Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – The plan

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"Oh, a demon you say?" Adan said, his smile never leaving his face as he took in the sight of the guard in front of him. Pop's uniform was stained with sweat and grime, and the look of worry etched deep on his face was enough to tell Adan that the situation was dire.

"Yes, Mister Adan, the church makes the rules. No one is to leave or enter the city until a special team from the church gets here" Pop started, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.

"But...no one came," Adan's said, his smile seemed to grow even wider as he saw an opportunity. It seemed like they had sent a request to the church, but they hadn't heard back yet. "When did you send the request?" Adan pressed, closing the distance between them as he looked into Pop's eyes.

Pop took a step back, "A little over a month ago. This is a small city on the outskirts of the kingdom." He shifted nervously under Adan's gaze, his hand twitching towards his sword hilt.

Adan's tone turned slightly mocking, "And how long do you think the church will take then?"

"There's nothing we can do but wait, sir. I suggest you go to another nearby city," Pop didn't seem to want to continue the conversation. It was a sensitive topic for him. He lowered his gaze, unable to hold Adan's intense stare.

Adan couldn't help but wonder about the motives of the church, but that wasn't important right now. He needed to get inside the city because he didn't know how far the next city was or how dangerous the road was. Luckily, he had just the thing.

"Fear not, my good friend. You are quite lucky to have met me. I can help" Adan stepped back and leaned on his cane, the gnarled wood creaking under his weight. He let out a small chuckle, trying to ease the tension in the air.

Pop sounded a bit doubtful, "You can help?" His eyes locked onto Adan's, searching for any sign of deception.

"Why of course!" Adan said loudly in a cheerful tone and throwing his hands in the air, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I am both a doctor and a demon hunter."

Pop was now looking more doubtful than before. How can he trust someone like this? But can he really refuse the help?

Adan waited for this question, "You also said you're a doctor. Then could you tell me..." He used his skill, Doctor's Eye.


Type: Human

Medical Issue: Pneumonia


‘He showed no signs of any illness and he looked like he was ready to fight. Quite the good actor’ Adan thought to himself as he examined the guard in front of him.

"Pneumonia, good sir" Adan said as he stepped back, his cane making a soft thunk against the ground.

Pop looked surprised, certainly he was not expecting Adan to find it out that fast, "How...?”

"I am even better when it comes to hunting demons. My offer still stands" Adan extended his right hand to shake, offering his help.

The guard was still hesitant, people of this world seemed to be scared of the church, from how the book talked about the church, they are one of the highest authorities on this planet, "Only official church members are allowed to be demon hunters, how did you..."

"I don’t think you can really afford to refuse my help. Who knows how long the church is going to take. I’m not going to ask for a lot as payment... Take my hand," Adan urged, understanding the guard's reluctance but also the desperate need for help. Pop, reluctantly, took Adan's hand and went inside to talk to someone else to escort Adan and to help him with killing the demon.

As Adan waited outside, he started to think about his next action. After all, he had never hunted demons before and although he could hold himself in a fight back in his world, he was unsure about this world. They had magic and he also was unsure of how much stronger demons really were but that should depend on each individual type. He could take a look inside his book but decided not to, he might look into some overpowered demon that he would have no chance of winning and he might get dispirited.

Nonetheless, he couldn't think about it too much because Pop already came back and signaled to him to enter the city. Pop will have to stay outside preventing anyone from leaving or entering. This one looked like they had better quality armor and they looked just as buffed. He introduced himself as Gerold, he knew about the gist of things and decided to get straight to business.


"Sorry if Pop acted rude towards you, he's afraid when it comes to the church. What do you need to fight against the demon?" Gerold asked, he didn't seem to have any problem with Adan being a stray demon hunter.

"I'm going to need to see it, even from a distance is fine but take me as close as possible, if you can. Also, tell me everything you know about it," Adan said as he followed Gerold. He was curious to hear details about this demon and even more curious to actually see it.

Gerold began walking, "The son of a bitch appeared about a month ago. It stayed inside this house and seems to be draining a lady. We cannot damage it but it let us feed the poor woman, but we are unsure of how long she can last." Gerold did not seem very bothered about the woman, despite the fact he tried to act that way. He wasn't a good enough liar to fool Adan. "Do you have any idea?" he asked and looked towards Adan.

"Of course!" Adan lied with a nonchalant expression and a big smile on his face. He gave off the idea that he's been doing this for a very long time, despite the fact that he looked so young. "But I'm still going to have a look with my very own eyes," Adan said as he made a circle with his fingers, as if looking through them at Gerold.

"You're confident, hope you have the skill to back that up," Gerold said with a hint of skepticism.

Adan only continued to smile, not a change in his expression. "We're here."


They arrived at a small wooden house, it didn't seem impressive but there were around 6 guards around the house, circling it. “Wait here” Gerold said and went ahead to talk to someone, observing from afar he saw the guard walking quickly towards someone standing next to the door, after they exchanged a few words the man at the door looked hurriedly at Adan with big eyes, Adan responded back with a smile and waving his right hand along with his cane.

Gerold signaled him to move over, and as he did, he was greeted by another guard, Finnian. "Thank you for your help, sir. My name is Finnian," Finnian said, his voice trembling slightly with fear and gratitude.

“No ... need. Where is it?” Adan asked and Finnian's expression grew serious, "Open the door and look around the main room, they usually stay on the sofa. She is too weak to move around much."

Adan nodded and pushed open the door, stepping inside the small house. The main room was directly in front of him, and as he entered, he saw the demon immediately. It was sitting on the sofa, a faint, ethereal glow surrounding it. The thing looked like a ghost. The woman it was draining lay motionless, her body slumped against the cushions. Adan could see the demon's tendrils, like ghostly fingers, wrapped around her, draining her life force

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Type: Mutant (Human-Soul eater)

Medical Issue: None


‘Ah, that doesn’t seem right’ As Adan examined the woman, he couldn't help but wonder if she could survive this. He wasn't particularly sorry for her, but he knew that it would be easier to gain the favor of the guards and the citizens if he was able to save her. However, he could only make assumptions for now until he could learn more about this "Soul eater" demon. He left the house.

“How is it?" Gerold asked, a hint of hope in his voice. Finnian looked at Adan with a stern expression but Adan could tell that both men were hopeful. Seeing Adan's big smile and relaxed attitude made them feel like everything was going to be fine.

"She's already dead," Adan said, the smile never leaving his face, his tone uncaring. Finnian's expression dropped, while Gerold remained unchanged. "What?" Finnian asked, almost in a whisper, not believing what he was hearing. “...What?” Finnian asked almost in a whisper, not believing what he’s hearing

‘Big heart, eh?’ Adan didn't like people like Finnian, too caring, too emotional, too involved, but he knew that was just who he was

"Give me some space for a bit, about an hour or so. I'm going to make a plan. I'm also going to need a pan and paper to write the ingredients for some potions. Bring a few more guards and we'll discuss the next course of action" Adan said, turning to Gerold

Gerold nodded and led Adan to an empty room inside the police building. He left Adan with a pan and paper, and left to gather the guards


As Adan sat in the empty room, he opened the book and began to read about the "Soul eater" demon. He couldn't help but appreciate the organized table of contents the book had. As he read, he learned that the Soul eater was a ghost type demon that chose a person and slowly drained them over time. If the drain was kept for more than two weeks, the demon would start merging with its host's soul, and if one died, the other would follow. The demon couldn't leave its host after the merge, but it would become more powerful. Since it couldn't be damaged with physical attacks and only certain types of magic, this could become a big problem. This also allowed the demon to protect its host if anyone decided to kill them. After the host eventually died, the demon would consume them completely and then choose another target. It was a very dangerous demon, but they were mostly reported on time and the church did its job.


Adan learned that this type of demon could only be summoned and it was a fairly big ritual and hard ritual to complete. ‘Meaning this is someone's doing’ he getting excited as he thought about this. He quickly wrote down the ingredients needed for the potions he planned to make and decided to take a look at the spells section to see if there was anything that could help him in battle. He finished well before the one-hour mark and with nothing else to do, he decided to kill some time browsing the spells section some more.


Some unknown amount of time later the guards came inside the room, about 8. Adan was done with his search by now and was lost in though.

“Everyone is here, mister Adan, wha...” Gerold tried to ask Adan about the plan but was, very rudely, cut off.

Finnian's voice rose in anger as he confronted Adan. "What do you mean the woman is dead? We can all see that she is very much alive now, there must be a way to save her," he exclaimed, his eyes filled with frustration and disbelief.

‘Yep, I hate him’ Adan though, finding the man annoying. He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest and a small smile on his lips. He had been expecting this kind of reaction, judging from their previous conversation, and he wasn't surprised by Finnian's lack of understanding "I understand your concern, Finnian, but you must trust me when I say that the woman is already gone." He started to summarize everything he read from the book about the Soul Eater demon in calm and uncaring manner.

Finnian's expression twisted with anger and disbelief. "And why should we trust your information and kill the woman? We should just wait for the church team instead of listening to a hoax like you" he spat, his words filled with disdain.

Adan's smile faded and he stood up from his chair, his anger rising to match Finnian's. Of course, that was a play. "Well, If you're going to treat me like that, then maybe I'll take my leave," he said, his voice cold and dangerous.


Before Finnian could respond, Gerold stepped forward and punched him full force in the chin, knocking him out cold. Adan watched as the guard's body hit the ground, his eyes flicking to Gerold in surprise.

"I'm sorry if this idiot made you angry, sir Adan," Gerold said, looking down at the unconscious Finnian. "If what you've said is true then we cannot risk it and wait for the church," he added, motioning for another guard to take Finnian away.


This scene almost had Adan laughing out loud but he managed to keep it down, not revealing a thing. He started explaining the plan "I'll create a potion that will force the spirit to fully possess the woman, making it unable to leave. But, it will also make it stronger. Once her body is damaged, I'll use another potion to cleanse the Soul Eater. If the damaged body doesn't kill her, the potion will, because their souls are now merged. Trying to save the woman will be impossible"

The guards exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to respond to Adan's callous attitude. Gerold cleared his throat, trying to steer the conversation back on track. "So, what's the plan for getting inside the house?"

"I'll go in alone. Seeing Finnian just now makes me want to make sure I don’t have another getting in my way" Adan said, his disdain for the guards clear in his voice. The others were not happy with his comment. Gerold brought tried to bring this to Adan’s attention, only to be greeted with a “I don’t a shit”.

"Gerold, you and the rest of the guards will evacuate the area and make sure no one gets near" Adan was already getting tired of this bunch and quickly wrapped things up, sending the rest of the guards on their way until their assistance was needed. Only Gerold remained.


“Here is the ingredients list” Adan handed out the list, “I’ll stay here, prepare the ingredients in the alchemy room and tell me when it’s done... I’ll stay here”

Gerold nodded, took the list and started reading it, but he quickly made a strange expression which caught Adan’s eye. He was afraid that some of the ingredients would be hard to get or they didn’t have a steady supply since no one is allowed to enter or leave the city. ‘Actually, how are they not dying of hunger since there’re no traders going in? Do they have a big enough supply to last more than a month? The city looks too small for that’ he would need to ask about that after the battle.

“Any problems with the ingredients?” Adan asked, he did not know if there are any substitutes and the book never mentioned that

“I cannot read this” The guard said stared into Adan’s eyes

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