Modern-Day Succubus System

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Undressing

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“Okay,” Morgana said. “Now I need a space to work. I think your dining area will have to do.”

Liz locked the deadbolt then walked into her apartment. Morgana had gone ahead of her—she was inspecting the dining area’s floor with her hands on her hips.

“Not ideal, definitely,” Morgana said. “Chalk wont sit well, and it’s cramped. But it’s the only place large enough. Fortunately, I’m very good at what I do. I’ll make it work.”

“How long’ll it take?”

“The preparation? Drawing the diagram? An hour. Then inking you up, another half-hour or more. But the actual activation? All of a minute.”

“Wait, inking me up?”

“What’d you think it was for?”

“I mean …” That was fair. “How thoroughly?”

“Head to toe,” Morgana said, amused. “Back and front. So, very.”

Well. It’d wash off. Was that much ink bad for her skin, though? Wasn’t ink in large quantities toxic? Surely not if she only had it on briefly.

“Help me move this stuff out of the way?” Morgana asked.

They cleared out the dining room. It wasn’t much; just a small wooden table and a single chair. Again … no roommates, no visitors. Why would she have more than that? She wasn’t dirt-poor, but she was definitely on a budget. Life in New Staes wasn’t cheap.

“I’ll get to it, then,” Morgana said. “We can chat while I work.”

Liz slouched into the wooden chair they’d set in the living room. She watched Morgana open the chalk package. She struggled, frowning when she didn’t get it right away. The package popped open and Morgana fumbled it, a few of the chalk pieces scattering onto the ground. Morgana pouted in Liz’s direction.

For a demon, she really seemed so human.

“So,” Morgana said. “Give me the rundown?”


“All the craziness, out there. What in the world have you mortals been up to?”

“You’ll have to be more specific.” Liz could hardly give a brief history of the world.

“That’s fair. Uh … start with the chunks of metal zooming around.”

“Cars?” Liz hunkered down for a long talk.




“Well, that ought to do it,” Morgana said. “Time for the fun part.” She pointed at Liz. “Clothes, off.”

Liz froze. “Huh?”

“The ink doesn’t go on your clothes, it goes on your skin,” Morgana said slowly. “And I said head to toe, didn’t I? “

Liz hadn’t … put two and two together. Maybe willfully so.

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“As the day you were born,” Morgana confirmed. “Promise I won’t pull anything funny.” She let out a despondent sigh. “Much as I want to. We’ve got an awakening ceremony to finish.”

Liz stayed frozen in her chair.

“I’ll strip too, if not being the only one’s more comfortable,” Morgana teased.

“That’s—That’s fine.” Liz immediately hated herself for the response that escaped her mouth; had she really just turned down Morgana stripping for her?

“Come on,” Morgana said. Her hands went to her own shirt hem. “Yours goes off, mine will too.”

Liz’s heart started pounding. Their conversation up to this point had been so meandering and mundane, about the details to modern life Morgana had seen outside, that she’d grown comfortable around Morgana—the teasing had almost disappeared.

“Um,” Liz said. She knew she needed to do as Morgana said—she needed to be ‘inked up’—but somehow she couldn’t will herself into action.

Taking off all her clothes? In front of a beautiful girl? Liz was unusually at-ease around Morgana—when not being teased—but that pushed too far outside her comfort zone. Her insecurity flared up. “I … I …”

Morgana’s hands left her shirt hem, and she approached Liz. “Come on,” she said, holding both hands out. Liz took them, instinctively. “Up we go.” She pulled Liz out of her seat.

Morgana gripped Liz’s shirt at the base, then tugged it up. Liz, somehow, didn’t fight it. She couldn’t work up the nerve herself, but letting Morgana undress her … that was easier.

In a surprisingly fluid motion, Morgana wrangled Liz’s shirt off. Her face seared at even that—at just having her bra and stomach showing. She fought the urge to cover herself up with her hands—again, regardless she still had her bra on.

Then, in another fluid motion, Morgana tossed her own shirt off. She grinned at Liz. “Like I said, this for that. We’re in this together, remember?”

Liz’s eyes crawled across Morgana’s soft curves. She’d gone braless—Liz didn’t have any that fit her. Dark red nipples poked out, hard and at attention, on two generous, perfectly shaped breasts. Her tummy was somehow both flat and soft—enticing, grabbable. Liz’s heart slammed in her chest. She was frozen solid.

Morgana stepped forward, and her breasts pressed into Liz’s own. Her hands went up her back, tickling her, and ending at her bra clasp. Liz still didn’t stop her. She was, like in the dream, entranced by a teasing smirk, and wide, pink eyes. There were flecks of red in her irises, speckling the neon.

“And now we’re even again,” Morgana said, the clasp unhooking, and shuffling Liz out of her bra.

Morgana admired Liz’s tits. Liz didn’t really understand how; she didn’t have much. She’d always been kind of tomboyish—tall, shoulder-length hair, not much up top. She wouldn’t be mistaken for a boy … but she was from from feminine. Nothing like Morgana.

“You’re so beautiful,” Morgana breathed. “I really wish we had time for some fun.”

“Don’t we?”

The words left her without forethought. They came out clear, and confident. Liz had no idea how. She’d never been so forward—assured—in her life. Maybe Morgana’s compliment—the confusing genuineness behind it—had spurred her on.

Morgana blinked up at Liz, and a smile split her face. She studied Liz. “It … might be for the best if we don’t. I really, really want to. But … how do I put it? You need motivation.”


“Tell you what … you can do anything to me, that you’ve done to someone else. But a drive to get yourself out there—experience your firsts—will do wonders.”

“That’s … a creative way to let me down.”

“I’m serious. I want to. It’s just best we don’t. Though … I don’t see any harm in touching.” Morgana guided Liz’s hands to her hips, then pressed her body forward, squeezing their chests in tighter. “But the real fun has to wait.”

Even the proximity of Morgana’s body was more than Liz had ever experienced. Morgana’s nipples brushed against her own. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. “Right.”

“Now, let’s finish getting you naked, yeah?”

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