Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 18: Chapter 17 – Viridis Kingdom

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"Why are there so many zeros?" Adan asked as he looked at the piece of paper that Elise handed him. It looked like a normal paper and was filled with text that he couldn't understand, but there was something he could recognize. It was a picture, beautifully drawn with a pencil, depicting Adan's appearance: a tall man with black boots, black jeans, a white shirt, a wool overcoat, white cotton gloves, a cane, a long dark ponytail, and a mask. They even got the little facial features that could be seen where the masks didn't hide his face.

Elise was wearing a similar costume to Isabella’s, it was black in color, no distinct marks or anything. The material was soft to the touch but durable and it was covering most of her face.

"Oh, I wonder," Elise said and started rubbing her chin, pretending to think deeply. "It couldn't have anything to do with Kilop city. No, it must be something else." Adan stared at his own portrait and thought, ‘Damn, I look good.’

"Do you think the news has spread to the Viridis kingdom?" Adan asked. He didn't want to sneak much, if at all. His potion supply was quite limited at the moment and he didn't want to waste any trying to get himself and Elise inside the city.

"While the Jik kingdom and the Viridis kingdom aren't at odds, they aren't necessarily friendly either. I doubt they would care about you yet, at least," Elise reassured Adan. This was good news for him.

"Is everything else in place?" Adan asked, eager to start the teleport ritual as soon as possible.

"The guards are outside the office and every door until the basement should be locked. They shouldn't get suspicious unless more than 24 hours have passed," Adan already knew this, as he was the one who talked to the church. Most people in the city where they stayed, Lordslane, trusted the doctor quite a lot. The name Lordslane came from their relatively close distance to the capital, and it used to serve as an important defense location in the past.

"Imagine how my reputation is going to skyrocket as soon as I 'cure' the Saintes as well," Adan said with a smirk on his face, air quoting the word 'cure'. This would further solidify his identity as a good doctor in the Jik Kingdom and he had to do nothing for it.

"How nice," Elise brushed his comment aside. "So, how's the teleporting process?"

"Just keep my hand and don't move outside the circle that forms around us," Adan grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. He turned on his devil form and held her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes. "If you move, I'll feed you paralytic poison and open you up to play around with your insides while we wait for the next 13 hours," Adan tried to scare Elise to the best of his abilities.

"Yes, yes," Elise simply brushed his hand aside, looking uninterested and not scared at all, and took a seat on the ground. Adan thought to himself, ‘Holy fuck, she's annoying. How can I have fun if you're this dull?’ Despite his thoughts, he still enjoyed the rebel spirit she had in her. It would be one of his next personal missions to see her terrified expression once again.

Adan then took a seat on the ground between Isabella and Elise, grabbed both their hands, and went deep in thought as he selected a place on the map. This time, he chose a place inside the forest, although this time it would be more risky. He didn't know much about the capital city of the Viridis kingdom and neither did Elise. He didn’t want to attract any attention on his arrival and hoped there were no guard around the place he was teleporting. But he couldn’t do more than hope, as he confirmed the location and the text appeared around them. Elise was surprised at first by the show of light that happened around them but as the time passed she got used to it and just stayed there.

Neither of them spoke for the duration of the hour, and the teleport process was complete.


As the white sphere around Adan, Isabella, and Elise dispersed, they are immediately struck by the surreal beauty of their surroundings. The forest is a mesmerizing blend of vibrant colors, each tree displaying a unique palette of greens, purples, and blues. The canopy above is so thick that it blocks out most of the sunlight, casting a dappled pattern of light and shadows on the forest floor.

The ground is covered in a lush carpet of moss, dotted with strange and exotic flowers that emit a soft glow. They spot large ferns with fronds that reach up to their waists, and vines that seem to be woven together to form intricate patterns. They also come across twisted trees that seem to grow in impossible angles, and giant mushrooms that reach up to the canopy. The air is thick with the scent of pine and earth, and a faint hum of magic is palpable in the atmosphere.

They can sense that they are not alone, but the creatures of the forest are hidden, observing them from the safety of the underbrush. The three of them know they are in the heart of Viridis, home to elves, druids, and demi-humans, and they cannot help but feel awed by the mystical beauty of the forest.

Elise and Isabella looked at the strange forest in wonder, their eyes big with excitement. There was nothing like it in the Jik kingdom. It felt like a dream come true for the two.

Adan, however, appeared uninterested and asked in a low voice, "Can we like, fucking move?" Despite his nonchalant attitude, Adan was probably the most excited of all. A few months ago, he was in a different world, a boring one, but now, the scenes he had only seen in movies and read about in books were finally in front of him.

"Do you have a heart made of stone or something?" Elise asked, annoyed. Even Isabella was making puppy eyes at Adan.

"There's plenty to see in the capital," Adan said, turning to them with a new idea. "How about this? If we have enough time, I'll buy you a slave to play with."

"Why would we need something like that?" Elise asked, her words not matching her sudden faster pace and happy expression. She looked like she was imagining something.

Adan knew roughly where they needed to go. They were no longer cautious of the guards patrolling the forest. Adan simply didn't want them to see the teleportation process, but now they could act like normal adventurers or tourists.


As Adan, Isabella, and Elise approached the capital city, they were awestruck by the towering walls that surrounded it. Unlike traditional walls made of stone or brick, these walls were crafted from a harmonious blend of rocks, trees, roots, and lush green plants. The rocks were polished smooth and held together by vines and twisting roots that seemed to grow organically out of the earth. The towering trees, with their thick branches, were woven into the walls, providing additional support and creating a natural canopy that shaded the city from the sun.

In the center of the city stood the royal castle, a giant tree that towered over everything else. The tree was wider at the base than it was tall, with massive roots that extended deep into the ground, providing a stable foundation. The trunk was covered in bark that was a mix of colors, from dark brown to pale green. The branches spread out like arms, stretching far and wide, and were adorned with lush foliage in every shade of green and gold.

At the gate, multiple guards stood tall. Some were buffed while others were skinny. The buffed ones had heavy armor made of a greyish material, while the skinny guards only had patches of armor covering vital spots. Their armor was made of a white material with a purple hint.

"Halt! State your business," said one of the skinny guards as he stepped forward. Elise and Isabella couldn't understand what was being said. Elise, especially, was displeased since it was clear that they weren't from this place. She wanted to speak up and express her frustration, but Adan beat her to it. After all, he understood everything.

"Greetings, good sir! We are a pair of adventurers traveling the world and would like to visit the capital," Adan said. All three—the guard, Isabella, and Elise—looked strangely at Adan as he spoke. He knew he had spoken in the Elven language and felt different from what he normally felt when speaking the same words in his own language. Adan was happy to see that the pain he felt when he was first transported to this world applied to other languages as well.

"I didn't know you could speak Elven," Elise whispered behind Adan's back.

"Why, of course! There are many things you don't know about me," Adan told her and redirected his attention to the guard.

"Do you have any way to identify yourself?" the guard asked.

"None," Adan answered.

"Then there is a big fee required to enter the city. After paying it, you will pay less next time," the guard instructed Adan. Adan plunged his hand into his coat and retrieved a few jewelry pieces, expensive-looking ones. He took the guard's hand, opened it, and placed the goods in his hand. "I hope this suffices," Adan said with a sly smile.

After they left the guard station with their newly acquired documents, they finally entered the capital of the Veridis kingdom. They could see that the city was full of elves, druids, and demi-humans going about their daily business. The streets were lined with stalls selling all manner of goods, from exotic spices and herbs to handcrafted trinkets and intricate jewelry. The sounds of laughter, music, and conversation filled the air, giving the city a lively and energetic atmosphere.

The buildings were constructed from a variety of materials, including wood, stone, and crystal. They were adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, depicting scenes of nature and animals from the forest. Flowers and plants were woven into the roofs and walls, creating a colorful and fragrant tapestry that covered the city.

As they passed through the streets, they noticed that the city was dotted with glowing mushrooms, giving the entire place a warm and magical ambiance. Strange plants with vibrant colored leaves and petals lined the roads, swaying in the breeze. The light filtering through the treetops was a beautiful blend of greens, golds, and purples.

In the distance, they could see the grand entrance to the castle, where guards in shimmering green armor were stationed.

"Where to now?" Isabella asked. Adan chuckled. "Fuck knows," he replied.

"You haven't planned anything?" Elise asked, disdained.

"Well, it's not like I can just stroll into the castle," Adan shrugged. He would've liked to, but he didn't think he could just take the entire personal inside the castle. "We'll start by gathering whatever information we can for now."

"What do you mean by 'we'? You're the only one who can speak their language. We don't understand anything," Elise latched onto Adan. He seemingly just realized this. Even if he sent Isabella to spy on them, she wouldn't be able to understand a word they spoke inside the castle.

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"Hmm. Isabella, could you perhaps stay as far away as possible and try to watch them without anyone noticing you?" Adan asked Isabella, who started watching the terrain around the castle. Normally it would be possible, but this time...

"I don't have any skills or magic to fly and reach the upper branches of the castle," Isabella responded, disappointed. Adan was disappointed too.

"Right, well, there's an evil cult running around here. I doubt it would hide inside the city, but try to find anything about them inside or outside the city. If you find something, send me a message through the contract. If not, we'll meet back at the gate in 20 hours," Adan gave Isabella the order. She smiled, nodded, and ran off into the crowd.

"What do I do?" Elise asked, standing behind Adan.

"Well, I guess the royal family tried to use higher ranking saints than a lower level like you," Adan started scratching his head, thinking about what to do with the woman. Then, something came to mind.

"You're completely useless for now, so you can fuck off. I'll send you a message when you should come back," Adan said as he turned around and was about to leave. But something caught his arm from behind.

"You can't be serious right now," Elise had a slightly worried expression on her face. "I can't understand their language. How am I going to manage by myself?" she continued.

"You're a big girl. You can take care of yourself," Adan started making a shooing motion. "Fuck off," and it did the trick. Elise turned around, looking angry, and went into the crowds as well. Adan tried to find something that looked like a bar but being unable to read, he relies on his sense of direction and the sounds coming from each building he passes. After some time, he reaches a wooden door carved with intricate designs. He opens the door and steps inside.

The interior of the bar is dimly lit, but still comfortable. The walls are made of a dark wood, and the roof is covered with ivy, giving the bar a natural and rustic feel. The bar counter is carved from a single piece of stone, and behind it are shelves filled with bottles of different colors and shapes. The barstools are made from tree stumps with cushions on top. The air is filled with the scent of fresh herbs and the sound of glasses clinking together. In the corner of the room, there's a small stage where musicians perform live music, accompanied by the soft hum of the patrons chatting and laughing. Overall, the bar is warm, inviting and relaxed, with a touch of the city's mystical influence.

Adan headed straight for the bartender, hoping to gather information, but all efforts proved fruitless. The bar was just a regular one, with no indication of any shady dealings. Adan ordered a drink, then took a seat at a random table, much to the surprise of the guests. However, after he treated them with a round of drinks, they welcomed him warmly.

Despite his efforts, Adan still couldn't find any valuable information, so he moved on to the next table, and the next, and the next.

As the night went on, everyone in the bar got to know Adan and they tried to keep him there longer, enjoying his company. Feeling the good atmosphere, Adan approached the musicians and threw some jewelry at them, instructing them to play something more upbeat and livelier. He then threw more jewelry at the bar and yelled, "Drinks on me, lads!"

The entire bar erupted in cheers, as everyone raised their mugs in celebration. Some even got up to dance, including Adan himself. Despite being reserved back in his world, when he let loose, he always made a big impact, using modern dance moves to captivate the audience. He danced for the next few hours, ultimately deciding that gathering information was a lost cause, and leaving it to Isabella and perhaps Elise.

After some time, Adan received a message from Isabella through the slave contract and decided to leave the bar discreetly. He went straight for the gate, where he saw something in the shadows and met Isabella.

"Anything at all?" Adan asked, but Isabella had a sad and defeated look on her face.

"Nothing. What about you, father?" Isabella asked. Adan looked away, thinking about the hours he spent at the bar without contributing anything.

"Sadly, I have got nothing as well," Adan replied.

Isabella sighed and looked around. "Where is Elise?"

"I sent her on her own. Let me send her a message," Adan said, closing his eyes and trying to contact Elise. She did not respond, and Adan opened his eyes in surprise after some time had passed. Isabella picked up on it and asked, "What is it, father?"

"Elise is not responding," Adan said. He could feel the general location of his slave, but no exact location. He could also feel how close she was to him. Elise was outside the city and quite far off. Adan grinned when he realized what had happened. "She's been captured."

"Who would capture her?" Isabella asked, not seeming to care too much about the loss of her partner.

"She is a Saintes, after all. No simple individual would be able to capture her. And I have a small feeling that the group that captured her found out her real status," Adan said, his gears turning in his head. It was a high chance that some evil group had captured Elise.

"Remember when I said I can't simply stroll into the royal castle?" Adan turned to Isabella and asked.

"Yes?" Isabella answered, not understanding Adan's intentions.

"Follow me," Adan said, breaking into a sprint and running towards the royal castle. They reached their destination in a short time. A multitude of guards guarded the entrance, but they stopped in front of the group of guards.

An older-looking guard with a kind expression stepped forward. He did not wear armor, but he had a sword strapped to his belt, and his hand was resting on the hilt, ready to strike at any moment. Adan was taller than the older guard, and as they stood there, Adan smiled and said, "I have a message for the royal family."

The guard scoffed at Adan, "Do you think a simple man can just send a message to the royal family?"

Adan chuckled and then laughed, and even Isabella started laughing. "Are you a simple man, father?"

Adan wiped a tear from his face and then wiped one from Isabella's face. "I guess I am, dear," he said, turning back to the guard, who was looking a bit more tense than before.

"Tell the royal family that this simple man has the location of the evil cult that cursed the 2nd prince," Adan said. He didn't really know who had captured Elise, but he believed it was highly likely to be an evil cult. Otherwise, why would they capture Elise? That didn't really matter, though.

The guards instantly whitened as they heard what Adan told them. Some of the guards behind him probably didn't hear or understand what the older guard meant, but the older guard, who looked more experienced and more royal, certainly knew something. His reaction confirmed Adan's suspicion.

"Make way for him," the older guard said. The guards looked at each other in confusion, with some not hearing and some not understanding what the older guard meant. But then he turned around and yelled, "MAKE WAY FOR HIM!" All the guards cleared the path, and the older guard bowed to Adan and Isabella. "Please, follow me," he said, and led them inside.

The royal castle, set inside a massive tree, is a grand and imposing structure. The walls are constructed from rough-hewn wooden planks, polished to a high shine, and the tall arched windows allow streams of light to filter into the interior, illuminating the space with a warm and inviting glow. The guest room on the ground floor is no exception. Its walls are adorned with intricate carvings and tapestries, depicting scenes from the kingdom's history and culture. A plush rug covers the floor, inviting visitors to sink into its soft fibers and relax. A roaring fireplace provides both heat and light, while comfortable armchairs and a sturdy wooden table complete the space, making it ideal for meetings or simply enjoying a cup of tea.

Everyone took a seat, and a maid was already there, preparing three cups of tea on the table. He took a cup of tea and hovered it under his nose to savor its fragrance. But he found something odd.

"How do you know about the 2nd prince?" The old guard asked, wanting to get straight to business. But Adan had other plans. He saw Isabella wanting to take a sip out of her tea, but before she could do so, Adan snatched her cup. Before the guard could realize it, Adan put both cups to his lips and tilted his head, allowing the contents of the tea to slide down his throat. Then, suddenly, he got up and went to the maid who was standing at the side, grabbed the teapot, opened the lid, and downed its contents as well.

The old guard looked horrified as Adan did this, but it wasn't the face of someone looking at an insane person. He was looking at Adan as if something bad was about to happen. This was enough for Adan to figure out the guard's true intentions.

Adan could smell something wrong in the tea, but he couldn't exactly identify what it was. He was mostly certain that they wouldn't poison them to death, but they would try to capture them and get information. So they must use some kind of sleeping potion on them, which is negated by his skill.

"How rude of you to dose this delicious tea. Maybe we'll just leave," Isabella said as she got up as well. They were both ready to leave, but the old guard tried to reason with them. They wouldn't hear any of it. Before they could reach the door, someone else opened it. This time it was another person.

‘An elf?’ Adan inspected the man excitedly and thought he looked just like they would in comics and movies.

"Your majesty," the old guard and the maid quickly bowed to the ground.

"Your majesty?" Adan asked as he looked at the elf in front of him. ‘One of the princes?’

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