Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Blunder

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"Are you... illiterate?" Adan's eyes widened as he looked at the guard in front of him, there was a high possibility of such a thing happening in this time period.

Gerold, confused by Adan's question, furrowed his brows as he replied, "I can read the human language. What you've written here is not it."

Adan looked at Gerold, his smile disappearing as he asked, "The... human language?"

Gerold nodded, "Every race has its own language, sir, although the human language is also popular among the other races." Adan's mind raced as he thought about the implications of this revelation.

Adan's felt something was wrong as he pressed, "What year is it?" The guard's confusion was evident on his face as he answered, "1731."


Adan couldn't believe it ‘The book had information until the year 1300. How can it be so outdated?’. he thought, his mind racing. But then something clicked. ‘What if something happened to the Johnson family? Then grandpa received the book as some sort of inheritance and finally deciding to hide it since it was too dangerous for the rest of us and not worth the risk coming here’. It was plausible, as he was teleported in the middle of nowhere instead of the Johnson residency. But there was something more important now.

‘The pain...’ Adan touched his face and realized that his body had been modified so he could speak some language, but he was not sure if it worked with other languages. He had no pain in his eyes that would allow him to read and no pain in his hands that would allow him to write, meaning that he couldn't read or write. ‘And here I thought the guard was illiterate, turns out it was the other way around... What a joke!’ Adan started laughing heartily, Gerold was getting more and more concerned about Adan.

"Sorry about that," Adan said, trying to compose himself. "I cannot write in this language. I'll tell you and you write them on the paper." Gerold, still confused, simply nodded and took the paper from Adan.

"What about the brewing process?" Gerold asked, as he finished writing and prepared to give the instructions to the city's alchemist. "I'll prepare them myself. Alone... the process is a secret" Adan replied, his eyes conveying the seriousness of his words and making sure Gerold understood that he wouldn't be sharing any information.


About 20 minutes later, Gerold returned and the two of them made their way to the alchemy lab. A young man was waiting outside, his eyes wide with excitement as he begged Adan to let him assist or at least watch him work. Adan couldn't sense any ill intent from the man, but he still couldn't bring himself to trust him. He stood there, smiling but not responding to the man's pleas. Gerold noticing Adan's silence, stepped in and threatened to lock the young alchemist up if he didn't calm down.

"Make sure nobody bothers me while I'm inside" Adan said, making a subtle gesture towards the alchemist. Gerold seemed to understand stayed outside.

As Adan entered the lab, he couldn't help but be surprised by the level of organization and preparedness. The ingredients and tools were neatly arranged on the table, ready for use. He had expected an old man who thought he knew it all but was actually an idiot, but the young alchemist in front of him was different. "Three potions, here we go," Adan thought to himself.



Adan was pleasantly surprised at how well he was able to brew the potions, despite never having done real chemistry back on Earth. He knew some theory and seen some videos, but had never actually mixed the ingredients. His newfound skills, Johnson’s extraordinary alchemist, helped him navigate the unfamiliar tools and ingredients. The skill worked similar to the system, putting information inside his head, and making it easy for him to access it.

The process was mostly the same as it was on earth but there was certainly something magical involved. As he got more deeper into the brewing process, he could see the liquids change color. Some would glow, another one simply produced some form of gas after it was sealed in its bottle. Adan felt excited working with something closely related to magic. In the end, he was able to brew all three potions with ease.

‘Thank fuck these were the easier ones’ Adan thought, relieved. He read about some of the more powerful spell potions that required multiple rituals to be held while the potions were brewed and had a low chance of success even under perfect conditions. Certainly, he does not have the resources or skills to even dream about making such potions.

"It is done," Adan said, and he kicked the door open, scaring the two men waiting outside. He handed a flask to the young alchemist for inspection, who was impressed by the quality of the potion but couldn’t find out its use. Adan felt more confident about the upcoming battle.

"We're going back" Adan said to Gerold. "I'm going to need to store these" he said, motioning to his backpack and the book, which he never let out of his grasp. He wasn't too worried about losing the backpack, but the book was irreplaceable.

"Also, get me a knife" Adan said, his mind on the upcoming battle. He was considering fighting with his cane, but wasn't sure if it would be enough to finish off the demon, especially if the potion made it stronger. A sharp blade might be his winning card.


Back to the meeting room inside the guard’s station, Adan placed his book on the table and his backpack on the ground near his chair. Gerold was about to open the door and leave the room to prepare a sharp knife for Adan, when Adan's voice suddenly came from behind him “Oh, one more thing”.

“Yes, si...?” Gerold asked and froze as Adan closed the door and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around to face him.

Adan, who was taller than the experienced guard, towered over him. The lighting in the room was poor, casting shadows on Adan's mask, giving it a somber and ominous atmosphere. Adan was standing very close to Gerold, leaving little room between him and the door.

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Adan's expression was cold and menacing as he spoke, his voice low and gravelly "Make sure that when I come back, the book is untouched and there is not a single page torn. If anything happens to it, the curses I'll unleash on this city will be ones that not even the churches can purify. The demons I'll summon will eat the children and capture the women as sex slaves. And for you... I'll capture you myself and torture you for months on end. I'll remove the bones from your body while you are awake, and I'll keep you alive with healing potions to make sure they are aware for every single moment of your suffering. Have... I... made... myself... cleeeaaarrr?"


Gerold was terrified, feeling as though a demon stood before him, he stammered, "Y...Yyy...Yes S...ir,"

Adan's smile never left his face, but the malice behind his words was clear. "Very good" Adan chuckled and clapped his hands once, taking a step back and reverting to his cheerful, mysterious attitude. "Go talk to the guards and make the final preparations. I'll wait here," Adan gestured for Gerold to leave.

Gerold quickly scurried off, leaving Adan alone in the room. Adan was pleased with his performance and leaned back in his chair, feeling satisfied that his book and backpack would be safe while he was away, and that Gerold would be too scared to even consider betraying him. The atmosphere in the room was heavy with tension, and the shadows seemed to loom over Adan like a dark cloud, as if they were a reflection of the darkness within him. The room was silent, save for the sound of Adan's breathing and the occasional creak of the wooden chair as he shifted in his seat.


Finally, everything was in order. The guards were patrolling around to make sure no one got close to the building and the neighboring houses had been evacuated. Gerold had even stayed behind to keep a close eye on Adan's belongings. What a nice guy.

Adan returned to the door of the house and stepped inside. He scanned the space, his eyes falling on the sofa where he had last seen the woman. She remained motionless, her body still and silent. Adan nodded to himself, pleased with the results. The woman's body was damaged enough that even if the demon were to strengthen it, the advantage would not be the same as if she had been healthy.

He began to inspect the room more closely, taking note of its layout and potential weaknesses. This would be the main battleground for the upcoming fight. The special potion would cause the demon to go berserk and, unless it was critically injured, it wouldn't leave the house. The neighboring houses had been evacuated and guards were posted around the perimeter, so even if it did escape, it wouldn't be able to go far.

Searching his inner pockets, he took out a potion in a very small vial containing only a few milligrams. The potion had a light blue color. He unscrewed the cap and downed its content, then rolled the flask around the room’s floor without breaking it. "Alright, that's step one. Now for the real thing," he thought to himself.

He then took out another potion from his inner pocket, this one was bigger than the other one and had a round flask. Its color was a dark purple. Upon breaking it, a special gas would be released that spreads quickly. It was non-toxic to humans, but once inhaled by the host of the Soul Eater, it would start the merging process and the fight would begin.

Adan was getting very excited, after all this was his first battle in this world. He was not nervous at all as he was glad to die like this, although if he died early and didn't manage to hurt the demon, then it would escape and wreak havoc in the city, resulting in civilian casualties. "Too bad for them, I guess," he thought to himself as he smashed the potion on the ground.

As the purple gas filled the room, Adan's vision was obscured. He heard the woman's screams of pain as the gas reached her, the sound of her body writhing on the ground as the gas took effect. He could hear her bones cracking and shifting, her skin stretching and contracting. The sound was sickening, like the crunching of bones being broken and rearranged.


When the gas finally cleared, Adan's eyes fell upon the woman. She was standing, but she was no longer the same person he had seen before. Her eyes were bloodshot, the whites now a deep red. Veins bulged from under her skin, as if her blood was pumping at an alarming rate. Her hands were elongated, her fingers were now longer,  ended in sharp claws, and glinted in the dim light of the room. She was a terrifying sight, a twisted version of her former self.


Looking at the woman, Adan did not feel fear or disgust at the abomination in front of him. His heart pounded in his chest as he took in the sight of the demon. He could feel his excitement rising, the adrenaline pumping through his veins. The woman opened her mouth, but instead of a feminine voice, a hoarse, rasping sound escaped her lips. "Foolish human, I am..." she began, but Adan didn't give her a chance to finish. He lunged forward with lightning speed, the knife in his hand aimed at her chest.

The demon was caught off guard, clearly not expecting to be so rudely interrupted, and was unable to block the attack with her claws. She stumbled backward, trying to regain her footing. Adan had already predicted this as the knife attack was a distraction, and was quick to follow, sweeping her legs out from under her with a swift motion. She fell to the ground with a thud, but Adan didn't give her a chance to recover. He swung his cane upwards with all his might, striking her under the chin and sending her flying backwards.

The demon lay on the ground, dazed and disoriented. Adan saw his opportunity and lunged forward with his knife, but the demon already recovered. She slashed at him with her claws, narrowly missing his chest. Adan sidestepped the attack, his eyes taking in the sight of the sofa being shredded to pieces by the creature's claws. 'One hit and I'm dead,' he thought to himself.

He grabbed one of the wooden chairs nearby and threw it at the demon, using the distraction to move in closer. But the demon was too smart for that, she slashed at the chair and turned her attention back to Adan. He was again, ready this time, anticipating her next move. He grabbed her wrist with one hand, holding her claws at bay, and with the other hand, he stabbed at her with his knife. She blocked the attack with her other hand, her claws strong enough to deflect the blade.

Adan landed a kick to her stomach, forcing her to take a step back. He followed up by taking a small step back with a spin, sliding his hand down the cane for extra reach. He connected with a blow to the side of her head, cracking her skull. She stumbled and fell, next to the empty vial from the potion Adan had thrown earlier.

He could tell by the way the demon's bones had cracked under his blows that her transformation had only increased her strength and maybe her dexterity. She was moving faster and more nimbly than an untrained woman who had had her body and soul drained for a month, but in the end her body was too severely weakened for the boost to help much.

"Help... me," the woman's voice came out, her eyes cleared and her voice no longer hoarse. Adan panicked and rushed to her side, dropping the cane on the floor. "Are you alright ma'am?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, Adan now only a step or two away from her, "Thank you" she said and suddenly her eyes turned bloodshot, her voice became hoarse again and she lunged at Adan with her claws, catching him by surprise. He could only look horrified as the demon managed to deceive him and her claws were about to dig into his chest.

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