My perfect yandere!

Chapter 47: Don’t worry!

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"But uncle-"


I became speechless and got frozen at my spot upon getting the call abruptly disconnected. I was somehow expecting this kind of reaction from him, but now I think I underestimated the weight of this matter.

"Is everything fine Kazu kun?" I detached my phone from my ear and looked back. Tsubaki was standing with one of her hands over her chest, with eyes circled in worry. I put down the phone and after sighing, brought my hand over her head.

"Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry". I rubbed her head as she closed one of her eyes and while enjoying the sensation asked me in the previous tone.

" What happened? Can you tell me?" At this point in our relationship, I barely hide anything from her so I naturally started conveying what happened some minutes ago.

"I got a call from uncle Kuruse. He is my mom's elder brother. He recently came to know about my parent and called me immediately. Since childhood, he was like a father figure to me. If my father was like a chill old man, he was the strict instructor kind. But even so, I guess he is one of the people who genuinely care about me as his blood and flesh. So yeah making him mad does feel unsettling". I chuckled to maintain the mood light but from her face, I knew I failed.

" Why is he upset? Because of your living arrangements with me?"

I sighed before looking at her deep azure eyes which were tugging my heartstring since forever I know.

"Yeah, it seems like he doesn't like me living with a person of the opposite sex and especially when there isn't anyone besides us living here. Even the world advanced so much his thinking is still you an old-timer". I sighed as I remembered the overly exaggerated reaction of my uncle before he cut off the call without waiting.

" Kazu kun. Do you...regret living with me?" I raised my brows and focused on the girl in front of me. Her head was bent down with her hand clenching my shirt. The hand which was resting on her head made its way to her cheeks. I rubbed it gently before lifting her face to meet her gaze. Her eyes contained sorrow which made me feel sad too. Her chin was quivering and tears forming in her eyes. I smiled to assure her before I hugged her warmly. She brought her hand and enveloped my back naturally. 

"Not even a single second after 30th January, I have felt anything regrettable. Being beside you makes my every day so fortunate and happy that I sometimes feel scared. So don't think useless stuff. And about this matter, then I will handle it somehow". I was sure if I pursue my uncle a little he would accept it. If it was for anyone else then I wouldn't have been concerned this much. 

" Do you want me to accompany you?" She leaned forward with her chin resting on my chest. Her moon-like round beautiful eyes made me skip a beat. After taking a deep breath I replied.

"No. Not now. After I convince him first then I will introduce you. But thanks, you don't know how much you help me in times like these". I laid back on the bed as she nestled comfortably on top of me. The peaceful vibe makes me feel like we were the only ones in this world. 

Tsubaki's warm gaze never left me nor did her still lingering concern. 

" I will go to see him tomorrow after school and probably eat dinner there, well if he doesn't kick me out in a fit of rage." I chuckled as I felt her grip on my shirt curling up. I supported my head and saw her eyes furiously staring at me. I knew it wasn't directed at me so I gently tried to reassure her.

"It's okay Tsubaki. They are family and they have the right to reprimand me. And you...should not get angry about it. Okay?" I knew her personality very clearly by that time now, so for sake of my own family I have to teach her some common sense.

"To a certain degree, I can tolerate". She dipped her face to hide her gaze.

" So I have to come back alone tomorrow?" Her muffled voice reached me as her breathing made me ticklish even though I had a thick layer of shirt covering my body.

"I can walk you to the station but after that, we have to take a different route. So it would be better if you ride back home by car for tomorrow". Given her father's position and her beautiful appearance, I couldn't help but get worried. 

" I will do that". A deep silence fell in the room as we enjoyed each other presence. It wasn't much after that another fumbled word flew toward me.

"Kazu kun."

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"Hmm?" I hummed before she again matched my gaze with a tinge of unknown emotion hidden.

"Can you promise me that whatever happens, you won't stop living with me and will always love me?" I could have taken this as one of her cute antics if not for her serious tone. I became confused on why she was so serious about me meeting my uncle tomorrow, but for now, I answered her without allowing a single hesitation in my voice.

"I promise Kayo. Whatever happens, you will always find me beside you."


The next day Monday went like normal. Same old lesson and after-school practice. But what was out of the place was the behavior of Tsubaki. During the entire day, she was zoning out. Since it was something I knew the reason for, I didn't ask her. She was probably concerned about whether my uncle convince me rather than me to him, and what if I left Tsubaki, and what if...

What if...

'I couldn't reassure you Tsubaki from my words so you have to trust me and wait for me'. I thought as I sent her off in the car which drove far away from my sight. Since I had shorter practice session I was freed at 3.

Sighing, I started to walk to the station. Taking the ticket for the city where my uncle lives, I boarded the train. During the whole fifty minutes ride, I kept on thinking about how should I start and convey my true feeling so that my uncle can rest assured. 

However, I thought I knew it wouldn't work when I would face him so after throwing useless thoughts I started walking toward his home. It took me 15 minutes to reach his apartment. I took the elevator and ascended to the 12th floor. On a single floor, there were only two houses, in which one of them belonged to Kuruse Nakazaki.

Standing at the gate I exhaled and I inhaled deeply before moving my finger toward the bell.

'Let's do this.'


A/N: There is a deep relationships with his uncle which is why he is thinking so much. Other than him no one cares much for Kazuya's whereabouts. 

And yeah, drama incoming.

Rivalry incoming.


(For a short period tho~)

Drop a comment and do check my new novel. It's related to a cliche marriage troupe with a time travel element. Sayonara~

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