My Power-Shifting Ability is Convenient Even in Another World

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Goddess’ Trials

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     The room was very bright, so bright that they couldn't see anything other than the blinding white lights that covered their entire sight. They couldn't hear a sound coming from the outside world, or from their classmates and teacher, as the loud, ringing sound echoed in their minds.

     It felt like a moment, but lasted for hours or days at the same time. The deafening sound and the blinding lights mess up their perception of time and reality. They couldn't help it, but let things go on as they were...


     "Welcome, humans from the 3rd Realm, Planet Earth..."

     A voice echoed around the entire room. Judging from its tone, it was a female voice. A calm, soothing one, like a note that pleases your ears, yet domineers at the same time. A voice that once you heard, you couldn't help but to follow what the voice told you to do so. 

     The white flash that surrounded the entire room vanished, along with the deafening noise that tortured their eardrums for a long time. They thought that would be the end of their lives, but finally, that traumatizing accident ended, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

     Then everyone checked their surroundings, checking if their classmates were okay after that bizarre phenomenon. But, their worries turn into a shock, as they realized that something feels off. This isn't their normal classroom at all.

     The room was surrounded by a golden rows of identical columns. Above the columns was a bizarre, oddly-shaped decorative structure, embedded between the ceiling and the columns. The floor was covered by a dense white fog and felt like you were standing on a soft cushion. The roof had no cover, as you can see from the beautiful night sky peeking inside the bizarre place. 

     In front of the room, there's a huge, golden statue on its back that is holding a floating plate-like object, with water pouring down the side of the plate, vanishing into thin air. The huge statue was wearing golden robes and posed with full dignity and valor. It radiates a domineering aura, making everyone who watches that statue feel insignificant. A golden, crystal throne can be found at the base of the golden statue, with a familiar woman standing at the front of the throne. 

     The looks of the strange woman are identical to those of the huge, golden statue behind her. The woman was fair-skinned, like snow. She wore a white robe, just like the one they'd seen on the statue. She had long, wavy, blonde hair, so long that it reached her waist.

     The woman spoke up, with a smug look on her face.

     "After my initial assessment, you must be the lucky ones who survived. You all seem young, but I can see hope and determination in your eyes and souls. "

     The students of class 1-A were enamored with the charming beauty of the domineering woman in front of them, as if she were the embodiment of perfection. They are amazed at its attractive beauty.

     "Be not afraid, my dear children. I am the one who rules the 4th Realm, the Goddess Shera. "

     The students' astonished faces suddenly turned into confusion. Chiharu Akako, the class representative, raised her right hand.

     "Hello, but where did you take us? Where is this place? Is this still Earth? "

     The students began to whisper each other after Akako asked the goddess. After a while, the whispering begins to escalate, getting louder and louder. Some can be heard saying that this whole situation must be fake and just an extravagant setup.

     "This isn't real. Maybe this is some very sick visual effects or some hologram thing, tested by the Technology and Computer Club at our school, y'know? They're good when it comes to these things. " Is this like, real stuff? Even the ground seems to be like, so fluffity! " For real? Maybe there's a cushion underneath this thick, dense fog-like thingy. Oi, check the ground, will ya? I'm superrrr curious! Agepoyo! " This place is too good to be true; the props are superb! Is this column the real deal? Lemme check- "

     "HAHAHAHAHAHA! HAH! HA! Ha...ha..."

     Everyone was surprised when the goddess suddenly laughed in front of them. Her laugh was so loud that it echoed through the entire room for a few seconds. The entire Class 1-A fell dead silent in a heartbeat after they heard that loud laugh. They didn't dare utter any words, fearing that they had somehow provoked this innocent-looking goddess due to their actions.

     The goddess Shera slowly raised her right hand and opened her palm. From her right palm emerged a glowing orb of yellowish-white light. It was faintly glowing, like a warm yet gentle ball of light. 

     After some time, the orb was pulsating, and slowly the ball split into two, but what happened next surprised everyone in Class 1-A. The two light orbs, without anyone's ability to react, suddenly surged towards each other on the columns near the goddess's throne. From the student's perspective, the ball appears to be two streams of light, forming a cross-like pattern before their eyes. It's because a normal person can't react to or see how the attack moves at light-speed, so it only appears like that, like a laser that appears to be a straight line from a normal perspective. But in fact, their eyes can't perceive instantaneous movement because the laser travels at the speed of light. 

     At the end of these two streams of light, each column suddenly exploded, creating a shockwave that reached where the Class 1-A was standing. Everyone was shocked about the strange action that the goddess had done, along with the terrifying explosion.

     They were convinced that this place was not from the Earth. The strange, violent orbs that the goddess unleashed in front of them were a warning, indicating that those who doubted and disobeyed her would face the wrath of the goddess. They realized that terror when they glanced at the goddess's face once again. She was smiling, but they knew that she was just holding back her emotions. They suspected that she was pissed off because they doubted her words. They knew that, at anytime, this benevolent-looking goddess could take their lives on a whim. Even with the strange attack that even they couldn't react to, just a single stream of light could end their entire class in less than a second.

     "Do you believe it now? Hm? " Goddess Shera said, while smiling.

     The students quietly nodded while sweating profusely, while others gulped their saliva down their throats.

     "That's great! I thought that Izanagi gave me a useless bunch, but you humans from the 3rd Realm still have brains, and you're quick to understand the situation somehow..."

     The goddess stared at the Class 1-A crowd, and then her intimidating smile turned into a lively one. 

     "Well, well, well! Instead of asking pointless questions, I'll tell you why all of you are here in the first place. Should I? "

     The Class 1-A didn't utter any words. The goddess took that as a yes, and continued her sentence.

     "I summoned you here because I need people that are capable of adapting to this realm. That mysterious girl who your principal introduced is my subordinate, and the blinding lights you just experienced a while ago are an explosion of high-concentrated Aeon, the fundamental energy that shapes the reality of all realms. "

     One of the students from Class 1-A raised his hand.

     "What will you do to us after your assessment?"

     Shera smiled at the student.

     "That's a good question! My realm is currently facing a crisis of clashing of beliefs, technology, and ideologies due to others who have reincarnated from the lower realm. I don't know why their memories from their past lives didn't get erased. If left unattended, it will eventually lead to chaos. War will break out, thus destroying the environment, cities, and nations, and that could lead to their demise. So I decided to get rid of them with my own hands because they would disturb the progression of my realm. But I realized that instead of killing them, I would send outrealmers like you. I want at least 40 capable ones to be the Sovereigns on that planet. You will lead the inhabitants of that planet to prevent its demise. Any means can be used, as long as you will maintain order as much as possible, while I'll discuss this problem with the other realm gods-"

     The goddess Shera stopped talking as she heard someone mumbling.

     "Our families and friends... are probably looking at us right now..." 

     The goddess responded, "By the way, don't you all worry! The time flow in each realm is different. Time compression between realms should be 31,536,000:1, which means that 1 year here on the 4th Realm is just 1 second there on the 3rd Realm. " 

     The female student, whom Shera had heard mumbling before, began to cry.

     "B-but even so, i'll miss my family-Sniff ... E-even if I stayed here for many years, it would hurt my heart to remember their smiles, even if I had gone there for a moment..."

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     My favorite isekai manga! My most anticipated rom-com anime... I won't see them ever again. I have to go back!

     Send us home! I don't want to participate in this stupid war thing. Whatever! Do it on your own. Y-you're a goddess, right? Gods are supposed to be omnipotent... "

     Y-yeah! We want to go back now! Please, Goddess Shera! "

     Where's the goddamn doo- "


     Suddenly, four students collapsed. The students were shocked about what happened, and they found out that those students were the ones who complained to the goddess. Their bodies look like withered flowers, as if their blood and muscles were all sucked dry. An ash-like smoke suddenly came out from these bodies, vanishing into thin air.

     They turn their heads back to the goddess, who was supposed to be standing on the throne, but the goddess isn't there anymore.      

     "Eek! H-help... Cough"     

     They turned their heads at the center of the crowd, and they saw their female classmate, the first one that complained to the goddess, being strangled using the goddess's bare hands.

     "Noisy ones aren't allowed in front of my presence. May you rest in peace to the depths of oblivion. "


     The sound of their classmate's neck being snapped by the goddess's bare hand echoed through the entire room. An ash-like smoke came out of her body afterwards.


     "Don't test my patience! " Shera shouted as she dropped her body.

     Others began to panic due to the gruesome situation they witnessed. Some cried, while others trembled in fear.

     "Well, actually, I don't have any intention of returning you all to your loved ones. Sure, the time difference in each realm is true, but a measly soul must ascend further, and a soul descending to the lower realms is utterly impossible. Just give up. You must be grateful that your physical bodies are still intact, as only your souls are allowed to ascend to the higher realms. You are all exceptions. I don't care what they feel when they find out that all of you are lost for good, as long as I gain benefits and achieve my plans. "

     Shera unleashed her ferocious aura, making some of the Class 1-A students almost faint due to the sudden burst of aeon, while others got knocked back, thus making the aeon concentration in that room rise.

     "I rule this entire realm, and you are all now my subjects. All my plans and decisions are perfect, and imperfection isn't to my liking. Those who dare to disturb my plans aren't suited to staying in this realm for good, and thus they will be terminated. I don't care about your trifling problems you lowly humans! "

     The concentration of aeon further rose exponentially. Some of the Class 1-A students suddenly fainted, some puked blood, and others felt dizzy. Others felt like their guts were about to burst. Some couldn't feel their legs anymore, some felt like they were drowning or suffocating. All they felt was pure terror at that moment, and they thought that it was the end of their lives, as their memories flashed before their eyes. Afraid that they would lose their lives, they bowed down to the goddess, begging for their lives and pleading to quell its anger and stop the tremendous release of aeon.

     "Shera-sama, please stop this. You're killing us! " Please! We'll listen to you, just don't kill us! We're begging you.... Bleurghh " We'll grovel to the ground to prove our loyalty to you forever! Please... " 

     They realized that they had to abandon all their hopes, family and friends on earth. All their connections from their previous lives must be abandoned in order to survive. They had no choice since there was no going back, though some of them still didn't lose hope that they'd come back home soon, clinging to that thin thread of hope, but not for now. Though it may seem selfish, surviving is the most essential way, because they can only rely on themselves now or their colleagues. They must face this new, excruciating, cruel world and survive till the end of their lives.


     After some time, the concentration begins to stabilize. They felt like the effects were lessening, and at the same time, they felt that there's some other forces that keeps seeping in to their bodies. Then the concentration of aeon from the goddess's palace are completely stabilized.

     "Well, how is it? Killing two birds with one stone, eh? Punishing those who dare to disobey in front of my presence, and at the same time, absorbing the release of my highly-concentrated aeon into your body. "

     Others were mesmerized by how amazing this mysterious energy is. They felt like they were being rejuvenated. Their sense seems to increase a bit. Others were excited, as they now felt the existence of the other world further and the newfound power they possessed. The fear of what the goddess did to their classmates who disobeyed her was still engraved on their minds, but they had no choice but to hide their emotions. In front of an absolute being, insignificant beings like them had no choice but to obey her.

     The goddess seems satisfied with the reaction that the students of Class 1-A made. Then she raised her right hand proudly.

     Using the tip of her finger, she wrote something in the air. After some time, a strange writing slowly appears out of thin air. It has weird symbols in it, as Class 1-A couldn't comprehend or even decipher these symbols.

     "Now for the final assessment, I'll test your aptitude for your aeon control. You must comprehend this incantation. "

     Suddenly, the weird symbol suddenly splits into 35 others, perfectly identical to the original one. Each one of these symbols entered between the chests of each students. These symbols contain a profound incantation of utilizing simple Flame Art, an art capable of manipulating flames at will using the fundamental energy called Aeon. The students began to chant the incantations. They slowly opened their hands and chanted the incantations.


     The goddess Shera watched the students carefully as they chanted the incantation of Flame Arts. The goal of this final assessment is to find the most outstanding student who is capable of controlling the output of Aeon by producing a purer, hotter, and more refined fireball. Even if she didn't teach them how to circulate the aeon into their bodies properly, their innate aptitude would help them, if they were talented enough. The goddess kept observing the students.

     Other than those students who are average at using the incantation, this man named Takashi seems promising. He must be suited to being a sage-class. His fireball is too refined because he utilized a high concentration of aeon to produce that flame, making it purer and hotter. The more aeon you exert on the incantation, the more refined and effective the spell will be.

     Shera seems satisfied with the results of the assessment. She glanced at the other students who were still controlling their flames.

     This woman, named Akako, is not as outstanding as Takashi, but her control of the flame arts is above average. There are some impurities in the flame, but this level of purity is enough to be considered above average. She could be a great Sovereign someday, just like Takashi.

     The goddess kept observing, and after a while, she spotted something. There are two peculiar students; one is a male student who does nothing, and doesn't even try to do the assessment. And the other one was a female, who couldn't chant flame arts even once, even though she had already received the incantation from her, and desperately trying to produce one.

     She focused her attention on these two, and she found out that neither of them possessed or absorbed even an ounce of aeon into their bodies at all. 

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