My friend is my rider

Chapter 6: The do… dragon whistle

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[Ruby's POV]

The Nader was looking at me, then at Ava and then at me... and so on. "So, what are you doing here?" I asked, and the dragon in front of us shivered a bit. "Well..., the nest of my friends and me got destroyed a few moons ago, and we've been searching for a new nest ever since, as we are not enough to build our own, and as I flew by I felt an alpha dragon in here, so I thought there may be a nest in here and..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." I interrupted her. "Which alpha dragon?" Ava slapped herself in the face. "I knew we should have checked if there was still a dragon living here!" I looked at the deadly Nader. "So...." "You?" she looked me directly in the eyes. "Well, if I am an alpha dragon I definitely don't know of it" I said to her.

"That explains why there are no other dragons here..." She mumbled to herself. "So can we stay? Pleeeease?" I looked at Ava and then back at the dragon. "If you and your friends can keep a certain secret...." I pointed at Ava. "Then yes" I could feel the joy coming from her. Just a few seconds later, she was out through the hole she came in. 





"Oh shit, what do we do!?" Now Ava was having her breakdown. "Calm down!" She looked at me. "You want me to calm down? Do you know that I have a 7x7 meters target on my back for dragon hunters and riders?" "Ok that is concerning, but you need to CALM DOWN!" I screamed the last part of the sentence to get her back to reality.

"As long as we stay low..." "And not turn our home into a dragon nest..." She looked at me. 'Shit! I just turned this into a giant flare for everyone...' "Ok, we need to come up with something, and not one of these bad, my village got destroyed, and now I'm living here stories" "But what should we tell anyone?"

"Well, we could tell them your village got burnt down and..." "NO!" Ava was clearly angry. 'Shit, I need to come up with something before...' But then I had an idea. "Do we need to tell them anything?" She turned back to me. "What? If they ask, I have to answer! I'd have to be mute not to..... oh, I see where this is going" she said and sat down on a rock.

"Well, we don't even know if they speak our language" "But we know they certainly don't write it!" She jumped up. "So if someone asks you..." "I'm mute..." She ended my sentence. 

"This didn't make it any better, but at least I have something in my hands now..., but how should I communicate with you if I don't speak?" We though and thought as she came up with an idea. "do you understand the Morse alphabet?" She asked me. "I know what your plan is but, no" 

"Maybe..." I just had another idea as Ava rushed up the stairs to her workstation. "Were are you going?" I asked her. "Do you have a..." A high-pitched sound echoed through the mountain. "What is this?" I covered my ears but the sound was still torturing my ears. Then it stopped. "This stupid whistle doesn't work!" I could hear Ava.

"You call than not working? I nearly died down here!" 

"Did something happen?" The deadly Nader came back in through the hole. "I heard a really awful sound, so I came back here but... What is going on?" She looked at Ava with a very judging glance. "I didn't think it would work!" she lifted her hands. "Dragon whistle it is then" I sighted. "But please, just if you really need it" 'I'll hear this thing from everywhere' 

The sound of countless wings flapping came closer and closer. Just seconds after, dozens of dragons came through the hole and immediately started to search themselves a place int the mountain. "If all dragons have that many friends, you have something to catch up to" Ava said. 

"We should talk about that too... I signaled her to come with me and walked into her... bedroom." "So... I'm an alpha? I didn't even do anything special or saved a dragon, neither am I a bewil..." she interrupted me. "Listen, we were both reincarnated here, so nothing about us is normal, and we better make use of it as good as we can before others do." 

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