Mister Demon Hunter

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Old friend

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Adan removed the glass pendant from around his neck. It was now nothing but a shattered mess, but it was still holding together. Carefully, he inserted his finger into the broken glass, his indestructible gloves didn’t even get scratched but his skin got cut. He allowed a drop of blood to seep into the glass, and as he did, he could feel a powerful energy flowing from within it. Suddenly, he found himself transported to a new scene.

He was standing in the middle of an illusion, one that had just been shattered. He could see the cart he had been traveling in and the people surrounding it, all dressed in white armor. He could see a woman, who appeared to be the leader, but before he could get a better look, the illusion disappeared completely. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the shock on their faces.

‘They’ve been fooled.’ Adan had never intended to head north-east, despite it being the best location for him at the moment. He had paid a pretty penny for a solo cart then used one of his newly created spell potions to create an illusion which was linked to the glass pendant during the brewing process. It worked just as planned. And then sneaked out, returning to the city. He had paid a merchant, who arrived into city after the demon incident and didn't know much about Adan, to take him to the eastern city, a journey that would take two weeks.

"Everyone, we are about to enter the city," the merchant, who was riding a horse, announced. Adan was accompanied by two guards, a man and a woman, who were a couple originally from the city. They trusted Adan because during their journey, they had been attacked by bandits multiple times, and his fighting skills had saved the lives of all three of them. Though he was a bit merciless with his victims, often brutally disfiguring their bodies, they didn't pay it much mind, chalking it up to him having a loose screw

As they approached the city gates, the guards called out, "Halt, present your documentation!" The merchant stepped forward to speak with the guards, and the group was able to enter without incident.

"What's your plan now, Adan?" the man, named Hawk, asked.

"My throat is quite thirsty" Adan replied, thinking of the wine and whiskey he enjoyed back in his world.

"How about the three of us head to a pub?" the woman suggested. The idea intrigued Adan. He wanted information, and a pub would be the perfect place to start. Plus, since the couple were locals, he would be able to gather more information from them. He had avoided doing so during the journey, not wanting the merchant, who seemed smarter than the other two, to overhear.

As Adan and his companions walked through the city gates, he couldn't help but be struck by the grandeur of the place. The streets were lined with imposing buildings, each one adorned with intricate carvings and colorful mosaics. The city walls rose up around them, standing tall and proud, a testament to the city's strength and power. The bustling crowds of people and vendors added to the lively atmosphere. Overall, pretty fancy for a smaller city.

As they walked through the streets, Adan took in all the sights and sounds. He could hear the clanging of blacksmiths working, the chatter of people talking, and the sound of animals in the distance. The smell of fresh baked bread and roasting meats wafted through the air.

As they walked, the woman, who had suggested they head to a pub, led the way. She knew the city well and was able to navigate them through the busy streets with ease. They walked past markets, shops, and houses, until they finally reached a small pub on the edge of the city.

The pub was a small and cozy establishment. It was made of wood, and it had a warm and inviting feel to it. As they walked in, the smell of ale and the sound of laughter greeted them. The pub was packed with people, all enjoying a pint and the company of their friends.

Adan was pleased with the situation, as it would make it easy for him to gather information once the couple left. But for now, his thirst was the pressing matter at hand. "Garçon, one of your finest wines please," he requested with a smile. The waiter turned to their table, looking at Adan. "I'm sorry sir, we only serve ale or strong liquors here," the waiter replied. Adan's face fell in disappointment, he had been looking forward to a glass wine. "In that case, your finest liquor will do," he said, masking his disappointment with a gracious tone.

Adan couldn't help but think to himself, ‘It worked with French too,’ as he used the word "Garçon", the French word for waiter. To his surprise, there seemed to be no confusion or misunderstanding. He couldn't help but wonder if this would be the case with other race’s languages, but he put that thought aside as their drinks arrived


Adan had been at the pub for a few hours now and the couple were barely able to keep their eyes open, nodding off at the table. Adan himself had consumed five glasses of liquor and three mugs of ale, but his mood was sour. "I can't get drunk," he thought to himself. He hadn't planned on drinking himself to death, but after seeing that the first glass didn't even make him a bit dizzy, he had decided to keep going. But nothing happened.

"That damned skill," he realized the problem, it was his bloodline skill, ‘Johnson's special mind protection’. It was incredibly effective. He had wanted nothing more than to get a bit tipsy, but it seemed that fate wouldn’t allow that. The couple left shortly after, and Adan didn't manage to get much information out of them. They had started off discussing their lives and adventures, but by the time Adan found the cause of his drinking problem, they were wasted and couldn’t to offer much insight. But they did pay for the whole table, including Adan’s consummation.

‘Time to get started’ Adan already had a plan, and he wanted to get on with it quickly and leave the city, as the church might still be after his trail. He made his way to the bartender and placed a small ring from his mother’s collection.

"Hello, good sir. I've been traveling for many weeks and I am in need of a doctor. Could you tell me where I can find the best one this town has to offer?" Adan held out a small ring, from his mother’s collection. The bartender, after assessing the offered trade, deemed the ring more than sufficient and went to the back of the bar, returning with a small child.

"This little one will be your guide" the man said, pushing the child forward. The child had a blank expression and a defeated look on his face.

"He doesn't seem well..." Adan stated, observing the child's appearance, though he didn't feel much sympathy for him.

The bartender shrugged and said, "His parents had a large debt to our bar, and they had to sell one of their children as a slave," with a nonchalant tone.

The topic of slavery once again brought up to Adan's mind, he had heard about it through one of his skill's description. He was curious to know more about it, but he wasn't sure how people viewed slavery in this place, and he didn't want to attract unwanted attention, ‘Although, this dude is pretty open about it’. However, now was not the time for this, he needed to make his preparations and leave the city.

The child led Adan out of the bar and they walked for a while in silence. Soon, they arrived at an impressive-looking house with a sign on the front door that Adan couldn't read. The child quickly left before Adan could ask for confirmation that this was the correct location.

“Useless fuck” Adan swore under his breath, but decided to enter the house nonetheless.

A bell rang as he opened the door, and he found himself in a narrow hallway lined with wooden chairs. The walls were painted in a warm off-white color, with intricate moldings and trimmings along the ceiling. The floors were made of polished hardwood, and a few potted plants were placed at the corners of the hallway. At the end of the hallway was a desk with another bell. Adan rang it and a man, with a similar built as Adan, dressed in white clothing, emerged from another room. ‘Typical’ Adan couldn't help but feel mocking the doctor in his mind

"Is there a problem?" the doctor greeted Adan with a warm and friendly smile.

Adan squirmed, trying to appear flustered. "Yes, sir doctor. I have an embarrassing problem," he said, gesturing to his private parts. The doctor understood.

Adan then took a few pieces of gold jewelry from inside his coat. It looked like he pulled them out of his pockets, but they were instead from his skill 'My Little Space’. "How about we discuss this in private?" Adan suggested, indicating that he was willing to pay for the doctor's discretion. The doctor caught on and smiled.

"Of course, young man. You shouldn't be embarrassed about these things." He gestured Adan to follow him into a private room.


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The room was small and cluttered, resembling a personal office. Papers and books were scattered about the desk and two bookshelves. "I apologize for the mess, I've been quite busy as of late. My assistants have left, and I am currently alone," the doctor remarked, appearing a bit embarrassed by the disarray.

"Are you all alone in this grand house?" Adan inquired, attempting to lighten the mood.

"No, my wife and our one-year-old child are upstairs," the doctor responded, a proud and excited look on his face as he spoke of his daughter. "I hope she grows up healthy and strong," Adan congratulated him, wishing to continue the conversation about the doctor's personal life. The doctor did not find it odd and assumed Adan wanted to become more comfortable before delving into his private health matters.

As they chatted for an indeterminate amount of time, the doctor began to feel unwell. His mind felt sluggish and he had an overwhelming desire to sleep. "Excuse me, I'm not feeling well," he attempted to stand, nearly collapsing, but managed to steady himself. As he walked past Adan, he collapsed onto the ground, falling into a deep sleep.

Adan remained motionless, a sinister smile spreading across his face. He revealed an uncapped flask that emitted a faint gas, which dispersed into the air. He approached the sleeping doctor, forcing a small amount of the potion into his mouth and holding the bottle under his nose.

"This skill is quite powerful," he said, referring to 'Johnson's special mind protection.' The bottle in his hand contained a potent sleeping potion that released a sleeping gas upon exposure to air, but this version was weaker. He concealed it in his outer pocket, releasing the cap before ringing the bell, and used the skill to negate the effects of the potion.

"I would apologize, but that would be a lie," Adan stated as he ensured the doctor would not wake. He laid him flat on the ground, straddled him, and used all his strength to strangle the man, ensuring no air entered his lungs until he could no longer detect a heartbeat. The lack of oxygen likely left him braindead long before his heart gave out. He could have just snapped his neck, but Adan preferred the longer option as it allowed him to savor the moment.

After the doctor's death, Adan stripped him of his clothes, leaving him in his underwear, and compacted the clothes to fit inside 'My Little Space'. After that, he used ‘Fashion Sense’ to change into the doctor’s clothes. Soon after that his mask started to squirm, expand and cover his whole face, slowly changing. After everything was done, Adan’s face looked exactly like the dead doctor’s, even his voice was the same.

Skill: A man of many faces

Description: I quite enjoy that mask of yours! It would sadden me, oh, so very much if you were to lose it... The mask becomes part of your body, you cannot take it off but can become invisible... or it can change your face into anyone you’ve ever killed. Your voice is also changed.


The fourth skill that he acquired from the deity. ‘It doesn’t change the body itself. Just the face, hair and voice’ Adan was grateful for this skill as it would help him immensely in hiding his identity. But he couldn’t think about it too much as his plan was not yet complete. He took the key from the doctor's clothes and left the office, closing the door behind him. He then went to the main entrance door closed that as well. Adan then went upstairs to the first floor, where there was a lab with some ingredients. He thought to himself, ‘I'm going to steal everything from here before I leave.’

Adan continued up one more floor, where he found a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and the doctor's bedroom. It appeared that there was no extra room for the baby. On the bed, he saw a woman sitting on her stomach, tickling the baby's tummy. She was a short woman with short red hair and she looked extremely happy as the baby giggled.

Adan leaned slightly on the frame of the door and slightly knocked. He put on the same warm expression the doctor had went he met Adan. The woman turned her head towards the door and relaxing seeing her husband’s face “Have you forgotten something, dear?”

Adan leaned slightly on the doorframe and knocked gently. He put on the same warm expression that the doctor had when he met Adan. The woman turned her head towards the door and relaxed upon seeing her husband's face. "Have you forgotten something, dear?" she asked.

"I have closed down the clinic for today. I am feeling extremely tired," Adan said, as he walked towards the bed and lay down on his back, looking at the ceiling.

"Oh, darling, I've told you to get more people. You've been working yourself to death these days," the woman said, putting the baby on Adan's chest and coming closer to cuddle.

"I will look into it, but for today, I am taking a break," Adan said, covering his face with his hand. The woman thought her husband was tired, but Adan was actually hiding a smile under his hand.


The day passed quickly after that. Adan and the woman stayed in bed for a little longer before she left to prepare dinner. Adan stayed behind to play with the baby. After they had finished eating, they came back to their room and cuddled some more.

"I've got something a little special for us tonight," Adan said, and the woman looked at him with surprise as he retrieved a flask containing a pink-colored liquid.

"An aphrodisiac?" the woman asked, looking a bit confused. But after seeing her husband's mischievous smile, she got into the mood and snatched the bottle from his hands. "Drink only half, I need some too," he said.

After the woman had drunk half the bottle, Adan took the flask. "I'm going to move the baby's bed into the living room. It needs some time to take effect," he said as he got up and started moving the small bed with the child inside.

Once the bed was in the living room, Adan planned to force some of the contents of the flask into the baby's mouth. But he stopped. Inside the flask was a strong poison, and he had planned to finish off the doctor's family members before proceeding with his plan. However, he found himself unable to harm the baby. His hand trembled as he tried once more to feed the baby the poison, but yet again, he was unable to do so.

"Dammit!" he exclaimed, smashing the flask on the floor. He reverted back to his former appearance. The woman should have died by now, or was at least close to it.

"How can I be so weak?" he said, mashing his cane into the wall. He was extremely angered by his failure. The baby started crying, and Adan's fury gathered more and more. He retrieved a sleeping potion and uncapped it, putting the bottle under the baby's nose, which quickly put her to sleep.

Adan's anger dissipated quickly. He didn't think he would be unable to finish this job. His mind felt tired and he felt like it was trying to tell him to rest. He followed his instincts and went over to the bed, laying down next to the dead woman's body. He fell asleep.

He found himself in the same dark space he was in during the process of aligning with a deity, but this time there were no statues and there was a table in the middle of the darkness. Adan was sitting in one of the chairs and across from him, there was someone wearing a similar dark beige-green rag he had seen somewhere before.

"Hello there!" the entity said with an overly excited voice. "Thank you for coming! Coffee or tea?" As it said that, two portals opened to the right and to the left of the table, one transparent hand coming out of each, one with a teapot and one with a moka pot. Then four more portals appeared, giving out a plate and a cup to the two.

"Please, serve yourself," another sound came from behind the darkness inside the cloth as it clapped it’s hands once. 'Oh, boy,' Adan thought.

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