Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – ???

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The demon was confused when the skin around Adan's chest, where its claws struck, turned to glass, followed by his entire body. Less then a second later, the glass shattered, followed by a blinding light that distracted the demon.

Two seconds later, the monster opened its eyes, only to find a knife poking out of its chest. Adan was behind it, with a big smile on his face and relaxed eyes. The concerned and scared expression was nowhere to be seen on his face. The demon had been played. Adan was holding the knife handle that entered its back, severing the spinal cord, and exiting through the heart. It wasn't a straight line because Adan wanted to deal as much damage as possible, and he knew where to stab to get both areas at once.

"Wh..y...?" The demon struggled to speak. It was certain that Adan was going to let his guard down and try to save the woman. The monster was indeed quite intelligent, trying to use emotions to distract its target. But because of that, it was caught off guard since Adan did not care about the woman's safety at all, something it did not take into account.

"First blood" Adan responded, pulling out the knife. Blood started gushing from the wound, staining his white shirt and drenching his wool overcoat. He turned the woman over and pushed her to the floor, then got on top of her. Holding her hands under his knees, he started severing the muscles and tendons of her hands and arms first, then her legs, then her abs, and then her back. This was a safety precaution. Even though he severed the spinal cord, he was unsure if the demon could still make the woman move. Now, not only could it no longer attack, but it wasn't even able to crawl away.

The heart wound wasn't going to kill her immediately, even though the body was going to bleed out. The book specified that the demon could use its own resources or life force to keep the host alive. Adan also cut off her throat in case the demon wanted to talk. He was not interested in talking to it after all, but it might also use the woman to scream as he was going to purify the demon. The woman's screams would not shake him or discourage him, but it would most certainly annoy him, he did not like loud things.


‘Here we go’ Adan's hand trembled with excitement as he raised the knife above the woman's chest. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and with a swift motion, he plunged the blade into her flesh. Again... and again... and again, he stabbed with precision and force. The sound of metal slicing through skin filled the room. Blood splattered on Adan's mask, but he didn't flinch. He continued his attack, laughing slowly at first but then maniacally as the guards outside the house probably heard him, but Adan didn't care.

The woman's body was now riddled with wounds, and a pool of blood was forming around her. ‘That should do’ Adan though, smiling from ear to ear, and he withdrew another bottle from his inner pocket, this one was in a long tube and had the most liquid out of the three potions. The liquid had a dark golden color and the glass had a white glow to it. He took off the cork and started pouring the contents on the woman's torso. The liquid started to seep into the wounds, and the woman's body began to struggle. Adan smiled, mockingly asking "Does it hurt?... Want me to stop?"

The demon's face twisted in terror, and it tried to beg for mercy, but it was unable to do so with its throat cut. Adan ignored it and emptied the contents of the potion all over her body. Suddenly, a demonic screech filled the room, so loud that it could be heard all over the town and maybe outside of it. Adan covered his ears as the woman's skin began to melt, revealing her muscles and organs, and finally, her bones which turned to dust. When the screech died down, there was nothing left of the woman.

"Right then, a job well done" Adan was pleased and happy. He'd had his first fight since coming to this world and had managed to let his true self be free. The excitement of the battle still hasn’t left him.

He got up and looked around the room once more, looking at the spot where he left the bottle of the potion he drank before the fight. It was now broken. "Quite the spell" he thought. Emergency Decoy was the name of the spell. A mage would mark a spot nearby with their mana, only one at a time, and when needed, could switch places at will, leaving behind a decoy that would distract the enemy.

"But this one is better" he thought. The spell from the book binds with the glass of the potion, and there is no mana to be felt, making it impossible to detect until the last moment when the switch takes place. "Although the normal spell doesn't leave glass" the book mentioned that the decoy from a normal magician would simply leave a normal-looking human body, but in Adan's case, it left a glass statue. "Quite intriguing," Adan thought. He actually enjoyed the glass version much more.


The door creaked open, and the guards braced themselves for an attack. But as the figure stepped out, they relaxed, recognizing Adan. His clothes were stained with blood, and a sinister grin stretched across his face. The guards exchanged confused glances, unsure of whether to be relieved or wary.

Adan was practically bouncing with excitement, his eyes alight with the thrill of battle. He had just purged a demon from the house and was eager for more. As he waited there for bit, he spotted Gerold in the distance, running towards him with a backpack and a book clutched in his hand.

Gerold's expression changed from one of relief to fear as he got closer and saw the state of Adan's clothes and his dangerous expression. He stumbled over his words, "I h..heard t...t..the screech. How is it..t?" His hand shook as he handed over Adan's things.

Adan's grin grew wider as he raised his finger, "Dead." The guards couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spine at the tone of his voice. Adan suddenly switched to a cheerful, friendly and mysterious attitude. "Nothing left of it. The house is going to need a bit of cleaning. I suggest keeping some of the blood from the floor for when the church does arrive.

Gerold hesitantly peeked into the house, and his eyes widened at the sight of the pool of blood on the floor, melted skin/organs, and powdered bones. The smell of decay filled his nostrils and he nearly fainted.

A hand clamped down on Gerold's shoulder, and he jumped in surprise. It was Adan, "It's about time we discuss my reward, hmm?" Gerold couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he looked at Adan. He began to regret accepting his help. What if this demon-slayer had more sinister motives? Would he ask for the blood of the innocent, their riches and their married women, or their entire provisions?

"Take me to this city's church, and prepare some ingredients for me to create more potions," Adan said. Gerold was surprised and relieved at the same time, but couldn't help but wonder why Adan would need to go to the church. Was he seeking redemption for his actions or was there something else at play?

As they walked towards the church, Gerold couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He had never seen someone so excited about the prospect of killing demons, and maybe it’s not only limited to demons. Adan walked with a sense of purpose, his eyes scanning the area as if he was searching for something.


When Adan and Gerold arrived at the church, Adan marched inside with purpose, his gaze taking in the intricate carvings on the altar and the symbols of various deities adorning the walls. Gerold followed, unsure of why Adan was so interested in the church.

"Get me the priest or whoever has the highest authority in this building," Adan commanded, taking a seat at the altar. Gerold scurried off to do Adan's bidding, leaving Adan alone to ponder his next move.

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A few minutes later, Gerold returned with an elderly man dressed in black robes, his beard cascading down to his stomach. Adan assumed this must be the priest. The old man greeted Adan with a warm smile, despite Adan's appearance as a stray demon hunter, a profession frowned upon by the church.

"How may I be of your assistance?" the priest asked, his expression curious.

"I want to align myself with a deity. Tell me about the process and any limitations that may apply," Adan said, his tone serious.


The priest's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How old are you, sir?" he asked.

"A few months over 19" Adan answered truthfully, his eyes fixed on the priest.

"Most people choose a god by the time they are 14" the priest said, trying to understand how Adan had become powerful enough to dispel demons without using divine skills and magic one would get from aligning with a deity.

"That doesn't matter. What's the process?" Adan pressed, not feeling like doing small talk and wanting to get straight to business.

The priest explained that the process was simple and could be completed right away. There would be nine gods he could choose from. He warned Adan that if he were to engage in unorthodox actions, he may lose his alignment and the skills he had gained. But if Adan wanted to gain more skills or upgrade them, he will have to do special rituals and offerings.

Adan nodded, satisfied with the information. He told the priest to begin the ritual immediately.


The priest took Adan deeper inside the church and they reached the basement. Adan's eyes scanned the room, taking in the dim light and the musty smell of damp stone. The priest took some chalk and started scribbling around Adan, who was staying on the floor and on his knees, watching as the symbols began to emit a small white glow, illuminating the otherwise dark and gloomy space.

“Close your eyes and drink this slowly” The priest turned to Adan and handed him a chalice filled with water. The water itself was provided by Adan as he didn’t quite trust him, and the priest spoke some nonsense about the gods bestowing their power upon the water inside the grail.

Adan nodded to the priest and took the grail, closing his eyes and slowly drinking the water. He didn’t feel any different once he finished his drink but when he opened his eyes, there was complete darkness around himself.

Adan's eyes fell upon the statues in front of him, their strange appearance catching his attention. The statues seemed to radiate an otherworldly glow, an ethereal hue that made them appear almost otherworldly. ‘Looks like holograms but something more... magical’ Adan thought about it approached the first statue, a figure dressed in what appeared to be holy armor. The armor was white and gold, with intricate patterns etched into the surface. As Adan reached out and touched it, the statue seemed to come alive, the ethereal glow intensifying. Suddenly, Adan felt a rush of information flood his mind, as if the statue were imparting knowledge directly to him.


Deity: Holy Paladin

Description: The Holy Paladin upholds justice above all else. The skills bestowed by Him will help you deal with evil entities.


‘A little too vague for my taste’ Adan thought, the description did not offer him enough information about the skills. ‘And the justice thing...’ Judging by his most recent performance he doubted he could maintain a good relation with this deity.

As he took a step back, his eyes scanned the room, taking in the other statues. ‘Huh’, something caught his attention

‘The priest said there are nine gods. But there are ten statues’ There was an extra statue, one that was not like the others, on the far right. He walked closer to the statue, noting that it was dressed in what appeared to be a dark beige-green rag that covered its entire body, hidden behind the cloth. Its face was obscured by a veil of darkness, but something caught his attention. Five pieces of some kind of material poked out from the face area of the cloth, going up and bending down. Each of them had a pearl at the tip and the first four had a bell attached to the pearl.


Deity: ???

Description: The show is about to begin.

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