its voice lowering to a whisper. "Well, this is actual secret information, so consider the deal sealed. The Viridis kingdom's current royal family is fighting secretly against an evil cult after someone from there cursed the 2nd prince."

Adan couldn't contain his excitement. "Ahaha! Now this is what I'm talking about," he said, rubbing his hands together eagerly. He was going to profit from this information.

"For your next mission," the deity began, thinking carefully, "how about you do something bigger than what you've just done?"

Adan raised an eyebrow. "Something bigger than destroying an important port city, making myself the enemy of the church from the Jik kingdom, destroying an evil scheme from a cult, and killing a bunch of innocent people?" he asked skeptically.

"Well," the deity said, "I am not sure what to have you do. If I gave you something easy, you might complete it again by the next day. This mission should take you a little longer to complete."

"Alright, I think that's enough for today's meeting," the deity said with a nod. "I'm afraid I must be going now. I've got other important business to attend to." The deity gestured, and a swirling portal appeared between Adan and the chair. With a whoosh, Adan was sucked inside, falling into the unknown.


Adan groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He was surprised to find himself in a cave, lying on the cold, hard ground. He sat up, rubbing his head as he tried to recall how he got here.

As his vision cleared, he saw Isabella sitting across from him, watching him with a worried expression. "How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

Adan frowned. "Where are we?" he asked, looking around. "There were no mountains in that area. And how long have I been asleep?"

Isabella sighed. "You've been out for three days straight," she said. "I had to carry you into the mountains to escape the guards who were pursuing us. I managed to steal a horse during the first day, but you were in no condition to ride it, so I had to carry you on my back."

Adan's eyes widened in shock. "Three days? I've been asleep for three whole days? No wonder I feel great". He was feeling extremely revigorated, although, the same couldn’t be said about Isabella, she looked exhausted.

Adan turned to Isabella. "How long have you been awake?"

"Three whole days," Isabella replied wearily. "This cave is crawling with creatures, so I couldn't risk falling asleep." Despite her efforts to appear cheerful, Adan could see the exhaustion in her eyes.

Adan reached into his coat and pulled out one of his remaining energy drink potions, which he offered to Isabella. "Take this, it'll help. We'll teleport back home and you can rest."

The two of them sat down and Adan cast the teleportation spell, choosing a location close to the city.


"Mister Godfried! I heard that you were only gone for a day, but you've been missing for three! What happened to your eye?" the guard asked, noticing Adan's injured left eye.

Adan replied with a warm smile, "We've been attacked by bandits. I took an arrow to my eye, but fortunately, it didn't go further."

The guard nodded, concern etched on his face. "I'll inform the church about this. You both go and rest now."

Adan gratefully accepted the guard's offer and led Isabella away, eager to get his daughter into a warm bed.


“Are you insane?!?” Elise stormed into Adan’s office. Isabella hit the bed as soon as they arrived and Adan was back at his office, catching up on work.

“Yes. Anything else?” Adan replied in an energetic tone, although he signaled her to leave if this is all she wanted to ask.

“You’ve destroyed the biggest port city in the kingdom. You are now the enemy of the church and the kingdom” The Saintes was furious with the trouble her master was in right now

“Not just those two, dear” Adan chuckled as he replied, uneasiness in her eye, “What do you mean?”

“I’ve also destroyed the scheme of an evil cult. Although other cults might not be related. If someone gets in the way of one of them, than you become everyone’s target” Adan said nonchalantly as he picked up a document, but he remembered again that he cannot read. ‘Maybe I should’ve asked that deity to give me a skill to read and write’ he thought

“Ah also, I’ve killed a demon. Not exorcised it, meaning that he was sent to the demon realm. So I’m probably at odds with the demons as well” Elise hearth sank as she heard the news, she almost stumbled and fell down, as she weakly walked over to the sofa.

“Why did you have to become my master? You are going to get me killed!” Elise covered her face with her hands and talked to herself in a small voice, between her fingers

“Welcome aboard. Are there any news for me?” Adan simply asked, he no longer paid attention to the panicked Elise, he wanted to try again to brew some more difficult potions

“How can you be so calm about it?!” Elise again tried to raise her voice but Adan was paying no attention to her at this point

“You’ve already asked me if I was insane, no? Come on, chop-chop, any news?” Adan was already getting with woman.

Elise had an even more defeated look on her face as she retrieved a letter. "The lord sent you a message." She wanted to hand the letter to Adan, but he stopped her.

"Stay there and read it for me out loud, please," Adan told her. He didn't reveal that he couldn't read and didn't want to yet. 'Why would that old man send me a message?' Adan wondered. After all, there shouldn't be anything wrong with his daughter.


Dear Godfried,

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I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. As you are aware, my daughter has been under your care for some time now. I am pleased to inform you that her health has improved significantly, however, I feel it would be beneficial for her to take some time to rest and recuperate.

With that in mind, I have decided to send her to your city for a month's stay, this letter will be in my daughter’s possession. I trust that you will provide her with the necessary medical attention she requires during this time. I must also emphasize that she will be accompanied by guards and will be staying at an Inn in your city.

I hope this arrangement is satisfactory for you and that you will ensure my daughter's well-being during her stay. I look forward to your prompt and courteous reply.


Yours sincerely,

[Lord's signature and seal]


Elise finished reading the letter and was startled by the sudden sound of Adan slamming his fist onto the table, causing it to break. “Adan?” she asked, surprised by his outburst. Adan's right eye turned red and tears of blood streamed down his face as a red fog started to gather at the bottom of the room.

“Does that old fuck think he can just use me whenever he wants?” Adan fumed. “Does he think that I am a mere puppet, a simple doctor who will bend to his every whim?” He started pacing the room in anger, and Elise tried to get up and leave, but Adan was behind her in an instant, gripping her shoulder tightly.

'Where in the flying fuck do you think you're going?' he demanded. Elise wasn't as scared of Adan as she used to be, but she still felt a sense of fear. At least he wasn't using the fog on her.

"I'm going to make sure he suffers for the rest of his miserable, short life," Adan declared, a malicious smile spreading across his face. 'And then I'll get what I want.' He looked at his hand, his smile turning even more evil and crazed.

"Elise!" Adan turned back to her, getting right into her face. "Send a message to the lord, tell him I'll take care of his daughter. Then, go to the inn and retrieve the lord's daughter. I'll administer the medicine. And once Isabella wakes up, stay here. We have plans for the future to discuss." Elise nodded and, after getting permission from Adan to leave, she went to complete her tasks.


"Mr. Godfried!" Emma, the lord's daughter, entered Adan's office without knocking. ‘Does everyone get to enter my office like it's their own home?’ Adan thought but he didn't let his dissatisfaction show on his face and greeted his guest. "Miss Emma, I am so grateful to see that you are doing well. Where are your guards?"

"They're outside. More importantly, what happened to your eye?" Emma asked, looking worried about Adan's mangled eye.

"We were attacked by bandits while we were outside," Adan said with a pained expression. "It's a shame not to be able to see with it. But I have medicine that should restore my vision. It might take a few weeks or months for a full recovery, but at least I'm not blind."

"That is completely unacceptable. I'll send my guards to hunt these thieves," Emma said, looking angry for some reason. Adan brushed it aside for now.

"There's no need for that, please. How about I administer the medicine? Please lay down on the sofa," Adan said. Emma complied with the doctor's request, and Adan went to the basement to retrieve the medicine. When he returned, he started pouring the medicine down her throat slowly. After the bottle was finished, the lady's eyes were hazy. Adan leaned down and whispered something into her ear for a while.

Once he was finished, he clapped his hands, and the lady woke up from her daze. "How are you feeling, Miss Emma?" Adan asked with a warm smile.

The lady looked normal, just as before. "Never been better, thanks to you, doctor," she said. Adan didn't like what he heard. He expected to see some result after the third potion.

They continued to chat for a while, but eventually Adan got rid of the talkative lady. She seemed to really enjoy Adan's presence, but he had other plans for the day and went upstairs. No one was in the kitchen or living room, so Adan went to the main room and kicked open the door.

"Fuck, you scared me. Are you already done with the lord's daughter?" Elise asked from inside the room, where she was staying with Isabella on the bed.

"Yes. Both of you, put some clothes on and come to the table. We've got things to discuss," Adan said as he exited the room, went to the kitchen, made some tea, grabbed a chair, and waited.

"Can't you at least knock?" Adan was deep in thought and savoring his tea when both Elise and Isabella entered the room and took a seat at the table.

"Nope!" Adan chuckled, giving a firm answer.

"What is it you want to talk about, father?" Isabella asked, hoping to lift the heavy atmosphere.

"Let's say...hypothetically...if I had to choose between helping the elves or the dwarves, which one should I go with?" Adan struggled to phrase his question in a way that wouldn't sound too bad.

Elise, who was enjoying a cup of tea, nearly spit out her drink when she heard Adan's question. "Holy cow, can you take a break? You've already made enough enemies just three days ago. Do you want to add another kingdom to the list? Why would you even consider doing this?" Elise was distressed, knowing that as Adan's slave, any danger to his life would also put her life in danger.

"Well, I can't attack two kingdoms by myself. So why not make friends with one and use them to defeat the other?" Adan suggested with a grin. Elise couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Are you kidding me? Why not just become the enemy of the entire planet? Can't you live a happy, peaceful life?" Elise tried to reason with Adan.

"But I'm already happy, aren't we, dear?" Adan turned to Isabella, who replied with a smug expression, "Yes, father."

"See? Everything is fine. So, elves or dwarves?" Adan clapped his hands and turned his attention back to Elise, who was slumped over the table.

"Can I go back to the church?" Elise asked, defeated.

"Come on, don't you want to go on an adventure?" Adan proposed.

"Have you gone mad?" Elise asked, remembering who she was speaking to. "Oh, why bother? You were always crazy. Even if I wanted to come, how would I avoid drawing attention for such a long time?"

"Well, I've got a pretty good reputation after curing the daughter of the capital city's lord when no one else could. I could fake an illness and have you stay at my place for 14 hours. We could make it look like you come over multiple days."

Elise actually considered the idea, and to her surprise, she liked it. "Huh, you’re not that stupid" she said.

"Don't you think you're getting too comfortable?" Adan was taken aback by Elise's boldness, but he also kind of liked it. Isabella was always so calm and never commented back to Adan, so this was a refreshing change.

"Not at all. Even if you scared the life out of me that time, it was only because of your fog. And now that I've killed someone in cold blood, I can't really comment on your morals." Elise calmly replied, taking a sip of her tea.

"Right...so back to the matter at hand?" Adan suggested, wanting to move on from the topic. He was slightly disappointed, as he wanted Elise to have a slower descent and to struggle with controlling her desires, constantly tormenting her over time. But he didn't expect her to embrace who she had become so quickly. At the same time, this was always the person that she was, just hidden before.

"Elves," Elise said simply.

"Yes, good choice. Care to explain why?" Adan asked.

"The dwarves are cold and only care about results, whereas the elves remember those who helped them. So, if you want to backstab the kingdom you befriend, then elves are your best choice.” Adan wasn’t necessarily thinking about backstabbing the kingdom he chose, but it was something to consider.

"I quite like it. Very much so. Alright then, you can go back to the church. I'll make arrangements these next few days. Let's say we'll depart in four days." Adan stood up abruptly and quickly made his way to his basement to start brewing a few potions, eager for their journey to begin.

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