Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 19: Chapter 18 – Evil cult

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“And who might you be?” Adan stood in front of the newly arrived guest, he stood tall, a slender figure with sharp features and pointed ears. He had a mane of hair that was once a deep shade of brown, but now hung listlessly around his face, giving him a disheveled appearance. His piercing green eyes appeared dull and distant, lacking their once sparkling intelligence and kindness. He was dressed in a tattered robe of emerald green, adorned with fraying threads of gold, and a crown rested upon his head, though it looked like a symbol of burden rather than a symbol of sovereignty. His demeanor was distant and reserved, with a tight-lipped smile that never reached his eyes. He seemed uncomfortable in his own skin, almost as if he was hiding something. Despite his unkempt appearance, there was a regal quality to his bearing that suggested he was used to being in a position of power.

"Impudence! How dare you talk to the First Prince like this?" The older guard raised his head from the floor, but he was still bowing. He glared at Adan and yelled, "First Prince? This disheveled walking corpse?" Adan looked at the guard and asked, pointing at the prince with his thumb, using a confused expression. But he was pretty sure it was the prince. Adan wanted to see how far he could take it.

"You insolent bastard!" he found out soon enough. The guard jumped to his feet and skillfully unsheathed his blade. He lunged at Adan with precision and intent to kill, his speed was impressive, and Adan deduced he was a mid to upper-level swordsman and didn't have to put much effort into this strike.

Before the sword could reach Adan's throat, a black figure appeared behind him and swiftly deflected the sword, hitting empty air instead.

"First sleeping poison and now you attack? Is this how the royal family treats a benevolent?" Adan chuckled as he turned to the prince.

"Why would we simply trust you?" the prince spoke for the first time, his voice low and raspy. It sounded quite tired, and it seemed like the war and the incident with the Second Prince had taken a toll on him.

Adan reached into his coat and retrieved a piece of paper that he had folded. He handed it to the prince and said, "I've got some issues with the dwarves. So, I decided to give you a helping hand."

By the time the prince finished reading the document, he looked surprised and seemed to recall something. "You're the man who wreaked havoc in an important city from the Jik Kingdom," he took another look at Adan, doubtful. "But that happened less than a week ago. How could you already be here?"

"Why don't I tell you all of my secrets?" Adan laughed at the prince's comment. "How about we discuss that over some poisoned tea?" He then slapped his forehead. "Oh, wait... I drank it all. How about I puke it out, and you can sip from the floor."

Dead silence followed, no one moved, and no one spoke. The silence was eventually broken by the sound of Isabella laughing hysterically, holding her stomach, while Adan laughed in a more dignified manner.

"Listen here, prince. I am not a man who fears the upper class. That evil group has captured a property of mine. You can either send your personnel to capture and gather information from them, or I will go myself and decimate them, leaving no information behind." Adan stood his ground, smirking while looking at the prince, who seemed too tired to want to deal with the situation.

"Send a team with these two," the prince gave the order. His facial expression didn't change during the entire ordeal.

"Your excellency! You can't be serious!" The older-looking guard tried to argue with the prince, but a stern stare from the prince silenced the guard.

"Even if they are part of the evil cult, we will at least get some information this time," the prince gave Adan one last look before turning around and leaving the room. 'He's willing to sacrifice people for information. Looks like he has a brain,' Adan thought, feeling that this was a good quality for a future ruler of a kingdom.

Adan checked the time and realized they were running low on it. He needed to make sure the guards back home wouldn't check on them. "I'll give you one hour to prepare. I have other business to attend to," he said, pacing around the room before sitting back down on his seat. "And bring some good tea this time," the guard looked furious at Adan, but didn't say anything and promptly left the room, along with the maid who was tasked with bringing the tea.


"Do you think Elise is alright?" Isabella, who had grown bored after some time, tried to start a conversation with Adan.

"Are you worried about her?" Adan sipped on his newly brewed tea, which was warm and of a certain quality.

"Not really," Isabella answered as she ate some of the desserts that the maid had brought with the tea. Adan asked, "Then?"

"We are going to need her alive for when we return, otherwise the church won't be happy," Adan looked surprised at his daughter. He didn't think she cared about such details before. 'Maybe she is starting to mature a little more,' he thought.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of an armed group. Ten people entered the room, all of them elves, druids, or demi-humans.

The first was a tall, slender elf with pointed ears and a bow slung over his shoulder. His hair was the color of autumn leaves and his eyes were a piercing green.

The second was a druid, wearing simple robes and carrying a staff. Her hair was curly and brown, and her eyes were a warm, golden brown. Her skin was tanned and weathered from spending so much time outdoors.

The third was a demi-human, shorter than the others but broad-shouldered. He carried a large, two-handed sword and his armor was well-worn from many battles. His hair was black and his eyes were a deep, intense blue.

The fourth was another druid, this one with hair the color of ripe wheat and eyes like the sky on a summer day. She wore a necklace made of leaves and twigs and carried a small, intricately carved wooden flute.

The fifth was an elf with hair as silver as the moon and eyes like diamonds. She wore a flowing dress of pure white and carried a short sword at her side.

The sixth was a demi-human with a mane of fiery red hair and eyes like emeralds. He was tall and broad-chested, with a fearsome look in his eyes.

The seventh was an elf with hair as black as midnight and eyes as dark as coal. She wore a simple tunic and trousers and carried a bow and quiver of arrows.

The eighth was a druid with hair like honey and eyes like the sun. She wore a cloak made of leaves and flowers and carried a small, ornate wooden box.

The ninth was a demi-human with hair the color of burnished copper and eyes like sapphires. He was tall and lean, with a wiry strength in his frame.

The tenth was an elf with hair as pale as snow and eyes like ice. She wore a dress of shimmering silver and carried a slender, shining rapier. All of them stood in a line, waiting for their next command.

They all had stern and serious expressions as they entered the room. The leader, the fifth person, was in the middle. She walked past the group, went down on one knee, and introduced herself. "Lord Adan, we have received orders to help you capture the evil cult. I am Cecilia, and the others are...” Adan didn't want to wait to hear the introductions, as it would be too boring and a waste of time. However, something else was on his mind, 'Holy shit, these people look like elites. Is the prince really letting me command them, or is he trying something funny?'

"No need for introductions," Adan said. "I trust that you all know your roles. Are the horses ready?"

"Yes, sir," Cecilia replied, still on one knee.

Adan and Isabella jumped from their seats and went to inspect the horses. They were of good breed, healthy, and strong-looking. Adan was satisfied with the quality. Everyone mounted their horses, with Adan in the lead, followed by Isabella and Cecilia, and the others behind them. They rode at full speed through the city, with the citizens looking on with awe at the personal, but also with a strange expression directed at the strangely dressed man at the front.

They rode through the strange forest, and Adan followed the faint connection from the slave contract, with the others following behind. The group leader started to ride slightly faster and arrived next to Adan. "How long do we have left?" she asked. Adan could feel that she didn't trust him at all, but it didn't bother him.

"We're close, dear," Adan replied. "During the fight, we'll stay back and assist your group." Adan brewed some different potions than he used last time and wanted to try the role of a support. The leader simply nodded and returned to her place.


After some more time, a shadowy figure appeared on the back of Adan’s horse, “Halt!” yelled Adan, and everyone stopped. He put pressed his hand against the shadow figure, and it started absorbing back into his skin. His eyes turning black for a few moments and then returning to normal.

“We are going on foot from here, they have their camp nearby”, everyone listened to his order and they got off their horses. Adan took five potions from inside his coat and downed the contents at the same time, throwing the bottles on the ground. The vials started squirming and turning black, and from them, five more shadowy figure appeared. The rest were certainly surprised at the sight, but they didn’t comment on it. Adan took another 5 bottles from his coat, sipping the contents but still leaving some inside the bottles and handed each shadowy figure a bottle. They disappeared after that, and Adan turned back to the group and order them to move again.

The evil cult's hidden camp was nestled deep in the forest, surrounded by towering trees and dense undergrowth. The entrance was concealed by a cleverly disguised gate, and the camp itself was surrounded by a tall, camouflaged fence. The guard towers at each corner were strategically placed among the trees, providing a clear view of the surrounding area while remaining hidden from sight.

As Adan and his group approached the camp, they were greeted by the smell of smoke and the sound of hushed voices. The cultists moved about their business with a sense of purpose, tending to cooking fires, sharpening weapons, and practicing combat techniques.

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The central tent in the camp was the largest structure, its sides hidden by thick canvas and adorned with mysterious symbols and sigils. A group of hooded figures stood guard outside, their eyes trained on the arrivals as they approached.


"Sir Adan, what's the plan?" Cecilia asked as they stood a safe distance from the enemy camp.

"Rush in," Adan replied, his orders simple and direct.

"What?" Cecilia exclaimed, barely managing to keep her voice low.

"You think we can't take down a few dozen cultists?" Adan asked, a note of challenge in his voice.

"That's not it. They might run if they see they're losing," Cecilia pointed out.

"I've got that covered," Adan reassured her, sensing her lack of trust. Despite her misgivings, she knew that with their clear view of the surrounding area, there was no chance of an ambush.

And so, they charged towards the camp, the guards posted at the entrance fleeing inside as soon as they saw the armor of Adan's group. This allowed the group easy entrance into the camp. Before they could even try and do anything, a group of cultists gather in the middle, their leader at the front.

The evil cult's leader was a short, imposing figure. They had a confident gait and carried themselves with authority. They had piercing eyes that seemed to take in everything. They were dressed in dark robes adorned with intricate symbols, and their hands were adorned with rings that glimmered in the low light. Despite the air of mystery and power that surrounded them, they had a cool demeanor.

"I see the royal family has sniffed our trail." the leader said and chuckled, his voice surprisingly higher in pitch than Adan expected. Before Cecilia could answer, a follower hidden in the shadow finished casting a spell and shot a ray of pure darkness at Cecilia, taking everyone by surprise and leaving them unable to respond, except for Adan.

Adan's book quickly caught life, its blue and purple glow starting to flare, and it flew beside Cecilia, blocking the magic.

Both Cecilia and the cult leader took a closer look at Adan. Cecilia had a surprised and grateful gaze, while the cult leader had a cautious one and appeared to deem Adan dangerous. Adan took an empty vial from inside his coat and bit down on his finger, causing it to bleed. His glove remained untouched. "I assume this means the fight begins, right?" Adan asked with a chuckle, before laughing maniacally as the blood from his finger touched the glass, which lit up with golden writing. Five small liquid puddles from around the camp lit up and turned into more runic text, forming a barrier around them and keeping everyone inside.

"I told you I've got that covered," Adan told Cecilia as he continued to laugh, his right eye turning red, blood started flowing down from it and the fog starting to rise. However, he kept the fog low, wanting to seriously try a support role and obstructing only enemies, not his teammates. He didn't unsheathe his sword, as the outer shell of the cane was indestructible while the blade was hidden. He could use the sword like a shield.

“What did you do!?” The leader yelled, he looked angry but then thought of something and he chuckled “Do you really think you can face all of us?”, he said with a sly smile

“Quite so” Adan didn’t take the man seriously and reached inside his coat, taking an empty bottle, “Here, catch” Adan said and threw the empty vial towards the leader, who surprisingly dodged this time, he was one of the first people to realize that Adan’s empty bottles were dangerous.

However, the same couldn’t be said about the other cultist who wouldn’t be able to dodge in time. Adan didn’t want to kill them, after all, the prince wants as many of them alive, so he detonated the explosion earlier. Not harming anyone in the process but a big cloud of smoke formed that obstructed the enemy vision.

Adan’s team didn’t need any orders, they quickly rushed at the distraction created by Adan.

Adan himself started controlling the red fog, creating a circle of fog around the group, so ranged cultists couldn’t see anything, rendering them useless. Isabella was ordered to pick them up. Adan only got closer to the group, but he didn’t join the fight. He just stayed there, observing, and occasionally, he would throw a bottle around the battlefield.

The 9 members stood shoulder to shoulder, facing off against the horde of cultists. The cultists numbered in the dozens, wielding dark magic and sharp weapons. The heroes were skilled warriors and spellcasters, but they were heavily outnumbered.

The tall, slender elf with the bow (1) loosed arrow after arrow, disabling cultists. The first druid (2) summoned thorns and roots from the earth to entangle the enemy, while the demi-human with the two-handed sword (3) hacked through them with powerful blows, severing muscles and tendons.

The second druid (4) played a mournful tune on her flute, calling forth a mist that shrouded the battlefield and confused the cultists. The demi-human with the fiery red hair (6) roared a challenge and charged into the enemy ranks, his sword blazing with fire.

The black-haired elf (7) picked off cultists with precise shots from her bow, while the druid with honey-colored hair (8) conjured a vortex of wind and leaves that tossed the cultists about like rag dolls. The demi-human with copper hair (9) fought with a fluid grace, his sword a blur as he sliced through the enemy. The pale-haired elf (10) was a whirlwind of steel, her rapier flashing in the light.

Despite their best efforts, the cultists were slowly pushing the heroes back. The tide of the battle seemed to be turning against them, with more and more of the enemy closing in. Just when all seemed lost, Adan finally stepped in, as he retrieved a potion filled with a shimmering blue liquid from inside his coat

With a flick of his wrist, he threw the potion at the feet of the nearest cultists. The liquid exploded into a cloud of thick, choking fog, obscuring the cultists vision and causing a few to stumble. The man quickly followed up with another potion, this time a red one, which erupted into a wall of flame, enclosing a few cultists in a blazing inferno.

Adan then summoned a series of illusions, creating false copies of himself that confused the cultists and made it difficult for them to tell who was real and who was an illusion. He summoned vines from the ground to wrap around the legs of the cultists, tripping them up and making it easier for the heroes to subdue them. Adan continued to cast spell after spell, using his magic to disorient and distract the cultists while the heroes moved in to capture them. He summoned bolts of weak lightning to stun the cultists without killing them, created walls of thorns to block their escape, and conjured gusts of wind to knock them off balance.


At the same time, number 5 was currently battling with the leader of the group. As the fight between the two began, the leader of the cultists summoned dark magic, conjuring bolts of lightning that struck towards the elven leader. She deftly dodged the attacks, the white fabric of her dress billowing behind her. In response, she raised her hand and summoned a blast of pure, white light that obliterated the dark magic, leaving the cultist leader momentarily stunned.

The elven leader seized the opportunity to close the gap between them, her sword flashing in the light. The cultist leader recovered quickly and brought forth a shield of shadows, blocking the elven leader's sword. The two of them engaged in a fast-paced swordfight, their movements graceful and deadly.

As the fight raged on, both leaders began to incorporate magic into their attacks, weaving spells between their sword strikes. The elven leader summoned a barrage of crystal shards that rained down upon the cultist leader, who countered with a wave of darkness that swallowed the shards.

The cultist leader then summoned an army of wraiths, their ghostly forms poised to attack the elven leader. She stood her ground, her sword glowing with a bright light as she summoned a fierce gust of wind that dispersed the wraiths.

The cultist leader was not one to be underestimated, as he had been waiting for an opportunity to turn the tide of the battle. With a sly smile, he unleashed a spell of illusions, creating multiple copies of himself that surrounded the elven leader. She swung her sword wildly, trying to hit the real one, but he was always just out of reach.

The cultist leader used this opportunity to launch a surprise attack, conjuring up a massive blast of dark energy that slammed into the elven leader, knocking her off her feet. She quickly regained her balance and countered with a spell of her own, summoning a barrage of silver arrows that pierced through the illusions, striking the cultist leader.

The two leaders locked eyes, both determined to emerge victorious. The cultist leader raised his hand, summoning a storm of darkness that enveloped the area, while the elven leader summoned a beam of holy light that penetrated the storm. The two powers clashed, creating a massive explosion that sent shockwaves through the area. But the cultist leader was tricky, he used this spell only as a distraction to get around the woman while she was distracted by the darkness and strike from behind. Before he could deliver the final blow, he felt a stinging pain in his back. Isabella stood there, with a knife coated in a purple liquid.

But he was too resilient. The cultist leader took a wide swing of his sword, trying to hit Isabella, but she skillfully dodged, landing back near Cecilia. The cultist leader surveyed the battlefield and saw that most of the cultists were tied up and tangled. He knew they were about to lose and eyed Adan with fury and rage. From what he saw, Adan was the only reason the others had lost. He controlled the battlefield however he pleased.

The leader could feel the poison slowly taking effect on him. In a desperate attempt, he ordered everyone to attack Adan. If he could get rid of this man, then maybe he could turn the battle around, but it was just wishful thinking. The other cultists started pushing through the main group, many of them avoiding the royal family's team and going straight for Adan, who was the furthest behind. The rest of the team couldn't do anything as there were still enemies around them that were keeping them busy. Cecilia wanted to jump in to help Adan, but Isabella caught her arm and simply said, "He's fine." Then she went to help the others.

Adan's stash of potions was once again running low, but he still had some tricks up his sleeve. He retrieved four colorless, cubical-shaped potion bottles from inside his coat and waited for the cultists to get close enough. Once they did, he smashed all four bottles on the floor near his feet. An azure blue cloud started spreading through the area, and Adan skillfully manipulated the red fog to contain the blue cloud of gas so it wouldn't reach his teammates and at the same time blocking the view of the events happening inside the fog sphere.

Once the rest of the cultists were dealt with, the team went to check on Adan. The red fog gas slowly dissipated, and he turned off his devil form. All the cultists, including the leader, were motionless on the ground, still breathing.

"Good job, Sir Adan. Might I ask what you used at the end?" Cecilia wanted to congratulate Adan. She was a little bit confused as to how he managed to render everyone unconscious, including the leader. Even though he was poisoned, he still wouldn't have gone down easily.

"It was an extremely potent sleeping gas, I just played for time" Adan replied with a chuckle.

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