My perfect yandere!

Chapter 48: Reasonable!

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"Why are you here". The sun was on the horizon as the saffron rays hit me from the outside through the window. I was questioned as soon I faced my uncle. He's a tall thin man with grey-white hair. He always has a pair of glasses on, which intensifies his serious aura. Since childhood, I always feared as well admired him. The cause for my fear was obvious but the reason for my admiration was the job he does.

"You already know the reason uncle. I came here to take your permission". I replied without letting my words waver and keeping my tone in check. I was sitting like I was in a state of being interrogated which naturally made the atmosphere more pressuring.

Uncle Kuruse adjusted his glasses before he began to speak.

" You are a full-grown adult and I am not even your real parent then why do you care for my agreement? Do you even have concerned yourself with me if I haven't contacted you yesterday?" His voice was hoarse as ever, but the concern in his voice was completely uncovered. 

"It's not like that uncle. I would have called you but I didn't know when you will return and since a month I have been trying to adjust to my new life so..."

"With a girl." I didn't reply, just stared at him. Auntie Karen was panicking on the sidelines while swaying her hand toward uncle to stop him. But the latter just simply ignored her. Genuinely, I wanted some help from her but knowing her personality I knew she wouldn't interfere.

"Have you considered the consequences if you 'accidentally' cross the line and 'accidentally' bring another life into the world? " Aunt Karen immediately dashed toward uncle and tugged his hand.

"Darling~Its enough. Don't overdo it. Kazuya kun is already been through this much and you..."

"What me Karen? I am his uncle. It's my responsibility to see my nephew's well-being. So isn't it right for me to get some answer? Well, if he doesn't want to get crap from this old man then he can leave". As he said he stood up. My face was still unfazed even various words got directed toward me. Suddenly thinking of his words a smile curved on my face.

" Thank you, uncle." His steps halted as I wanted. He didn't turn but I continued without caring.

"Thank you for always caring for me. Always being here for me. Every time I felt insecure I knew you will always accept me. So thank you, to become such a person for me." I also got up from the couch and walked toward him slowly.

"I know what you are concerned about but for the first time, I ask you to please believe in me. I know what I am doing and truthfully I am having the greatest time of my life for a month. And I am sure I will feel the same if you ask me ten or fifty years ahead. The girl I live with isn't just any girl but the one whom I love even before we started cohabitating. You never met her but I reassure you that she is a wonderful girl. She loves me even more than I do and cares for me more than I guess my parents did. So please uncle..." I walked to stand in front of him before I completed my words.

"...just this one time, believe in me." I looked directly into his sharp eyes as I stated my plea.

He looked wordlessly for quite some time, probably reading my face as he always did before a sigh escape his mouth.

"You did grow up huh. Not bad, but it does make me feel how old I have become". He patted the shoulder before he walked away.

My aunt was all smiles as she jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I was also smiling in contentment, as again his voice reached us.

" Since you are here, leave after you eat something".

"Yeah, Kazuya kun. Today I have prepared my special tempura." I nodded instantly before we all moved toward the dining space.

The dining hall was as big as our apartment. Since I was a child, I loved to visit here to play with my cousin and eat the food which aunt Karen made. Her cooking was the best in the world...well not anymore.

We were having dinner while having a normal chat about my school life and living arrangements. Our talk also floated toward our parents, naturally. My uncle was furious with my parents for sure and I could relate to him. If my father was reckless then my mother wasnt any good. My uncle and my aunt, my mom's younger sister three were brought up under the same guardianship but my mom was the most irresponsible one.

"And hallelujah. She got a partner on the same mental level as her." He was vicious as ever. 

After dinner, we sat in the living room and continued our chatting. The night already arrived so I was planning to leave when my uncle brought up an intriguing topic.

"Even your parents were irresponsible Kazuya but I don't think they would gather so many debtors that they have to leave this country, don't you think?" This was something I also thought about various times but I never pried much.

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"Under such suspicion, I did some research." When he said, suddenly my face stiffened. I was very much sure what kind of research he could have done. Being the chief of the national police agency, his information always were legitimate. His job was the reason I respected and admired him all this time.

It was natural for me to be startled upon hearing about them all of a sudden, but I tried to remain calm outwardly.

"Out of the 12 debtors, ten of them were indirectly connected to a single organization. An organization that took me a whole week to find but still if I get asked then I can't show the solid evidence. I know your parents were helpless and all, but don't you think this shady company was somehow laying outlines for them?" I didn't speak as it took me time to register his words.

"So a company was ready to provide funds to my parents through various middlemen which increased their greed. And in the end, they had to run away?"

"Yeah, it seems so." A deep silence fell in the living room, only the sipping sound of cola was heard from my aunt's side.

"Even so uncle....they weren't kids. If someone offers it doesn't mean they had to take it. In the end, they took the money and weren't able to pay so they ran away". I voiced my true thoughts, with my pitch slightly indicating my irritation. Uncle and aunt paused for several seconds while looking at me.

" you hate your parents?" Now, this was something unexpected. I didn't know what kind of expression I made now but I too felt my agitation brewing out all of a sudden.

"I don't hate them, uncle. I just ... I just want to ask why? Why do they have to abandon me without even facing me before leaving? Even they were irresponsible and light-brained, they loved me and still..."

I felt warmth wrapping around my upper body as I saw my uncle walking toward me before he placed his hand on top of my head. Aunt was hugging me fondly as she whispered in a tone in which I mostly remember her.

"It's okay Kazuya kun. We are here for you. You don't have to think anything otherwise. Just treat us as your parents, okay?" I nodded wordlessly as my uncle smiled at me. The warmth which I generally feel from only one person these days, spreaded inside me. It was the warmth of being loved. Being needed.

It was the warmth of acceptance. 


I walked toward the door with both my guardians walking behind me. It was already 8 in the evening and I had received a whole bunch of texts from Tsubaki. However, she never called me, maybe giving me a little space which I seriously needed today. 

"Ah yes, Kazuya. Have you told Haruka about your girlfriend?" Uncle asked as I was about to open the door. I turned with confusion visible on my face.

"Haru-nee? No, I didn't talk to her for a long time. Oh, that reminds me when she is coming back?" My favorite cousin Haru-nee went to foreign for an integrated course of two years. I used to chat with her often when she just went away but in recent months, my replies started being late which eventually ended our regular interaction. I had a great understanding with Haru-nee, so I thought to thoroughly apologize to her when she returns. 

On my remark, uncle Kuruse sighed as a light chuckle escaped from aunt's covered lips.

"You are still oblivious about it huh. Well, I hope it doesn't become a mess when she returns." I heard him without a single clue what he meant. 

"She is coming at the end of this month. So you better get prepared."


A/N: This rivalry would be light-hearted dramatic as I can't handle heavy emotions that much. 

Anyway, drop a comment if you are liking my story. It seriously motivates me.


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