Modern-Day Succubus System

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – Ritual

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Morgana’s fingers were cold, sending shivers radiating across her body wherever they traced.

Liz laid spread out, naked, in the center of the diagram Morgana had drawn. Morgana was kneeled over her, painting with controlled, swift strokes, spreading swirls of ink across her body, culminating by the second into an arcane tattoo that covered every inch of her skin.

Liz’s body burned. It’d been fifteen minutes, and Morgana was almost finished with the front side of her body, but she still burned. To be fair, Morgana had fulfilled her promise; she was naked, too, and that was a big part of the reason she felt half on-fire. There was a lot on display for Liz, all of which she was trying to ignore. Because … she was already wet from earlier. Which Morgana saw, and had teased her about. That was … embarrassing. To say the least. Liz was trying to keep control of herself.

It was Liz’s first taste of her future. The erotic side, at least. Having a naked woman paint her, fingers stroking all across her body, across breasts, stomach, neck, face, legs, thighs—everywhere. It inflamed her even as it made her shiver. It was intoxicating. Liz wanted so desperately for it to go further. For Morgana to change her mind about earlier; to indulge in her desires.

Maybe if Liz pressed, she would. Morgana was ‘obligated to follow her Mistress’s commands’. But … Liz didn’t think that was smart. They had a professional relationship, and while that might include … more … at some point, Liz shouldn’t make a habit of forcing Morgana to do things she didn’t want to.

Not that Liz had some absolute moral guide stopping her from doing so; clearly, she was fine with the idea of using her upcoming spells on other people. Just, not Morgana. Not in this situation.

Plus, Morgana’s reasoning made sense. If Liz used Morgana to sate herself, then she wouldn’t have half as much motivation to go out and capture her own targets. She’d need the burst of courage—the excitement the potential of her first time offered—considering how timid she was, by nature.

Morgana worked with a furrowed brow, and a partially bit lip. It was cute. She was intensely focused as she drew on Liz’s body with quick, expert motions.

The blood had been drawn at the start, before Liz had started being painted. Liz had a bandage on her pointer finger. It hadn’t been that bad; a quick, shallow swipe with a knife.

Soon enough, Liz’s front was done. For a bit, Morgana leaned back and let the ink dry. When it had, Liz turned over, so her stomach was on the floor. Morgana returned to her efforts. She painted across Liz’s back.

It was oddly therapeutic, as much as it was arousing. Like having her hair played with—nice, in some indescribable way. The touch of another person … it wasn’t something Liz had a lot of experience with.

Before she knew it—she might even have started to drowse off—Morgana said, “There we are. All done.”

She let her back dry, as she had the front, then, at Morgana’s prompting, turned back forward.

“Time for the main event. Are you ready?”

“Let’s get it over with.”

Morgana placed her palm directly on Liz’s pelvis. It was where the most intricate sub-diagram had been drawn. As maybe made sense. Of course there was a focal diagram where her womb would be, considering this awakening was being done by a succubus.

Having a woman’s hand pressed into her pelvis, right above her pussy—that was … a bit hard to handle. Liz’s breath quickened, and only half from the ritual starting to activate.

The chalk glowed. The lights above her faded, the room darkening, the shadows lengthening. Besides Morgana’s strange appearance, it was the first hint of the supernatural—of magic. Seeing was different than knowing. Her already-quickening heartrate spiked, adrenaline dousing her.

It’s happening.

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The ink was changing color across her body, turning from black to a rich red, then lighter, to a vibrant purple-pink. It burned, just barely, searing across her body, so she felt every individual line.

Liz laid there, chest heaving up and down. Her head swam. She wasn’t sure if that was a natural reaction, or part of the ritual.

And then something started to build.

Something familiar.

Something hot and pulsing, building in her core, squirming around. Liz’s mind went white in embarrassment. Was it the excitement? Morgana’s hand on her pelvis, pushing down? It had to be part of the ritual. Liz wasn’t just … about to cum, because of a girl’s hand on her, right? Without an ounce of real stimulation? It would be the most mortifying event in the world.

It didn’t matter what was causing it. A moan wrenched from Liz’s lips, the ecstasy raising, raising, not letting up. She closed her eyes and squirmed in place. Morgana had said to keep still, but she couldn’t help herself. Her hips wiggled side to side as the pressure and heat built.

I’m cumming. I’m cumming right in front of her.

Her back arched. The crescendo reached its peak, and she started to twitch. She cried out as pleasure washed through her body. Morgana’s hand pressed down firmly to keep her lower half on the floor. She came apart. She whined and shook her head side to side as her entire body twitched with orgasm.

“That’s a good girl,” Morgana murmured somewhere in the background. “Having fun? That’s fine. Just enjoy yourself.”

She came down slowly.

She slumped into the ground, exhausted, as the hot bliss drained. She twitched every few seconds, memories of the insane, muscle-clenching pleasure.


[ Awakening Ritual Complete ]

[ Class Unlocked: Succubus ]


Even though she was barely conscious from her orgasm, Liz thought:

Sorry, what?

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