My New Life After I was Reborn in a Different World

Chapter 7: Visiting Village Market (2)

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The next day.

“We will be back at lunch. As usual, don’t go out today and just for us until we come back, okay? I know that no one will be able to come inside the barrier but still, it's safe to be prepared. You know what you have to do when that situation comes, right Riley?” I reminded and he just nodded with a helpless chuckle probably thinking I was being overly worried.

“Yes Mommy, I know already so you can go now and come back as soon as possible. I'll feel lonely without you and Sibel around,” the little boy pouted and this time it was his turn to chuckle because he was too cute. Sibel too, giggled before she approached his little brother and hugged him.

“Hehe, we'll be back before you know it. Also, I won't forget to bring you a present since you brought one for me last time,” Sibel said, making Riley smile and nod. After the short farewell, Sibel and I finally left the forest. The distance between the forest and the nearest village was 30 minutes if you’re using a carriage but it’ll be more than an hour if you walk. Of course, since I don’t have a carriage and only have my small cart to put my products into, that time would have doubled but since I am receiving help from the wind elemental fairy to help with my cart, it would only take 30 minutes for us to arrive at the town. Thankfully, even though it was a bit far, nothing dangerous had happened to them so far. Still, that didn’t make me drop my guard and continued to wear my disguise… Of course, Sibel too who has both silver hair and golden eyes.

“What should I buy for Rylie?” My little girl suddenly voiced out, probably still thinking about what he’d buy for her twin brother. Last time, the little boy brought her a beautiful yellow dress that after saving all his allowance for 2 months which his twin sister liked a lot so this time, Sibel probably wanted to do the same.

“You can choose later when we arrive at the market. Today’s Sunday so there’ll be a lot of things to buy,” I chuckled.

“Yeah but I think buying Rylie cute clothes that match mine would be good. I just don’t know if he’d like that… Also, I don’t think I have enough money to buy it. I want it to be pretty just like the dress he gave me,” Sibel replied in frustration. She’s still too young but she’s already stressing over a simple gift that wouldn’t really matter what it was to his twin as long as she gave it to him. Rylie was never the materialistic type to begin with, so he’ll probably be happy even if he received skewered pork as a gift.

“That’s a great idea. If we finish early, I’ll help you find cute clothes for your twin. Is that okay?” I suggested and as soon as she heard me, the adorable child smiled brightly as she nodded. After the short agreement, Sibel began to sing as we peacefully trailed the way to the village until we finally arrived. And since I'm already recognized as a herb and plant specialist—also already received an identity badge from the merchant guild—my entry didn’t take that long.

“Lena, how long has it been? Two months? So many people are lining up for your plants this time too,” an acquaintance came and greeted me as I arranged my products on a rented stall. 

“Hmmn, yeah… I have a lot to harvest this time so I came to sell what I can no longer eat,” I replied with a kind smile. She’s always been very kind to me but as someone who didn’t really know how to make friends, it just came naturally to me that I would quickly distance myself and not make any unnecessary connections. Although I feel bad, my hands are full with Sibel and Rylie and now Orpheus’s odd behavior and then Damon.

“Same as usual huh, but anyways I have many people coming to me asking if they can buy all your products but I made sure to tell them that you didn’t want that. If they want your high-quality herbs then they should buy them themselves, right?” She said with a laugh. Since she’s sitting in a high position in the merchant guild, I wouldn’t be surprised if rumors about my plants started spreading among people, especially the nobles but since I kept my identity hidden and I never mingle with other people, it’s difficult to find information about me.

“Yeah, thanks Lora but what do you actually want from me?? It’s weird that you came all the way here just to tell that,” I laughed a little before finally asking her about her main purpose. Since Lora has a high position in the guild, she also has a lot of things to do. For someone like that to come here to just say that is definitely suspicious. There’s only one reason for this to happen and I’m yet to discover it.

“Urgh, sharp as ever… okay fine! Remember that thing you gave me last time?” Lora sighed and asked, making me frown as I remembered what she was talking about. 

“Yeah, you mean the soap and hair cream that I made for you as a wedding gift?” I asked curiously. I didn’t know why she was asking about that, it’s not like soap and shampoo didn’t already exist here. If it didn’t, I wouldn’t have given that to her and drawn attention to me.

“Yeah yeah, and that skin ointment, and perfume!” Lora exclaimed as she nodded and I got even more confused because just like soap and shampoo, ointments and perfume are even more products even among commoners.

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“Yeah? What about it?”

“Well, I gave some to a friend and now she’s eager to know where I got it. Did you perhaps make it?? She wanted to buy lots of it and planned to give it away at her daughter’s coming-of-age party. I already told her that it would be impossible since your appearance is unpredictable but she had been pestering me about it since then,” Lora explained and I do understand her dilemma but why does it have to be my homemade products? There are so many merchants selling the same thing, it’s not like I have a secret ingredient.

“I’m sorry, I understand that your friend really liked what I made but I don’t really understand why it has to be mine. I mean, it’s not like it’s something special… I did those the same way as the others,” I replied. I made those because it’s just something very important to me as a modern woman to like to shower with soap and shampoo. Also, I didn’t really use skincare and perfume back when I was on earth but I just thought it was fun to do. All the procedure I did was something I learned from a book here, I just added some things from what I know on Earth.

“No way!! You probably don’t know it but your product was very effective! I’ve never used something like that before, and even my husband started using it as well. Honestly, I’m almost out of it, even though you gave me so much,” Lora sighed, touching her cheeks as if it was a huge problem. Well, I probably don’t mind making more for Lora and her husband since I will need to make one for me and the kids as well but for others? I’m not too sure about that.

“I’m sorry. Although I can make some for you and your husband, I won’t be able to make more for your friend. I hope you can understand me,” Lora said and strongly rejected. 

“Really? Honestly don’t even bother with my friend, I can just tell her that I wasn’t able to find you but it would really help me a lot if you can make more for me and Harold, I can even pay you a lot for it!” Lora exclaimed happily, making me smile as well.

“You don’t have to pay, Lora. You also helped me a lot all this time so it’s the least I can do for you,” I said. Truthfully, if it were for her and her husband, I would not have been able to earn the right to sell in this small village. People were very weary of me at first since I have so many rare and high-quality herbs and plants with me but because of Lora, I gained trust and now I can come and go in the village. Although it was still quite difficult to be safe as a woman with a child, it was quite bearable at some point.

“No! I’ll definitely pay, Lena! I can’t possibly take such high-quality products from you without compensation. My ancestors would hunt me. I can never thank you enough for this,” Lora expressed and I just chuckled. Soon after our conversation she finally left after buying quite a few things for her as well, making my baby girl happy because she sold some of her plants as well.

“Mommy look! Aunt Lora gave me a looot!” Sibel exclaimed, making me chuckle. Since Lora knows that I didn’t have a husband with me, she spoils both Rylie and Sibel every time she sees them so I’m not surprised anymore that Sibel was given more than her price. At first, I tried to stop Lora but as it kept happening, I just made sure that the twins would not forget to say thank you whenever they receive a gift.

“Well, did you thank her for that?” I asked to which my little girl nodded proudly. Lora is a woman so she knew how hard it is to be alone with two children without a husband, that’s just how things are perceived in this world especially since Lora was one of the lucky women who married a man who didn’t mind if she had a job. 

“Good job but you better keep that before you misplace it, we still have a lot to sell,” I said and she immediately hid her money in her pocket before she composed herself. When we were both really, we finally put the open sign on our stall and as soon as possible, people began to queue in line.

* * *

To be Continued…

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