My friend is my rider

Chapter 9: Persistence

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Astrid threw the gas tube to the side and continued walking. 'Maybe they were planning on filling this ship'. She was happy that they managed to stop them before they could catch even more dragons. "Hello girl!" Stormfly landed next to Astrid and nudged her. "I think we're done here, let's go back to the others".

But Stormfly didn't listen to her and walked between the cages until she reached the last on. "I know you hate to be close to cells, but please, we need to go now." But Stormfly continued staring inside the cell. "Ok, ok, what's going on with you?" Astrid walked up next to her. "It's just a stack of hay, I don't know what... Oh shit, are you okay?" 

It took some time before she noticed the hand sticking out from beneath the hay. As she pulled the person out, she noticed that it was a small girl. She looked cute but mature at the same time. Her white clothes were stained red by the blood on them. 

"Hiccup! There's someone in here!" Stormfly helped to get her on her back and they left the ship. Astrid didn't notice, that the girl's belt fell off as she dragged her out of the hay. On the belt were three gas tubes and the dragon whistle Ava created.

"Oh... who's this sleeping beauty?" Snotloud asked Astrid. "Shut up!" She yelled at him, and Snotloud grinned. "Astrid... I'm not sure if this isn't another trap?" Fishlegs was unsure about what to think about taking a total stranger home. "She's wounded! We can always ask her questions after she wakes up"

[Ruby's POV]

'They're leaving! I have to look for Ava!' As soon as I thought the area was safe, I bolted down to the ship and crashed through the roof. "Ava?" No answer, I looked around. "Ewwww" Then I saw a fat man with his face covered in blood. I couldn't care less, as I was still searching for Ava. "Ava? Where are you?" I could smell her scent coming from the stack of hay I was currently standing in front of. 

"Are you in..." As I stuck my head into the hay, I managed to grab her belt, but as I pulled it out, I noticed that Ava wasn't wearing it. Panic slowly began to rise inside of me as I saw the whistle which Ava could use to call me. 'She would never leave that behind!' I continued to rush around the ship, but the belt what the only thing that had her smell on it. 

A dragon crashed through the roof of the ship. "You?" I looked at the deadly Nader. Ava had named her Rushspike. She was the one who broke in our home and brought all her friends. "These humans have Ava!" She said, "Where did they go?" She didn't say a word, but she didn't have to, for me to understand that she had no idea where. 

"Oh, and also the ceremony..." "We need to find Ava!" I said loudly. Ever since They started to call me their alpha, the elders started to talk about some sort of ceremony which was necessary to unlock my alpha powers. "Call the others! We need to find Ava!" I said again, but she kept silent.

"Come on! A damn ceremony can't be that important!" Rushspike said that only if I became an alpha officially I could use my alpha powers and order dragons to do something, although it's not really liked by the dragons to be forced to do something. "So, let's get this over with!"

[A few hours later]

'Idiot' I looked at the elder who was in charge of the ceremony. He told me it would only take a few minutes, as all they'd have to do was to officially recognize me as their alpha. They's already called me alpha before but more as a formality how I had to find out, because I was the one in charge of the nest, how they always called the mountain.

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And this elderly gronkle decided to give a full on speech on how I gave them a home when they needed one. 'At least I'm not the only one getting bored' I thought as I saw a few dragons already asleep. At the same time, I had to hold myself back not to jump on him, as the distance Ava could've traveled increased with every single minute. 

'Finally!' The mass of dragons bowed once again, and I knew it would soon be over. 'Wait what?' Parts of my body started to glow in a faint golden light and I could feel power surge through my body. 'This tickles!' I thought. It only lasted a few seconds before it ended. Then it was silent.

"I hope you'll be a great alpha! No, wait, I know you're going to be a great one!" Persistence said. Persistence was a male Stormcutter who I became a great friend with, and it didn't take long before I unofficially declared him as my right pawn, I guess. "And you, are going to help me with it!" I pointed it him making his previously unofficial status official.

"Anyway!" He turned around to the mass of dragons and just a few minutes later I was sitting in a circle with different dragons, discussing on how to keep the nest safe and also how many and how often we should send parties out to search for Ava. "Rushspike, do you have any idea, in which direction they went?" Persistence asked her, but she wasn't sure. "North?" 

We decided to send the first search party tomorrow.

[An hour later]

'Why didn't I see her? Why didn't I follow them? I could have avoided this! It's so unnecessary!' I screamed inside my head. I wasn't able to get any sleep, so I was just strolling through Ava's workshop. As I looked around I noticed the wooden construction which Ava took days to get to work. 

There was still a pile of bolas next to it. Ava's idea was simple but effective. We found out, that the balls attached to the side of the nets used by dragon hunters, were filled with sand. Ava would somehow open them up and get the sand out and reshape them into a more tube like style. Then she would take another one and do the same. 

She also had trouble to explain the dragons what to do, as she was way too weak to use this device herself. Basically it was a long pipe which was sealed with some gooey stuff. One dragon would blow its gas into the tube, and then the reformed bola-balls would get put into the pipe on both ends.

A dragon would push one of those pieces against each other with enough force to compress the gas a bit and press one of the bola balls onto the other, with enough force, to keep it sealed. Or at least that's what she explained to me. But there's still a lot more to it than just that. But for such a simple mechanism to work that well (after hundreds of failures) was really cool to watch. 

"You should get some sleep, if you want to go out and find Ava tomorrow in the morning!" I sighted at his comment. "I'll try sleeping"


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