My perfect yandere!

Chapter 32: Reality~1!

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"I said I am okay Tsubaki". It was the 56th time I repeated myself. Tsubaki and I came back to our love nest soon after I regained my consciousness.

First, Tsubaki's mom became reluctant to let me move around saying, 'It's far too dangerous Kazu kun to move now. You should probably take rest for the week', and similar things.

But in the end, I was able to explain to them that I was totally fine. It was good that they never saw me getting injured from baseball or I don't know where I would have been lying right now.

Since the time I came back, I barely had moved my muscles. Tsubaki was pampering me like I was in a state of extreme injury after an accident. I mean, she fed me, helped me get medicine, and even she didnt let me wipe the water remnants from my mouth.

She was all over the place and I was naturally getting uncomfortable and embarrassed as well. But rejecting her seemed so heartless of me that I ended up getting treated as she desired.

'Before this gets out of hand anymore, I have to do something. ' I saw Tsubaki returning to the room with a body warmer in hand. She also has worn her pajamas which looked kind of sexy. She usually wears light colors which give her a cute demeanor, but her black one-piece nightdress was too alluring to get my eyes off. Her smooth legs were now in full exposure with visible cleavage adding point to her charm. I was getting aroused but it was fortunate that my lower body was under covers.

All in all, she was a true goddess from whom I could barely take my eyes off.

" Don't stare too much Kazu kun". She said while fidgeting on her own, as she placed the hot pads on the drawer beside the bed.

I grabbed her wrist which was holding the tray. She flinched and slowly turned toward me.

"Kazu kun?"

"Tsubaki. You know, more than heating pads, what I need the most right now?" I was sure that my eyes wouldn't have looked normal right now. And as expected she stiffened and shook her head wordlessly, with her neck growing red.

"Right now I only need YOU" "Kyaah!"

I pulled her onto the bed abruptly however keeping her safety in mind. She landed beside me with hands embracing her back and her soft body almost pressed down by mine.

"Moh~ Kazu kun so rough". She cutely punched my chest with her small fist while complaining. But looking at her happy aura, it seemed she also liked being embraced by me.

Or maybe I was being selfish here...

" Leave the other things for tomorrow. Right now please stay with me. I still haven't charged myself with Kaynergy". Now I could feel her presence completely. Even in such a short time, I have become addicted to her. Her mere presence gives me peace of mind which I never found before.

"I-if yo-you says something like that then how could I refuse." She said in a muffled tone as she leaned more closely toward me.

"Don't make me worry again.." She mumbled, on which I couldn't help but grin. Someone caring for me still made me extremely happy.

"Reply at least". I wasn't able to see her face, but I bet she just pouted right now.

" Hai..hai. I won't." I caressed her slippery smooth hair as I spoke. A sudden reality hit me hard as I opened my mouth again to ask Tsubaki.

"By the way, what happened to my kidnappers". I couldn't help but chuckle at my words as calling them kidnappers felt a little too edgy and exaggerated.

" Oh, those bas-, bad people. Don't worry I took care of them". I knew she was about to curse, which was surprising, but it wasn't my focal point at all.

"Took care. What do you mean?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

"You won't see them again, that I can promise". Her voice didnt contain a single ounce of hesitation which made me worried a lot.

I separated myself from her and while looking into her eyes, I asked again.

" They were handled by authorities right Tsubaki". I was begging god for an affirmative answer, however, my hopes shattered as I saw her stealing glances.

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"No, I took care of them myself or to say I will". She still was glancing away, but it was good that she was honest.

I immediately shot up and sat cross-legged to face her. She also sat following me and this time she didnt steal her gaze away.

" Tsubaki. Tell me what you have done with them?" My brows frowned and my reaction was natural. They did commit a crime, sort of but knowing that Tsubaki was handling it, made the matter unsettling drastically.

"Mm. I don't want to tell ". She turned her face away with a slightly pale face. 

" Why Tsubaki". I held her hand firmly to ask the reason and what the heck she actually did to those students.

" I just did what was correct. They tried to harm you. Tried to harm MY KAZU KUN. And they thought they could get away just like that. Hahaha...they make me laugh. No seriously, how can I not kill them. How can I leave them alive when they fucking even try to touch a single strand on you. They deserve this Kazu kun. They deserve this. And not only them but anyone who tries to harm you. I won't tolerate it. Nu-uh". She crossed her hand on her belly without any emotion on her face. She was different from how I know her.

She wasn't the kind and beautiful Tsubaki Kayo but only a completely polar opposite person whom I never thought existed in the first place.

'Is it your true self Tsubaki...?' I couldn't help but ask myself in disbelief. 

'No, I have to gather it together '.

"Tsubaki are they already dead?" I asked with my soul crying and mind going frenzy. I didnt know what I would do if she nods right now. However, her next word made me calm down a little.

"No. I will do the honors myself tomorrow". 

" Tsubaki you...b-but no wait. Please don't do this Tsubaki. I beg you please don't do this. They didnt harm me at all. It was just a prank to scare me." Tsubaki just sighed and shook her head but before she could console me that it was alright to do what she was saying, I interrupted her.

"Please Tsubaki don't say anything which will burn your image in my memory for forever". Her expression froze at the place and right now I also wanted the exact reaction from her.

" They are students Tsubaki, and we do this kind of thing. They could have broken me in two whenever they wanted or might have killed-" Tsubaki covered my mouth with her hand as she widened her eyes and spoke in a heavy tone while shaking her head in denial.

"Please Kazu kun. Please don't even try to associate that word with yourself. I won't be able to hear it." Her hands were shaky, showing how dreadful it was for her to even think me like that.

I grabbed her hand which was on my mouth and said in a much calmer tone unlike before.

"If you care for me like that, then there are people too who care for those students too right? And you are snatching someone precious from their life for such a small thing. It's unfair Tsubaki. It's truly unfair of you". I held her hand close to my heart as the room fell into silence. Tsubaki was staring at me as I was doing the same.

Her blue eyes blurred for a second before a large drop of tears started forming in her eyes.

" WAAAAHHHH!!!" I hugged her immediately to make her calm. I knew shouting at her or being angry won't settle this matter.

And for some reason even after all this, I wanted to... Tsubaki once again.


A/N: I think this side of Tsubaki was expected right?. But Kazu will do his best to control her. Generally, the MC starts ignoring Yandere from this point but not on my watch... Nu-uh.

I know Kazu's reaction on this, is kinda unrealistic, but the reality is already fucking the shit out of us then why not believe something unbelievable. 

Anyway drop a comment ~

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