My friend is my rider

Chapter 10: Who are you?

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[Ava's POV]

'Shit, my head hurts!' I cursed silently as I blinked a few times. 'Wood?' As I woke up I didn't see the usual stone ceiling which I was already used to. I was lying in a comfortable bed which stood in a wooden room. 'This does not exactly look like my home...' I already had a guess on where I was, but didn't really want to think about it yet. 

'Where's my stuff?' I noticed that my belt was missing. 'Shit shit shit' The dragon whistle was also missing. I didn't care about my lost gas tubes, but losing the whistle was a huge problem. I made it by accident and didn't even know it was working up until the moment I tortured Ruby's eardrums with it.

As we tested it, we found out that she was able to hear this from an incredible long distance, although if I was really at the place I thought I was, the whistle could be useless. I had no idea how far I was currently away from our base. 'I hope Ruby is doing well.' I hopped out of the bed, trying to make at the least noise as possible.

My previously blood soaked white clothes were now clean again. 'Who...?' I was embarrassed as I realized someone had undresses me while I was asleep. 'My stuff!'  On the bedside table were my fire steel and some other things I collected over the past day, but my knife was missing. 'Even my mask is here'

The door was pushed open and a tall man with brown hair walked inside the room. 'It's really him!' I was never the tallest person, but compared to a viking man, I was practically a dwarf. My back hit the wall as I stepped back and locked eyes with the viking. 'Ok, Ok... I don't think I have to pretend to be scared'

[Hiccup's POV]

"Mom? I'll go upstairs and see if the girl has already woken up" I said to mother as I walked upstairs. "It's very rude to interrupt a lady while she's sleeping!" My mother joked. "All we know is that she could be a dragon hunter or something like that, so we still have to be careful!"

I said that even though I was pretty sure that that was not actually the case. As we brought her into the empty room in our house, mother and Astrid shooed all of us out to wash the girl's clothes. Mom said that the girl had unnatural smooth hair and skin. 'I hope she's not the princess of some tribe which will wage war against us the moment they find out she's here...'

Tuffnut mentioned that she could have been kidnapped by the dragon hunters, who wanted to make some extra money after their dragon hunting business wasn't going that well anymore. I hate to admit it, but he might actually be right. 'But on the other hand, her tribe might be still at war with the dragons... This is going to be complicated either way'

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I stood in front of the door. I could hear something stepping around inside, so I was pretty sure that she was already up. I pushed the door open. The girl turned around and looked straight into my eyes while carefully stepping back until her back hit the wall. "It's ok! I won't hurt you as long you don't try to hurt me. Now would you please sit down?" 

I gestured to the bed. She slowly nodded and walked over to the bed, but she never took her eyes off me. "So let's start with an easy question. What's your name?" Silence. She didn't say a single word. 'Didn't she understand me?' I tried again. "What's your name?" I got my hopes up as she showed some signs of reaction, but my hopes were crushed.

She pointed to her throat and then shook her head. "You... can't speak?" She nodded. 'This just got way more complicated." I flipped open my notebook and ripped the last page out. I pressed it into her hand, together with some charcoal. She looked at the paper for a few seconds like she was trying to decide what she wanted to write. Then she finally handed the paper back to me. 

'What in Thor's name?' I had seen many different writing styles and characters, but this looked different from all of them. It definitely wasn't Norse or any known modification of it. 'But at least that means she isn't from one of the tribes we know'. I looked back at her. "So you can understand me?" She nodded. 

I had absolutely no idea what to do. "So, where is she from?". Mother walked through the door and looked at me. "Well... that's kind of the problem. She can't talk, and I can't read whatever this is". I handed mother the paper. "Wow... this is... incredible! I have never seen something like this." 

She leaned towards the girl. "Where did you learn this?" No answer. "Oh, right, sorry!" She retreated and handed me the paper again. "I guess we have to play a simple gave of yes and no with her" mother said. 

"So... did those dragon hunters kidnap you?" I started. She hesitated but nodded in the end. "Do you know why they kidnapped you?" She shook her head. "So, are you somebody these guy would kidnap for money, or do you have any special information that they could want from you? Or is there somebody they could blackmail if they had you?"

This time, she reacted instantly with a "like I would tell you..." face. "Oh right... I guess you wouldn't tell me if you were" I looked back at mother who was still staring at the girl. "In which state did you find her?" She asked. "Astrid found her in a cell on a dragon hunters ship, unconscious beneath a stack of hay" 

After a few seconds of silence, mother leaned forward to the girl again. "Say... have you ever ridden on a dragon?"

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