Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Bamboozled

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‘That doesn’t look sketchy as fuck at all. No, sir, nothing wrong here’ Adan couldn’t really believe what he was reading. The appearance of this ‘god’, their name and their description. And here Adan thought that he was the most untrustworthy and suspicious looking man around this world, but now, he clearly couldn’t compete against a god.

‘Although...’ He looked to left, seeing the other nine statues of deities he could choose from. ‘They might not be what I’m looking for’ he thought back on the priest’s words and the description of the Paladin God. Adan wasn’t one to uphold justice and he probably couldn’t keep any of the ‘good’ deities. The priest mentioned briefly the ‘bad’ gods but the process of choosing them was hidden with some evil cults, and mostly choosing evil gods could plague the mind.

The place Adan was in was supposed to be something sacred, all good deities agreed to put a piece of themselves here so people could easily align with them. For something else to be able to simply enter here and put its own statue.

‘This one must be very powerful’ Adan came to this conclusion. If this place could be easily broken into then the ‘evil’ gods could’ve fooled a lot more people into aligning with them but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

‘He also doesn’t seem to be in hurry’ Adan was expecting Him to be slightly worried since He’s managed to brake in and enrage the other nine gods but with such description, appearance and name He doesn’t seem to be in a hurry recruiting Adan.


‘Here goes nothing, I guess’ Adan looked once more to other statues but decided there’s no point in even reading their description. He was sure he couldn’t keep the link with them. If this entity is strong enough to break into this place and not even care about the other nine gods then it doesn’t make sense that He needs Adan for anything. After all, he was more like a bug compared to something like this.

In the end he stepped forward. To form a link he would simply need to touch the statue and plead to whatever the statue wanted you to plead.

As he raised his left hand to press it onto the statue, it moved. Quickly the statue started to gain more power, the ethereal hue was no longer in sight and it quickly caught Adan’s left hand with its right and pulled him forward.

“Good choice” Adan could hear a voice behind the dark face opening in its cloth. Suddenly a bunch of transparent hands started coming from Him. They looked like they grew from His cloth, stretching and catching Adan, covering him all over his body.

Adan tried to speak and move but to no avail. The hands had a good grasp on him and as he stood there he could feel power flowing into him. ‘This is...’ He could feel information flowing into his head, information about skills. He aligned with a deity.


"It's been quite some time, Priest. Is everything alright?" Gerold queried the priest as they both waited for Adan to wake up.

"There are nine choices to be made, my old friend. You've been here for almost an hour when I performed the ritual on you" the priest replied, knowing that there was nothing that could go wrong during this process. The space inside was protected by all nine deities, and no one would dare to go against them for the sake of a mere human.

"I hope you're right... We don't want Adan to get angry... ever," Gerold said, a hint of unease creeping into his voice as he thought about Adan's threat in the guard's building and the gruesome scene inside the house.

"What really happened there?" the priest asked with genuine curiosity. He had no knowledge of the details of how Adan had managed to defeat the demon, and now that he knew that Adan wasn't aligned with a deity, he wanted to know more. But Gerold seemed unwilling to speak of it, his expression one of fear. ‘The demon must have been truly terrifying’ the priest thought as Gerold refused to answer yet again.

"Ha... ha... h...a," they suddenly heard a weak laugh coming from Adan as he slowly sat up. As he did, the scribbles on the floor began to glow even more brightly, almost blinding. His laugh grew louder and louder as he placed his mask back on his face.

The glow changed colors, shifting between golden and red, swirling and dancing around Adan. Adan's body began to seep with a pool of blood at his feet, but it was not his blood. The blood that had stained his shirt, coat, mask, and other parts of his body started to drip and ooze out, falling to his feet. His clothes no longer able to absorb the liquid.


Skill: Fashion Sense

Description: We cannot have those wonderful clothes of yours be soiled. Now, can we?... Your body and clothes can no longer be stained, catch a smell or be taken off. Clothes are now indestructible, but they will not prevent you from taking damage - they will simply look undamaged. All clothes stored in `My Little Space` can be changed into instantly when no one is watching.

‘Such bullshit!’ Adan couldn't help but laugh at the skill as he read it. It seemed like a joke. Who would ever receive such a skill from a god? But this was only the first of six skills he had received. He didn't dare test them now, with two sets of eyes on him.


"Are you alright, sir?" Gerold rushed to Adan's side, concern etched on his face. "Did something go wrong during the ritual?" The Priest also queried, worried about Adan's health after seeing the pool of blood beneath him.

"Don't worry about it, gentlemen" Adan composed himself and ran his fingers over the indestructible fabric of his coat, feeling the smoothness and the lack of stains or odors. He twirled in front of the Priest and Gerold, showing off that his clothes no longer showed any sign of the previous battle, the blood and the smell of not showering in two days had vanished.

“Which god did you choose, mister Adan” Asked the priest. Adan simply put a finger to his lips and gave the Priest a playful wink. The Priest understood the meaning behind the gesture, though he found the wink a bit awkward.

Suddenly, Adan turned to Gerold and exclaimed, "Gerold, my boy! We've got places to be and things to do! Hahaha" He was in high spirits, despite the oddity of some of his skills. He didn't question them, as they were all valuable assets to him now.

"Where to, sir?" Gerold asked, ready to follow Adan's lead.

"The guard's station. Get me a map and the route of the caravans. Since the demon is gone, I assume the restrictions are also lifted, yes?" Adan wanted to leave as soon as possible, not wanting to run into the Church's team.

"Also, tell that alchemist to prepare all the ingredients available. Don't worry, I won't wring you dry." Adan wanted to prepare himself before leaving, and planned on making as many potions as he could.

"Yes, sir." Gerold replied, unfazed by the request. He knew that if Adan truly wanted to plunder them, they wouldn't be able to stop him. But something in Adan's demeanor made Gerold believe that he would be reasonable in his requests. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but it calmed Gerold's nerves.



“God fucking dammit” Adan let out a curse as the potion he had been working on suddenly exploded in his face. Luckily, his book was floating just in front of him and took the brunt of the damage, remaining unscathed.


Skill: Show Off

Description: That book of yours is a powerful tool, but it simply isn’t showy enough... You have formed a psychic connection with it, allowing you to control it telekinetically. While it cannot be used as a weapon, it is indestructible and can block attacks for you. If you lose the book or falls into someone else’s possession, it will be transported to `My Little Space`. Additionally, for a cooler effect, the book will emit a bright blue and purple glow when levitating.

These descriptions are really off putting.” Adan thought, the description probably indicated that these skills were made especially for him. That deity has taken a liking to Adan for whatever reason but they feel more like He is toying with him. Although it is still a powerful skill.

“Can’t use it in a fight, for now anyways” His control over the book was janky and awkward and he cannot use it a fight to save his life. The book's glow was also a bit too flashy for his liking, drawing unwanted attention.

There were six bottles on the table now, each containing a different potion and each with its own characteristics. Normally he wouldn't have enough space to carry all of them around at a time, but now... Adan took one of the potions and pushed it inside his coat, seemingly disappearing. He then took another one and did the same. He repeated the process until all six flask were gone, swallowed up by the darkness inside of his coat.


Skill: My Little Space

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Description: I’m allowing you to use some of my personal space, be grateful... While wearing your original coat you can access a private space by inserting your hand deeper inside the cloth. The space is not unlimited and only items that are as big or smaller than your book can fit inside. (Your cane is an exception to this rule).

Adan was pleased with this skill. It felt like a personal inventory, and he quickly stored all of the contents of his backpack inside it once he was alone. The backpack itself wouldn't fit, and he decided to burn it as it held no value to him anymore and it would only get in his way.

He looked at himself, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of being mistaken for a shady street vendor, opening his coat to reveal hidden wares.

As Adan studied the map, carefully tracing the routes with his finger, a plan formed in his mind. In the northeast corner of the map, there was a bustling trading city that could be reached in a three-week journey. Adan knew it was the perfect place to gather information about the Johnson family. He could see other cities on the map, but this one was the largest and most popular, offering the most opportunities.

With a newfound determination, Adan stood from the table, fastened a strange glass necklace around his neck, and left the lab. Gerold noticed that Adan did not have his book or backpack with him, but he knew better than to ask questions. He was relieved that Adan was leaving early the next morning, and quickly made arrangements at the best inn in town for Adan's stay and for the caravan. But little did he know, Adan had plans to visit the prison cells later that night.


*One week later*

As the group of white-armored soldiers, led by a young woman with long white hair and golden eyes, approached the city gates, one of the men spoke up. "We are nearing the city's gates, Your Excellency" he said, his muscles rippling beneath his armor.

The woman, who radiated a saintly presence, nodded in response. "I understand, my children. Be careful. We don't know what kind of demon hunts these poor people."

The group rode their horses at a swift pace, and soon they were face to face with the guard, Pop, whom Adan had met before. Upon seeing the team from the church and their holy flag, Pop courteously greeted them. "Greetings, team from the church. What business do you have with us today?"

The city was filled with people, caravans, carts, and traders constantly coming in and out. One of the church members spoke up, anger in his voice. "There has been a demon reported. How dare you not lock up the city?!"

Pop took a step back, intimidated by the church member's words. "Yes, yes, we understand the rules and abided them" he said, trying to placate the angry member. "But the demon was exorcised a week ago."

The woman's eyes widened in surprise. "What? By whom, if I may ask?" Could there have been a misunderstanding at the church, and a team had been sent out before them?

Pop, relieved to have found a way out of the predicament. "I'll get you inside and someone to talk to about the incident," he said, eager to pass the responsibility onto his colleagues working inside. After all, he had guard duty outside and couldn't entertain the church members any longer.


The woman nodded and signaled to the others to follow. As they entered the city, they could see it was bustling with people walking about their day or doing labor, children laughing and playing energetically outside, vendors and other kinds of merchants shouting and trying to sell their products. The heavy and dark aura that surrounded the city when Adan visited had long been gone, as if the demon never even existed in the first place. This made the woman believe the guard's word even more after seeing this scene.


As the woman was lost in thought for an unknown amount of time, Pop came back and brought an old friend of Adan, Gerold. He tried to fake his emotions to try and show that was grateful for their presence, but some kind of fear was preventing him from doing that. They exchanged pleasantries, and Gerold verified the documents from the group, all turning out to be valid. As they were staying there, the woman could notice the attention that she and her group were attracting. "How about we take this discussion in a more private location?" She asked, and Gerold agreed, taking them into the guard's building and into a private room. The woman and Gerold stayed at the table while the other members of the church stood up behind the woman.

"Tell me, sir Gerold. I have heard that the demon has been dealt with. Has another team from the church arrived before us?" The woman asked, her look gentle. She was sure this was the case but wanted to make sure before she could leave.

"No, my lady. A stranger arrived at the gate about a week before and offered to help" Gerold tried to keep a stern look on his face.

"What do you mean you've let a stranger deal with this?!" Another member from the church raised his voice, angry, and tried to get closer to Gerold, but the woman stopped them.

"Please understand us. We've waited for a whole month, and we weren't in any position to refuse help" Gerold tried to reason with them. The woman understood, seeing the pain in his voice. Gerold retrieved a small bottle from inside his pocket, looked like he always kept it close, or got it after hearing that someone from the church arrived, and handed it to the woman.

‘Something evil rests in this bottle.’ She was definitely surprised, not expecting the demon to be completely exorcised. "This is the remains of the demon?" She asked, the other members seeing that their leader basically confirmed their suspicion.

"It is. The stranger told me to keep a sample." He said, starting to tremble a little bit after remembering the scene from the house.

"Could you tell us more about this person?" Gerold was hesitant at first, thinking that he might incur the wrath of that demon, but decided that as long as the church knew about this, they would be safe. Also, Adan never mentioned hiding information from the church and even encouraged him by telling him to keep the sample.

Gerold composed himself, taking his most serious expression. Telling them about the first time he came to this town, his strange appearance and behavior, his attitude towards the woman, the details about the Soul Eater, the plan to defeat it, the scene inside the house, and finally how he aligned with a deity. He tried to stay composed, but some sweat started to form on his forehead, and his stone face started to break as he told the story. He did not mention the threat.

The woman was looking calmly at first, seeming like she had everything under control, but as the story continued, she also couldn't keep a calm appearance, her expression continuously. As Gerold finished, the woman didn’t say anything and tried to collect her thoughts.

‘A stray demon hunter, not affiliated with any deity, managed to defeat a demon using only potions.’ She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. A man with such power and knowledge posed a great danger. ‘I must capture him and bring him to the church.’ She knew the church had methods of extracting information through mind magic. If this man was a part of an evil cult, she couldn't allow him to roam free. This is not information a random person can obtain.

Gerold and the church woman's conversation was brief after that. As she probed deeper, she discovered that the man had already departed for a well-known town in the northeast and had even obtained the route of the caravan. If they were to depart immediately, they could catch up to him on horseback.

They swiftly left the guard's building after that. Gerold warned them before they left, "Do not provoke that man." Fear was written all over his face, even as he tried to defend Adan, saying that he had taken almost nothing as payment for risking his life to save the town. But the others paid no heed. They left the city in a hurry, mounted their horses, and galloped at an incredible speed, determined to catch up to this mysterious figure.


*Another week later*

The church's team had been on the road for seven straight days, taking only a two-hour break each day to eat and rest. They were well-trained and had skills and abilities to deal with the fatigue. As they approached, they could see two caravans in the distance and a smaller, more luxurious cart with closed curtains - likely for a noble.

As they drew near, the caravans came to a stop upon seeing the holy flag of the church's group and their white armors. The leader of the group stepped forward to meet the leader of the church's team. He appeared relaxed and friendly, not at all intimidated.

"Is there a problem, your excellency?" he asked.

"We've heard that you have taken on a passenger named Adan. We would like to speak with him regarding his heroic deeds" the woman of the church's team replied, her tone calm and composed, giving the impression that nothing was amiss.

"Ah, yes, sir Adan. We know of him" the leader said, nodding in understanding. "He paid me with jewelry for my cart and requested that he not be disturbed during his journey. He did not even leave when we set camp to eat, but I honored his request and ensured that no one disturbed him," he said, gesturing towards the smaller cart with closed curtains. "There he is. Go ahead and speak with him, we will give you privacy." He then signaled for his people to leave.

"Mister Adan, we are from the church. Could you please step outside so we may speak with you?" the woman spoke in a gentle voice, but there was no response from within the cart.

She called out to him repeatedly, but he did not respond. Eventually, one of the team members lost patience and stormed forward, tearing the curtains from the cart and flinging open the door. There he stood, Adan, in his coat and mask, as he had been before. He was in a regal pose, standing tall in his chair, both hands gripping his cane, like a king holding the hilt of a sword as he sat upon his throne.


The woman called out to him again, but she was startled by his appearance. He was motionless, like a statue, and this prompted the same team member who had opened the door to step inside and attempt to drag Adan out by force. But when he touched Adan's shoulder, the man's body disintegrated into a fine powder, and nothing remained of him. He had vanished completely.

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