Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – A new world

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He quickly takes a deep breath and checks his ears and face. He pats his cheeks and ears, feeling for any abnormalities. But everything seems normal, he's breathing normally, he can hear the chirping of birds and the soft sway of the grass.

“Damn, and I thought the pain they were talking about in the book was only the hand” he thought, slowly trying to get up.


As he stands up, he looks around him, taking in his surroundings. The plain had no tree in sight and was full of grass and flowers, some of which he had never seen before. He couldn't believe it, he was really in another world. He felt a smile spreading across his face, ‘Ohoho’. The thought of all the new opportunities and experiences that he would have in this new world filled him with excitement.


"Right, so... where exactly am I?" He wondered, trying to orient himself. He had expected to be summoned near the Johnson family house, which was probably inside a city, but he was in the middle of nowhere. " Well, I was going to leave immediately, so this works out fine" he thought.


He scanned his surroundings, searching for any potential dangers. In the distance, he saw something that looked like a wall. ‘Maybe a city?’ he thought, but it was at least a day or two's journey on foot. He decided to check out about the system that he read in the book.


He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to access the information. To his surprise, it was incredibly easy, like trying to remember a fond memory. ‘Strange feeling’ he thought. He couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity, like he had always known about this system, but couldn't quite put his finger on it.


From the information he read in the book, he knew that the system didn't offer much help. Most of the skills were passive, and the active ones were either not too special or would be earned after gaining a lot of mastery and understanding in one's abilities. "Quite balanced," he thought, appreciating the idea of having to work hard to gain power. He liked that no matter how powerful one could become, they couldn't tower over a kingdom or the churches or even a well quipped town with only the help of this system. He also realized that the book didn't go into much detail about this, leading him to believe that the book was supposed to prepare the young ones mentally before coming to this world and then they would get education from the family after coming here while they would keep the book for information about potions, demon, etc. Since that’s what it seemed to be focused on.


"But then why the hell am I here?" he wondered, confused. He doubted that members of the family would get teleported randomly into the world, but for now, he couldn't do much about it. He made a mental note to ask about the Johnson family when he got to a larger city.


Before setting off to the town, he needed to organize the information he had obtained from the system. He had a good imagination and wanted to make the information more readable.



Class: Locked

Class Skills: Locked


Feeling a sense of disappointment. He had hoped to have a class and associated skills, but it seemed that wasn't the case for him. Although he wasn’t surprised about that because the book already stated this but he was perhaps hoping for a glitch


Deity: None

Deity Skills: None


He continued reading. He wasn't aligned with any deity yet and didn't have any associated skills, but that wasn't surprising given his current situation. He would need to go to the church to find out about the process. This should be his main priority when he finally arrives in the next city.


Bloodline: Johnson, the mysterious doctors

Bloodline Skills: Anatomy knowledge, Doctor’s eye, Johnson’s special mind protection, Johnson’s special alchemist


He finished reading. He had his bloodline, which offered him skills. Four skills in total, ‘Not too shabby’ he thought. He also found out that he could focus on a specific skill and find out more information about said skill. He felt a sense of excitement as he began to explore the capabilities of his bloodline skills.



Anatomy knowledge:

            As a member of the Johnson family, you have unlocked the ability to understand the human body more efficiently. You will also have an easier time remembering information related to illnesses, treatments, the human body and any information related to medicine.


‘This is... not great’ He couldn't help but feel underwhelmed as he read the description of the skill. He had already devoted so much time and effort into studying the intricacies of the human body. He had read countless books and journals, and even though he hadn't been able to attend medical school, he felt like he knew more than the basics. He also has a huge book containing many common and rare illnesses. He knows that this skill might come in handy in the long run, but for now, it didn't add much to what he already knew. He couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment.

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Doctor’s eye:

            Modified skill ‘Inspect’ which is a skill most people in the Hugle World have that tells you the type of a living entity. This modified version of the skill will also tell you about the name of medical issues a person has, regardless of your medical knowledge.


‘Now we’re talking’ he grinned as he read the description of the skill. He would be able to trick people into believing that he’s an actual doctor and that he knows what he’s doing. Combining this skill with the information in the book regarded to illnesses and treatments, he could trick most people into believing that he’s an actual doctor. Very useful skill in his opinion.


Johnson’s special mind protection:

            The ancestors of the Johnson family were obsessed with the protection of our mind and keeping information from spreading out, so they fought hard and managed to pass down this skill to future generations. This skill will let you resist any spells and skills related to mind control, slavery sigil, memory manipulation, illusions, mind reading, drugs and any kind of magic and skill that interacts with the user’s mind, and it will also allow the person casting the spell on you to feel like the spell has succeeded. For mind readers, you can also send out selective and false information.


‘Mind control?’ The thought of someone using some kind of spell to make him their puppet sent shivers down his spine. He valued himself and the idea of losing control of his own mind was terrifying. But with this skill, he knew he would be safe. He wondered how rare this protection might be and if there are any ways to bypass it.

The mention of a slave sigil also caught his attention. "Looks like this world has slaves..." he thought. He didn't feel disgust, not at all and instead, he took in the information, knowing it might come in useful in the future.


Johnson’s extraordinary alchemist:

            Members of the Johnson family are unable to use magic and spells that are not related to skills. With this skill, you are able to craft potions that allow you to use certain powers from this world that are generally unusable for us. This skill also gives you a better understanding of ingredients and the process of brewing potions, giving you a higher success when trying to brew a potion.


"Being able to cast spells is nice... but it seems like every spell is a potion that requires not only ingredients, equipment and time to brew, but I can only carry so much on me," he thought. He knew that other people didn't have to go through the same trouble, they could cast spells at will, maybe they had some kind of consumable, like mana or energy. Despite his disappointment, he still thought it was a pretty good addition to his abilities.


He began his journey towards the only town he could see in the distance. Everything he was carrying in his backpack was quite heavy already, including a massive book, which slowed him down considerably. He estimated it would take over a day to reach his destination, taking into account his lack of physical exercise and the need for multiple breaks.


Ten hours later, he stopped near a boulder to try and get some sleep. He was honestly surprised he had gone for 10 hours without a break, even though his pace slowed considerably after 7 hours and he did need to take a few short breaks, nothing interesting happened. He collected some dried twigs and bushes along the way, since there were no trees in sight, to use for a fire. He sat down near the boulder, quickly built a small fireplace and lit it with a lighter he brought along.


As he stared into the fire, he thought about his next move after reaching the town and he started getting sleepy. He wasn't afraid of getting robbed or attacked while he slept; he had trouble falling and staying asleep. Even the slightest sound, like a clock ticking, would keep him up all night or even the noise of someone walking in the house could wake him up immediately. Luckily, there seemed to be no bugs or other noises nearby to disturb him, and he had thrown some dried twigs near himself, so if something stepped on them, he would be up and ready to act.


A few hours later, he woke up, about 6 hours he estimated as he didn’t bring a clock with him, after all, time could be recorded or work differently on this planet. No one had come near him and he confirmed that none of his items were missing. He ate some canned fruit, but there was no river nearby for him to take a shower. An hour later, he finally resumed his journey towards the only place that might have some human life.


Seven more hours passed yet nothing happened. As Adan approached the city gates, he couldn't help but notice the sturdy walls, but the city itself seemed small, not a popular place by the looks of it. At the gate, there was only one guard, a muscled man dressed in leather armor with a sword at his waist.


"Greetings, your honor" the guard said, looking a bit intimidated "I'm afraid to say that the city is locked down at the moment”.

‘Your honor?’ Adan was taken aback at first but then he couldn't help but chuckle, looking down at his own clothes. This was after all, medieval timeline so expensive looking clothing like this wouldn’t be something a normal peasant would be able to afford.


“Good d...” But as he opened his mouth to respond, he was caught off guard by a strange sensation. The noise that came out of his mouth sounded right, but he could feel his face muscles contracting differently than usual for what he was trying to say, and the amount of air that left his lungs felt off. He quickly covered his mouth and turned away, trying to process what was happening.

‘So that's what it is’ he thought, finally understanding the pain he felt in his ears, face and throat. This must be some kind of auto-translation. He would hear everything in his mother tongue, but speak in the language of this world. He also realized that there was more to it than just this, and planned to investigate further when he got the chance.

"Are you alright, your honor?" the guard quickly asked, looking slightly worried.

"Never been better," he replied with a big smile, trying to put the guard at ease. "Good day to you as well, gentleman. There's no need for honorifics, I am just a humble average lad." He took a step back and did a small bow and after that he started playing with his cane. He always dreamed of acting like this but he was never able to back in his world as others would just laugh at him.

"My name is Pop," the guard said, still looking a bit tense.

"You said the city is on lockdown, hmm? How so?" Adan asked, needing to enter the city to gather as much information as possible.

"A demon is inside the town" Pop said, his expression revealing a sense of defeat, Adan listened intently, ready to use these people to his advantage.

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